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Cities in the Sunbelt, with their own distinct development patterns, are the most rapidly growing urban centers in the country. Government programs and American life-style preferences spurred the growth of these cities, which are characterized by low density, open landscapes, spread out land uses, and automobile dependency. Traditional models of urban form do not work for the Sunbelt. The urban village concept developed by the City of Phoenix offers a new model, which practitioners are using to mitigate the urban problems in the Sunbelt.  相似文献   

Community initiatives are efforts to assemble coalitions to carry out multi-sectoral interventions to effect broad community changes. Often, diverse actors bring disparate interests, ambiguous goals, and fuzzy theories of change into loose alliances to design and implement interventions. As time goes on, actors, goals, and strategies change. Initiatives follow the logics of participation and action more than that of research. These conditions make evaluation problematic. At the same time, many community initiatives have few, if any, resources for formal evaluation. This article discusses these evaluation predicaments and outlines a practical approach that takes into account the logics of participation, action, and research. Case material from the Southeast (Baltimore) Education Task Force illustrates these challenges and this approach.  相似文献   

Social media and online collaboration has enabled a greater level of connectedness, heralding a new era of belonging or global community through person-to-person collectivity. Entrepreneur and innovation adviser Lisa Gansky , Chief Instigator of Mesh Labs and the Instigator Collective, anticipates the impact of enhanced technology-enabled interdependence on the future life of our cities.  相似文献   

城市空间增长的低碳化路径是城市规划学科研究中的一个前沿难题.通过构造城市空间形态低碳绩效模型对城市空间增长的典型模式进行分析,从公共服务中心的出行距离角度探索城市空间增长的低碳化模式,为城市规划实践提供理论支持.同时,以石家庄为例,选择3种不同空间增长方式,从实证的角度对城市空间增长模型进行验证.最终得出结论,双城增长模式是最优的增长模式,即城市在增长过程中应该选择逐个组团的增长,并且新形成的组团应达到一个市级中心服务的合理规模,不宜同时建设多个组团或者向外蔓延式无限增长.  相似文献   

王一 《新建筑》1999,(1):18-21
在对城市设计学科分析的基础上,认为要廓清城市设计的基本概念与基本范畴,建构具有普遍理论意义的当代城市设计本体论与方法论,必须把城市发展与演变的规律作为理论研究的根本出发点,即致力于探索一种基于城市认识论的城市设计理论。  相似文献   

介绍了某城市综合体商业中心空调冷热源配置方案、空调系统形式、通风和防排烟设计、空调自控及空调节能措施,最后提出了该项目的设计体会.  相似文献   

刘立欣  刘绘宇 《南方建筑》2006,(12):158-159
在简要介绍“城市设计“理论发展的基础上,借助哲学领域“物质“和“意识“的概念,将“城市设计“划分为“物质的城市设计“和“意识的城市设计“,并结合《玉林市江南区控制性详细规划》的工程实例论证了渗透于城市规划各阶段的“城市设计“的重要作用.  相似文献   

本文以英国和美国的经验为基础,总结城市设计作为公共政策的一般发展规律;尝试从内容和目标、设计与控制的过程、参与者等三方面来建构设计控制的研究理论;并以深圳某办公楼开发作为案例,分别从以上三方面进行剖析。本研究结果表明,我国在实践中已经运用了基本的城市设计原理,但面临着道路等级过高和可持续发展的挑战;城市土地国有制和现有的城市规划管理过程有助于设计控制的顺利进行,但在该过程中加入公众参与和保证该过程的透明性将是未来的挑战;政府、开发商和规划管理部门对设计质量的追求是设计控制成功的保证,而建筑师的创造力则是成功的关键。  相似文献   

本文以英国和美国的经验为基础,总结城市设计作为公共政策的一般发展规律;尝试从内容和目标、设计与控制的过程,参与者等三方面来建构设计控制的研究理论;并以深圳某办公楼开发作为案例,分别从以上三方面进行剖析.本研究结果表明,我国在实践中已经运用了基本的城市设计原理,但面临着道路等级过高和可持续发展的挑战;城市土地国有制和现有的城市规划管理过程有助于设计控制的顺利进行,但在该过程中加入公众参与和保证该过程的透明性将是未来的挑战;政府、开发商和规划管理部门对设计质量的追求是设计控制成功的保证,而建筑师的创造力则是成功的关键.  相似文献   

齐康 《城乡建设》2004,(4):54-55
为什么要设计城市?城市那么大,又该如何设计?城市规划是个需要远见的工作,必须要经过长时间的控制和把握,而绝不是忽发臆想.我们认识城市经历了很长一段时间,走了许许多多的弯路,这一路上教训与经验并存,其中有些弯路要几十年才能摸回来.城市设计中的错误,有的是方向错了,要花很长时间来修正,有的错误甚至是不可挽救的.如苏州历史名城的保护,一会儿"组团"式,一会儿"一梯两翼"式,一会儿"带形"发展,来一个长官,换一种指点江山的办法.  相似文献   

城市设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市设计是上个世纪80年代被引入我国的,当时我国正处于经济发展和城市建设的快速时期,因而这一词汇出现即受到了社会各界的青睐,人们毫无保留地迅速接受它,并对其寄予无限的希望。  相似文献   

该文从控制性详细规划存在的问题入手,分析当前规划编制过程中的现实问题,并以泰安天庭园地段城市设计为例,详细论述了此次城市设计研究的各个层面对于控规的回应,深入探讨城市设计如何作用于控规的编制,挖掘控规与城市设计的内在联系,进而明确城市设计如何辅助城市规划管理.该文提出用城市设计辅助城市规划管理的方法旨在解决两个问题:第一,解决控规在规划管理过程中存在的问题,提高控规编制的可靠性;第二,在一定意义上实现城市设计的合法化,进而使城市设计在城市规划管理中起到有效的作用.  相似文献   

罗方田 《中外建筑》2011,(8):148-150
通过某工程实例,从整体供配电的合理性和经济性等方面阐述了上海某城市综合体的负荷计算、供配电系统、应急电源系统及光伏发电系统等内容,并引入了LEED等级及绿色节能的概念。  相似文献   

This study explores the challenges faced by children with autism and their families in the home environment and how physical elements of the home environment can be designed or modified to alleviate these challenges and create an autism-friendly home. The research employs qualitative methods to learn from the experiences of key informants involved in creating or modifying the home environment of people with autism; this involved interviews with architects and occupational therapists. To learn from the families themselves, an online survey of the families of children with autism across Canada and the United States was conducted. The study provides insight into the physical, social, and psychological challenges affecting the quality of life of children with autism and their families in their home environment and the contribution of home modifications to alleviating the challenges. The appropriateness of the three housing typologies – detached houses, attached houses, and apartments – to accommodate autism-related needs is discussed together with potential policy implications.  相似文献   

张剑龙  任绍斌 《规划师》2007,23(11):61-64
现代城市设计已逐步从物质空间形态设计走向过程控制设计,并成为城市公共政策的组成部分,具有城市公共管理的职能,而其公共管理职能主要是对城市公共空间的管理.在现有规划体制下,城市设计应协调好与规划管理之间的关系,完善编制内容,规范设计成果.  相似文献   

Abstract: Design optimization methodologies for sizing and shape optimal design have undergone an evolutionary process over the last two decades. The motivation behind the changes is to develop a methodology with no practical limitations on the nature and size of the problem that can be solved. In this research, a personal computer-based shape optimal design system is developed with particular attention to robustness, generality, efficiency, and pre- and postprocessing. To achieve these objectives, the hybrid natural shape optimization approach is developed and used with adequate control over the velocity field matrix generation. User control over model creation and mesh generation makes it possible to minimize mesh distortion and the need for remeshing. Design sensitivity expressions using the implicit differentiation method are derived. It is shown that the analytical derivatives can be computed efficiently for a variety of functions. Numerical examples are solved to illustrate the developed methodology using a software system developed under the MS-DOS operating system.  相似文献   

基于公共安全的城市设计——安全城市设计刍议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
面对当今城镇建筑环境建设所面临的公共安全问题,文章从现代城市设计的视角,阐明开展基于公共安全的城市设计研究的必要性,提出安全城市设计的概念,并尝试探讨其基本内涵和内容构成,初步建立安全城市设计的研究框架。  相似文献   

都市乐队的指挥--城市设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市规划的完成,并不能保证建设工程就会有序推进,特别是只有总体规划没有详细规划的城市,或只有修建性详规而没有控制性详规指导的城市;在规划和具体工程之间,我国的许多城市都普遍地缺少城市设计这一环节.呼吁并从苏州工业园区来说明城市设计这一环节的重要和必须.  相似文献   

蔡佳秀  秦西贝  郭巍 《风景园林》2022,29(11):12-20
围绕经典形态学派研究时期、城市重构与新城发展研究时期、当代全球化多元主题研究时期3个阶段梳理了图析(mapping)的发展历程。聚焦全球不同地区,分阶段分析相关研究和设计实践的制图语境、制图者身份与代表人物、研究方法与技法、对城市认知与设计的意义。研究发现:1)人类对城市在认识论层面,由城市作为建筑向城市作为复杂系统转变;2)制图者早期主要为设计师,如今主要为跨学科学者共同体与多元利益主体;3)mapping操作方法与技术有地图剖解、比较、拼贴与组合等多样方式;4)mapping在城市认知与设计过程中,可作为处理空间信息的管理工具、呈现与交流的工具以及启发设计的工具。通过呈现mapping作为城市认知与设计工具的近百年图景,以期为城市设计科学研究提供系统方法,为城市设计实践提供从认知向设计转化的可能路径。  相似文献   

Problem, research strategy, and findings: Scenario planning has promise as a planning tool when compared with more common approaches, yet planners have had limited success with scenario planning in part because of the complexities of the scenario-planning process itself. We address these issues by constructing the key building blocks of a scenario process for public sector planners. We review and synthesize 63 articles and 25 projects from 2004 to 2014 to construct a planning typology with nine components that capture the important variations in scenario projects, such as the project scope, desired outcomes, and the types of scenario construction and evaluation tools used by planners. Although the typology is based only on a select set of projects from the industrialized world in English, we nevertheless further use our review and synthesis to characterize the key subcomponents or possibilities within each component and discuss the overlaps and connections among them. We then use the typology to code a subset of the reviewed projects to identify the associations among the subcomponents of different components and to explore whether planners should promote or avoid these associations. Finally, we offer some instructions on how planners may use the typology to create a better scenario–planning process.

Takeaway for practice: Our typology illustrates the combination of variables that comprise a scenario-planning process and the tradeoffs planners make when choosing one set of factors over another. Planners can use our typology to construct a variety of scenario processes that are participatory, transparent, and future oriented and are an improvement over traditional planning approaches.  相似文献   

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