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近几年来,我国一些大城市房价持续走高,引发了一系列问题。鉴于此,政府出台了一系列的调控政策,但是收效甚微。其中一个主要原因就是在房地产的开发过程中,地方政府和房地产商由于一定程度的共利性而联合起来"针对"中央政府[1]。运用博弈理论分析房地产市场博弈中地方政府和中央政府的行为,通过计算得出纳什均衡解。最后提出相应的对策...  相似文献   

Economic analysis suggests the desirability of an integrated land use and housing policy for declining cities; planned neighborhood consolidation would help to preserve both standard housing and neighborhood commercial and social amenities, and might reduce public service costs. Housing allowances could be used to compensate relocated tenants and to insure their capacity to pay standard rents in conservation areas. Property value gains in conservation areas could be expected to exceed losses in clearance areas, indicating a more efficient use of urban resources and enabling a local authority to compensate losers out of the proceeds of a tax on gainers.

Political obstacles to neighborhood consolidation are formidable. However, such a policy would be more humane than the alternative of letting neighborhood depopulation run its course while wasting rehabilitation funds in a fruitless gesture of even-handed distribution.  相似文献   

Low-income housing policies under Ronald Reagan in the United States and Margaret Thatcher in Great Britain have emphasized increased reliance on the market, individual choice, and sharper means testing of the recipients of subsidies. Their housing agendas were justified on grounds of promoting greater efficiency and equity in low-income rental housing programs. An evaluation of those policies indicates, however, that gains in efficiency—a given amount of spending producing greater benefits—are small compared to increases in inequities between low-income renters and other households, especially when all housing policies are considered.  相似文献   

环境污染和雾霾频现凸显出以煤为主的能源结构及高投入、高消耗、高排放的工业发展道路的不可持续性,能源结构亟待转型。电能替代战略,倡导"以电代煤、以电代油、电从远方来"的能源消费新模式,有利于促进节能减排,促进新能源发展、降低经济发展能耗,提升经济和环境质量。电能替代战略是整个能源产业面临的共同任务,需要政府、企业和公民共同面对问题,群策群力加强战略执行力,从电能生产、运输和消费全流程加强对电能替代战略的政策和舆论支持,推动绿色电能对传统化石能源的替代,实现建设美丽中国的目标。  相似文献   

This paper proposes the term familification to describe one type of gentrification: the process of neighborhood change by families moving into a neighborhood. This study, drawing upon in-depth interviews, document analysis, and ethnographic observations, focuses on an urban familification program—one city's attempt to benefit families by restricting participation in its downtown housing programs. The paper first describes the programs and then explores how leaders, program participants, and neighbors understand the programs' intentions and effects. While family is not prominent in the programs' grant proposals, leaders indicated that promoting traditional families was a central objective. Implementing these programs revealed difficulties in defining family and in managing the programs' outcomes. Implications for fair housing laws are considered, and it is argued that fostering diversity in family life course stages may be a compelling government interest to promote neighborhood stability, and an inclusive strategy for urban development.  相似文献   

Paying for water supply, wastewater and surface water sewerage and treatment, and river basin management, is considered against the four strategic options of using taxation, charges to users, accepting environmental damage, and charitable funding. The different social consequences of each are addressed. A fundamental appraisal of issues of cost analysis is provided, and often overlooked factors are identified. The merits of (a) alternative tariff forms including rising and falling blocks, (b) seasonal and time-of-day tariffs, and (c) cover/fixed charge approaches are analysed, together with the often more cost-effective use of tariffs without meters for households. The important role of the engineering elasticity of demand is set alongside the more often discussed concept of economic elasticity.  相似文献   

住房供应政策的演化与现状 长期以来,我国住房供应呈现较强的二元特征,1998年以前,城镇居民基本依靠单位或国家分配住房,农村居民则靠国家划拨宅基地自行建房。由于长期实行低租金实物分配,住宅发展始终赶不上城镇人口增长的速度,1978年城镇人均居住面积不仅没有增长,反而由1949年的4.5m^2下降到3.6m^2,缺房户869万户,占城镇家庭的47.5%。为解决城镇居民住房短缺问题,1980年4月邓小平同志就城镇住房制度改革的基本走向作了重要讲话,同年,中共中央、国务院在批转《全国基本建设工作会议汇报提纲》中正式提出实行住房商品化政策.开始试点出售公房。  相似文献   

人民币外汇期权市场在逐步发展当中,针对其定价水平的分析研究方兴未艾。从构造两种不同的套利组合出发,对两个期限不同在值水平的人民币外汇期权进行了套利分析,发现:人民币外汇期权市场定价偏高,长期限期权定价更高。对此分析了其中原因,并给出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

Deciding between the different policy approaches available for reducing human exposures to indoor pollutants is an exceptionally complex task. These options can range from waiting until more definitive information is available to enacting regulatory standards, with many variations in between. This paper presents some of the factors policy-makers must consider in establishing indoor air quality policies, and the role researchers should play in ensuring that indoor air policies are based on the best available scientific information.  相似文献   

The study finds that,the traffic congestion will worsen along with the expansion of city size,if the factors of traffic structure,proportion of urban road area,spatial distribution of city traveling,and occurrence intensity of travel are fixed.Therefore,the need for certain public policies and intervention of urban transportation is related with city size.It is an unavoidable and urgent task for the governments of large and supper cities to formulate and implement scientific transportation policies in order to guarantee the operation efficiency of urban transportation system.  相似文献   

徐忠 《福建建筑》2010,(12):31-33
本文从深度阐释邻里中心的概念出发,通过对苏州工业园区的现有几家邻里中心的实地调研和对比,并结合笔者新近设计的苏州工业园区唯亭邻里中心,来探讨如何将邻里中心的开放性原则应用到设计中。  相似文献   

The notion of choice is emerging as fundamental to new approaches to the provision of housing for people with intellectual disabilities. In order to achieve a more coherent and informed understanding of choice as a basis for theory, policy and practice in housing for people with intellectual disabilities, what is necessary is a clearer understanding of the complexities and tensions inherent in the idea of choice and their implications. Therefore, this paper considers three main themes which give rise to a more critical conceptualization of choice: a tension between the formalist and the redistributive approach to social justice; a tension between the individuality implied by choice and the community-care ethos of disability housing; and the institutional implications of the choice agenda within and beyond state-administration. The manifestation of these tensions is illustrated using a case study: housing for people with intellectual disabilities in the State of Victoria, Australia.  相似文献   

By  Christine  Auclair  宗菁 《人类居住》2005,(4):21-22
在《人居议程》发表4年之后,《千年宣言》正式发表,该宣言是国际社会为解决目前最紧迫的发展问题所采取的行动的蓝图,相比之下《人居议程》中提出的对人居问题的一系列承诺则更为谨慎和基础。尽管上述两个文件在形式和内容上存在很大差异,但是在许多方面他们有很强的互补性。  相似文献   

本文从一个北美人的视角来关注社区的社会可持续性问题,并提出了“美好社区”的五个标准:充满活力和生机;以一个或多个集聚和碰面的场所为中心;有集体认同感;具备习俗和礼仪的物质环境;受日常生活参与者的喜爱。文章最后就地方邻里如何获得规划自身未来的必要能力提出了一些意见。  相似文献   

有人喜欢到哪都带着记事本,想到什么就写下来,一天下来的行程也从中体现。但现在写字也许不是唯一的记录手段,随身携带的本子还可以变成刀叉和餐垫,每天的美食行程即将精彩上演。  相似文献   

本文从一个北美人的视角来关注社区的社会可持续性问题,并提出了"美好社区"的五个标准:充满活力和生机;以一个或多个集聚和碰面的场所为中心;有集体认同感;具备习俗和礼仪的物质环境;受日常生活参与者的喜爱。文章最后就地方邻里如何获得规划自身未来的必要能力提出了一些意见。  相似文献   

This article examines the proposition that city neighborhoods can fare better under policies that promote a city's recovery than they can when recovery is not an objective, and that the greatest benefit may be expected in neighborhoods that have severely lost residents and commercial services. Depleted neighborhoods are the natural arena for a recovery undertaking.

Lest readers suppose that this article is something which it is not, it should be said at the outset that an undertaking to achieve a city's recovery—at least in the rigorous definition used here—is not known to me. In the absence of an example that can be appraised, support for the proposition must be sought in an analysis of circumstances and potential policies that would make a recovery undertaking practical.

The potential policies depend upon a set of related ideas which could benefit from further development and refinement (to which it is hoped interested readers will contribute) and above all from tests in particular neighborhoods in several cities.

Foremost among these ideas is that of recovery itself. Others which will be elaborated in due course are compatible redevelopment of depleted neighborhoods, the changing nature of cities as expressed in changes in hospitality to different kinds of employment, and finally strategic planning as an alternative at neighborhood and city levels to both comprehensive planning, on the one hand, and single-purpose planning, on the other. Although precision is not possible, depleted neighborhoods, as referred to here, will be distinguished from other kinds.  相似文献   

As debates about housing form an increasingly important arena of political controversy, much has been written about the new fissures that have appeared as governments not only struggle to reduce public expenditure deficits but also attempt to address problems such as affordability and homelessness. It is widely anticipated that new conflicts will be played out in the private rental market as access to homeownership becomes unrealistic and the supply of social housing diminishes. However, what other tensions might surface; that hitherto have not been subject to the critical gaze of housing research? In this paper, we provide some thoughts on the nascent policy issues as well as the ideological schisms that are likely to develop in coming years, offering suggestions as to how the focus of housing policy research might be reoriented towards a “politics” framework to capture and better understand the conflicts that are likely to arise.  相似文献   

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