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在食用油脂贸易中,独立实验室主要负责货物质量检测。在装卸时对货物样品进行采样,随后按照合同约定的质量条款及分析方法进行测试。独立实验室由贸易组织认定,并且每年评估其检验资质。此外,基于贸易国和国际法规的强制要求,农药残留等污染物的分析检测需求日益增加。独立实验室应配备最先进的仪器,采用最新的分析方法,以满足低水平污染物的检测需求。综述荷兰独立实验室概况、油脂贸易协定中约定的检测指标、重要品质参数、重点污染物(包括农药残留、多环芳烃、矿物油、塑化剂、二英、氯丙醇等)以及三大类指标的分析方法,以期为读者呈现国际标准化组织(ISO)和欧盟(EU)等组织对油脂贸易中货物质量的品质控制和技术进展,为促进技术交流提供参考。  相似文献   

我国是食用菌生产大国,近年来食用菌的产量和产值均保持增长态势;同时,也是食用菌出口大国,在世界食用菌贸易中占有主要地位。但出口的食用菌产品在国际贸易中频繁遭受发达国家的贸易壁垒,给生产企业造成较大的经济损失。我国出口食用菌被通报的主要原因为农药残留超标、腐烂或污秽、标签不合格等,其中以农药残留超标为主。为有效应对国际贸易壁垒,促进食用菌产业健康高质量发展,本文选择国际上较为通用的国际食品法典委员会(Codex Alimentarius Commission, CAC)标准为目标之一,梳理归纳我国和CAC的食用菌标准体系内容,并从食品分类体系、品质指标、食品添加剂指标、污染物指标和农药残留指标进行差异性比对分析,期望能够为我国食用菌标准体系进一步的完善提供理论支持。  相似文献   

掌握不同国家、地区猪肉中农药最大残留限量(Maximum Residue Limits,MRL)要求现状,分析其差异性,以便降低猪肉贸易风险。收集我国和主要贸易国家,联合国粮农组织食品法典委员会(Codex Alimentarius Commission,CAC)、澳大利亚、美国、日本、新西兰、欧盟现行的猪肉农药MRLs标准和技术法规进行对比分析。由于各国饮食习惯、膳食结构不同,我国与主要贸易国家之间存在农药MRL差异,主要表现在:部分农药残留物的定义中所包含的农药转化物、代谢物、反应产物等的不同;农药最大残留限量指标数量和品种的不同,其中我国与欧盟、日本和澳大利亚等国在指标数量上差异较大;相同农药残留限量指标的宽严程度不同,个别指标差异较大。我国应继续加强国际间猪肉农药残留限量标准制定交流,进一步完善我国猪肉农药残留限量标准体系。  相似文献   

目的比较中国和美国小麦检验标准差异。方法对我国与美国小麦检验标准、品质分级、污染物及农药残留等方面进行比较分析,对我国进口小麦存在的检验问题进行探讨。结果美国标准中品质、农药残留的检测项目多且限量严格,中国对小麦污染物的检测项目要多于美国,美国对于小麦的等级分类指标更全面、系统化,可以更好地评价小麦等级品质。结论结合我国小麦检验的实际情况及国外先进经验,提出我国小麦质量标准系统存在的主要问题和发展方向,对我国进出口小麦的检验检疫工作提供帮助。  相似文献   

十五国家重大科技专项"食品安全关键技术"   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
目的切实保障我国消费者健康,维护我国食品进出口贸易安全。方法以食品安全监控技术研究为突破口,进行检测技术和方法的研究;开展食品安全监测、预警与评价技术研究;进行食品安全控制技术研究;建立我国的食品安全标准与技术措施体系;开展综合示范与宏观战略研究,进行国际合作。结果构建了共享的全国污染物监测网(含食源性疾病)、进出口食品安全监测与预警网;制(修)订国家标准40项、行业和地方标准166项,申请立项385项;牵头制定国际标准2项、已完成1项,参加制定国际标准2项;提出595个食品安全标准限量指标的建议值,58个(套)生产、加工和流通领域的食品安全技术规范(标准);初步形成了食品安全检测体系,建立了219项实验室检测方法,其中农药多残留检测方法可检测150种农药,兽药多残留检测方法可检测122种兽药;研制出81个检测技术相关试剂(盒)、现场快速检测技术,25种相关检测设备。在中国疾病预防控制中心、中国检验检疫科学研究院和中国农业大学等机构初步建立了3个符舍国际良好实验室规范(GLP)的国家食品安全中,心(基地),有168个检测实验室参加国际有关实验室组织之间的检测比对试验或得到国际相关实验室的互认;形成了10个食品安全示范区;219家企业参与了食品安全关键技术示范;获得国内专利36项,申请128项。结论“食品安全关键技术”重大科技专项取得了重大成效,对提升我国的食品安全水平具有重要意义和作用。  相似文献   

农药残留是蜂蜜及相应产品面临的一项重要的安全问题。针对国内外蜂蜜中农药残留的现状、蜂蜜中农药残留的分析方法发展历程、农药残留的降解方法进行综述,并从政策支持、分析方法的发展趋势以及农残脱除、降解等应急手段等方面对确保蜂蜜食用品质的发展前景进行展望。  相似文献   

据sciencedirect数据库消息,2013年9月《食品控制杂志》(Food Control)刊登哥伦比亚国立大学一项关于蜂蜜产品中农药残留情况的研究,共计对2011年哥伦比亚四个地区61份蜂蜜样品中农药残留含量进行检测,旨在评估蜂蜜产品中农药及化学污染物暴露情况。研究采用气相色谱-氮磷检测器/电子捕获检测器(GC-NPD/μECD)法检测蜂蜜中农药残留情况。  相似文献   

农药在农业生产中的大量使用,虽能提高农作物产量,但其残留也会影响农产品的质量,尤其是农药在油料作物中的使用会转移到植物油中,危害到植物油。本文基于GPC(凝胶渗透色谱)的良好脂类分离能力,研究其对油脂基体与不同类型农药的分离行为,构建能同步测定食用植物油中农药残留的分析方法,以保障食用植物油中的农药残留限量能满足相关检测要求。  相似文献   

农药残留问题已经成为影响我国农产品品质的重要因素。农产品的农药残留检测中,有机磷农药占70%左右,在有机磷农药残留检测中,气相色谱法仍然是比较常用的分析方法,但是关于有机磷农药检测的国家和行业标准相对落后,农产品的分离纯化是农药多残留快速检测技术中的重点和难点。加强农产品的农药残留的监测,建立一个快速、准确的并且与国际接轨的农药多残留检测技术是非常急需的。  相似文献   

为保证农产品的产量和品质,可以适量使用农药。但在实际使用过程中,容易出现农药超限量使用或农药残留超标等问题,严重危害人类健康。综述气相色谱处理方法的分类及检测要点,以某实验室蔬菜农药残留检测为例,探究气相色谱法的应用效果及未来发展前景,旨在为蔬菜农药残留检测提供参考。  相似文献   

The task of an independent laboratory within the trade of edible oils and fats is to determine the quality of shipped goods. Samples of the cargo are taken upon loading and discharge of a vessel and tested for the contractual quality specifications. The testing is performed according to contractual agreed methods of analyses. The laboratory should be recognised by the trade organisations and be tested every year on its performance. Also there is an increasing demand for analyses on contaminants, e.g. pesticide residues. This is enforced by national and international legislation. Therefore, the laboratory should be equipped with the newest analytical instruments in order to detect the requested low levels of contaminants and should keep up with the latest methods of analyses. A brief introduction of the independent laboratory in the Netherlands, the main analytical indexes agreed in the contract in the oil and fat trade, the important quality parameters, the key pollutants(including pesticide residues, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, mineral oil, phthalate, dioxin, monochloropropane, etc.) are summarized in this paper, in order to make readers understand the quality control and technical progress of the goods in the oil and fat trade by the International Organization for Standardization(ISO) and the European Union(EU), provide some references for facilitating technology exchange.  相似文献   

Over the last decades, olive oil quality and authenticity control has become an issue of great importance to consumers, suppliers, retailers, and regulators in both traditional and emerging olive oil producing countries, mainly due to the increasing worldwide popularity and the trade globalization of this product. Thus, in order to ensure olive oil authentication, various national and international laws and regulations have been adopted, although some of them are actually causing an enormous debate about the risk that they can represent for the harmonization of international olive oil trade standards. Within this context, this review was designed to provide a critical overview and comparative analysis of selected regulatory frameworks for olive oil authentication, with special emphasis on the quality and purity criteria considered by these regulation systems, their thresholds and the analytical methods employed for monitoring them. To complete the general overview, recent analytical advances to overcome drawbacks and limitations of the official methods to evaluate olive oil quality and to determine possible adulterations were reviewed. Furthermore, the latest trends on analytical approaches to assess the olive oil geographical and varietal origin traceability were also examined.  相似文献   

To facilitate the international food trade as well as to protect consumers from exposure to unacceptable pesticide residue levels, Codex Alimentarius Commission, European Union, and National Authorities set maximum residue limits for different food commodities. The control of pesticide residues at national and international level requires reliable and comparable analytical data that can be obtained by applying validated methods and implementing an effective internal quality control and quality assurance system in the testing laboratories. For the correct interpretation of the analytical results, measurement uncertainty should be estimated. Pesticide residue analysis includes two main steps: sampling performed outside of the laboratory and laboratory operations comprising of sample preparation, sample size reduction, sample processing, extraction, cleanup, and chromatographic determination. By taking into consideration the contribution of the individual steps to the overall uncertainty of the results, the analytical procedures can be optimized to fit for the purpose of the analysis with minimum cost. The scope of this paper is to review major steps of pesticide residue analysis in the light of current developments, to highlight the importance of identification and estimation of the uncertainties associated with the results, to describe suitable methods for their estimation, and to summarize the contribution of each step to the combined uncertainty.  相似文献   

Palm fat is often used in baked goods because of its relatively low cost, and its positive impact on texture and shelf life. Demand for alternatives has risen in recent years due to concerns about the ecological and social sustainability. This is a challenge for the bakery industry since palm fat possesses unique properties. In this study, unhydrogenated rapeseed oil was processed using novel physical technologies, such as wax crystallisation, stabilised foaming and Pickering emulsions, in order to simulate palm fat properties. Analysis showed that while the initial viscosity of the fat substitute products was low compared to palm fat, the fat replacement products behaved very similarly to palm fat in the baking experiments. The resulting biscuits baked with emulsified rapeseed oil and rapeseed oil complemented with wax crystals were judged to be suitable replacements for palm fat in terms of processability, as well as analytical and sensory assessment.  相似文献   

目的 介绍2022年5月1日起实施的GB/T 23347—2021《橄榄油、油橄榄果渣油》,对当前市售进口特级初榨橄榄油质量情况进行评估.方法 采购20种市售标称意大利、希腊、西班牙等国进口的特级初榨橄榄油,检验酸价、过氧化值、消光系数变异值、水分及挥发物和不溶性杂质5个基础项目,对所得数据进行分析.通过与国际橄榄理事...  相似文献   

Two standard titrimetric procedures for determination of free fatty acids in vegetable oils and in oils extracted from oilseeds were examined using rapeseed oil, illipe nuts and fat, and groundnuts and groundnut oil as test materials. Both procedures involve dissolution of the fat in an organic solvent and titration with standard alkali solution using phenolphthalein as indicator. Results obtained using each of the two methods agree closely in most cases and certainly for commercial contractual purposes the two methods are interchangeable. Suggestions are made for modification of these methods particularly in regard to solvents and allowed variation in analysis results.  相似文献   

茶叶质量安全主要化学影响因素分析方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
茶叶是一种很受欢迎的饮料作物,具有独特的香气、药用及保健功效,深受消费者喜爱。现代工业的迅速 发展和化肥、农药的大量使用造成了严重的环境污染、生态破坏等问题,导致茶叶质量安全受到严重威胁,引起社 会的广泛关注。本文总结相关文献,从茶叶样品的前处理技术和检测技术两个方面,对影响茶叶质量安全的主要化 学因素农药残留、重金属残留和真菌毒素的分析方法进行了总结,对各方法的优缺点进行了比较,并对未来的发展 趋势进行了展望,以期为今后开展相关的检测研究提供参考。  相似文献   

氯丙醇酯类污染物主要形成于植物油精炼过程的脱臭工序,在食品加工过程中其含量也可能会变化。不同种类的油脂中污染物含量水平不同,不同工艺生产的同种油脂中污染水平也有较大差异,通过改善生产工艺可在较大程度上减少该污染物的含量。精炼植物油是婴配食品中脂肪的重要来源,在迚行产品配方设计时,不仅应考虑使其脂肪及脂肪酸在含量与结构上与母乳匹配,还应考虑可能引入的氯丙醇酯类污染物含量水平,尽可能从源头上减少此类污染物的带入。本文通过介绍氯丙醇酯的形成机制、婴配食品中脂肪来源及生产工艺及氯丙醇酯类污染物的主要类型,以确定该污染物的来源,幵提出可采取的延缓措施,从而帮助生产企业从理论和实践水平上控制此类污染物的暴露水平。  相似文献   

The analysis of pesticide residues in food is nowadays an increasingly important task. Quality control has to be very strict in order to safeguard the consumers’ health. One of the most important goals of food quality assurance is testing food for residues and contaminants. Among chemical hazards, the contamination of food with pesticides has been characterized as a significant source of many serious diseases. Consumption of food containing pesticide residues may cause cancer, malformations, and damage to the endocrine, nervous, and immune system. In order to assure human food safety, The European Community has established maximum residue limits (MRL) of pesticides permitted in products of animal or vegetable origin that are intended for human consumption. In the EU, Regulation (EC) No. 396/2005 of the European Parliament and Council on pesticide residues established the levels of pesticide residues allowed in food and feed. To ensure the compliance of marketed food commodities with the law on food safety, sensitive and reliable analytical methods for the determination of pesticide residues are required. Multiresidue liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry methods (LC-MS) are widely recognized as an ideal, highly specific, and extremely sensitive technique for testing food products. This review discusses LC-MS approaches applied most widely to pesticide residue analysis over the last few years. The main ionization methods and MS detectors used as analytical tools in quantification and/or identification/confirmation of pesticide residues in food are presented.  相似文献   

The laboratory activity of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply in Brazil has a history that is richer than most people are aware of. The institutions that today are known as National Agricultural Laboratory - Lanagros - were once a smaller initiative that suffered ups and downs throughout the decades. The recognition that the Lanagros have today - as reference centres with open communication channels with some of the world's greater laboratories in residue and contaminants in food analyses - is the fruit of several years of hard work, good ideas and a strong will never to let down society. Today the Lanagros act not only by performing analyses for the monitoring and investigation programmes, but also in the research and development of analytical methods, providing technical advice on the elaboration of guidelines and normatives, international negotiation and the evaluation of other laboratories. The Lanagros work in an ISO 17025 environment, and they are now being directed and prepared to be able to respond to outbreaks and crises related to the presence of residues and contaminants in food, with the readiness, quickness and reliability that an emergency requires. Investments are allocated strategically and have been giving concrete results, all to the benefit of consumers.  相似文献   

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