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结合目前移动应急通信指挥系统在我国的发展情况,对应急通信指挥系统方案做了比较详细的描述.包括通信主系统、传输系统、电源系统、车辆系统、环境监控系统等各个子系统的设计,同时讨论了该应急通信系统的功能和组网方案。  相似文献   

电话调度指挥系统是石油化工等厂矿企业生产指挥系统建设的主要内容.本文介绍了电话调度系统的发展,及如何利用原有网络设施对电话调度指挥系统升级改造的可行性研究.经研究表明,IP电话调度系统对生产调度指挥、提高企业应急救援效率,以及生产指挥数字化建设发挥了重要作用.  相似文献   

本文简述了无线电安全保障工作的重要性和建设应急通信指挥系统的必要性.提出应急通信指挥系统设计思路.并描述了应急通信指挥平台架构.软件设计、应急通信系统选择及应用部署等核心技术策略。  相似文献   

2008年汶川地震以来,我国各地政府部门都成立了应急办公室,应急工作也有了很大的发展,尤其是灾难救援、医疗卫生救援建立了比较完善的体制,今年四川芦山地震时曾有无线电管理部门使用无线电应急电台"呼叫各县区"的声音,说明四川等地已经建立了比较完善的无线电应急指挥体系.尽管全国大部分地区都开始建立无线电应急机制,然而,由于种种原因缺少人、财、物的支持,工作效率较低下.建立覆盖全国的无线电应急通信系统固然很好,但是此通信系统需要大量资金投入,需要专门的机构长期进行维护管理,而且设备还需要适时更新,建造困难较大.而若由地方无线电管理部门建立一套无线电应急机动通信系统,可以随时移动,在局部小型灾害、事故救援时,或者重大活动指挥调度都可以作为通信设备使用,不仅投资小、见效快,还可以满足各项应急通信的需求.本文作者对建立无线电应急机动通信指挥系统进行探讨,希望能为通信应急工作提供一些参考.  相似文献   

文章从网络覆盖、信息融合、辅助决策、综合集成、通信保障、安全保密等方面,对应急救援信息指挥系统建设进行全面、深入的研究.  相似文献   

4月7日,山东有线公司党委副书记、总经理刘继永一行到临沂分公司调研指导工作。刘继永一行先后到临沂市应急救援指挥服务中心和山东龙湖信息产业集团有限公司实地了解了公司重点集客项目进展情况。在临沂市应急救援指挥服务中心,刘继永观看了临沂市“应急多载体音视频融合指挥系统”项目业务演示。在山东龙湖信息产业集团有限公司,刘继永观看了智慧社区管控系统、AR实景监控指挥系统演示,并与山东龙湖信息产业集团有限公司相关负责人座谈交流,双方就利用广电700 M 5 G技术开展智慧类业务达成合作共识。  相似文献   

本文主要根据登封教学三矿实际的安全生产条件和应急救援的需要,通过多方论证和试验,逐步建立并完善应急语音广播系统,该系统主要实现对全井下语音广播、区域广播、单点对讲、音乐播放、紧急呼叫、紧急报警等功能。应急语音广播系统的建立完善对于确保教学三矿的安全生产目标,预防重大事故发生及事故的应急处理,人员的快速应急撤离,提高煤矿安全生产和管理水平,都起到了非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

结合煤炭生产企业的一般需求,为了对煤炭生产实施全程管理,设计了一种煤炭生产管理信息系统。与传统系统相比,该系统细化功能功能需求,使系统功能更加完善。该系统划分5个子系统,包括一通三防子系统、设备管理子系统、生产管理子系统、安全管理子系统、系统管理子系统。提出了系统的设计思想,完成对系统的总体设计。通过建立该系统,使煤炭生产流程的管理更加合理化、系统化。  相似文献   

王瑄 《通讯世界》2018,(5):43-44
随着国家对人民生命安全的日益高度重视,根据煤矿企业生产特点,为防范安全事故的发生,提高事故时应急救援水平,利用目前先进的通信、网络、视频显示技术建立一套覆盖全省煤炭企业的远程监察及应急救援保障体系。利用大屏幕显示及控制技术在监察与指挥会商中心远程监察企业安全生产和管理,通过发生事故时现场传送的视频信号、各种安全及救援资源信息,进行应急救援会商工作,远程指导现场进行事故处置。  相似文献   

通过分析国内外应急救援信息服务体制,及我国应急救援信息服务系统现状,建立了北斗应急救援信息服务系统标准体系框架,提出了北斗应急救援信息服务系统标准体系表。  相似文献   

曹利波 《电子世界》2014,(7):128-128
救生舱作为井下紧急避难场所,对舱内温湿度的监测和控制,可以延长被困矿工的生存时间。基于对救生舱系统温湿度监测的重要性和SHT75具有测量精度高、体积小等优点,设计了一款基于SHT75的温湿度检测系统,并对SHT75的温湿度检测数值进行补偿计算,保证了救生舱内温湿度检测的准确性。  相似文献   

Automotive applications would greatly benefit of multimedia telematic services for many purposes, from tourism and entertainment, to most important issues such as security and traffic management. Within this context, the AIDER system (AIDER is the acronym of Accident Information and Driver Emergency Rescue) is one of the most advanced multimedia mobile services targeted at emergency situations such as road accidents. The AIDER allows the interactive exchange of multimedia data (and in particular, audio, video and biomedical information) between the vehicle and a remote rescue centre, by using several different narrowband radio channels including cellular networks and satellite. In this paper an overview of the AIDER architecture is provided, focusing on the advanced video communication system.  相似文献   

数字化城市管理与指挥系统主要以计算机网络技术和现代通信技术为支撑,实现资源共享,便于政府各个部门实现数据信息的实时和动态交换,缩短了工作时间,提高了反应速度。应急联动系统将属性数据和空间数据、视频/音频信息、语音信息控制等紧密地结合在一起,使得整个城市应急联动信息的管理更加方便快捷和形象直观,实现城市应急联动管理的计算机自动化,同时可为管理者的应急指挥提供信息支持。  相似文献   

Rescue rope plays an indispensable role in the emergency rescue. And with the continuous development of modern society, rescue rope has been gradually developed from only with the single mechanical function to the multi-functional rescue rope. However, the lack of smart active warning for dangers usually leads to injury or even death at complex especially some extreme environment. Herein, a smart self-powered rope is developed by integrating fiber-based Zn battery unit and traditional rope unit based on the mature braiding technology, which performs desirable electrochemical performance (specific capacity of 31.1 mAh cm−3 and stable cycling stability of 81.95% after 1000 cycles). Moreover, the floatable self-powered rope and thermoduric self-powered rope are demonstrated in extreme environment to indicate their potential application for practical water/fire rescue. Therefore, smart active response is successfully realized with the integration toward fiber-based Zn battery and rescue rope, which largely shorten the rescue time to protect the safety and health of the human body. This study provides an effective strategy of the construction of smart rope used in emergency rescue.  相似文献   

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is used in Emergency Management System (EMS). If emergency situation happens, real-timely transmitting emergency information in dynamically changing environment should be assured. But this requirement could not be satisfied by conventional approaches which are based on static situation and centralized management. In this paper, to satisfy this requirement, autonomous community construction technology is proposed for single emergency. Emergency information could be transmitted in community and protected from interference of other information’s transmission. Moreover, autonomous coordination technology is proposed for multiple emergencies’ information’s transmission. Via this technology, each emergency could have its individual route to transmit emergency information. Each emergency information’s transmission will not influence with each other. Evaluation results are provided to demonstrate the improvement.  相似文献   

为适应新环境下“全灾种,大应急”的应急人才培养目标,我校面向消防专业设置“电工学”课程,使学员从理论和实践上获得与消防救援相关的电工学必要的知识与技能。在分析我校学员学情的基础上,提出了适应应急人才培养背景下电工学课程思政的教学形式和手段,挖掘与课程思政的结合点,针对学情设计相应的教学内容。通过教学实践,思政内容能够有效融入到电工学课程的教学过程中。  相似文献   

紧急呼叫,用于移动终端与当地的紧急呼叫中心联系,能为移动终端用户提供紧急救援等服务。本文从国内外相关标准技术要求以及测试要求等方面对GSM/WCDM/TD-SCDMA制式中的紧急呼叫进行了分析。  相似文献   

本文根据中海油应急管理体系规范要求,通过系统化手段实现安全生产管理及应急事件的全过程综合化、立体化、协同化处置,并建立石化企业风险分析识别预警与安全应急管理信息化支持体系与应用系统。  相似文献   

烟台市应急气象服务系统以满足烟台海、陆突发气象灾害和其他重大突发公共事件的应急气象服务需求为主要目的,该系统由常规气象要素探测系统、现场实景监控系统、电视电话会商及指挥系统、天气预报制作及发布系统、通信系统、基础设施及供电系统等6个子系统组成,可提高现场气象监测和服务能力,为政府抢险救灾的决策提供科学依据,避免或减轻气象灾害和其他重大突发公共事件给人民生命、财产安全造成的损失.  相似文献   


In vehicular ad-hoc network, vehicles are move very speedy thus their topology is changing frequently and intermittent connectivity occur often. The intermittent connectivity network (delay and disruption-tolerant network) resulting is end to end path is absent. In this intermittent network connectivity areas, during emergency event occurs, emergency rescue message (Example: Fire, Accident, etc.,) are sent to a rescue team is most necessary. Due to these constraints, general ad hoc protocol approaches is not suitable and, as a result, alternative protocol must be deliberated. This leads to the make a specific protocol mechanisms able to deliver both fast and trustworthiness in-order delivery emergency message needed. Thus we introduce the DFEMDR protocol, it follow the vehicular delay tolerant network (VDTN) common technique store carry-forward method and message replicas. This paper describes an efficient Delay tolerant Fast Emergency Message Dissemination Routing Protocol, called DFEMD routing protocol. This protocol enables in VDTN, the source node broadcast an emergency message to all available node in its communication range. The source node allocates a message replicas and message time to live to the neighbour nodes (forwarded node) based on that node has credence value. Credence value is calculated to all nodes based on two values; the first value is visited level estimation, it is calculated based on the number of nodes previously visited by the node. The second value is Destination Reaches Level Estimation (DLE); it is calculated based on the number of times the node successfully delivered the message to the destination. Finally, each node credence value is calculated, from this visited level and destination reaches level estimation values. Finally, the trust authority received emergency messages and evaluate the trustworthiness of message based on message reputation value or message confidence value.


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