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It is well known that sliding-mode control is simple and insensitive to uncertainties and disturbances. However, control input chattering is the main problem of the classical sliding-mode controller (SMC). In this paper, a fuzzy neural network SMC (FNNSMC) is presented for a class of nonlinear systems. The FNNSMC can eliminate the chattering, unlike the SMC, but there is larger rising time in the FNNSMC than in the SMC. In some cases, small rise time is important. To decrease the rising time of the FNNSMC, an adaptive controller is proposed where the SMC and the FNNSMC are incorporated by a smooth transformation. This adaptive control scheme can improve the dynamical performance and eliminate the high-frequency chattering in the control signal. The system stability is proved by using the Lyapunov function. The simulation results demonstrate the advantages of the proposed adaptive controller.  相似文献   

The CAC (call admission control), which can guarantee call services to meet their QoS (Quality of Service) requirements, plays a significant role in providing QoS in wireless mobile networks. In this paper, an adaptive multiguard channel scheme‐based CAC strategy is proposed to prioritize traffic types and handoff calls. The major aim of the study is to develop the analytical model of the priority traffic and handoff calls based adaptive multiguard channel scheme and examining the performance through setting the value of the adaptive ratio parameters. Our proposed scheme tries to mediate the advantages and drawbacks of the static and dynamic CAC schemes. The proposed scheme is quite different from previous studies because multithreshold values have been considered for multiclass traffic by adaption parameters, and a closed form analytical model is developed The numerical results show that this scheme can be used to keep the targeted QoS requirement by suitably setting the adaptive ratio parameters. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an improved direct control architecture for the on-line learning control of dynamical systems using backpropagation neural networks. The proposed architecture is compared with the other direct control schemes. In this scheme the neural network interconnection strengths are updated based on the output error of the dynamical system directly, rather than using a transformed version of the error employed in other schemes. The ill effects of the controlled dynamics on the on-line updating of the network weights are moderated by including a compensating gain layer. An error feedback is introduced to improve the dynamic response of the control system. Simulation studies are performed using the nonlinear dynamics of an underwater vehicle and the promising results support the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

An important quality-of-service (QoS) issue in wireless multimedia networks is how to control handoff drops. We propose admission-control algorithms that adaptively control the admission threshold in each cell in order to keep the handoff-dropping probability below a predefined level. The admission threshold is dynamically adjusted based on handoff-dropping events. We first present a simple admission-control scheme that brings out an important performance evaluation criterion - intercell fairness - and serves as a reference point. We then investigate the intercell unfairness problem and develop two enhanced schemes to overcome this problem. The performance of these protocols is benchmarked and compared with other competitive schemes. The results indicate that our schemes perform very well while, in addition, achieving significantly reduced complexity and signaling load.  相似文献   

In order to optimize the network resources, we should incorporate all the available information into the network design. However, incorporating irrelevant information may increase the design complexity and/or decrease the performance of the network. In this paper, we investigate the relevance of integrating the scene length characteristics of moving pictures expert group (MPEG) coded video bitstreams into a direct broadcast satellite (DBS) network with return channel system (DVB‐RCS). Due to the complexity of the studied system, unless disputable simplifications are made, it is hard to achieve a mathematical foundation for this integration. Our analysis relies on extensive set of simulations. Firstly, we achieve the scene length distributions for MPEG bitstreams based on the proposed scene change models and their subjective observations of the actual video. We show that these models may be used to estimate the scene length of MPEG bitstreams. We then integrate this estimation into a DBS network simulator. Finally, we show that the scene length characteristics may be used to improve the DBS network performance under certain conditions. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We investigate the performance of distributed admission control with quality of service (QoS) provisioning and dynamical channel allocation for mobile/wireless networks where the co-channel reuse distance is considered as the only limiting factor to channel sharing. We first provide a QoS metric feasible for admission control with dynamically allocated channels. We then derive a criterion analytically using the QoS measure for distributed call admission control with dynamic channel allocation (DCA). When maximum packing is used as the DCA scheme, the results obtained are independent of any particular algorithm that implements dynamic channel assignments. Our results, thereby, provide the optimal performance achievable for the distributed admission control with the QoS provisioning by the best DCA scheme in the given setting  相似文献   

Variable neural networks for adaptive control of nonlinear systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper is concerned with the adaptive control of continuous-time nonlinear dynamical systems using neural networks. A novel neural network architecture, referred to as a variable neural network, is proposed and shown to be useful in approximating the unknown nonlinearities of dynamical systems. In the variable neural networks, the number of basis functions can be either increased or decreased with time, according to specified design strategies, so that the network will not overfit or underfit the data set. Based on the Gaussian radial basis function (GRBF) variable neural network, an adaptive control scheme is presented. The location of the centers and the determination of the widths of the GRBFs in the variable neural network are analyzed to make a compromise between orthogonality and smoothness. The weight-adaptive laws developed using the Lyapunov synthesis approach guarantee the stability of the overall control scheme, even in the presence of modeling error(s). The tracking errors converge to the required accuracy through the adaptive control algorithm derived by combining the variable neural network and Lyapunov synthesis techniques. The operation of an adaptive control scheme using the variable neural network is demonstrated using two simulated examples  相似文献   

This paper presents a connection admission control (CAC) method that uses a type-2 fuzzy logic system (FLS). Type-2 FLSs can handle linguistic uncertainties. The linguistic knowledge about CAC is obtained from 30 computer network experts. A methodology for representing the linguistic knowledge using type-2 membership functions and processing surveys using type-2 FLS is proposed. The type-2 FLS provides soft decision boundaries, whereas a type-1 FLS provides a hard decision boundary. The soft decision boundaries can coordinate the cell loss ratio (CLR) and bandwidth utilization, which is impossible for the hard decision boundary.  相似文献   

Call admission control (CAC) is a mechanism used in networks to administer quality of service (QoS). Whereas the CAC problem in time-division multiple access (TDMA)-based cellular networks is simply related to the number of physical channels available in the network, it is strongly related to the physical layer performance in code-division multiple access (CDMA) networks since the multi-access interference in them is a function of the number of users and is a limiting factor in ensuring QoS. In this article, the CAC issues in multimedia DS-CDMA systems are reviewed by illustrating the basic principles underlying various schemes that have been proposed progressively from the simplest to the complex. The article also introduces SIR as a measure of QoS and describes the relatively simple schemes to administer CAC. The expression for SIR resulting from linear minimum mean-squared error processing is also presented. This article illustrates how CAC for multiple class service can be casted into an optimality framework and then discuss the recent work addressing self-similar multiple access interference.  相似文献   

Dynamic call admission control in ATM networks   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The authors present dynamic call admission control using the distribution of the number of cells arriving during the fixed interval. This distribution is estimated from the measured number of cells arriving at the output buffer during the fixed interval and traffic parameters specified by users. Call acceptance is decided on the basis of online evaluation of the upper bound of cell loss probability, derived from the estimated distribution of the number of calls arriving. QOS (quality of service) standards can be guaranteed using this control when there is no estimation error. The control mechanism is effective when the number of call classes is large. It tolerates loose bandwidth enforcement and loose policing control, and dispenses with modeling of the arrival processes. Numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness of this control, and implementation is also discussed  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel approach for admission control in traffic engineered data networks, which applies at network edges by means of dynamic thresholds evaluated on the basis of network status. The proposed method is described with focus on IP/MPLS networks, but it actually applies as well to a variety of scenarios, such as ATM or generalized MPLS. The proposed solution allows more efficient usage of network resources, especially at medium/high load, and increased robustness of the network.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a multi‐criterion control simulation in a realistically complex environment of a satellite network, involving non‐symmetric up and downlinks. Direct broadcast satellite (DBS) networks carrying heterogeneous traffic is characterized with challenges, such as high traffic burstiness, wireless channel dynamics, and large, but limited capacity. On the other hand, there are system characteristics that can be leveraged to address these challenges such as in centralized topology, different levels in quality of service (QoS) and priorities, availability of side information about channel conditions, flexibility in delivery of delay insensitive traffic, etc. We have developed an adaptive resource allocation and management (ARAM) system that takes the advantage of such characteristics to maximize the utilization of the available capacity on the forward DBS link, while maintaining QoS in the presence of channel effects and congestion in the network. Since variable‐bit‐rate (VBR) video traffic is given priority over available‐bit‐rate (ABR) data traffic in the ARAM concept, in this paper we investigate the impact of the fraction of VBR load in overall load. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The fundamental problems of WDM networks are: (1) high rate of control packet loss and (2) high propagation delay for each (re)transmission. In this paper, we minimize the station randomness to access the control architecture introducing a collisions-free access scheme. We propose a synchronous protocol according which at the end of the propagation delay each station applies a distributed algorithm for packet transmission following the data channel collisions and the receiver collisions avoidance algorithms. We introduce two data transmission stages. The time difference between them is one packet transmission time. At the end of the first stage all data channels are free and can be reused by the remaining data packets during the second stage. The proposed protocol ensures a totally collisions-free performance. The main advantage is that the data channels reuse strategy applied during the second stage provides enhanced transmission probability to the rejected packets during the first stage. This allows the data packets to try retransmission in the same cycle without requiring control packets re-coordination that increases propagation delay. Thus, we achieve large number of data packets transmission, even more than the data channels number, providing throughput improvement and delay reduction, comparing with other studies.  相似文献   

The performance of a multicarrier direct sequence code-division multiple-access (CDMA) system employed in the forward link of a cellular system operating over a Rayleigh fading channel is analyzed and compared to the performance of both single-carrier CDMA and hybrid multicarrier CDMA/frequency division multiplexing systems. A RAKE receiver is provided for each subcarrier. We compare the performance of all three systems for various multipath intensity profiles. It is found that for a service requiring high quality and a small number of users, the multicarrier system is the best, but for a service requiring low quality and a large number of users, the hybrid system can support more users than the others. Also, for the case when nonorthogonal codes are used, the multiple-access interference in different resolvable paths are correlated. In that case, to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio in a correlated interference environment; maximal-ratio combining (MRC) is not optimal. However, we found that there is not much difference between the optimum combining and the conventional MRC  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an adaptive survivability admission control algorithm using a backup path for high‐speed networks. For each call request, the proposed algorithm selects a combination of working path and backup path. Two BP selection methods, min‐cost and min‐expectation, are suggested. Computational experiments indicate that the proposed algorithm significantly reduces the consumption of backup capacity while still maintaining 100% survivability upon a single link failure and near 80% survivability upon double link failures. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Resource allocation and call admission control (CAC) are key management functions in future cellular networks, in order to provide multimedia applications to mobiles users with quality of service (QoS) guarantees and efficient resource utilization. In this paper, we propose and analyze a priority based resource sharing scheme for voice/data integrated cellular networks. The unique features of the proposed scheme are that 1) the maximum resource utilization can be achieved, since all the leftover capacity after serving the high priority voice traffic can be utilized by the data traffic; 2) a Markovian model for the proposed scheme is established, which takes account of the complex interaction of voice and data traffic sharing the total resources; 3) optimal CAC parameters for both voice and data calls are determined, from the perspective of minimizing resource requirement and maximizing new call admission rate, respectively; 4) load adaption and bandwidth allocation adjustment policies are proposed for adaptive CAC to cope with traffic load variations in a wireless mobile environment. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed CAC scheme is able to simultaneously provide satisfactory QoS to both voice and data users and maintain a relatively high resource utilization in a dynamic traffic load environment. The recent measurement-based modeling shows that the Internet data file size follows a lognormal distribution, instead of the exponential distribution used in our analysis. We use computer simulations to demonstrate that the impact of the lognormal distribution can be compensated for by conservatively applying the Markovian analysis results.  相似文献   

Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) offers an efficient means of carrying a wide spectrum of BISDN traffic provided that network congestion is prevented. Unfortunately, efficient congestion control is difficult to achieve in integrated broadband networks, owing to the wide range of traffic characteristics and quality of service (QOS) requirements. We have implemented a network simulator that allows us to evaluate many proposed admission control schemes using many different traffic models. We present the results of several simulation studies, including one study of the performance of the admission control schemes in the presence of traffic sources that exhibit long-term dependence.  相似文献   

We study the mobile admission control problem in a cellular PCS network where transmitter powers are constrained and controlled by a distributed constrained power control (DCPC) algorithm. Receivers are subject to nonnegligible noise, and the DCPC attempts to bring each receiver's CIR (carrier-to-interference ratio) above a given quality target. Two classes of distributed admission control are considered. One is a noninteractive admission control (N-IAC), where an admission decision is instantaneously made based on the system state. The other is an interactive admission control (IAC), under which the new mobile is permitted to interact with one or more potential channels before a decision is made. The algorithms are evaluated with respect to their execution time and their decision errors. Two types of errors are examined: type I error, where a new mobile is erroneously accepted and results in outage; and type II error, where a new mobile is erroneously rejected and results in blocking. The algorithms in the N-IAC class accept a new mobile if and only if the uplink and the downlink interferences are below certain corresponding thresholds. These algorithms are subject to errors of type I and type II. In the IAC class, we derive a soft and safe (SAS) admission algorithm, which is type I and type II error free, and protects the CIR's of all active links at any moment of time. A fast-SAS version, which is only type I error-free, is proposed for practical implementation, and is evaluated in several case studies  相似文献   

On optimal call admission control in cellular networks   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Two important Quality-of-Service (QoS) measures for current cellular networks are the fractions of new and handoff “calls” that are blocked due to unavailability of “channels” (radio and/or computing resources). Based on these QoS measures, we derive optimal admission control policies for three problems: minimizing a linear objective function of the new and handoff call blocking probabilities (MINOBJ), minimizing the new call blocking probability with a hard constraint on the handoff call blocking probability (MINBLOCK) and minimizing the number of channels with hard constraints on both of the blocking probabilities (MINC). We show that the well-known Guard Channel policy is optimal for the MINOBJ problem, while a new Fractional Guard Channel policy is optimal for the MINBLOCK and MINC problems. The Guard Channel policy reserves a set of channels for handoff calls while the Fractional Guard Channel policy effectively reserves a non-integral number of guard channels for handoff calls by rejecting new calls with some probability that depends on the current channel occupancy. It is also shown that the Fractional policy results in significant savings (20-50\%) in the new call blocking probability for the MINBLOCK problem and provides some, though small, gains over the Guard Channel policy for the MINC problem. Further, we also develop computationally inexpensive algorithms for the determination of the parameters for the optimal policies. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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