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We observed that glutathione (GSH) status regulates the Ah receptor inducible cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A) gene expression and catalytic activity in 3,3',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl (TCB) exposed rainbow trout. Tissue GSH status of TCB (1 mg/kg body weight, in corn oil) injected fish was manipulated by a) injecting (i.p.) GSH (0.25 g/kg), b) arresting GSH synthesis by L-buthionine-[S,R]-sulfoximine (BSO; 6 mmol/kg) injection for 3 and 6 days. Our attempt to manipulate GSH levels by lipoate supplementation (16 mg/kg) was not productive. Both BSO- and lipoate-supplemented fish maintained a low tissue redox (GSSG/GSH) ratio. Activities of glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase were elevated following 3 days of GSH supplementation in GSH rich tissues. Low activities of these enzymes were observed in BSO treated GSH deficient tissues. TCB injection markedly induced hepatic and renal CYP1A catalytic (ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase [EROD]) activities. This effect was further potentiated (3-fold) in GSH-supplemented fish tissues. In contrast, EROD induction by TCB was markedly suppressed in GSH deficient (BSO-treated) and lipoate-supplemented fish. The suppression of CYP1A catalytic activities in GSH deficient and lipoate-supplemented fish was consistently associated with a suppression of TCB induced CYP1A mRNA and protein expressions in these groups. In glutathione-supplemented fish, TCB induced CYP1A protein expression was markedly higher following 3 days of GSH supplementation. Results of our study suggest that tissue thiol status modulates cytochrome P450 CYP1A gene expression and catalytic activity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The beneficial effect of long-term hormone replacement therapy in terms of a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease is now generally accepted. Raloxifene, a selective estrogen receptor modulator, has demonstrated hypolipidemic properties while leaving the endometrium unstimulated. METHODS AND RESULTS: For our study of the effects of raloxifene on atherosclerosis, 75 rabbits were ovariectomized and treated with either raloxifene, 17beta-estradiol, or placebo; 25 rabbits were sham operated and treated with placebo. After 45 weeks, the raloxifene group had two thirds of the aortic atherosclerosis, as evaluated by the cholesterol content of the proximal inner part of the aorta, found in the placebo group (placebo, 577+/-55.1 nmol/mg protein; raloxifene, 397+/-53.6 nmol/mg protein; P<.05); the estrogen group had one third of the aortic atherosclerosis in the placebo group (estrogen, 177+/-32.1 nmol/mg protein; P<.001). The sham-operated group (473+/-59.6 nmol/mg protein) was not significantly different from placebo. These effects were only partly explained by the changes in serum lipids and lipoproteins, and treatment with both estrogen and raloxifene independently predicted the response in aorta cholesterol. Because plasma levels of total raloxifene were low relative to clinical values in postmenopausal women, dose-response data for raloxifene are required. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that raloxifene hydrochloride has a potentially important antiatherogenic effect, analogous to that observed with estrogen in this model.  相似文献   

Preproenkephalin (PPE) gene expression is specifically induced by estrogen in hypothalamus of ovariectomized (OVX) females, better than in male rats. To study estrogen actions on gene regulation, we have presently characterized protein-DNA interactions by use of a consensus estrogen response element (ERE) and a putative ERE from PPE gene, with nuclear extracts from hypothalamus. By use of the electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA), ERE binding activity was detected in nuclear extracts from neuronal tissues including hypothalamus, hippocampus, striatum, cerebellum and frontal cortex, and non-neuronal tissues such as pituitary and uterus, but not lung of OVX female rats with a consensus ERE, as well as a 129-bp PCR fragment from PPE promoter and a hairpin oligonucleotide that contains a putative ERE of the rat PPE gene. The ERE binding was eliminated by the addition of specific ERE-containing oligonucleotide, but not control oligonucleotides. Protein and DNA associated and dissociated very rapidly. By use of supershift assay, interactions of estrogen receptor with ERE were demonstrated in hypothalamic nuclear extracts. The initial levels of specific ERE binding in the hypothalamic nuclear extracts were comparable between castrated male and OVX female rats. However, estrogen treatment, either estradiol or estradiol benzoate, produced a rapid and tissue-specific induction of a slow mobility complex of ERE binding in hypothalamic nuclear extracts from females, better than in male rats, presumably from other associated factors, or a conformational change or other posttranslational modifications. This estrogen-induced slow mobility complex of ERE binding in hypothalamus was not observed after treatment with progesterone or tamoxifen. These results suggest that specific ERE binding is present in rat hypothalamic nuclear proteins, which may contribute to the upregulation of PPE gene expression by estrogen, and that the sexually differentiated action of estrogen may be related to an estrogen-induced conformational change, but not to the initial level of ERE-binding activity.  相似文献   

Preliminary studies suggest that the estrogen metabolite 16 alpha-hydroxyestrone is associated with breast cancer, whereas 2-hydroxyestrone is not. However, epidemiological studies evaluating this relationship and taking established risk factors for breast cancer into account are lacking. The purpose of this study was to examine the association of the ratio of the urinary estrogen metabolites (2-hydroxyestrone and 16 alpha-hydroxyestrone) and of the individual metabolites with breast cancer. A spot urine sample, a brief history, and clinical data were collected from breast cancer cases (n = 42) and from women coming to the hospital for a routine mammogram or attending a free breast cancer screening (n = 64). 2-Hydroxyestrone and 16 alpha-hydroxyestrone were measured by enzyme immunoassay, and the estrogen metabolite ratio (EMR; 2-hydroxyestrone:16 alpha-hydroxyestrone) was computed. Cases and controls were similar in terms of age (mean age of cases, 53.8 +/- 15.1 years, versus 54.2 +/- 10.4 years for controls; P = 0.9) and demographics. Mean EMR was not associated with breast cancer overall (1.67 +/- 0.80 versus 1.72 +/- 0.66; P = 0.7). However, in postmenopausal women, the mean EMR was significantly lower in cases compared to controls (1.41 +/- 0.73 versus 1.81 +/- 0.71; P = 0.05). The multivariate adjusted odds ratios for the intermediate and lowest tertiles of the EMR relative to the highest among postmenopausal women were 9.73 (95% confidence interval, 1.27-74.84) and 32.74 (95% confidence interval, 3.36-319.09), respectively. The test for trend was highly significant (P = 0.003). Analyses of the individual metabolites indicated that 16 alpha-hydroxyestrone was a strong risk factor. The EMR did not show any consistent associations with age, race/ethnicity, age at first birth, parity, body mass index, family history of breast cancer, smoking, or alcohol intake. These data suggest a strong, inverse association of the EMR and a strong positive association of 16 alpha-hydroxyestrone with breast cancer in postmenopausal women. Larger studies are needed to confirm these results and to assess the relationship of the EMR and of the individual metabolites with breast cancer, with attention to menopausal status and clinical factors and with adjustment for known breast cancer risk factors.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical localization of two estrogen receptor (ER) subtypes, ER beta and ER alpha, was performed in neonatal, early postnatal, immature, and adult rats to determine whether ER alpha and ER beta are differentially expressed in the ovary. ER beta and ER alpha were visualized using a polyclonal anti-ER beta antibody and a monoclonal ER alpha (ID5) antibody, respectively. Postfixed frozen sections and antigen-retrieved paraffin sections of the ovary revealed nuclear ER beta immunoreactivity (IR) in granulosa cells, which was prevented when peptide-adsorbed antibody was used instead. In immature and adult rat ovaries, ER beta was expressed exclusively in nuclei of granulosa cells of primary, secondary, and mature follicles. Atretic follicle granulosa cells showed only weak or no staining. No specific nuclear ER beta IR was detected in thecal cells, luteal cells, interstitial cells, germinal epithelium, or oocytes. In neonatal rat ovary, no ER beta expression was found. In ovaries of 5- and 10-day-old rats, weak ER beta IR was observed in granulosa cells of primary and secondary follicles, but no staining was detected in the primordial follicles. ER alpha protein exhibited a differential distribution in the ovary with no detectable expression in the granulosa cells but evidence of ER alpha IR in germinal epithelium, interstitial cells, and thecal cells. In the oviduct and uterus, IR for ER alpha, but not ER beta, was found in luminal epithelium, stromal cells, muscle cells, and gland cells. Our present study demonstrates that ER beta and ER alpha proteins are expressed in distinctly different cell types in the ovary. The exclusive presence of ER beta in granulosa cells implies that this specific new subtype of ER beta mediates some effects of estrogen action in the regulation of growth and maturation of ovarian follicles.  相似文献   

Ovarian hormone deficiency decreases and estrogen (E2) and growth hormone (GH) administrations increase intestinal absorption of calcium (Ca++). However, the underlying mechanisms are uncertain. To examine whether alterations in the binding characteristics of intestinal estrogen receptors (ERs) are involved, we developed and validated methods for simultaneous measurement of intestinal ERs in cytosolic and nuclear fractions and applied these techniques to four groups of female rats: sham-operated, ovariectomized (Ovx), Ovx + 5 micrograms E2/kg b.wt./day and Ovx + 8 mg GH/kg. b.wt./day. All animals were killed on day 21, and mucosal cells harvested from the duodenum for ER determination. The cytosolic and nuclear ERs were 117.2 +/- 2.7 fmol/mg protein and 64.9 +/- 1.2 fmol/mg DNA, respectively, in sham-operated rats and decreased by 16.1% and 17.0% to 98.4 +/- 1.7 fmol/mg protein and 53.8 +/- 1.3 fmol/mg DNA, respectively in Ovx rats (P < .001). E2 therapy prevented completely the decrease in cytosolic and nuclear ERs that occurred in Ovx rat (126.1 +/- 2.9 fmol/mg protein and 68.0 +/- 3.0 fmol/mg DNA, respectively, in the E2-treated group). Similarly, GH administration prevented the decrease in cytosolic and nuclear ERs that resulted from ovariectomy (119.2 +/- 3.2 fmol/mg protein and 63.4 +/- 1.3 fmol/mg DNA, respectively, in the GH-treated group). The Kd of nuclear ER-ligand complex was 2.0 +/- 0.03 nM in sham-operated rats and was slightly modulated by Ovx, E2 and GH (3.3 +/- 0.02, 2.33 +/- 0.09 and 2.23 +/- 0.04 nM, respectively, P < .001), but the Kd of cytosolic ER-ligand complex was not altered by Ovx, E2 or GH. Our findings indicate that E2 deficiency down-regulates, whereas E2 and GH administrations up-regulate intestinal ERs and prevent ovariectomy-induced decrease in receptor binding affinity. We conclude that E2 deficiency, E2 and GH may modulate intestinal Ca++ absorption, in part, by altering the abundance and binding characteristics of intestinal ERs.  相似文献   

An original method of evaluation of the cluster population in carbon martensite has been developed. Using this method, it is shown that Kurdjumov’s model of carbon redistribution within the different octahedral site sublattices can quantitatively account for both observed normal and abnormal tetragonality in carbon martensite. It is also shown that the existence of the internal strains in martensite constitutes a necessary and sufficient condition for the energetic preference of tetrahedral over the cubic lattice. The presence of the residual tetragonal distortion in the quasi-cubic phase of k-martensite is associated with the presence of the mixed clusters formed of the atoms belonging to O c sublattice as well as to remaining ones. By using a computer simulation of the dynamical behavior of carbon martensite approaching the thermodynamical equilibrium, it was found that the ultimate state of this system is strongly beyond the thermal equilibrium. Even after long-term aging, the free energy is far beyond the minimum value allowed for this system. The reason for such a behavior and the possible aging processes proceeding in this system are discussed at the molecular level. All of the ordering parameters are affected by the aging process. The evolution proceeds in the distinctly different time intervals for different parameters. At first, the long-range ordering parameter that determines the tetragonality of martensite evolves and reaches the stable value. In the next stage, the formation and then disintegration of two-particle clusters occurs. Disintegration of two-particle clusters coincides with the stage when three-particle cluster formation occurs at a high rate. Threeparticle clusters also disintegrate when some time elapses. The same pattern repeats regarding four-, five-, six-, seven-, and eight-particle clusters. To simplify the calculations, the nine-particle clusters are assumed to be the largest possible and are identified with an existence of superstructure. The formation of 100 pct of nine-particle clusters with no contribution of free atoms in an alloy ceases all aging processes. The evolution of these processes is illustrated graphically in the time range from 16 seconds to 1500 years, as estimated on the basis of experimental data.  相似文献   

One of the most frequent causes of refractoriness in precious metals leaching is their occlusion or fine dissemination into a pyritic matrix. This study experimentally explores the acid leaching of pyrite with ozone, suggests the stoichiometry of the reaction, estimates its activation energy and defines the effect of the main variables on the leaching kinetics. The results of stoichiometry tests allow establishing that one mole of pyrite requires 7.7 moles of ozone to produce one mole of ferric ion and 2 moles of HSO4? ions. A decrease in the particle size, solution pH and solids’ concentration of the leaching system increases pyrite dissolution. The type of acid (nitric, sulphuric and hydrochloric) does not affect pyrite dissolution rate. Up to 60% of pyrite is dissolved when the optimal experimental conditions are employed (1?g pyrite (?25?µm), 800?mL of 0.18?M of H2SO4, 800?rev?min?1, 1.2?L?min?1 gas stream O2/O3 with 0.079?g O3?L?1 and 25°C). The apparent activation energy of the pyrite-ozone reaction is 14.92?kJ?mol?1, and the absence of a passive layer on the pyrite surface and the linearity of the dissolution profiles suggest that the dissolution kinetics is controlled by the chemical reaction.  相似文献   

Some reports have suggested the ameliorative effects of estrogens on clinical symptoms, such as short memory, in women suffering from senile dementia-Alzheimer's type, in vivo. The action mechanism of estrogen remains to be clarified, but 1) an anti-depressive effect, 2) improvement of cerebral blood flow, 3) direct stimulation of neuron, 4) development of gliacyte and 5) suppression of apolipoprotein E have been suggested. Some mechanisms may be combined, contributing to the beneficial effects on clinical symptoms.  相似文献   

The present paper provides a review of recent research carried out in this laboratory investigating the effects of posttraining peripheral and intrahippocampal injection of estradiol on memory in rats, and estradiol-acetylcholine interactions in memory modulation. Ovariectomized rats received an eight-trial training session in a hippocampal-dependent hidden platform water maze task. Immediately following training, rats received a posttraining peripheral or intrahippocampal injection of estradiol-cyclodextrin complex or vehicle. Twenty-four hours later rats were returned to the maze for a retention test session, and latency to escape was used as a measure of memory for the previous day's training. Peripheral posttraining injection of estradiol enhances memory relative to vehicle-treated rats. Injections of estradiol given 2 h posttraining has no effect on retention, indicating a time-dependent effect of estradiol on memory storage processes. A time-dependent memory enhancing effect of posttraining intrahippocampal injections of estradiol has also been observed in both male and ovariectomized female rats. The memory enhancing effect of peripheral posttraining injection of estradiol in ovariectomized rats is blocked by a subeffective dose of the acetylcholine muscarinic receptor antagonist scopolamine, suggesting that estradiol interacts with cholinergic systems in memory modulation. Concurrent peripheral posttraining injection of a subeffective dose of estradiol and a subeffective dose of the cholinergic agonist oxotremorine produces a synergistic memory enhancing effect. The findings suggest that: (1) estradiol selectively influences memory storage independent of an effect on nonmnemonic processes, (2) the hippocampus is a potential neuroanatomical site of action mediating estrogenic effects on memory, and (3) estradiol interacts with cholinergic systems in memory modulation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare, with regard to fixation of the implant and femoral bone resorption, two fully porous-coated stems of different stiffnesses in a canine total hip arthroplasty model. A bilateral arthroplasty was carried out with insertion of a titanium-alloy stem (which had stiffness properties comparable with those of the canine femur) on one side and with insertion of a composite stem (which was three to fivefold more flexible than the canine femur) on the contralateral side. Eight femora were evaluated at six months and eight, at eighteen months after the operation, to determine the extent of bone ingrowth, periprosthetic cortical area, intracortical porosity, and bone-remodeling. Despite the markedly greater flexibility of the composite stems, no significant difference could be detected (with the numbers available), with regard to the overall degree of femoral stress-shielding, cortical area, or cortical porosity, between these stems and the stiffer, titanium-alloy stems at either time-period. However, the composite stems had less bone ingrowth and more formation of radiopaque lines than did the titanium-alloy stems. At eighteen months, the values for bone ingrowth were 9.7 +/- 5.38 percent (mean and standard deviation) for the composite stems compared with 28.1 +/- 5.31 percent for the titanium-alloy stems (p = 0.003). Furthermore, the histological sections from the femora containing a composite stem showed radiopaque lines indicative of fibrous ingrowth approximately threefold more often than did those from the femora containing a titanium-alloy stem (p = 0.02).  相似文献   

Growth kinetics, i.e., the relationship between specific growth rate and the concentration of a substrate, is one of the basic tools in microbiology. However, despite more than half a century of research, many fundamental questions about the validity and application of growth kinetics as observed in the laboratory to environmental growth conditions are still unanswered. For pure cultures growing with single substrates, enormous inconsistencies exist in the growth kinetic data reported. The low quality of experimental data has so far hampered the comparison and validation of the different growth models proposed, and only recently have data collected from nutrient-controlled chemostat cultures allowed us to compare different kinetic models on a statistical basis. The problems are mainly due to (i) the analytical difficulty in measuring substrates at growth-controlling concentrations and (ii) the fact that during a kinetic experiment, particularly in batch systems, microorganisms alter their kinetic properties because of adaptation to the changing environment. For example, for Escherichia coli growing with glucose, a physiological long-term adaptation results in a change in KS for glucose from some 5 mg liter-1 to ca. 30 microg liter-1. The data suggest that a dilemma exists, namely, that either "intrinsic" KS (under substrate-controlled conditions in chemostat culture) or micromax (under substrate-excess conditions in batch culture) can be measured but both cannot be determined at the same time. The above-described conventional growth kinetics derived from single-substrate-controlled laboratory experiments have invariably been used for describing both growth and substrate utilization in ecosystems. However, in nature, microbial cells are exposed to a wide spectrum of potential substrates, many of which they utilize simultaneously (in particular carbon sources). The kinetic data available to date for growth of pure cultures in carbon-controlled continuous culture with defined mixtures of two or more carbon sources (including pollutants) clearly demonstrate that simultaneous utilization results in lowered residual steady-state concentrations of all substrates. This should result in a competitive advantage of a cell capable of mixed-substrate growth because it can grow much faster at low substrate concentrations than one would expect from single-substrate kinetics. Additionally, the relevance of the kinetic principles obtained from defined culture systems with single, mixed, or multicomponent substrates to the kinetics of pollutant degradation as it occurs in the presence of alternative carbon sources in complex environmental systems is discussed. The presented overview indicates that many of the environmentally relevant apects in growth kinetics are still waiting to be discovered, established, and exploited.  相似文献   

Mammalian 'regulators of G protein signaling' (RGS proteins) help shut off G-protein-mediated signaling by GTPase activation. But new evidence shows that RGS proteins can also speed up the activation of signaling. The combined effect is a change in signaling kinetics without a decrease in signaling intensity.  相似文献   

Study of animal domestication lacks a conceptual framework to integrate genetic and environmental factors into a coherent theory of domestic phenotypes, and researchers have conceptually and experimentally separated the contributions of these influences. We critically examine genetic and environmental approaches to domestication and describe an alternative, developmental systems approach. In this view, domestic phenotypes are not transmitted in the genes nor contained in features of captive environments but are constructed by coaction of organic, organismic, and environmental factors during ontogeny. Thus, animals are similar or not in the expression of phenotypic traits, not because they share or lack similar genes, but because they share or lack similar developmental systems. This view of heredity and development directs attention to the animal–context transaction and includes many variables that have been omitted from analyses of domestication. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A review of history sheets of obstetric cases recorded in a district hospital in 1992 was done to compare the obstetric outcome in 200 teenage first pregnancies (Study group) with that in Control group i.e. 20 years to 29 years. It revealed that incidence of complications of pregnancy like anaemia, pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) and preterm labour were significantly higher among teenage mothers. The normal mode of delivery was commoner in teenagers (82.5%) in comparison to control group (76.5%), probably because of higher number of low birth weight babies. The fetal outcome was significantly worse in teenage mothers with high incidence of perinatal mortality (8%) and low birth weight babies (35%). There was not a single newborn with birthweight above 3500 gms, in teenage group, whereas, control group had 5 babies (2.5%) in the category.  相似文献   

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