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根据吸附原理,采用静态调整环境湿度法,测定了魔芋在20、30、40℃3个温度下,0%~98%水活度范围内的平衡含水率,绘出魔芋的吸湿等温线。结果显示,魔芋的吸湿等温线属于II型等温线;在一定的水活度下随着温度的升高魔芋的吸附能力下降。并以平均相对误差和决定系数为评价指标,用八种数学模型对实验数据进行拟合,结果表明Peleg模型对魔芋的吸湿等温线拟合效果最好。   相似文献   

脱水竹笋的等温吸湿特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用静态称重技术测定了脱水竹笋的吸附平衡含水率,并获得相应的吸附等温线,从而对其吸附规律进行了探讨,为其贮藏和包装提供指导。  相似文献   

平衡状态下固态类食品吸湿等温线的拟合公式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据食品吸湿等温线的基本特征,以B、E、T公式为基础,经改进获得了一个经验公式,此公式能在相对湿度0~0.9甚至更宽的范围内与食品吸湿实测数据很好地拟合。  相似文献   

重点研究了曲奇饼干在水分活度为0.11~0.92,温度分别为25、35、45℃条件下的吸湿平衡含水率变化规律。并根据目前在食品吸湿规律研究中常用的6种模型时3个温度条件下对曲奇饼干的吸湿试验点进行了模拟比较。得到饼干在3种温度下的等温吸湿曲线,并进一步推导出GAB模型为符合该曲奇饼干吸湿规律的数学模型。  相似文献   

以3种不同干燥方式下的枸杞所制得的粉体为研究对象,通过测定吸湿速率、吸附等温曲线探讨枸杞粉的吸湿规律,并利用低场核磁共振技术分析枸杞粉吸湿过程中的水分迁移特性。结果表明,3种干制方式下的枸杞粉吸湿等温曲线均属于Ⅲ型等温线,当水分活度大于0.5时,在同一水分活度下,其平衡含水率大小为,晒干>烘干>冻干,说明枸杞粉贮藏环境的水分活度低于0.5时较易保存;3种干制方式下的粉体储藏过程中,其核磁共振谱图显示,结合水(T_(21))随时间变化显著升高(P<0.05),不易流动水(T_(22))在前15 d没有显著变化,到第30天时显著升高(P<0.05),自由水(T_(23))无明显变化,说明在枸杞粉吸湿过程中,水分迁移变化主要发生在结合水与不易流动水之间;并发现储藏期在15 d之前,冻干方式所获得的枸杞粉吸湿特性更加稳定。该实验结果对于研究枸杞粉吸湿过程中的水分变化具有重要意义,同时为解释粉体吸湿机理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

杨琴  范柳萍 《食品工业科技》2012,33(16):138-140,144
研究了真空油炸莲子、真空油炸胡萝卜脆片、常压油炸胡萝卜脆片、常压油炸土豆脆片4种高脂食品的吸湿等温曲线。根据常用的5种等温吸附模型对4种物料的吸湿实验数据进行了拟合,比较了其拟合程度(R2)。结果表明,25℃条件下,4种高脂物料最适合的等温吸附模型都是Peleg模型,且拟合程度依次为真空油炸胡萝卜脆片、常压油炸胡萝卜脆片、真空油炸莲子、常压油炸土豆脆片。  相似文献   

水分活度仪测定稻谷吸附与解吸等温线   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
稻谷吸附与解吸等温线是稻谷干燥、贮藏的重要参数。试验研究了用水分活度仪测定稻谷吸附与解吸等温线方法,并由所测数据,计算机绘出等温线曲线。对测试过程中,物料在测试环境中的Aw值平衡时间和平衡速率进行了数学分析。  相似文献   

利用烟草等温吸脱附性能检测装置考察施加了魔芋葡甘聚糖(KGM)保润剂的烟丝样品的吸湿特性,结果表明:KGM有助于增强烟丝的持水能力,减缓水分散失过程,KGM不同程度地降低了各部位烟丝的干燥速率常数;烟丝样品的等温吸湿—解湿曲线呈Ⅲ型吸附曲线,且KGM的施加会加剧吸湿滞后现象,吸湿滞后行为随温度升高有减弱趋势,中上部烟丝的吸湿滞后现象强于下部烟丝,DLP经验模型可较好地描述烟丝样品的等温吸湿—解湿行为。  相似文献   

为研究加工过程烟叶的吸湿过程,采用动态法测定了在60,70和80℃3个温度点下,30%~90%范围内7个相对湿度点的烟叶增湿特性曲线,再根据增湿特性曲线得到烟叶的平衡含水率,并用GAB模型对平衡含水率曲线进行拟合。结果表明:GAB模型可以较好描述烟叶在高温湿度环境中的平衡含水率并确定了模型参数,预测值与实验值比较吻合,相关系数r2=0.980。  相似文献   

为考察干制"储良"龙眼含水率与水分活度、贮藏温度之间的关系,以及探讨净等量吸附热、焓变、熵变和自由能等热力学特性,采用静态称重法,测定干制"储良"龙眼在20、30、40℃和水分活度为0. 113~0. 946条件下的吸附平衡含水率,并绘制其吸附等温线。采用6种常用的农产品吸附模型,对实验结果进行拟合分析。结果表明,干制"储良"龙眼的水分吸附呈Ⅲ型等温线,Halsey模型是描述吸附等温线的最适模型。热力学特性结果表明,净等量吸附热随含水率的升高而降低,当平衡含水率Me大于30%d. b.(干基)时趋近于0;净等量吸附热与焓变相等,其范围为0. 2~467. 69 kJ/mol;熵变随含水率的增加而降低,但温度对其影响不显著;干制"储良"龙眼的水分吸附过程可用焓-熵互补理论解释,此过程是焓驱动过程。研究结果可为"储良"龙眼的加工、包装和安全贮藏提供参考。  相似文献   

Modelling moisture sorption isotherms for maize flour   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The sorption isotherm of food material is pertinent in the processing and storage of food products. Adsorption and desorption isotherms for maize flour were investigated using the static gravimetric method over the range of temperature (27–40 °C) and water activity (aw) (0.10–0.80) commonly experienced in the tropical environment. The experimental data were compared with five widely recommended models in the literature for food sorption isotherms (GAB, modified GAB (MGAB), modified Oswin (MOE), modified Henderson (MHDE), and modified Chung–Pfost (MCE)). The GAB, MGAB, and MOE models were found to be acceptable in predicting the moisture sorption isotherms for maize flour. Overall, the MGAB appears to be most suitable for fitting the adsorption and desorption moisture isotherms data for the maize flour.  相似文献   

Moisture sorption isotherms were measured for whey protein isolate, high micellar casein and a milk protein concentrate powder. No temperature dependence was observed over the temperature range of 4–37 °C. At 50 °C the powders absorbed less moisture than observed at the lower temperatures. These isotherms were used to predict the isotherms for freeze-dried amorphous lactose/casein/whey protein powders. An isotherm for micellar casein was predicted using a simple additive isotherm model and was used along with isotherms for whey protein and amorphous lactose to predict moisture sorption isotherms for commercial dairy powders. Predicted isotherms compared well with measured isotherms indicating that this simple additive isotherm model is suitable for predicting moisture sorption isotherms of dairy powders. Delayed lactose crystallisation was observed in lactose/whey protein powders when compared to lactose/casein powders over the same water activity range.  相似文献   

Moisture sorption isotherms of five commercial black bean varieties harvested in the province of Salta, Argentina, were measured. Statistical methodology was applied to compare their sorption characteristics and it was observed that the five varieties could be considered as belonging to a same group.

Different equations proposed in the literature were studied and it was found that the best adjustments were provided by the Oswin and the White and Eiring equations. The estimated isotherm equations are given.

Adjusting the equations to sorption data found in literature, the White and Eiring equation provided a reasonable adjustment for all of them.  相似文献   

The moisture adsorption isotherms for dried raisins, figs, prunes, and apricots were determined at 15, 30, 45 and 60°C, using the gravimetric static equilibrium method. The applicability of the GAB (Guggenheim-Anderson-de Boer) model to the experimental results was found to depend on the regression method employed. So, using direct non-linear regression analysis, five constants of the GAB model were estimated which enables the equilibrium moisture content of each dried fruit in the temperature range 15–60°C to be predicted with reasonable accuracy. The indirect (successive) non-linear regression method is not recommended since the basic three constants of the GAB equation are interrelated.  相似文献   

Jun Ho Lee  Min Ji Lee 《LWT》2008,41(8):1478-1484
Moisture sorption isotherms of Inonotus obliquus mushroom were studied over a selected temperature range (20-50 °C). Sigmoid sorption isotherms were observed for these samples. The sorption data were analyzed using various conventional models. The Oswin model was found to be the best model for predicting the equilibrium moisture content of mushroom in the range of water activity 0.08-0.96. The monolayer moisture content decreased as temperature increased and was affected by the drying method used. The net isosteric heat of sorption was determined using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation and the value decreased with increase in moisture content of mushroom.  相似文献   

The food polymer science (FPS) approach has been effectively used to investigate the physical stability of amorphous food materials. The glass transition, a key FPS parameter, has traditionally been determined using thermal techniques that scan temperature while holding the plasticizer (moisture) content constant. Moisture sorption isotherms provide information about the physical properties of food as the plasticizer level is adjusted and temperature is held constant. New automatic isotherm generators can be used to produce high resolution, dynamic isotherms much faster than traditional static methods. Dynamic isotherms for a small selection of amorphous materials have been investigated and shown to experience distinct inflection points in the water activity region where the glass transition temperature is close to the experimental temperature. Several studies on amorphous spray dried milk powder and amorphous polydextrose indicate very good agreement between glass transitions determined using thermal techniques and dynamic isotherm methods. This agreement suggests that dynamic isotherms are a viable alternative to traditional thermal methods for investigating glass transitions of amorphous foods.  相似文献   

Ertugay MF  Certel M 《Die Nahrung》2000,44(2):107-109
In this research, moisture sorption isotherms of wheat (Kink and Lancer) barley, rye, oat and corn were determined at 20, 25, 35, 50 and 70 degrees C. The sorption isotherm curves of all cereal samples showed the characteristics of type II isotherm. This indicated that the adsorption occurred in cereal samples was a multilayer adsorption and cereal samples were of a microcapillary structure. In addition, the adsorption in cereal samples decreased as temperature increased.  相似文献   

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