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严寒冰  周雒维 《电信科学》2006,22(11):57-61
本文分析设计了电信业CRM(客户关系管理)系统中客户挽留流程,研究了如何使用人工神经网络技术实现流程的核心--客户流失预测模型,最后基于该流失预测模型,构建了电信业CRM客户挽留系统.  相似文献   

客户关系管理(CRM)越来越受到企业管理体系的关注,随着企业不断的发展,市场不断扩大,公司应该就如何管理和挖掘客户的潜在价值,使其为公司创造更大的利润建立一套完整的价值评估体系。  相似文献   

董斌 《电信科学》2020,36(7):118-125
从运营商重要的语音客服热线、微信客服智能化发展出发,首先分析了传统客服面临的问题与挑战,对人工智能技术在客服领域应用的关键技术进行了客观的评估,提出人工智能与运营商客服结合的方向和体系化思考。结合某运营商现网实际情况,针对人工智能与运营商客服结合的关键技术和应用实践进行了剖析研究,推进智能语音客服、微信机器人的应用实践,提出现网改造、能力开放、智能应用体系部署解决方案。最后对人工智能在智慧客服中的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

随着全业务运营的开展,我国通信行业的竞争越来越激烈,以往各运营商以单一业务为主的客户关系管理模式,特别是客户需求挖掘、客户价值提升和客户关系管理系统已经不能适应融合业务经营的需求.本文在分析目前电信运营商客户关系管理存在问题的基础上,结合全业务运营特点,提出对客户关系管理工作的对策与建议.  相似文献   

Customer relationship management systems are gaining importance in today's business environment since customer satisfaction is crucial to the success of an enterprise, and especially so in e-business environment where customers can find substitute suppliers quite easily. In CRM, the quality of customer information is very important, and the address information even more so. It is because the address information plays a major role for customer contact channel and for timely and effective marketing service. Furthermore, it gives the basic source of geographic information for the offline delivery, the terminal activity of the e-commerce. In this study, we analyze various standards and proposals for the address information, and propose data models for the management of the information focusing on address components, and proto-type systems for management and service.  相似文献   

数据挖掘(Data Mining),是指从大量数据中,提取正确的、新颖的、潜在有用的并能够被理解的知识的过程.本文介绍了数据挖掘在通信行业客户关系管理中的应用过程,以及应注意的问题.指出,通过利用数据挖掘技术建立基于数据挖掘技术的客户关系管理模式,终将极大地提升企业的竞争优势,提高企业的竞争水平.  相似文献   

王铮  任华  路绪海 《电信科学》2018,34(12):84-91
客服体系架构中,人工坐席、工单处理等环节需要大量的人工操作,成本较高,效率相对较低,而且会有一定比例的问题及故障无法找到责任方甚至无法解决。在客服体系中,引入人工智能技术后,在一定程度上可以解决这些问题,降低成本并提高客服的整体效率和效果。分析了人工智能应用于客服体系的关键技术,包括语音识别、语音合成、自然语言处理等。就新技术在运营商客服体系中的应用进行了探讨,并通过简单实例阐述了在实际应用时的效果。  相似文献   

Despite their fairly recent emergence, start-up companies now play an important role in the economic development of countries around the globe. These companies have fewer tangible assets and capital, and therefore, the efficient delivery of services and products is a key business priority for them. Customer relationship management (CRM) technologies, which are designed to facilitate customer engagement during the design, development and delivery of services and products may play a significant role in the success or failure of start-up companies. Developments in new communication technologies have transformed traditional CRM into electronic CRM (eCRM), mobile CRM (mCRM); and more recently, social CRM (SCRM). However, there remains very little understanding of the factors affecting SCRM adoption in start-up businesses. The relative newness of SCRM technologies, coupled with the swiftly evolving nature of start-up companies: which has made them difficult cases to study – has limited the amount of research undertaken in this area. This paper aims to close this gap by proposing a framework that depicts the factors affecting start-up companies’ intention to adopt SCRM applications, and explores the relative importance of these factors. Inspired by an extended Technological, Organisational and Environmental (TOE) framework, this paper investigates effects of technological characteristics (TC), organisational characteristics (OC), environmental characteristics (EC) and managerial characteristics (MC) on start-up companies’ intentions to adopt SCRM applications.The results outlined in this research indicate that the observability, compatibility and trialability of SCRM solutions positively affect SCRM adoption in start-up businesses. Moreover, the availability of internal financial resources has a similarly positive effect. When considering environmental characteristics, it was found that support from venture capitalists, crowd funding support, governmental support, business angels support and external pressure all positively affect the intention to adopt SCRM applications within start-up businesses.  相似文献   

The foundation upon which customer relationship management (CRM) stands is a single, definitive view of customers which spans functions, channels, products and customer types and drives every customer interaction. CRM purports to recreate the ‘traditional corner shop’ experience to millions of clients. However, as techniques for data mining and pattern matching allow companies to build a relationship with customers, customers are questioning whether they actually want to have a relationship with companies. As CRM becomes more personalised, is it providing the experience that customers want? Are companies spending on personalised CRM only to reap limited benefits? This paper considers the different ways that companies such as Capital One, First Direct, Amazon and Tesco are personalising a CRM experience and examines the resulting relationship that they develop with their customers. Ultimately, the future of personalised CRM is dependent on non-intrusive, mutually beneficial and cost-effective strategies delivered through the appropriate medium for the customer. This requires recognition that CRM is more than just deployment of technology. It is a fusion of strategy, process and technology. Companies need to consider what customers want from them and whether the personalised solution that is being proposed reaps financial benefits. Building a million segments of one may work for some companies but others need to consider what kind of relationship their customers want from them and what they (and their customers) can gain from the data that they gather.  相似文献   

客户关系管理(CRM)是企业经营管理的重点,互联网时代如何利用网络营销进行客户关系管理是电子商务管理中的实际问题.本文从E-mail营销入手探讨了E-mail营销中的客户关系管理的策略和模式.有侧重地描述了在实际电子商务活动中进行E-mail营销与CRM的关系、常用的E-mail营销策略以及在实际运用中应当注意的问题--如何更好地发现客户、吸引客户、留住客户等.  相似文献   

With the development of next generation network (NGN), reasonable service quality evaluation is essential in network management. Based on NGN service characteristics, this article presents a comprehensive service quality evaluation system from two perspectives: quantitative and qualitative. From the quantitative point of view, this article brings forward the normalized service level achievement function (NSLA function) at technical layer. Also, with mean opinion score (MOS) mode, it proposes customer satisfaction assessment methods at customer perception layer. From the qualitative perspective, a hierarchical model is established, which forms mapping relations from the upper customer perception to the lower service quality parameters, and then the influence of different service parameters on customer satisfaction degree can be denoted by the fuzzy analysis hierarchy process (FAHP) algorithm. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations together form a comprehensive solution which is universal, customer-oriented and flexible. Demonstrated by the representative voice service, the proposed system is proved reliable and applicable to service evaluation in NGN.  相似文献   

Surf's up     
This work describes the changing pulse of customer relationship management (CRM), which can be researched with Web resources. These Web resources offer useful tools for identifying unmet customer needs and practical tips for boosting satisfaction and loyalty levels. CRM is considered essential to Internet marketing strategy and Web design goals. Customer management zone on insightexec, customer service benchmarking association, destination CRM, Internet marketing center, and questionbuilder.com are some of the Web resources that can help companies explore present and potential customer perspectives.  相似文献   

任华  王铮  汪少敏 《电信科学》2018,34(12):125-131
客服工单作为互联网行业客户最重要的接触点,智能化、智慧化处理成为各行业重点关注并亟待解决的主要问题,工单的智能排序为解决这一问题提供了可行化应用探索。人工智能及大数据的飞速发展给解决此类问题提供了新的方向和契机。首先分析了客服工单智能化排序的需求背景,在此基础上对实现客服工单智能化排序的主要方法和实现过程进行了分析,阐述了基于多因素向量化客服工单智能排序的应用探索。  相似文献   

Sentiment analysis incorporates natural language processing and artificial intelligence and has evolved as an important research area. Sentiment analysis on product reviews has been used in widespread applications to improve customer retention and business processes. In this paper, we propose a method for performing an intensified sentiment analysis on customer product reviews. The method involves the extraction of two feature sets from each of the given customer product reviews, a set of acoustic features (representing emotions) and a set of lexical features (representing sentiments). These sets are then combined and used in a supervised classifier to predict the sentiments of customers. We use an audio speech dataset prepared from Amazon product reviews and downloaded from the YouTube portal for the purposes of our experimental evaluations.  相似文献   

一种基于数据挖掘的通用CRM系统框架及关键技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章在分析当前CRM的应用现状的基础上,综合数据挖掘技术、OLAP技术、知识库的最新研究成果.结合CRM的功能需求,研究了一种新的基于数据挖掘技术的通用商业CRM系统。该系统不仅能够提高用户对客户信息管理的效率,优化企业对客户的响应模式,同时可以根据行业特点进行快速定制实施.极大地方便了面向不同商业应用的客户关系管理平台的搭建,在实际商业应用中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

王勇  朱明 《激光与红外》2009,39(10):1126-1130
为提取联合变换相关器输入面图像的边缘,改善相关器的识别效果,提出了一种基于群体智能的图像特征提取方法,并将其应用于联合变换相关器的输入面图像预处理中.实验结果表明该算法有效提取了图像的边缘,锐化了相关峰,提高了联合变换相关器的目标识别能力.群体智能计算机并行算法与联合变换相关器光学并行系统相结合,为实现实时高效的光电混合目标识别系统奠定了坚实的理论基础.  相似文献   

进入全业务运营时代,中高端客户争夺保有拉锯战愈演愈烈,中高端客户的保有与发展在当前尤显重要.本文针对中高端客户,按照全生命周期维系关怀的思路,通过生命周期各阶段策略以及贯穿于全生命周期的以利益增值、服务增值、形象增值三增要素设计的重点手段,对如何增强客户感知与黏性、减少流失、提高价值等热点问题进行探讨并给出建议.  相似文献   

客户关系管理(CRM)可以帮助电信运营商树立以客户为中心的战略思想,实现从以生产运营为主向以客户服务为主的转变。实际上,实施CRM的过程就是电信运营商在管理思想、服务意识和业务流程等各方面综合转变的过程。创智公司的CRM系统客户实施有效的综合管理,通过建立一个统一协作的、与业务支撑系统无缝集成的CRM平台,全面提升企业的客户服务能力。  相似文献   

汪红杰 《中国有线电视》2013,(11):1243-1246
客户关系系统( CRM)自2007年在常州广电运行至今,期间进行一次大的系统升级,通过几年的运行突显出它的特色及优势。从客户关系系统整体结构入手,详细介绍CRM、工单系统、问卷回访系统、监控系统等组成部分的创新及功能,进一步阐述客户关系系统对公司长效管理提供的强有力的技术保障。  相似文献   

客户流失预警模型及其在电信企业的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大量的客户流失让运营商蒙受巨大损失,从而使得存量客户的维系与保持逐渐成为国内主流电信运营商关注的焦点.本文结合客户细分的思想,提出了一种新的电信企业客户流失预警模型,湖南某大型电信企业基于该客户流失预警模型,在其一个地市分公司进行了客户维系与挽留一期工程的实施试点,试点结果表明,提出的客户流失预警模型具有良好的预警功能,能从企业海量的客户信息中有效地发现具有潜在离网倾向的有价值客户,从而为企业有针对性地开展客户维系与挽留工作提供科学的参考和依据.  相似文献   

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