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The electronic parameters and interface state properties of boron dispersed triethanolamine/p-Si structure have been investigated by atomic force microscopy, I-V, C-V-f and G/ω-V-f techniques. The surface topography and phase image of the TEA-B film deposited onto p-Si substrate were analyzed by atomic force microscopy. The atomic force microscopy results show a homogenous distribution of boron particles in triethanolamine film. The electronic parameters (barrier height, ideality factor and average series resistance) obtained from I-V characteristics of the diode are 0.81 eV, 2.07 and 5.04 kΩ, respectively. The interface state density of the diode was found to be 2.54 × 1010 eV cm−2 under Vg = 0. The obtained Dit values obtained from C-V and G/ω measurements are in agreement with each other. The profile of series resistance dependent on voltage and frequency confirms the presence of interface states in boron dispersed triethanolamine/p-Si structure. It is evaluated that the boron dispersed triethanolamine controls the electronic parameters and interface properties of conventional Al/p-Si diode.  相似文献   

Tantalum silicide (TaSi2) thin films were deposited on n-type silicon single crystal substrates using a dual electron-gun system and with Ta and Si targets. The electrical transport properties of the TaSi2/n-Si structures were investigated by temperature-dependent current–voltage (IV) measurements. The temperature-dependent IV characteristics revealed that the forward conduction was determined by thermionic-emission and space-charge-limited current mechanisms at low and high voltage respectively. On the other hand, the reverse current is limited by the carrier generation process.  相似文献   

High κ HfOxNy film was deposited on amorphous InGaZnO (a-IGZO) by radio-frequency reactive sputtering using an HfO2 target in nitrogen plus argon ambience, the electrical characteristics and reliability of a-IGZO metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) capacitors were investigated. Experimental results indicate that the nitrogen incorporation into HfO2 can produce a strong nitride interfacial barrier layer, thus lead to reducing the interface state density, suppressing the hysteresis voltage, and decreasing the gate-leakage current. Improved performance has been achieved for HfOxNy gate dielectric a-IGZO MIS capacitors, with a interface state density of 5.1 × 1011 eV−1 cm−2, a gate-leakage current density of 3.9 × 10−5 A/cm2 at Vfb + 1 V, an equivalent permittivity of 24, and a hysteresis voltage of 105 mV. Moreover, the enhanced reliability of Al/HfOxNy/a-IGZO MIS capacitor is observed with a small degradation of electrical characteristics after a high field stressing at 10 MV/cm for 3600 s.  相似文献   

In this study, the main electrical parameters of Au/TiO2(rutile)/n-Si Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) were analyzed by using current–voltage–temperature (I–V–T) characteristics in the temperature range 200–380 K. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) thin film was deposited on a polycrystalline n-type Silicon (Si) substrate using the DC magnetron sputtering system at 200 °C. In order to improve the crystal quality deposited film was annealed at 900 °C in air atmosphere for phase transition from amorphous to rutile phase. The barrier height (Φb) and ideality factor (n) were calculated from I–V characteristics. An increase in the value of Φb and a decrease in n with increasing temperature were observed. The values of Φb and n for Au/TiO2(rutile)/n-Si SBDs ranged from 0.57 eV and 3.50 (at 200 K) to 0.82 eV and 1.90 (at 380 K), respectively. In addition, series resistance (Rs) and Φb values of MIS SBDs were determined by using Cheung's and Norde's functions. Cheung's plots are obtained from the donward concave curvature region in the forward bias semi-logarithmic I–V curves originated from series resistance. Norde's function is easily used to obtain series resistance as a function of temperature due to current counduction mechanism which is dominated by thermionic emission (TE). The obtained results have been compared with each other and experimental results show that Rs values exhibit an unusual behavior that it increases with increasing temperature.  相似文献   

Modulation frequency and pulse duty cycle are two key parameters of pulsed VHF-PECVD technology. An experimental study on the mierocrystalline silicon materials prepared by pulsed VHF-PECVD technology in high deposition rate is presented. And combining the diagnosis of plasma process with optical emission spectroscopy (OES), the dependence of microstructure and electrical properties of thin films on the pulse modulation frequency is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

In this study, both the metal-semiconductor (MS) and metal-polymer-semiconductor (MPS), (Al/C20H12/p-Si), type Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) were fabricated using spin coating method and they were called as D1 and D2 diodes, respectively. Their electrical characterization have been investigated and compared using the forward and reverse bias IV and CV measurements at room temperature. The main electrical parameters such as ideality factor (n), reverse saturation current (Io), zero-bias barrier height (ΦBo), series (Rs) and shunt (Rsh) resistances, energy dependent profile of interface states (Nss), the doping concentration of acceptor atoms (NA) and depletion layer width (WD) were determined and compared each other and literature. The rectifying ratio (RR) and leakage current (IR) at ±3 V were found as 2.06×103, 1.61×10−6 A and 15.7×103, 2.75×10−7 A for D1 and D2, respectively. Similarly, the Rs and Rsh values of these diodes were found as 544 Ω, 10.7 MΩ and 716 Ω and 1.83 MΩ using Ohm’s Law, respectively. In addition, energy and voltage dependent profiles of Nss were obtained using the forward bias IV data by taking into account voltage dependent effective barrier height (Φe) and n and low-high frequency capacitance (CLFCHF) methods, respectively. The obtained value of Nss for D2 (MPS) diode at about the mid-gap of Si is about two times lower than D1 (MS) type diode. Experimental results confirmed that the performance in MPS type SBD is considerably high according to MS diode in the respect of lower values of Nss, Rs and Io and higher values of RR and Rsh.  相似文献   

The capacitance–voltage (CV) and conductance–voltage (G/ωV) characteristics of the Au/n-GaAs Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) have been investigated for 10, 100 and 500 kHz at 80 and 280 K. To evaluate the reason of non-ideal behavior in CV and G/ωV plots, the measured C and G/ω values were corrected by taking into accounts series resistance effect. Experimental results show that the values of C and G/ω were found to be a strong function of interface states (Nss) at inverse and depletion regions especially at low frequencies, but Rs is effective only at the accumulation region especially at high frequencies. Such behavior of the C and G/ω values may be attributed to an increase in polarization especially at low frequencies and the existence of Nss or dislocations between metal and semiconductor. It can be concluded that the increase in C and G/ω at low frequencies especially at weak and depletion regions results from the existence of Nss. The values of doping concentration (Nd) and barrier height (BH) between metal and semiconductor were also obtained from the linear part of high frequency (500 kHz) C−2 vs. V plots at 80 and 280 K, respectively.  相似文献   

Thin film of lead dioxide, α-PbO2, has been grown by thermal evaporation technique on the single crystal of p-Si substrate and heterojunction photodiode, Au/α-PbO2/p-Si/Al, was fabricated. The current-voltage characteristics of the diode have been studied in the temperature ranged from 303 to 373 K and the voltage applied during measurements varied from −1 to 1.5 V. It was found from the (I-V) characteristics of the diode that the conduction mechanisms in the forward bias direction are controlled by the thermionic emission at bias potential ≤0.7 V followed by single trap space charge limited current (SCLC) conduction in the voltage range >0.7 V. The capacitance-voltage characteristics of the device were studied at room temperature in dark condition and it has been shown that the diode is abrupt junction. The carrier concentration on both sides of the depletion layer has been determined. Energy band diagram for α-PbO2/p-Si device was constructed. The device under illumination with light of intensity 20 W/m2 gives acceptable values of photoresponse parameters such as photosensitivity and photoconductivity. The presented photodiode parameters exhibit the typical photosensor applications with reproducibility phenomenon.  相似文献   

In this work, we have systematically studied the frequency dispersion of the capacitance–voltage (CV) characteristics of In0.53Ga0.47As metal–oxide-semiconductor (MOS) capacitors in accumulation region at various temperatures based on a distributed border traps model. An empirical method to evaluate the frequency and temperature dependent response of the border traps distributed along the depth from the interface into the oxide is established. While the frequency dependent response results from the dependence of the time constant of the border traps on their depths, the temperature dependent response is ascribed to the thermal activated capture cross-section of the border traps due to the phonon-related inelastic capturing process. Consequently, it is revealed that the frequency dispersion behaviors of the accumulation capacitance at different temperatures actually reflect the spatial distribution of the border traps. On this basis, we propose a methodology to extract the border trap distribution in energy and space with emphasis on analyzing the CV characteristics measured from low to high temperatures in sequence.  相似文献   

The effects of F-doping concentration on geometric structure, electronic structure and optical property of β-Ga2O3 were investigated. All F-doped β-Ga2O3 with different concentrations are easy to be formed under Ga-rich conditions, the stability and lattice parameters increase with the F-doping concentration. F-doped β-Ga2O3 materials display characteristics of the n-type semiconductor, occupied states contributed from Ga 4s, Ga 4p and O 2p states in the conduction band increase with an increase in F-doping concentration. The increase of F concentration leads to the narrowing of the band gap and the broadening of the occupied states. F-doped β-Ga2O3 exhibits the sharp band edge absorption and a broad absorption band. Absorption edges are blue-shifted, and the intensity of broad band absorption has been enhanced with respect to the fluorine content. The broad band absorption is ascribed to the intra-band transitions from occupied states to empty states in the conduction band.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of rapid thermal annealing (RTA) in nitrogen ambient on HfO2 and HfSiOx gate dielectrics, including their electrical characteristics, film properties, TDDB reliability and breakdown mechanism. The optimal temperature for N2 RTA treatment is also investigated. The positive oxide trap charges (oxygen vacancies) in HfO2 and HfSiOx dielectric films can be reduced by the thermal annealing, but as the annealing temperature increased, many positive oxide trap charges (oxygen vacancies) with shallow or deep trap energy level will be formed in the grain boundaries, degrading the electrical characteristics, and changing the breakdown mechanism. We believe that variation in the number of positive oxide trap charges (oxygen vacancies) with shallow or deep trap energy levels is the main cause of the CV shift and difference in the breakdown behaviors between HfO2 and HfSiOx dielectrics. With respect to CV characteristics and TDDB reliability, the optimal temperature for N2 RTA treatment is in the range 500-600 °C and 800-900 °C, respectively.  相似文献   

Based on the density functional theory, the energy band and electronic structure of β-CuGaO2 are calculated by the modified Becke-Johnson plus an on-site Coulomb U (MBJ + U) approach in this paper. The calculated results show that the band gap value of β-CuGaO2 obtained by the MBJ + U approach is close to the experimental value. The calculated results of electronic structure indicate that the main properties of the material are determined by the bond between Cu-3d and O-2p energy levels near the valence band of β-CuGaO2, while a weak anti-bond combination is formed mainly by the O-2p energy level and Ga-4s energy level near the bottom of the conduction band of β-CuGaO2. The β-CuGaO2 thin film is predicted to hold excellent photovoltaic performance by analysis of the spectroscopic limited maximum efficiency (SLME) method. At the same time, the calculated maximum photoelectric conversion efficiency of the ideal CuGaO2 solar cell is 32.4%. Relevant conclusions can expand β-CuGaO2 photovoltaic applications.  相似文献   

The removal process of the La2O3/HfO2 dielectric and of the residues after metal gate etch are discussed. The challenges are presented and related to the specific physico-chemical properties of La-containing compounds. Solutions based on optimization of plasma etch, strip and wet clean are demonstrated for both an integrated and delayed etch-clean process. Both processes meet the stringent requirements of complete removal of the high-κ layers and metal-containing sidewall residues without inducing silicon recess or undercut.  相似文献   

Features of the formation of Au/Ni/〈C〉/n-Ga2O3 hybrid nanostructures on a Van der Waals surface (0001) of “layered semiconductor-ferroelectric” composite nanostructures (p-GaSe〈KNO3〉) are studied using atomic-force microscopy. The room-temperature current-voltage characteristics and the dependence of the impedance spectrum of hybrid structures on a bias voltage are studied. The current-voltage characteristic includes a resonance peak and a portion with negative differential resistance. The current attains a maximum at a certain bias voltage, when electric polarization switching in nanoscale three-dimensional inclusions in the layered GaSe matrix occurs. In the high-frequency region (f > 106 Hz), inductive-type impedance (a large negative capacitance of structures, ∼106 F/mm2) is detected. This effect is due to spinpolarized electron transport in a series of interconnected semiconductor composite nanostructures with multiple p-GaSe〈KNO3〉 quantum wells and a forward-biased “ferromagnetic metal-semiconductor” polarizer (Au/Ni/〈C〉/n +-Ga2O3/n-Ga2O3). A shift of the maximum (current hysteresis) is detected in the current-voltage characteristics for various directions of the variations in bias voltage.  相似文献   

Tin is stabilized in the bivalent and tetravalent states in the structure of (As2Se3)1 − z (SnSe2) zx (Tl2Se) x and (As2Se3)1 − z (SnSe) zx (Tl2Se) x glasses. The presence of bivalent tin in the structural network of a glass does not give rise to extrinsic conductivity. Dependences of density, microhardness, and the glass-transition temperature on the composition of the glasses are interpreted using a model according to which the structure of the glasses is composed of structural units that correspond to As2Se3, AsSe, TlAsSe2, Tl2Se, SnSe, and SnSe2 compounds. Original Russian Text ? G.A. Bordovsky, A.V. Marchenko, E I. Terukov, P.P. Seregin, T.V. Likhodeeva, 2008, published in Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 2008, Vol. 42, No. 11, pp. 1353–1356.  相似文献   

The experimental results of synthesizing thin films (<1 μm thick) of (SnO2) x (In2O3)1 − x (x = 0.5–1 wt) nanocomposites fabricated by high-frequency magnetron sputtering of metal-oxide targets in a controlled Ar + O2 atmosphere are presented. The films, deposited on hot substrates (400°C), are studied by the X-ray diffraction analysis, atomic-force microscopy, and optical and electrical methods. The effect of the synthesis conditions and film composition on the size of crystalline grains, band gap, and the concentration and mobility of free charge carriers was determined. It is shown that films of the composition (SnO2) x (In2O3)1 − x with x = 0.9 are the most promising for applications in gas sensorics.  相似文献   

Monolayer group VI transition metal dichalcogenides(TMDs) have recently emerged as promising candidates for photonic and opto-valleytronic applications. The optoelectronic properties of these atomically-thin semiconducting crystals are strongly governed by the tightly bound electron-hole pairs such as excitons and trions(charged excitons). The anomalous spin and valley configurations at the conduction band edges in monolayer WS2 give rise to even more fascinating valley many-body comp...  相似文献   

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