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随着时代的发展,经济的增长,社会的进步,我国的综合国力逐渐提高,科学技术不断的改良、创新、进步,而这些改变随之而来的是我国的工业发展越来越迅速,以往的封建的旧的思想以及旧的技术、产品已近满足不了这个时代的需求,人们的生活水平不断提高,对于新兴的产品以及技术的需求越来越高,超声振动辅助钻削钛合金技术的发展就是其中之一。  相似文献   

随着科技的进步,人们的出行方式产生了巨大的变化,汽车的普及在给人们的出行提供前所未有的便捷的同时,其产生的污染也是十分严重的,汽车发动机所造成的污染问题不仅减低了环境质量,同时对人们的身体健康也造成了威胁。基于此,本文针对机动车中的微型汽车进行相应的发动机尾气污染排放的研究,指出污染物的危害,并针对性的提出相应的治理措施。  相似文献   

在经济日益发展的今天,环境问题越来越严重,其中最主要的问题是气候的变化和空气的污染。而空气的污染,最重要的原因是煤炭等资源的燃烧。由于对资源的过度开发使得能源日益的紧张。在资源紧张的大背景下,科学家们正在考虑开发新的清洁能源,比如水能,风能和太阳能等。在这个形势下,电动汽车利用自身的清洁环保的优势,从而得到很多人的推广和运用。而电动汽车的核心是电池,电力工业与汽车工业,之间的核心纽带是电动汽车的电池部分,电动汽车的电池也是这两者之间所联系的重要桥梁和纽带。用清洁的电能来替代传统的汽车供应的石油化工,能源是现在社会的大发展趋势下所必然的过程。本文将针对于电动汽车电池的发展现状与趋势进行科学合理的分析,并对电动汽车电池的未来发展状况给予比较科学的推测。  相似文献   

制造业是国家发展的重要基础,其决定着工业生产发展的水平,而制造业的加工技术是否足够先进,对制造业的发展以及整个国家经济的发展有直接的影响。航空工业作为高精尖行业,对设备的运行性能有着非常高的要求,为了能够达到机械设备相应的精度,对机械加工提出了较为严格的要求,而为了满足相关航空产品使用的要求,机械产品必须具备非常高的加工精度,但目前我国的部分航空产品的加工可能还达不到实际的要求,从而对航空工业的发展产生较大影响。针对这种情况,本文对航空工业机械加工技术目前的现状以及存在的问题进行了相应的分析,在此基础上有针对性的明确了具体的技术改进方案,对航空工业机械加工的进一步发展有较大的促进作用。  相似文献   

变压器的电磁分析在科学研究和工程应用中一直是一种研究变压器故障的重要方法。目前基于FRA的变压器绕组的建模多数都是单一的电路模型,忽略的磁场方面的重要作用。因此利用大型多物理场耦合软件建立变压器绕组的二维有限元模型,用场路耦合的方法实现了变压器的漏磁场仿真。模拟了绕组的变形故障,采用FRA的方法分析研究绕组径向的变形尺寸以及发生变形的位置对变压器绕组的传递函数的影响,对变压器绕组故障的研究提供一定的理论指导。  相似文献   

黄丽娟  甘筱青 《仪器仪表学报》2006,27(Z3):2510-2511
传统的实物商店只能给出单调的一种店面布局,而在当今的买方市场中,这种单调的一种店面布局难以迎合所有消费者的口味,因此使得商家失去了许多潜在的营销机会.本文拟改进关联规则挖掘理论中的核心算法-著名的Aprior算法,并采用该改进的Aprior算法对商业网站在网络营销中获得的海量的客户访问日志文件分析,构建起互联网上的符合每个消费者的购买偏好的个性化的虚拟商店.这样,就可以实现网络营销中的商家针对单个消费者的一对一的个性化营销,达到商家和消费者双赢的博弈均衡状态(即实现Pareto最优).个性化的虚拟商店的设计代表着国际商业巨头竞相追逐的网上营销的核心竞争技术和难点技术,因此本文的研究仅仅只是一种尝试和创新.  相似文献   

当前PLC技术在现代化的机械电气控制装置的操作和使用过程之中有着相当重要且广泛的使用.同时PLC技术的发展对于提升我国当前的机械电气装置的操作技术水准也有着重大的意义。故应当加强对PLC技术的重视和深刻的研究,同时加强对技术核心层面的分析,以更好的实现工作项目的向前发展。文章将针对这一方面的内容展开论述,详细的分析了PLC技术在实践之中的操作应用基本状况,同时对技术操作的难点以及技术应用过程之中应当重点掌控的问题等进行了系统性的分析,旨在以此为基础不断的实现机械控制技术的向前稳定发展。  相似文献   

崔丽丽 《中国机械》2014,(21):244-245
在当前人们普遍关注煤矿井下人员的工作状况的情况下,为了最大的保障下井人员的各方面的安全,针对于井下人员的定位系统研究也取得很大的进展。本文主要介绍一种基于RFID的技术的前提下的井下人员的定位系统,这个系统采用无线技术进行数据收集,有线的方式来传递数据,在每名人员的身上配备一台身份码的发送器,继而通过无线信号来把人员的编号可以发送出去,在井下的规定距离地方设置监测站点,站点再把信号传回地面,这一整套的过程进行详细的讲解。  相似文献   

杨鹏 《中国机械》2014,(2):162-163
随着社会的发展,经济的进步,工作生产也取得了大发展。在时代日新月异的发展过程中,起重机械的出现,解决的过去所不能解决的工业上的难题,实现了在过去无法实现的较大物品的移动或搬运的工作,切实的提高了工业生产中的工作效率,减少了人力的投入。起重机械在工业生产中发挥着越来越大的作用,对起重机的安全问题也越来越重视,但由于起重机械的构造比较复杂,因此必须注意起重机的安装检测,本文就是要探析起重机安装检测中常见的问题。  相似文献   

ERP不是技术的问题,而是解决企业的管理问题。而管理的问题与企业的高层领导、各部门的中层领导息息相关。因此,合理的选型小组应该是由公司的高层领导挂帅(副总以上),各主要业务部门领导参加,IT部门牵头。高层领导把握的是该管理软件的管理思想和自身企业的匹配程度、该合作伙伴的稳定性等;各业务部门领导把握的是该软件和自身部门需求的适应度;IT部门把握的是该软件的技术和总体的架构合理性,以及未来发展的可扩展性、前瞻性等。  相似文献   

In this work, we studied the embryology of mice of 12, 14, and 18 days of gestation by gross observation, light microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. Grossly, the embryos of 12 days were observed in C‐shaped region of the brain, eye pigmentation of the retina, first, second, and third pharyngeal arches gill pit nasal region on the fourth ventricle brain, cervical curvature, heart, liver, limb bud thoracic, spinal cord, tail, umbilical cord, and place of the mesonephric ridge. Microscopically, the liver, cardiovascular system and spinal cord were observed. In the embryo of 14 days, we observed structures that make up the liver and heart. At 18 days of gestation fetuses, it was noted the presence of eyes, mouth, and nose in the cephalic region, chest and pelvic region with the presence of well‐developed limbs, umbilical cord, and placenta. Scanning electron microscopy in 18 days of gestation fetuses evidenced head, eyes closed eyelids, nose, vibrissae, forelimb, heart, lung, kidney, liver, small bowel, diaphragm, and part of the spine. The results obtained in this work describe the internal and external morphology of mice, provided by an integration of techniques and review of the morphological knowledge of the embryonic development of this species, as this animal is of great importance to scientific studies. Microsc. Res. Tech. 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Clouds are crucial regulators of both weather and climate. Properties such as the amount,type,height,distribution and movement of them have an impact on the earth's radiation budget and the hydrological cycle,thus cloud observation is very important. The disadvantages of zenith pointing measuring instruments and whole sky visible imagers limit the application of them.A summary of the actuality and application of ground-based whole sky infrared cloud measuring instruments and analyses of the techniques of radiometric calibrations,removal of atmospheric emission and calculation of cloud cover,amount,type are conducted to promote the automatically observation of the whole sky. Fully considering whole sky infrared cloud sounding theories,techniques and applications,there are still a lot of studies on improving the properties of instruments,enhancing the techniques of cloud base height measurements and establishing instrumental cloud classification criterion before actual operations.  相似文献   

The orientator is a new technique for the estimation of length and surface density and other stereological parameters using isotropic sections. It is an unbiased, design-based approach to the quantitative study of anisotropic structures such as muscle, myocardium, bone and cartilage. A simple method for the practical generation of such isotropic planes in biological specimens is described. No special technical equipment is necessary. Knowledge of an axis of anisotropy can be exploited to optimize the efficiency. To randomize directions in space, points are selected with uniform probability in a square using various combinations of simple random, stratified random, and systematic random sampling. The point patterns thus produced are mapped onto the surface of a hemisphere. The mapped points define directions of sectional planes in space. The mapping algorithm ensures that these planes arc isotropic, hence unbiased estimates of surface and length density can be obtained via the classical stereological formulae. Various implementations of the orientator are outlined: the prototype version, the orientator-gencrated ortrip, two systematic versions, and the smooth version. Orientator sections can be generated without difficulty in large specimens; we investigated human skeletal muscle, myocardium, placenta, and gut tissue. Slight practical modifications extend the applicability of the method to smaller organs like rat hearts. At the ultrastructural level, a correction procedure for the loss of anisotropic mitochondrial membranes due to oblique orientation relative to the electron beam is suggested. Other potential applications of the orientator in anisotropic structures include the estimation of individual particle surface area with isotropic nucleators, the determination of the connectivity of branching networks with isotropic disectors, and generation of isotropic sections for second-order stereology (three-dimensional pattern analysis).  相似文献   

The Eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases and their cell-presented ligands, the ephrins, are frequently overexpressed in a wide variety of cancers, including breast, small-cell lung and gastrointestinal cancers, melanomas, and neuroblastomas. In particular, one Eph family member, EphA2, is overexpressed in many cancers, including 40% of breast cancers. EphA2 can also transform breast epithelial cells in vitro to display properties commonly associated with the development of metastasis. Remarkably, the oncogenic properties of EphA2 contravene traditional dogma with regard to the oncogenic properties of a growth factor and its receptor tyrosine kinase: while stimulation of EphA2 by its ligand (ephrin-A1) results in EphA2 autophosphorylation, the stimulation reverses the oncogenic transformation. As will be discussed in this review, the apparent dependence of oncogenicity on the dephosphorylated state of EphA2 most probably reflects the unique nature of Eph signaling. In particular, oncogenecity may depend on the capacity of unactivated EphA2 to interact with a variety of signaling molecules. As well as acting in oncogenic transformation, a growing body of evidence supports the importance of the concerted actions of ephrins and Eph molecules in tumor angiogenesis. Genetic studies, using targeted mutagenesis in mice, reveal that ephrin-B1, ephrin-B2, and EphB4 are essential for the normal morphogenesis of the embryonic vasculature into a sophisticated network of arteries, veins, and capillaries. Initial studies indicate that these molecules are also angiogenic in tumors, and as such represent important new targets for the development of chemotherapeutic treatments.  相似文献   

We propose a CAD tool, XPN-FMS, which is primarily based on a unique Petri net (PN) synthesis method, called the knitting technique, developed by the authors. Petri net theory has been applied to specification, validation, performance analysis, control code generation, and simulation for manufacturing systems. The analysis of flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) based on PNs suffers from the complexity problem of reachability analysis (Peterson, 1981). CAD tools are urgently needed. There is no existing CAD tool for FMSs as comprehensive as XPN-FMS, in the sense that the latter integrates the functions of drawing, analysis, reduction (Chao and Wang, 1992; Murata and Koh, 1980), synthesis, property queries, and animation of FMS operations in one software package. Using the X window graphical interface and animation, XPN-FMS makes the modeling and analysis of an FMS visualizable and easy to understand and manipulate. It lets a user draw the factory layout of an FMS on the screen of a monitor using the supplied tools. A corresponding PN model can also be drawn on the monitor screen. XPN-FMS can animate and simulate the overall operating process of the FMS. It is useful for FMS specification, validation, and exploration of different design alternatives, status monitoring, and control. Using XPN-FMS with various inputs and comparing the resulting outputs, the user can determine how to improve efficiency, reduce cost, and pinpoint bottlenecks. For the PN models of FMSs that are decision free, we extend the theory and algorithm of a unique matrix-based method (Chao and Wang, 1993b) to search for subcritical loops (including types A and B) and to support scheduling and dealing with transition periods. XPN-FMS implements this extended method to find the minimum cycle time, critical loop, subcritical loops, next critical loop, and scheduling ranges to avoid the transient period for static scheduling. This is implemented in XPN-FMS for the input sequence control.This project is partially funded by NJIT's Separately Budgeted Research Program. Portions of this article were presented in Chao, Chen, Wang, and Zhou (1992),Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Chicago, Illinois, October 1992. The former name of the first author, which has appeared in some of his earlier publications, was Yuh Yaw.  相似文献   

A number of transesterified and alkarylated derivatives have been synthesised from available vegetable oils of Indian origin. The viscosity, viscosity index, freezing points, load-carrying characteristics, friction coefficient, and thermo-oxidative stability of these derivatives as compared to highly refined hydrorefined hydrocarbon oils have been studied. It has been found that several esters of fatty acids of these vegetable oils have a high natural viscosity index, low pour points, and high thermooxidative stability, and can meet the requirements as base fluid components for energy-efficient, eco-friendly, long-drain interval, multigrade oils. These oils have markedly lower viscosities at 40°C, higher load-carrying characteristics, and lower friction coefficients than the base fluids of currently marketed multigrade oils. A 50% blend with hydrorefined hydrocarbon oils could prove highly viable. The above results clearly establish the potential for utilising these esters, either alone, or in combination with mineral oils, for formulating cost-effective high-performance, energy-efficient, and environmentally friendly lubricants. Performance characteristics of these oils as engine oils, automotive gear oils, and 2 stroke oil with conventional additives and with alternative additives are under investigation in comparison to the most advanced hydrocarbon based multigrade oil formulations of long-drain interval.  相似文献   

In order to diminish the effect of the ambient light and CCD pixel non-uniformity to the Precipitation Micro-physical Characteristics Sensor,a modified calibration scheme was designed and calibration experiments in sunny,cloudy,night,different location of sample space were carried out. Firstly,the characteristics of particle images which affected by ambient light and different location of sample space were analyzed. Secondly,the relevance betw een particle image features and parameters of image processing were discussed. Finally,the parameter setting scheme were determined,the radium of median filtering algorithm is 3 pixels,the defocusing radius of point spread function( PSF) is 7 pixels,the radium of erosion is 3 pixels,and the binary threshold is obtained from the Area-thresh relationship. The results show that the new scheme could deal with the image calibration well,the average errors of equivolumetric diameter was 0. 041 mm with standard deviation of 0. 115 mm,and the average errors of the axis ratio was 0. 011 with standard deviation of 0. 085. The new scheme works well in the field observation too,the observed axis ratio is consistent with the empirical relationship that proposed by Beard. The relative error of accumulation precipitation is-3. 06% after calibration,w hich is improved 1. 94% low er than the initial one without calibration.  相似文献   

Although the occurrence of microbial (algal, protozoan, bacterial, and fungal) epibionts on marine crustaceans and other invertebrates has been documented repeatedly, the ecological context and significance of these relationships generally are not well understood. Recently, several studies have examined the population and community ecology of algal and protozoan epibionts on freshwater crustaceans. Even so, the study of microbial epibionts in aquatic environments is still in its infancy. In this review, we summarize associations of microalgae, protozoans, and bacteria with marine crustaceans, especially copepods. We note differences and commonalities across epibiont taxa, consider host-epibiont cycling of nutrients, generate hypotheses relevant to the ecology of the host and the epibiont, and suggest future research opportunities. Microsc. Res. Tech. 37:116–135, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Xiuchun ZHANG 《Biocell》2019,43(4):313-319
To investigate the effects of polydatin on the proliferation, migration, and invasion of ovarian cancer, the change of proliferative ability, migration ability, and invasive ability of human ovarian cancer cell OVCAR-3, A2780, and HO-8910 was detected by using polydatin and up-regulating PI3K. The anticancer activity and mechanism of polydatin in ovarian cancer were analyzed. Polydatin could effectively inhibit the proliferation, migration, and invasion of OVCAR-3, A2780, and HO-8910, and inhibit the expression of PI3K protein. After the expression level of PI3K protein was up-regulated, the inhibitory effect of polydatin on the proliferative ability, migration ability, and invasive ability of OVCAR-3, A2780, and HO-8910 significantly decreased, suggesting that PI3K was the target of polydatin. Therefore, we concluded that polydatin could inhibit the proliferation, migration, and invasion of ovarian cancer cells by inhibiting the expression of PI3K protein, which provides an experimental basis for polydatin in the treatment of ovarian cancer.  相似文献   

In this case study we present an application of different analytical electron microscopic methods in biology, to elucidate their usefulness in such investigations. Using analytical electron microscopy, spherites in the digestive gland cells of the helicid snail Chilostoma lefeburiana were examined at three stages: just before the non-feeding period of over-wintering in November, in the middle of over-wintering in February and at its end in March. A detailed characterization of changes in the elemental composition of the spherites was characterized by a combination of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDXS), electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) and energy filtering TEM (EFTEM). During over-wintering, the spherites passed the following changes. Before over-wintering in November, they consisted of striking concentric layers of electron-dense and electron-lucent zones, while in February and March they showed clear empty zones between materials of different electron density. In November spherites, C, O, Ca, P, Cl, Fe, Si, Na, K, Mg and S were detected, whereas in February ones C, O, N, Cl, Si and S were found and only C, O, N, Si and Cl were detected in March spherites. It is suggested that the elements missing in February and March were used in different physiological processes during over-wintering, like (1) the maintenance of the appropriate elemental composition of the internal environment, (2) accumulation of non-toxic waste materials that cannot be metabolized and (3) avoiding potential intoxication by contamination with toxic metals.  相似文献   

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