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This paper proposes a metalanguage for representing communication among participants in a session of a group decision support system (GDSS). Such a vehicle can be used for setting standards and designing specific user interfaces with GDSS.Three different roles of participants are identified: chairperson, chauffeur and regular participant. The tasks and activities of each role are analyzed. Based on the analysis, communications requirements are derived. The requirements lead to a design of a metalanguage consisting of 15 different commands. The paper concludes by displaying the structure and syntax of each command.The work described here is conceptual and could be considered as a proposal for GDSS language design.  相似文献   

The task of medical diagnosis is a complex one, considering the level vagueness and uncertainty management, especially when the disease has multiple symptoms. A number of researchers have utilized the fuzzy-analytic hierarchy process (fuzzy-AHP) methodology in handling imprecise data in medical diagnosis and therapy. The fuzzy logic is able to handle vagueness and unstructuredness in decision making, while the AHP has the ability to carry out pairwise comparison of decision elements in order to determine their importance in the decision process. This study attempts to do a case comparison of the fuzzy and AHP methods in the development of medical diagnosis system, which involves basic symptoms elicitation and analysis. The results of the study indicate a non-statistically significant relative superiority of the fuzzy technology over the AHP technology. Data collected from 30 malaria patients were used to diagnose using AHP and fuzzy logic independent of one another. The results were compared and found to covary strongly. It was also discovered from the results of fuzzy logic diagnosis covary a little bit more strongly to the conventional diagnosis results than that of AHP.  相似文献   

The organization of parallel inference in dynamic decision support systems (DDSS) of a semiotic type, oriented towards a solving of ill-formed problems in dynamic applied domains, is considered. As a knowledge representation model, there are used production rules reflecting expert knowledge about a problem domain, an environment and decision making processes. The main concepts and assertions defining possibility and impossibility of parallel executing the production rules are given. Several types of parallelism in an inference process are introduced. The corresponding algorithm of parallel inference is described. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to develop and to research parallel inference methods and procedures that provide efficient processing a large amount of production rules for DDSS of a semiotic type.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper contributes toward the design of intelligent group decision support systems (GDSS). It suggests a GDSS architecture that would enable a group of managers to discuss, learn from each other and possibly develop consensus about decisions or their causes. It shows how an object-oriented approach can be used in producing interactive software to support managerial debate about problem solving. The method uses comprehensive situation mapping causal mapping to represent each manager's perceptions of the relationships between key variables of a firm's strategic situation. The paper presents a prototype implementation and, based on experiences from it, discusses issues concerning future development and use.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the idea of an environment theory to guide and stimulate research in the DSS field. The proposed line of work builds on and synthesizes findings from a fairly diverse body of related work. Here, we identify fundamental propositions that can serve as a guiding framework for further development of the environment theory.  相似文献   

MATLAB在基于Web的决策支持系统中的应用研究*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了MATLAB的应用程序接口原理,对B/S模式的两种应用程序接口方式进行了比较和分析。对于现有文献尚未涉及的COM组件接口方式,结合一个区域经济决策支持系统实例给出了具体的应用流程。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a simulation-based decision support system for solving the multi-echelon constrained inventory problem. The goal is to determine the optimal setting of stocking levels to minimize the total inventory investment costs while satisfying the expected response time targets for each field depot. We derive new decision support algorithms to be applied in different scenarios, including small-sample and large-sample cases. The first case requires that the set of alternative solutions is known at the beginning of the experiment, and the number of evaluated solutions may depend on the simulation budget (i.e., the time available to solve the problem). In the second case, the alternative solutions are generated sequentially during the searching process, and we may terminate the algorithm when the specified sampling budget is exhausted. Empirical studies are conducted to compare the performance of the proposed algorithms with other conventional optimization approaches.  相似文献   

In this study, a mathematical model is suggested concerning the location of VHF/UHF frequency radio jammer systems to the terrain parts to conduct single frequency or sequential frequency jamming, and then a decision support system (DSS), based on the suggested model, is formed. Location problem is modelled by the maximum covering location problem and LINGO-8 package program is used to solve the model. Interaction with the user is provided via the MS-Excel program in the DSS. In the application part of the study, a scenario was set up and the model was run for the two cases, weighted and equally weighted situations of the targets. With the same scenario, backup positions for the jammer systems were tried to be determined and solutions for the scenario were evaluated.
Emel Kizilkaya AydoganEmail:

在探讨项目绩效与过程改进关系基础上,分析了传统的模型驱动的软件过程改进模型的不足,论述了项目绩效驱动的过程改进的理论框架。为实现该框架,建立了面向项目绩效的过程改进决策支持系统逻辑模型,并提出了持续绩效评价及过程改进的软件项目开发策略。  相似文献   

To achieve sustainability in the area of transport we need to view the decision-making process as a whole and consider all the most important socio-economic and environmental aspects involved. Improvements in transport infrastructures have a positive impact on regional development and significant repercussions on the economy, as well as affecting a large number of ecological processes.This article presents a DSS to assess the territorial effects of new linear transport infrastructures based on the use of GIS. The TITIM – Transport Infrastructure Territorial Impact Measurement – GIS tool allows these effects to be calculated by evaluating the improvement in accessibility, loss of landscape connectivity, and the impact on other local territorial variables such as landscape quality, biodiversity and land-use quality. The TITIM GIS tool assesses these variables automatically, simply by entering the required inputs, and thus avoiding the manual reiteration and execution of these multiple processes. TITIM allows researchers to use their own GIS databases as inputs, in contrast with other tools that use official or predefined maps.The TITIM GIS-tool is tested by application to six HSR projects in the Spanish Strategic Transport and Infrastructure Plan 2005–2020 (PEIT). The tool creates all 65 possible combinations of these projects, which will be the real test scenarios. For each one, the tool calculates the accessibility improvement, the landscape connectivity loss, and the impact on the landscape, biodiversity and land-use quality. The results reveal which of the HSR projects causes the greatest benefit to the transport system, any potential synergies that exist, and help define a priority for implementing the infrastructures in the plan.  相似文献   

智慧城市是一个复杂的巨系统,在智慧城市管理中存在着很多的公共决策问题。针对决策过程中要解决的两大困难,一是要在城市海量信息中快速获取与决策问题相关的有价值信息,二是要降低实现群决策的时间和经济成本。提出了决策支持综合集成研讨厅的逻辑结构和基于电子决策剧场解决城市公共决策问题的方法;设计了基于电子决策剧场的城市管理决策支持系统体系架构,并给出了具体的应用流程。关键词:  相似文献   

Here, we argue that decision support systems (DSSs) research is a core area of the information systems (IS) discipline, being one of six major expansions that have occurred in the IS field. Interestingly, DSS research is often blended with some other expansions experienced by the IS field: namely, organizational computing, electronic commerce/business, and pervasive computing. The DSS core of IS research continues to grow along ever-widening horizons. Diverse exemplars of such DSS advances are found in the papers of this special issue.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a system which deteriorates stochastically from one time unit to another. The state of the system, which is a continuous random variable, can be observed only by inspection. The goal of this paper is to derive a predictive maintenance policy which indicates, at each inspection and according to the observed value, whether a preventive maintenance is necessary and when the next inspection should be done. The objective is to minimize the long-run average cost incurred by inspections, preventive maintenance and unexpected breakdowns. The problem is modelled by a semi-Markov decision process. Analytical properties are derived, and based on these properties, numerical methods are constructed to compute an optimal policy.  相似文献   

The role of decision support systems in an indeterminate world   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Decision making involves processing or applying information and knowledge, and the appropriate information/knowledge mix depends on the characteristics of the decision making context. Information (or its absence) is central to decision making situations involving uncertainty and complexity, while knowledge (or its absence) is associated with problems of ambiguity and equivocality. This paper proposes that computer-based decision support technologies are appropriate to supporting decision making under conditions of uncertainty and complexity, while human-centric approaches may be more appropriate under conditions of ambiguity or equivocality. Both approaches, however, must be tightly integrated for organizational learning to occur. The framework is illustrated with a case study of the implementation of a decision support system used for price quoting in a leasing company.  相似文献   

GIS技术在城市建设决策支持系统中的应用初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了以地理信息系统(Goeographical Information System,GIS)为基础的城市建设决策支持系统及总体设计框架,它是具有信息分析与存贮,信息评价与预见到信息决策与生理的面向对象、空间和用户的决策系统,它提供了快速、多后次、高质量的信息服务和辅助决策。  相似文献   

The integration of Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) in nowadays clinical environments has not been fully achieved yet. Although numerous approaches and technologies have been proposed since 1960, there are still open gaps that need to be bridged. In this work we present advances from the established state of the art, overcoming some of the most notorious reported difficulties in: (i) automating CDSS, (ii) clinical workflow integration, (iii) maintainability and extensibility of the system, (iv) timely advice, (v) evaluation of the costs and effects of clinical decision support, and (vi) the need of architectures that allow the sharing and reusing of CDSS modules and services. In order to do so, we introduce a new clinical task model oriented to clinical workflow integration, which follows a federated approach. Our work makes use of the reported benefits of semantics in order to fully take advantage of the knowledge present in every stage of clinical tasks and the experience acquired by physicians. In order to introduce a feasible extension of classical CDSS, we present a generic architecture that permits a semantic enhancement, namely Semantic CDSS (S-CDSS). A case study of the proposed architecture in the domain of breast cancer is also presented, pointing some highlights of our methodology.  相似文献   

建立了舰船综合决策支持系统框架,该框架在传统的模型驱动体系结构基础上,针对决策目标,从建模优化和算法独立的角度对模型利用方法进行细分,并通过解析库的建立引入了统计分析方法,强化了数据挖掘在非结构性问题决策中的作用.将该框架应用于舰船电力系统故障后重构问题的决策以验证其有效性.算例测试结果表明,该框架下建立的决策系统能够综合多种效用函数和状态参数,有效优化了解空间,得出的电力故障恢复方案更加符合实际需求.  相似文献   

Considerable research has been conducted over the last decade on the effects of using Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) in group decision making. Studies have examined the influence of GDSS on such variables as group task, size, quality of decision, and satisfaction with the process. However, only a few studies have focused on the use of GDSS and its interaction with group composition. This study compared the effects of group decision making, both with and without GDSS technology, on culturally diverse and homogeneous groups. Group performance was measured by the number of non-redundant, realistic ideas and the quality of solution produced in response to posed problems. The GDSS used in the study was Vision Quest. Groups using it, regardless of cultural make up, developed a significantly higher number of non-redundant, realistic ideas than groups that did not. Furthermore, among groups using the GDSS, culturally diverse groups produced a significantly higher number of non-redundant, realistic ideas than homogeneous groups that used the GDSS. Implications for diversity management and group support research are suggested.  相似文献   

While considerable enthusiasm for DSS exists in many quarters, there are still a number of fundamental issues which have not been seriously addressed. Of particular concern, is how DSS is likely to affect organizations. This philosophically motivated paper analyzes the underlying assumptions of DSS and develops an approach for consequence determination. Moreover, the paper uses this approach to assess how DSS might affect various organizational elements.  相似文献   

为了更有效地促进情报主导警务模式的推进,对刑事案件决策支持系统进行了研究与设计.首先分析了公安刑事案件决策支持系统的总体需求,并基于数据仓库技术设计了层次化的系统体系结构;然后提出了刑事案件数据仓库模型,并基于本体-规则、元数据-功能提出了多源、异构数据的抽取、转换与加载的整合方法,设计了系统的功能体系;最后介绍了相关成果在大连市公安局的应用示例.实践结果表明,基于数据仓库的刑事案件决策支持系统可以为领导和一线干警提供有效的决策支持.  相似文献   

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