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特殊钢是钢铁材料的主要组成部分,在世界上没有一个统一的含义.各个国家都有自己的解释,我国沿用前苏联的概念。与日本相近似,与美国有差异。相对普钢而言.特殊钢一般指有特殊化学成份、特殊组织性能、满足特殊需要的钢种。它广泛应用于航天航空、军工、石化、电力、机械制造、汽车、轻工食品、医疗卫生等覆盖国民经济各部门。主要为合金钢,其中包括:优质碳结、碳工、合结、合工(模具)、不锈(耐热、耐酸)、高工、轴承、弹簧等(简称八大类)。  相似文献   

正时乐液压技术(北京)有限公司是瑞典正时乐公司在华的子公司,是扩口式无焊接管路连接的专业生产及安装企业,并已通过船级社IS09001:2000质量体系认证。公司采用的37。扩口式无焊接管路连接技术,已获得国家实用新型专利(专利号:ZL200520008445.0)。可广泛应用于船舶、轧钢、工程机械、化工、汽车、制糖、造纸、水泥、海上石油等设备的液压管路系统。尤其适用于清洁度要求较高的高压管路系统。公司的产品能够满足各种国际通用标准,如DIN、ASTM、JIS、BS、ISO等。公司拥有一批高素质的人才和先进的管路制造、安装、冲洗设备。可承接整套管路工程,包括管路设计、制造、安装、冲洗、试压等,并能在短时间内为客户提供优秀的管路方案。  相似文献   

赞比亚铜工业现状Copper industry in Zambia非洲是世界上资源十分丰富的大陆,素有"世界资源宝库"之称。世界上最主要的50多种矿产,非洲有17种储量居各洲第一。铬、锰、钴、钻石、黄金、铂、磷酸盐、铝土矿、铀、铜为非洲的优势矿产资源。此外,非洲的锑、铅、石棉、锂、钽、铍、铌的产量也名列世界前矛。  相似文献   

2012年10月27—29日,《炼钢》杂志第8届编委会第4次会议在云南腾冲召开。出席会议的有编委会和主办单位的领导、编委、特邀审稿专家教授、编辑部工作人员共28人。编委和特邀审稿专家教授分别来自中国金属学会、钢铁研究总院、宝钢、首钢、首钢京唐联合公司、太钢、河北钢铁邯钢、重钢、三(明)钢、武钢、北京科技大学、东北大学、重庆大学、武汉科技大学、中冶京城工程技术公司等单位。一些编委因临时有事请假未能与会。  相似文献   

[本刊讯]9月25日,由钢铁企业总工程师协会主办、本钢承办的中国钢铁企业总工程师协会第八次会议在本钢金山宾馆召开。来自中钢集团和本钢、首钢、武钢、马钢、太钢、唐钢、包钢、攀钢、邯钢、沙钢、济钢、莱钢、南钢、安钢、宣钢、北京冶金规划院17家钢铁企业的总工程师、副总工程师,以及相关职能部门负责人和本钢部分厂矿领导参加会议。集团公司副总经理、总工程师许家彦主持会议。本次会议的主题是发挥科技优势,应对金融危机。  相似文献   

刘侠 《冶金管理》2008,(11):27-30
模具是工业生产的基础工艺装备,是衡量一个国家产品制造水平高低的重要标志。75%的粗加工工业产品零件、50%的精加工零件由模具成型。绝大部分塑料制品也由模具成型。作为国民经济的基础工艺装备,模具涉及机械、汽车、轻工、电子、化工、冶金、建材等各个行业。应用范围十分广泛。  相似文献   

中国锰业信息情报网会刊《锰业信息快讯》于1986年创刊。该刊优点:可信、实用、新颖、系统,深受国内外读者的喜爱。《锰业信息快讯》为商情刊物,预测市场风云、报道价格行情、分析商贸动态、发布统计资料、介绍企业名录、传达政策法规、提供供求信息;定期召开学术会议等。杂志立足湖南,面向全国,辐射全球。设有锰业信息、电解锰之窗、铁合金动态、商贸传真、热门话题、部委消息、政策与法规、会议消息、价格行情、供求热线等栏目。  相似文献   

<正>为全面展示装备制造业风貌,通过摄影和摄像等视觉形式展现我国装备制造业整体形象,以达到宣传装备制造企业整体形象、全面展示产品与技术特色,普及装备制造基础知识目的。一、摄影与摄像作品的主题和内容(设备、配件、生产线等的照片、使用说明、维护保养教程等)一)单体设备:指一个单体设备、配件。二)单体配套:指一个单体设备配套在生产线上某位置。三)装备制造业生产企业的整体形象:企业整体风貌。如钢铁企业整体、整生产线等。四)装备制造的设计:设计的过程,成果。五)生产:关键生产过程。六)装配、调试、应用、升级改造、维护保养等过程和环节。以短片为主。七)人物:装备制造业在整个设计、主产和应用中的人物。八)特殊意义的生产线、设备、部件。如第一台装备、使用时间超过多少年保持良好的、有特殊意义的、改造特别成功的等。  相似文献   

6月13日.由焦作市科技局举办的科技项目发布会在焦作市委、市政府的支持下顺利召开。此次会议邀请了清华大学、北京大学、北京科技大学、北京航空航天大学、北京工商大学、北京理工大学、北京化工大学、北京国杰老教授研究院、中国矿业大学、中国农业大学等十余所院校的34名教授亲临会议现场。发布的科技项目包括重工业、轻工业、有色金属工业、农业等在内的新技术、新产品、新工艺科研成果2000余项,现场签约27项。  相似文献   

《武钢技术》系武汉钢铁(集团)公司主管和主办的冶金类技术刊物,1963年创刊,双月刊,公开发行,国际连续出版物号:ISSN 1008-4371,国内连续出版物号:CN 42-1209/TF。主要刊登武汉钢铁(集团)公司关于焦化、烧结、炼铁、炼钢、轧钢、耐火材料、冶金自动化、节能降耗、环保、运输、企业管理等的先进技术、科研及应用成果。为保证本刊在内容、形式上的高质量与规范化,对来稿提出以下要求,谨此敬告作者。1)来稿主题鲜明、论点明确、内容充实、层次清楚、文字简练、语言通畅、数据准确可靠,具有创新性、学术性、规范性和可读性。每篇字数以不超过6000字为宜(含图、表及参考文献。五号字、单倍行距、A4纸约4页)。  相似文献   

从计算机实验教学的现实情况出发,分析了高校计算机实验教学的现状和存在的问题,探讨了提升计算机实验教学质量的方法和途径,阐明了计算机实验教学在高校教育中如何正确定位的问题.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare the effects of preadmission and postadmission educational programs for patients with total knee arthroplasty. DESIGN: Quasiexperimental study. SAMPLE: 60 total knee arthroplasty patients. METHODS: Subjects in the experimental group received preadmission preoperative teaching with an instruction booklet during a preoperative outpatient clinic visit. Upon admission to the hospital, they were presented with an educational video tape. The control group received only postadmission preoperative teaching with the same instruction booklet and no video. PREADMISSION AND POSTADMISSION: Preoperative anxiety level, knowledge about postoperative care, exercise performance and postoperative recovery were used as outcome measures. FINDINGS: The research results found: 1. there was no significant difference between the two groups in reduction of preoperative anxiety score: 2. the experimental group had a significantly higher knowledge level than the control group; 3. the experimental group performed exercise more regularly and correctly than those in the control group; 4. the experimental group had greater flexion of the operative knee joint than the control group. CONCLUSION: Preadmission teaching with a videotape program and a health manual for patients with total knee arthroplasty is recommended. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING RESEARCH: More indicators such as postoperative pain and patient satisfaction can be used to investigate the effectiveness of intervention. In addition, increasing the sample size is recommended for future studies.  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of resident-prepared, independent learning cases in teaching residents chest radiology. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three 2nd-year residents (one each from the University of Wisconsin, the Oregon Health Sciences University, and the University of Michigan) prepared four chest radiology teaching cases each (total, 12 cases). Radiology residents from each institution were randomly divided into control (n = 30) and experimental (n = 35) groups. Residents from both groups took a pretest of 36 multiple-choice questions covering the material from the 12 teaching cases. Residents in the experimental group reviewed these cases independently, and both groups took the same test (posttest) immediately after the teaching cases had been reviewed and again 3 months later (final test). RESULTS: Test scores were similar across institutions (P > .05) but differed across time and treatment groups (experimental vs control) (P < .0001). Mean differences in test scores between the experimental and control groups at pretest, posttest, and final test were -0.4, +9.0, +4.0, respectively, demonstrating increased performance at posttesting that was still present (though somewhat attenuated) 3 months later at final testing. CONCLUSION: Independent study of resident-prepared chest radiology teaching cases increases the resident's knowledge for as long as 3 months after instruction.  相似文献   

干式充填法采场铺垫隔离材料的选择及应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
使用干式充填采矿法回采作业时,为了把采下矿石与其下面的充填材料隔开,其间需要有一层隔离材料,以减少采矿损失和贫化。此种材料应具备强度高、成本低及可重复使用等特点。由于采场面积较大和不平整,河台金矿采用C7.5号水泥砂浆、按厚度0.15 m的规格构筑隔离层,综合效果良好。  相似文献   

李全  胥福须  林波 《云南冶金》2006,35(3):49-51,56
铝铸轧板坯中凸度作为铸轧板坯板型的一个重要指标,对后续冷轧生产中的板型控制有着较为重要的影响,通过一系列生产试验,研究铸轧辊、产品规格、合金成分及铸轧参数对铸轧板坯中凸度的影响。  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to study the oxidative leaching of lead and silver from a lead-silver concentrate containing galena, sphalerite, pyrite and argentite in nitric acid solutions above the melting point of sulfur (119 °C). The elemental sulfur formed was expected to agglomerate, thereby slowing its oxidation to sulfate and inhibiting the precipitation of lead and silver sulfate.The experimental conditions employed 0.13-0.65 M nitric acid, which is 3 to 15 times the stoichiometric amount needed to form sulfur, at temperatures between 130 and 170 °C. Higher acid concentrations have a favorable effect on silver and lead dissolution at 130 °C with about 90% Ag and 80% Pb extracted into 0.65 M nitric acid within 90 min. However, an increase in temperature caused a decline in the extraction of both metals, due to the greater amount of sulfate produced. Pyrite was found to oxidize directly to akaganeite and sulfate ion and promotes the formation of plumbo- and argento-jarosite. X-ray diffraction analyses of the leach residues show the presence of anglesite (PbSO4), plumbo-jarosite (PbFe6(SO4)4(OH)12), elemental sulfur (S-β) and akaganeite (FeO(OH)). Enhanced silver extraction was obtained when the oxidation was carried out in the presence of citrate ion which was added to complex with lead and silver ions.  相似文献   

介绍了职业安全卫生管理体系的内容、基本思想和作用 ,并就冶金企业建立职业安全卫生管理体系的必要性和可行性进行了分析  相似文献   

The promotion of medical and health knowledge among the population is an integral aspect of the work of all physicians in the U.S.S.R. The coordination of different aspects of teaching on health education within the general training of the future physician is particularly important. A comprehensive interdisciplinary study was conducted by the Central Institute for Scientific Research in Health Education in several medical schools during the last 5 years in order to develop the preparedness of medical students for their future activities in health education. An experimental method on the "involvement of subjects in real-life situations" was used to evaluate the subjects' degree of preparedness. The experiment included 469 6th year medical students from 5 schools in the country. The results revealed that the students possessed a sufficient volume of knowledge in the field of health education, but the majority were unable to apply this knowledge in medical practice since they were not convinced of its necessity. An experimental educational scheme based on the findings of pedagogical and psychological studies aimed at improving teaching methods was worked out. The experimental training program included the development of scientific thinking, drawing up of a specially designed system of exercises for use as a teaching tool in developing the required intellectual skills, and application of programmed learning. The training scheme was experimentally tested with 211 students from the same 5 medical schools; the control group consisted of 235 students. The experimental training considerably improved the preparedness of students for health education activities. Most of the subjects developed the ability to act in various situations of medical practice and to select and apply proper educational treatment. This had not been the case before training. In the control group no significant difference was observed between the results obtained at the diagnostic stage and those of the control tests.  相似文献   

介绍了包钢轨梁厂步进式加热炉砌筑中耐火可塑料从施工准备、模具制作及支设、可塑料捣固、拆模、砖底及孔洞修整到膨胀缝的开设等全过程的一些施工方法及注意的问题,可对今后可塑料的施工起到一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: There is agreement, although little evidence, that consistently positioning stroke patients in allegedly reflex-inhibiting positions is therapeutic and will enhance functional recovery. The nursing staff, therefore, needs to know and implement these postures and understand their potential underlying value. We examined nurses' knowledge of and practice in positioning stroke patients before and after a formal teaching intervention. METHODS: In a quasi-experimental study, 38 stroke patients and 59 nursing staff members (44 trained nurses and 15 healthcare assistants) from 6 wards were studied. The wards were randomly allocated to experimental or control status. Patients were assessed on entry into the study by use of a range of measures to establish group equivalence. Nineteen aspects of their position were documented at intervals throughout their stay with a previously developed observational tool. One thousand sets of observations of patient position were made. Using 2 questionnaires, the nurses' knowledge of the terminology used to denote posture and of issues relating to the moving and positioning of stroke patients was assessed before, immediately after, and 3 months after a package of formal teaching was implemented on the experimental wards. Nurse knowledge and patient position were used as the main outcome measures. RESULTS: Immediately after teaching, nurses in the experimental group scored significantly higher than those in the control group on the terminology questionnaire (P < 0.05) and the moving and positioning questionnaire (P < 0.001). Three months later, the experimental group scored higher on the latter questionnaire only (P < 0.005). The positioning of patients in the experimental group was improved overall after the teaching (P < 0.0005), and improvements to specific parts of the body were noted. CONCLUSIONS: It was possible to effect a degree of change in the nurses' knowledge of and practice in the positioning of stroke patients. However, the quality of patient positioning remained variable. More effective ways of improving positioning need to be developed. Only then can the effects of recommended positioning be evaluated.  相似文献   

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