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Clustering is one of the major techniques for maximizing the network lifetime in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Here, the sensor nodes (SNs) are grouped into clusters and the cluster heads (CHs) are selected for each cluster. CHs gather data from particular cluster nodes and then forward it to Base Station (BS). However, the selection of CHs is the major issue in this scenario. The sensor nodes consume more energy for the data transmission and also affect the lifetime of the network. The clustering technique is used to provide the energy-efficient data transmission that consumes less energy and also increases the network lifetime. This paper aims to propose a new energy-aware CH selection framework by hierarchical routing in WSN via a hybrid optimization algorithm. Moreover, the selection of CH is carried out under the consideration of energy, distance, delay and Quality of Service (QoS) as well. For selecting the optimal CH, a new hybrid algorithm named as Particle Distance Updated Sea Lion Optimization (PDU-SLnO) algorithm is introduced that combines the concept of Sea Lion Optimization (SLnO) and Particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. Finally, the performance of adopted method is computed over other traditional models with respect to certain metrics. 相似文献
Microsystem Technologies - In clarification of wireless sensor network (WSN) clustering process at household and overseas, an energy efficient cluster head formation technique for WSN are set forth... 相似文献
针对现有多路径路由协议AOMDV的不足,提出了适用于无线传感器网络的能量感知多路径路由协议IMEA.IMEA在建立链路不相关的多路径时能优先建立节点不相关的多路径,在主路径失效时能优先选择与主路径共用节点最少的作为次优路径,而能量感知的路径选择策略能均衡网络中节点的能量消耗,实现数据传输路径的低能耗.对IMEA进行了仿真实验,结果表明IMEA有效延长了网络的生存时间. 相似文献
Broadcast is a common communication means in mobile ad hoc network or wireless sensor network. In directed diffusion protocol, broadcast is used to disseminate interest, discover routing path and repair the routing path. However, straightforward broadcast scheme (such as flooding) may result in serious broadcast storm problem, especially with respect to large densely deployed wireless sensor network. This paper compares the performances of several broadcast schemes combining with directed diffusion and proposes an energy-aware broadcast scheme adapting to directed diffusion. This scheme combines the advantages of distance-based and counter-based broadcast schemes and considers the remainder energy of sensor node. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme has the following advantages: (1) simple, efficient and scalable; (2) more energy-balancing than other schemes; (3) longer network lifetime than other schemes. 相似文献
The applications of Wireless Sensor Network is increasing rapidly in almost every domain. So, the limited node’s battery life in the network should be utilized efficiently. Various approaches have been proposed earlier to lessen the usage of energy in the network and to enhance the network lifespan. In this paper we are proposing an approach for efficient cluster head selection namely Energy Dependent Cluster Formation in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network (EDCF) to enhance the lifespan of network. The simulation of the proposed EDCF technique is performed in MATLAB simulator and to measure its performance the comparison is performed with various existing protocols. The proposed EDCF protocol has shown the enhancement in the lifespan of the network as compared to the previous clustering approaches. 相似文献
在无线传感器网络路由协议中利用分簇技术可以提高网络的存活时间。提出了一种基于响应式的簇结构路由算法(RCSA)。该算法的思想是应用节点间局部信息快速选举簇头,簇头之间以多跳的通信方式传输数据到汇聚节点,且不需要预先得知节点自身及其他节点的位置信息,大大节约了节点的能量消耗。仿真结果表明该路由算法有效地平衡了节点间的能量消耗,延长了网络的生存周期。 相似文献
针对无线传感器网络中节点定位精度的问题,提出了一种基于距离和Cramer-Rao下界的信标优化选择算法。该算法通过分析信标与节点间的距离和位置拓扑关系对定位精度的影响,选择CRLB值最小的信标子集进行位置估计,减少节点定位误差。仿真结果表明,该方法较大地提高了定位精度,降低了计算量,为合理选择信标子集提供了依据。 相似文献
Detection of an environmental phenomenon, e.g. air pollution and oil spills, occurs when a group of sensors continuously produces similar readings (i.e. data streams) over a period of time. Thus, detection of environmental phenomena is basically a process of clustering the sensors' data streams, which commonly involves the processing of hundreds and maybe thousands of data streams in real time. Since the sensor network environment is wireless, energy conservation of the sensors would be the main concern. Thus in this paper, we propose an efficient and energy friendly distributed scheme to detect phenomena in a wireless sensor network (WSN). To achieve fast response, the proposed algorithms reduce the dimensionality of the streams. Then, each stream is represented by a point in a multi-dimensional grid. The algorithm uses a grid-based clustering technique to detect clusters of similar stream values. The processing of the algorithm is distributed among different elements of the WSN in a hierarchical topology for more energy efficiency. The paper shows the feasibility of the proposed fully distributed scheme by comparing it with three other WSN schemes in terms of clustering accuracy and energy consumption. 相似文献
针对无线传感器网络中分簇算法求全局最值问题和非均匀分簇算法能量消耗不均衡问题,提出一种新的分簇算法。该算法首先采用泛洪树算法来求得网络最值,并用它来计算节点的竞争半径,然后用非均匀分簇的思想来构建大小不等的簇。当选取簇头节点后,通过计算每个簇头的概率来寻找下一跳簇头,当每个簇头节点选择最佳下一跳路径后,簇间通信可以建立一条最佳路径。仿真结果表明,该算法在能量损耗和均衡能耗都有显著的提高,最终延长了网络的生存周期。 相似文献
提出了一种基于簇首节点的可信传感器网络路由协议TRPBCH,对解决条件受到较大限制的无线传感器网络路由感染十分有效.TRPBCH协议包含簇首信任可用机制和簇首轮换选举机制;簇内可信路由机制、信任机制和问题节点搜索与隔离机制.TRPBCH协议有3个核心模块:可信路由模块TRM、问题节点归避模块TNAM和簇首管理模块CMM.通过实验设计实现了TRPBCH协议的3个核心模块,仿真实验表明:TRPBCH协议能有效地隔离问题节点,解决路由感染问题,提高有效发包率. 相似文献
Neural Computing and Applications - Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are operated on battery source, and the sensor nodes are used for collecting the information from the environment and transmitting... 相似文献
当前传感器网络(WSN)的感知簇头节点选举的主要依据是能量、位置等信息,没有考虑节点的可靠性。以信任评价值为可靠性依据,在簇头选举中在能量优先的条件下,考虑信任值的大小,来提高所选取簇头的可靠性。同时,一轮选举生成多个簇头候选节点,依次承担簇头,减少了选举频度,提高了簇头选举的效率。由此提出了能量和信任结合的簇头选举算法(CHTE)。实验表明,该方法在一定程度上选取了信任度高的节点作为簇头,与不考虑信任的选举算法比较,单位时间内在Sink节点上收到更多稳定的数据包,其平均无故障时间(MTBF)也得以提高,由此提高了网络的可靠性。 相似文献
电线故障会引起火灾,对电线温度、电流进行在线监测能预防事故发生。设计了采用自供电无线传感网络的电线安全监测系统,系统由传感节点、中继节点、路由节点、服务器和客户端组成。采用自供电技术解决无线传感网络监测系统中传感节点不能持续供能的问题,对传感节点工作状态进行控制以降低传感节点能耗,传感节点具有体积小、能耗低、不用更换电池等特点。分析自供电条件下,无线传感网络的网络结构,引入中继节点,延伸通信距离。将系统用于电线安全监测,该系统通信可靠、工作时间长、数据实时、人机操作方便,为电线安全的监测提供了技术支持。 相似文献
针对传统煤矿无线传感网络因采用固定路由协议、不能根据网络状况改变路由而无法保证突发事故情况下通信可靠性的问题,基于软件定义网络体系及煤矿无线传感网络簇形拓扑结构特点,通过在煤矿无线传感网络簇内增加网关节点,设计了一种矿用软件定义簇形无线传感网络架构。在该网络架构中,每一个域内的网关节点采集传感节点数据并进行域内或域间通信,控制器管理域内的流量、路由和安全,可根据网络状况改变路由,适用于煤矿安全监测领域。 相似文献
网络编码能提高无线传感器网络数据传输可靠性,针对现有基于网络编码的数据传输策略随机选取编码向量和使用固定路径所带来的缺陷,设计了一个新的编码矩阵构造方法,并提出了一种新型的基于网络编码的可靠数据传输方法。该编码方案能保证任意k个编码向量线性无关,且不用传输编码向量。数据转发使用"区域推进"机制,自动选取最佳转发节点,将数据包可靠地向sin"k推进",并实现了最少冗余传输和网络均衡能耗。分析与仿真表明,新的数据传输策略能消除现有方法的缺陷,提高数据传输可靠性,降低能耗。 相似文献
无线传感器网络已被广泛应用于各种监测应用中,每种应用都有其对应的节点部署方案。像水稻田监测这类室外监测问题,需要考虑天线放置、节点部署密度、路由协议、能量消耗、基站设计和数据传输等关键环节。对于上述问题,针对无线传感器网络在水稻田监测的应用,给出了具体的解决方案,利用太阳能电池板解决传统WSN生命周期受传感器节点能量限制的问题。在一块面积为15m×50m的矩形水稻田中进行实验,实验结果验证了太阳能电池板于无线传感器网络水稻田监测应用中的有效性。 相似文献
Multi-agent systems (MAS) through their intrinsically distributed nature offer a promising software modelling and implementation framework for wireless sensor network (WSN) applications. WSNs are characterised by limited resources from a computational and energy perspective; in addition, the integrity of the WSN coverage area may be compromised over the duration of the network’s operational lifetime, as environmental effects amongst others take their toll. Thus a significant problem arises—how can an agent construct an accurate model of the prevailing situation in order that it can make effective decisions about future courses of action within these constraints? In this paper, one popular agent architecture, the BDI architecture, is examined from this perspective. In particular, the fundamental issue of belief generation within WSN constraints using classical reasoning augmented with a fuzzy component in a hybrid fashion is explored in terms of energy-awareness and utility. 相似文献
In this research, a closed-loop drip irrigation control hybrid wireless sensor and actuator network (HWSAN) prototype were developed and deployed in a crop field for soil property precise measurement and precision irrigation in accordance with the measured soil property. The HWSAN was composed of a wireless sensor and actuator network (WSAN) used for in-field soil property monitoring and irrigation control and a laboratory supervising system. The WSAN included ten sensor nodes, five irrigation control nodes... 相似文献
现有的无线传感器网络路由协议普遍采用设定固定最小能量阈值的方法来避免低剩余能量的节点被选为数据转发节点,以防止因节点过早死亡而导致的网络结构破坏。然而这种方法缺乏应用灵活性。在本研究提出的能量感知增强树型路由协议中,设定了随着网络整体能量下降而动态变化的节点剩余能量阈值,以使得网络中所有节点的能量均衡下降,且采用了同质化加权求和的方法将邻居节点节省的路由跳数和剩余能量同时考虑进路由决策过程。最后,实验结果显示该协议可进一步提高网络稳定性。 相似文献
The Journal of Supercomputing - Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are expected to cover the major portion of the earth’s surface in the coming years. In the era of IoT, the WSN is the major data... 相似文献