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OBJECTIVE: A survey conducted in 1964 reported a goitre prevalence of 40.3% in East and West Champaran districts of Bihar. No recent survey has been documented on the prevalence of iodine deficiency in these districts. The present study was therefore undertaken (i) to assess the prevalence of IDD in these districts, and (ii) to estimate the iodine content of salt consumed by population. METHODOLOGY: In each district, one block was selected. In each block more than 630 children in the age group of 6-12 years were included in the study and were clinically examined. Urine samples were collected from 261 children and were analyzed using standard laboratory procedures. A total of 456 salt samples were collected from children and 35 from traders from the two districts and analyzed using the standard iodometric titration method. RESULTS: The total goiter prevalence was 11.6%. The percentage of children with < 2, 2.0-4.9, 5.0-9.9 and > or = 10 mcg/dl of urinary iodine excretion level were 12.3, 13.4, 23.4 and 51.0, respectively. The median urinary iodine excretion of the children was 10.0 mcg/dl. None of the families were consuming salt with a nil iodine content and about 29.3%, were consuming salt with less than 15 ppm of iodine. Of the 35 salt samples collected from traders, all had iodine and about 17% had less than 15 ppm of iodine. CONCLUSION: The study stresses the need for strengthening the existing system of monitoring of quality of salt being provided in the East and West Champaran districts by Government of Bihar.  相似文献   

Four regional populations of the Kanet (Puh, Kalpa, Sangla, and Nachar) and an endogamous group of Koli from Kinnaur District, Himachal Pradesh, India, were studied to determine the extent of genetic variation of immunoglobulin allotypes (GM, KM, and AM) and the genetic contribution from ancestral populations of Tibet and northwest India. Haplotype GM*A G showed a higher frequency in the Kanet (40-60%)-a frequency that is more comparable to Asian populations-whereas in the Koli a lower frequency was observed, which is nearer the values for populations from northwest India. The IG haplotype data suggest that the Kanet population of Kinnaur District and the northeastern population of Nepal have different European origins than the more central population of India, represented by a sample from Delhi. The present results suggest that the populations of Kinnaur District are of admixed origin with contributions of Tibetan genes of 87.3%, 51.3%, 49.9%, 40.0%, and 9.5% in the Puh, Kalpa, Sangla, and Nachar Kanet and the Koli, respectively. The genetic distance obtained from 19 loci (9 blood groups, 8 biochemical markers, GM, and KM) showed an inverse relationship between the distance of the hybrid population from the parental gene pool. The Puh Kanet, nearest the Tibetan border, had the highest proportion of Tibetan genes but showed the lowest genetic distance with Tibetans. As the geographic distance of the other regional populations of the Kanet increases from the border of Tibet, genetic distance compared with the parental Tibetan population increases and the proportion of Tibetan admixture decreases. In the Kinnaur District admixture seems to contribute largely to the present-day observed high level of genetic differentiation.  相似文献   

Following a short historical review the authors summarize the latest results regarding domestic iodine supply. Iodine content in drinking waters, samples of mother's milk, urine and goiter screening data from all regions of Hungary unanimously verify that significant part of the population is deficient in iodine, yet supplementation of iodine is still even today an unsolved problem in our country. In the search for the reasons the authors review the theoretical possibilities of iodine supplementation by discussing advantages and disadvantages of the individual models. They establish that alimentary iodine supplementation in itself is not suitable due to both theoretical and practical reasons for the complete elimination of iodine deficiency, therefore they make recommendations to supplement iodine in other ways. They also discuss the effect of selenium deficiency on the metabolism of thyroid hormones. They call attention that domestic, endemic selenium deficiency may be related to the frequency of Hungarian occurrences of iodine deficiency disorders. The authors review the iodine deficiency disorders and their effects on the health of present and future generations. They compare the practical benefit and costs of iodine supplementation, and furthermore discuss in detail the possible side effects of iodine supplementation.  相似文献   

A nation-wide epidemiological survey was conducted on a random sample of 19,300 schoolchildren, 0.5% of the 6-13-years-old child population. The study included data on body mass, height, thyroid size according to the ICCIDD/WHO classification, and information on iodized salt intake. Thyroid volume was measured with a portable USG also, and iodine concentrations in casual urine specimens were measured. In 80% of the children, urine iodine concentrations were below 100 mu/l; about 5% of the children had enlarged thyroid glands in class II or III of the ICCIDD/WHO classification, and hypothyroidism was not observed during examination. These findings mean that Poland is an area of mild or moderate endemic goiter. The highest prevalence of goiter as determined by USG was observed in the Sudeten, Carpathian, and northeastern parts of Poland. In these areas, 40-80% of the children had urine iodine concentrations within 0-50 micrograms/l; this region was classified as a moderate endemia area. The lowest prevalence was in the northwestern part of the country; 60-90% of the children had iodine concentrations above 50 micrograms/l, and 23-35% above 100 micrograms/l. This area was classified as a mild endemic goiter area. Comparison of the thyroid size measures yields a very low (20%) coefficient of accuracy for class Ia. This class seems of questionable value for an epidemiological survey. Multifactorial analysis of variance of iodine concentrations shows the effects of some main factors: geographical area, iodine prophylaxis and urban/rural residence. The questionnaire results indicate that only about 20% of the total population uses iodized salt. The effectiveness of prophylaxis was very low; increases in urine iodine concentrations and decreases of goiter prevalence in the children using iodized salt did not exceed 10%. This points to the need to increase the KJ dose in table salt and to develop a new model for distribution of iodized salt in Poland.  相似文献   

The hypothesis tested was that Zn deficiency aggravates impaired thyroid function as induced by I deficiency. In two separate experiments male rats were fed on diets either deficient in Zn or in I, or deficient in both. An identical, restricted amount of food was given to each rat so that body-weight gain of the experimental groups was comparable. Zn deficiency was evidenced by reduced tibial Zn concentrations. I deficiency was evidenced by goitre, reduced urinary I excretion, reduced plasma thyroxine concentrations and reduced absolute amounts and concentrations of thyroxine in the thyroid. Zn deficiency had no effect on the raised thyroid weight as induced by I deficiency. Zn restriction from 184 mumol Zn/kg diet to 31 mumol Zn/kg diet, but not to 92 mumol Zn/kg diet, significantly lowered plasma thyroxine concentration. There were no interrelated effects of Zn and I deficiencies on thyroid hormone levels. These results indicate that marginal Zn deficiency does not influence thyroid hormone metabolism in I deficiency.  相似文献   

AIM: Epidemiological rvaluation of goiter endemia and iodine deficiency in population of the Middle Ob region. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thyroid palpation and ultrasonic investigations, iodine measurements in the urine were made in 6256 children and adolescents aged 8-17 years. RESULTS: Euthyroid condition was clinically stated in all the examinees. Palpation discovered thyroid enlargement in 36.78% of the examinees. Age prevalence was: 27.3, 33.28, 42.8, 46.18% in children and adolescents aged 8-10, 11-12, 13-14 and 15-17 years, respectively. Ultrasound detected goiter in 30.6% of the examinees. The occurrence was 34.78, 31.68, 28.2, 19.8% in the above age groups, respectively. No significant differences by thyroid size existed in girls versus boys. Urinary iodine was low in all the age groups. CONCLUSION: The Middle Ob regions belong to zone of goiter endemia with mild to moderate iodine deficiency. This dictates the necessity of introduction of special programs of iodine deficiency control and prevention.  相似文献   

Sickle cell haemoglobin and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency have been investigated in two endogamous subgroups of the Rellis, a scheduled caste population of Visakhapatnam of Andhra Pradesh (South India). The frequency for the sickle cell gene is higher among Relli-I (0.1216) than in Relli-II (0.0454). The incidence of G-6-PD deficiency is higher among Relli-II (0.0454) than in Relli-I (0.0328). The results were also compared with those available from other Andhra Pradesh populations.  相似文献   

Although mild-to-moderate levels of iodine deficiency (ID) have been associated with poor cognitive outcomes in children, little is known about subclinical prenatal ID and infant development. In this study, the association between elevated cord blood thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH, thyrotropin) and infant development was examined in Northern China. Three groups of infants with elevated cord blood TSH were compared with infants with normal TSH levels on an information processing task at 7 mo, and in cognitive and motor developmental assessments at 13 mo. Infants with elevated TSH had poorer information processing skills and lower scores on the cognitive development index. There were no differences in motor abilities. Relationships between socioenvironmental factors and iodine status were assessed. Infants from more rural settings and those whose mothers had completed fewer years of schooling and had lower paying occupations had higher cord blood TSH levels. A regression analysis indicated that maternal education was predictive of cognitive performance among infants with elevated TSH but not control infants. The findings suggest that subclinical prenatal ID has negative effects on infant development and that, in some instances, maternal education may ameliorate these effects.  相似文献   

巴南区旅游资源十分丰富,在整个重庆和山城都市旅游区都具有极其重要的地位.重新盘整巴南区旅游资源,分析现状和机遇,探讨性地提出一带、三区、八核的发展战略布局,为巴南旅游的发展提供一种思路.  相似文献   

The iodine is indispensable element for life that is also fundamental substract for thyroid hormone synthesis which make very important influence on protein's lipid's, carbohydrate's and highly caloric substances metabolism and are a requisite of proper man development. The pregnant women are one of population group which is the most sensitive on iodine's deficiency. The results of researches indicate on insufficient iodine intake in pregnant women diet, whose take food even according to diet's recommendation given by physician. The wide iodine's prophylaxis which was provided as yet is insufficient in case of pregnant and nursing women. It is confirmed the necessity of additional iodine supplementation. A set of control tests should be done in requires cases that inform physician about changes in function and size of thyroid gland and make possible the individualization of treatment. The supplementation doses of iodine about 150 micrograms are safe and there was not observed any side effects during their taking.  相似文献   

Operational skills involved in controlling a motor vehicle were measured in two groups of very healthy elderly drivers and a young control group to test the hypothesis that there are age-related declines in operational performance that may influence driver safety. An actual behind-the-wheel, standardized road test was employed using a motor vehicle equipped with sensors to record speed, braking activity, and lane position, as well as direction and magnitude of front-wheel and eye-movement excursions. The data from these sensors were used as dependent measures of operational performance. Older drivers made fewer steering and eye-movement excursions and drifted across the center line more frequently than the young control group. Younger drivers drove significantly faster and executed more braking applications than did their older counterparts. The motor-vehicle operational performance of older healthy drivers was related to visual-spatial attentional declines and the useful field of vision associated with the normal aging process.  相似文献   

This paper calculates the mean duration of the postpartum amenorrhoea (PPA) and examines its demographic, and socioeconomic correlates in rural north India, using data collected through 'retrospective' (last but one child) as well as 'current status' (last child) reporting of the duration of PPA. The mean duration of PPA was higher in the current status than in the retrospective data; the difference being statistically significant. However, for the same mothers who gave PPA information in both the data sets, the difference in mean duration of PPA was not statistically significant. The correlates were identical in both the data sets. The current status data were more complete in terms of the coverage, and perhaps less distorted by reporting errors caused by recall lapse. A positive relationship of the mean duration of PPA was found with longer breast-feeding, higher parity and age of mother at the birth of the child, and the survival status of the child. An inverse relationship was found with higher education of a woman, higher education of her husband and higher socioeconomic status of her household, these variables possibly acting as proxies for women's better nutritional status.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate thyroid gland function in neonates and babies with transient hyperthyrotrophinemia during the first twelve months of life in an attempt to establish the causes of this condition in neonates born in a region of slight iodine deficiency. Thirty-eight newborns were screened. Clinical observations and measurements of serum T3, T4, TSH levels as well as urinary iodine were conducted for one year (at the age of 2 weeks, 3-4 months, and after one year of life). The screened children showed significantly higher values of T4 (p < 0.001) in comparison with the reference value in successive follow-up examinations. High T4 values may result from an increased TBG concentration in serum, and its level should be determined in the analysed material. Other hormonal values normalized after the second weak of life. Iodine deficiency was found in 80% of the children. Our assessments concerning the causes of transient hyperthyrotrophinemia conform with previous findings. It was established that the most common causes are iodine deficiency and maternal thyroid disease. None of the screened children had goitre somatic anomalies or delayed psychomotoric development did not appear more frequently than in the general pediatric population.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the association between PRL responses to suckling and maintenance of postpartum amenorrhea among breastfeeding mothers. Three blood spot samples (5, 30, and 50 min following a timed nursing bout) were collected from 71 intensively breastfeeding Nepali women for PRL determination. Maternal age, BMI (weight/height2), menstrual status, caste, infant age, nursing bout length, and duration of supplementation were recorded at time of sample collection. Independent and paired t tests, linear regression analyses, and general linear models were used to evaluate differences between cycling (n = 36) and amenorrheic (n = 35) women and associations among variables. Logistic regression analyses were used to relate PRL measures to the odds of maintaining lactational amenorrhea. Amenorrheic breastfeeding mothers had higher (P < .001) PRL levels at all 3 collection times than cycling breastfeeding mothers, and PRL levels declined with time since birth (P < 0.05). The odds (OR) of having ceased lactational amenorrhea was significantly higher (OR = 5.0, 95% Cl = 1.3-19.9) among mothers with lower PRL levels (< or = 10 ng/mL) at 50 min post-sucking, and PRL at 50 min showed a significant dose response relationship with menstrual status. The association between 50 min PRL levels and lactational amenorrhea appears to be independent of time postpartum, maternal age, BMI, nursing bout length, and duration of supplementation. Among intensively nursing women, maintenance of elevated PRL levels across the interbout interval increases the odds of maintaining lactational amenorrhea.  相似文献   

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