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California, the leading agricultural state in the United States, has maintained a population-based cancer registry since 1988, and it also maintains a comprehensive, state-wide pesticide reporting system. Data on cancer incidence and pesticide use reporting are available, by county, for all 58 counties in California. Average annual age-adjusted cancer incidence rates (1988-1992), on a county-, sex-, and race/ethnicity-specific basis, were obtained from the California Cancer Registry (CCR), which maintains the population-based cancer registry throughout California. Pesticide use data (i.e., pounds of active ingredient applied annually in each county) were obtained from the California Department of Pesticide Regulation for 1993. Investigators used Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients (r) to correlate age-adjusted incidence rates for selected cancers with the use data for selected pesticides. For most sex- and race/ethnicity-specific groups, the correlation coefficients were very close to zero or negative in sign, indicating no correlation between pesticide use and cancer incidence. There were, however, several exceptions, particularly in Hispanic males for whom the following correlations were observed: leukemia and atrazine (r=.40), leukemia and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (r=.41), leukemia and captan (r=.46), atrazine and brain cancer (r=.54), and atrazine and testicular cancer (r=.41). For black males, we observed the following: atrazine and prostate cancer (r=.67) and Captan and prostate cancer (r=.49). In females, only a few of the correlations were elevated. Although most of the correlations examined in this analysis were not elevated, several of those in the Hispanic and black male populations were. These segments of the population have traditionally been employed as farm workers in California and have had the greatest potential for exposure to pesticides. This was an ecological study for which no data about exposure to pesticides at the individual level were available for analysis. In addition, no latency period was allowed between potential exposure and diagnosis with cancer. However, the results obtained in two minority groups who represented the majority of farm workers in the fields suggested that additional research studies, in which more rigorous study designs are used, should be conducted in those groups.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with similarly manifest renal involvement were examined to elucidate the role of dyslipidemia in diabetic nephropathy progress. Clinico-laboratory parameters (urinary albumin excretion, blood serum levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides, low, very low, and high density lipoprotein cholesterol) and morphologic changes in renal tissue biopsy specimens were analyzed. An increment of the number of large lipid incorporations was observed in various cells of renal glomeruli and interstitium, as well as a high prevalence of low density lipoprotein deposition in glomerular basal membranes and canaliculi as the renal process augmented in severity. Since lipids accumulating in glomerular structures may stimulate mesangial cell proliferation and mesangial matrix hyperproduction, the authors believe that dyslipidemia in diabetes mellitus may be conducive to a more rapid progress of renal disease.  相似文献   

The focus of this study is on the impact of World Bank structural adjustment operations on health expenditures and outcomes. We compare trends and levels of real per capita public spending on health, private consumption (which is the resource base for private health expenditures), and groupings child mortality indicators in four groups of countries. These are: (i) countries that started to borrow for the adjustment process early--Early Adjustment Lending (EAL) countries, (ii) Other Adjustment Lending (OAL) countries, (iii) Non-Adjustment Lending countries whose economies grew during the period 1985-1990 (NAL+), and (iv) Non-Adjustment Lending countries whose economies did not grow (NAL-). The NAL- group provides a 'counterfactual' for comparison with the two groups of adjusting countries. The results show that the fear about possible declines in health care spending in adjusting countries is unwarranted for EAL countries, that is those countries that started the adjustment process early and took it seriously. Government spending on health care increased on average for this group of countries, as did private consumption levels. Government health care expenditures also continued to increase in OAL countries, but mixed GDP growth performance has left little room for increased private spending. However, those countries that showed negative growth in the late eighties and did not start an adjustment process, fared worse throughout: real per capita public health care spending declined during the late eighties and increased less than in the other countries during 1989-1993, while private consumption has declined steadily. The trends in child mortality indicators show tremendous and continuing progress during the past two or three decades with few discernible differences among the four country groupings.  相似文献   

The Comer School Development Program (SDP) has received considerable national attention over the last decade. The authors describe the origins, central tenets, and principles of the SDP. Although the Comer model is a systemic one, one of its primary foci is the developmental and mental health needs of children attending urban schools. The authors illustrate how teaching and consulting school faculty and parents about basic principles of development and psychopathology change the interaction between the child and adults who are important to the child. The authors contend that this step is an essential prerequisite for effective evaluation and treatment of children with possible psychiatric disturbances.  相似文献   

Discusses the acute need for the development of viable technologies in social-behavioral areas, e.g., mental health. Technology is defined as anything that increases the efficiency of some work process, and has the potential for being based on science. By examining the nature and historical development of established technologies, some of their problems can hopefully be avoided. The field of mental health is essentially pretechnological, although, as is true of other social-behavioral areas, potential scientific data bases and directions for technological development are not lacking. 8 such areas are identified and briefly discussed. (15 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article describes how one community psychiatric nursing service established a forum to clarify the roles and professional boundaries for nurses working within a multidisciplinary team. The author describes the initiative within the context óf the wider issues surrounding mental health care in the community.  相似文献   

This article summarises a systematic review of the literature on promoting mental health in high-risk groups. The review suggests that there are a variety of effective interventions for preventing mental health problems in high-risk groups. This has implications for the scope of practice of nurses and others working in a range of services, including midwifery, health visiting, school health, mental health, terminal care, district nursing and primary health care.  相似文献   

In the context of the National Primary Care Facilitation Programme, the Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health has reviewed the membership of the Mental Health in Primary Care Network, and explored members' roles; the findings of the review are reported in this article. Researchers examined the activities undertaken by network members, and identified the proportion working directly with primary health care teams and those working strategically within health authorities. Education and training, health promotion, and liaison and linkworking were undertaken by many staff, while a few worked at a more strategic level. In order to increase the effectiveness of this model, a more focused approach is recommended, targeting those with responsibility for implementing changes and developing mental health care in primary care settings. Learning sets which involve primary care and mental health teams, and strategic work with health authorities, are also recommended.  相似文献   

In this paper a number of methodological issues relating to research on the relationship between the menopause, mood and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are discussed. These issues relate to problems of design and statistical analyses, problems which have prevented the reaching of definite conclusions regarding the relationship between menopause, mood and hormones. These problems are discussed under three main headings, namely, the assessment of menopausal status, statistical modelling and the design and analyses of clinical trials. Problems relating to concepts and measurement of dependent variables are the subject matter of the papers that follow. Within the three main headings more specific issues are detailed. The paper concludes with a list of recommendations on how research in this important area might be further advanced.  相似文献   

Rice farmers are occupationally exposed to agents that may affect respiratory health, including inorganic dusts and smoke from burning of agricultural waste. To assess respiratory health of this occupational group, we conducted a cross-sectional study, including a self-administered health and work questionnaire, spirometry, and chest radiography among 464 male California rice farmers. Mean age +/- SD was 48.3 +/- 15.2 yr; mean duration of rice farming was 25.7 +/- 14.3 yr. Prevalences for respiratory symptoms were: chronic bronchitis (6.3%), physician-diagnosed asthma (7.1%), and persistent wheeze (8.8%). Chronic cough was reported by 7.1% of respondents and was associated with reported hours per year burning rice stubble. Mean FEV1 and FVC were at expected values. FEV1 was inversely associated with years working in rice storage and use of heated rice dryers. Mean FEF25-75 was 93% of expected and was inversely associated with rice storage activities involving unheated rice driers. ILO profusion scores > or = 1/0 for small irregular opacities were seen in 18 (10.1%) of 178 chest radiographs. Study findings suggest increased asthma prevalence among California rice farmers. Radiologic findings consistent with dust or fiber exposure were increased compared with those of the general population, although no associations with specific farming activities were identified.  相似文献   

This paper describes the mental health services provided at a high school based health center that integrates mental health and medical services. Five years after the inception of the center in 1988, mental health visits had quadrupled. In 1992 alone, students made 1,002 mental health visits. Strikingly, one-third of these students reported problematic substance use among other family members. Other leading reasons for utilizing mental health services included pregnancy (19%), past or present suicidal ideation (14%), obesity (8.7%), ongoing depression (8%), and issues related to sexuality (7.5%).  相似文献   

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