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Structural genes of phospholipid biosynthesis in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae are transcribed when precursor molecules inositol and choline (IC) are limiting. Gene expression is stimulated by the heterodimeric activator Ino2/Ino4, which binds to ICRE (inositol/choline‐responsive element) promoter sequences. Activation is prevented by repressor Opi1, counteracting Ino2 when high concentrations of IC are available. Here we show that ICRE‐dependent gene activation is repressed not only by an excess of IC but also under conditions of phosphate starvation. While PHO5 is activated by phosphate limitation, INO1 expression is repressed about 10‐fold. Repression of ICRE‐dependent genes by low phosphate is no longer observed in an opi1 mutant while repression is still effective in mutants of the PHO regulon (pho4, pho80, pho81 and pho85). In contrast, gene expression with high phosphate is reduced in the absence of pleiotropic sensor protein kinase Pho85. We could demonstrate that Pho85 binds to Opi1 in vitro and in vivo and that this interaction is increased in the presence of high concentrations of phosphate. Interestingly, Pho85 binds to two separate domains of Opi1 which have been previously shown to recruit pleiotropic corepressor Sin3 and activator Ino2, respectively. We postulate that Pho85 positively influences ICRE‐dependent gene expression by phosphorylation‐dependent weakening of Opi1 repressor, affecting its functional domains required for promoter recruitment and corepressor interaction. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Structural genes of phospholipid biosynthesis in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae are coordinately regulated by a UAS element, designated ICRE (inositol/choline-responsive element). Opi1 is a negative regulator responsible for repression of ICRE-dependent genes in the presence of an excess of inositol and choline. Gene regulation by phospholipid precursors has been also reported for the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans. Screening of a data base containing raw sequences of the C. albicans genome project allowed us to identify an open reading frame exhibiting weak similarity to Opi1. Expression of the putative CaOPI1 in an opi1 mutant of S. cerevisiae could restore repression of an ICRE-dependent reporter gene. Similar to OPI1, overexpression of CaOPI1 strongly inhibited derepression of ICRE-driven genes leading to inositol-requiring transformants. Previous work has shown that Opi1 mediates gene repression by interaction with the pleiotropic repressor Sin3. The genome of C. albicans also encodes a protein similar to Sin3 (CaSin3). By two-hybrid analyses and in vitro studies for protein-protein interaction we were able to show that CaOpi1 binds to ScSin3. ScOpi1 could also interact with CaSin3, while CaOpi1 failed to bind to CaSin3. Despite of some conservation of regulatory mechanisms between both yeasts, these results suggest that repression of phospholipid biosynthetic genes in C. albicans is mediated by a mechanism which does not involve recruitment of CaSin3 by CaOpi1.  相似文献   

Sac1 is a phosphoinositide phosphatase that preferentially dephosphorylates phosphatidylinositol 4‐phosphate. Mutation of SAC1 causes not only the accumulation of phosphoinositides but also reduction of the phosphatidylserine (PS) level in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this study, we characterized the mechanism underlying the PS reduction in SAC1‐deleted cells. Incorporation of 32P into PS was significantly delayed in sac1? cells. Such a delay was also observed in SAC1‐ and PS decarboxylase gene‐deleted cells, suggesting that the reduction in the PS level is caused by a reduction in the rate of biosynthesis of PS. A reduction in the PS level was also observed with repression of STT4 encoding phosphatidylinositol 4‐kinase or deletion of VPS34 encoding phophatidylinositol 3‐kinase. However, the combination of mutations of SAC1 and STT4 or VPS34 did not restore the reduced PS level, suggesting that both the synthesis and degradation of phosphoinositides are important for maintenance of the PS level. Finally, we observed an abnormal PS distribution in sac1? cells when a specific probe for PS was expressed. Collectively, these results suggested that Sac1 is involved in the maintenance of a normal rate of biosynthesis and distribution of PS. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We have isolated a gene whose expression enables yeast cells to overcome the inhibition of growth produced by the presence of 2-deoxyglucose. The gene contains an open reading frame of 738 bp that may code for a protein of 27 100 Da. Cells carrying this gene contain high levels of a specific 2-deoxyglucose-6-phosphate phosphatase. The expression of this phosphatase is increased by the presence of 2-deoxyglucose and is constant along the growth curve. The sequence reported here has the GenBank accession number U03107.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized a pleiotropic recessive mutation, fen2-1, that causes resistance to fenpropimorph and a low level of ergosterol in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Ergosterol synthesis in the mutant strain was 5·5-fold slower than in the wild type; however, in vitro assays of the enzymes involved in ergosterol biosynthesis could not account for this low rate in the mutant. The mutant phenotype was expressed only in media exerting both carbon and nitrogen catabolite repression. To our knowledge, this is the first locus in yeast that reveals a concerted regulation between different pathways (carbon and nitrogen catabolite repression and/or general control of amino acid biosynthesis and ergosterol biosynthesis). The yeast gene FEN2 has been isolated and contains an open reading frame (ORF) of 512 codons. This ORF was found to be identical to YCR28C of chromosome III. A possible function of the FEN2 gene product in yeast is discussed.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a 19 000 base pair region from the left arm of chromosome XI of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been determined and analysed. It covers the HAP4–GFA1–LAP4 loci already described. As expected HAP4, GFA1 and LAP4 genes have been found and six new open reading frames (ORFs) with a coding capacity of more than 100 amino acid residues have been identified. One of them (YKL461) shows a high degree of identity with an aspartate aminotransferase gene. This raises the question of a second aspartate aminotransferase gene in yeast. A second ORF (YKL462) shows features compatible with a membranous localization. The other ORFs do not show a similarity with any known gene. A member of the highly repetitive ‘CAT’ DNA sequence is present.  相似文献   

We report in this paper the sequence of a part of chromosome XI of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This 17 kbp nucleotide sequence represents the right half of cosmid pUKG151 and contains nine open reading frames, YKL453, 450, 449, 448, 445, 443, 442, 441 and the 5′ part of YKL440. YKL440 was previously identified as the MBR1 gene and plays a role in mitochondrial biogenesis. YKL443 is a homologue of the yeast serine-rich protein (SRP1), while YKL453 presents strong homologies with the KIN1/KIN2/SNF1 kinase family. It must be pointed out that the size of this gene is well above average for yeast.  相似文献   

A 17.5 kb DNA fragment of chromosome XI, located between the genetic loci mif2 and mak11 was sequenced and analysed. Ten open reading frames were identified. Two of them are the previously sequenced genes ELM1 and PRI2, two (YKL253 and YKL256) show homologies to proteins from other organisms and one (YKL262) to yeast and mouse histone.  相似文献   

Identification of PIR/CIS3 gene was carried out by amino-terminal sequencing of a protein band released by beta-mercaptoethanol (beta-ME) from S. cerevisiae mnn9 cell walls. The protein was released also by digestion with beta-1,3-glucanases (laminarinase or zymolyase) or by mild alkaline solutions. Deletion of the two carboxyterminal Cys residues (Cys(214)-12aa-Cys(227)-COOH), reduced but did not eliminate incorporation of Pir4 (protein with internal repeats) by disulphide bridges. Similarly, site-directed mutation of two other cysteine amino acids (Cys(130)Ser or Cys(197)Ser) failed to block incorporation of Pir4; the second mutation produced the appearance of Kex2-unprocessed Pir4. Therefore, it seems that deletion or mutation of individual cysteine molecules does not seem enough to inhibit incorporation of Pir4 by disulphide bridges. In fks1Delta and gsc2/fks2Delta cells, defective in beta-1,3-glucan synthesis, modification of the protein pattern found in the supernatant of the growth medium, as well as the material released by beta-ME or laminarinase, was evident. However, incorporation of Pir4 by both disulphide bridges and to the beta-1,3-glucan of the cell wall continued. Deletion of the repetitive sequence (QIGDGQVQA) resulted in the secretion and incorporation by disulphide bridges of Pir4 in reduced amounts together with substantial quantities of the Kex2-unprocessed Pir4 form. Pir4 failed to be incorporated in alkali-sensitive linkages involving beta-1,3-glucan when the first repetitive sequence was deleted. Therefore, this suggests that this sequence is needed in binding Pir4 to the beta-1,3-glucan.  相似文献   

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