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A binary Byzantine agreement algorithm can be extended to produce a multivalued Byzantine agreement algorithm. The resulting multivalued algorithm is cheaper than previously published algorithms when the cost of transmitting values from the multivalued domain is significant.  相似文献   

We first propose a modular framework for recursive composition of P systems. This modular approach provides encapsulation and information hiding, facilitating the design of P programs for complex algorithms. Using this framework, we developed a P program that solves the classical version of the Byzantine agreement problem, for N participants connected in a complete graph, according to the well known Byzantine agreement algorithm based on EIG trees. We prove the correctness of this modular composition and conclude with a list of open problems.  相似文献   

在分布式计算系统中,拜占庭协议是解决其容错问题的一种实用方法。拜占庭问题有一种演变形式,称之为检测的拜占庭协议。这类协议在经典世界中无法解决容错问题,但在量子系统中利用纠缠态却可以。GBKCW协议是一种典型的量子检测拜占庭协议。针对GBKCW协议中数据列表的生成和分发部分,利用量子纠缠态的确定性,探测了参与者共享的量子态,以抵御针对GBKCW的截获重发攻击。  相似文献   

Reliability is an important research topic in distributed computing systems consisting of a large number of processors. To achieve reliability, the fault-tolerance scheme of the distributed computing system must be revised. This kind of problem is known as a Byzantine agreement (BA) problem. It requires all fault-free processors to agree on a common value, even if some components are corrupt. Consequently, there have been significant studies of this agreement problem in distributed systems. However, the traditional BA protocols focus on running ⌊(n−1)/3⌋+1 rounds of message exchange continuously to make each fault-free processor reach an agreement. In other words, since having a large number of messages results in a large protocol overhead, those protocols are inefficient and unreasonable, especially for some network environments which have large number of processors. In this study, we propose a novel and efficient protocol to reduce the number of messages. Our protocol can collect, compare and replace the received values to find the reliable processors and replace the values sent by the unreliable processors. Subsequently, each processor can agree on a common value through three rounds of message exchange. Furthermore, the proposed protocol can use the minimum number of messages to tolerate the maximum number of faulty components in a distributed system.  相似文献   

In early stage, the Byzantine agreement (BA) problem was studied with single faults on processors in either a fully connected network or a nonfully connected network. Subsequently, the single fault assumption was extended to mixed faults (also referred to as hybrid fault model) on processors. For the case of both processor and link failures, the problem has been examined in a fully connected network with a single faulty type, namely an arbitrary fault. To release the limitations of a fully connected network and a single faulty type, the problem is reconsidered in a general network. The processors and links in such a network can both be subjected to different types of fault simultaneously. The proposed protocol uses the minimum number of message exchanges and can tolerate the maximum number of allowable faulty components to make each fault-free processor reach an agreement  相似文献   

This paper presents the first hierarchical Byzantine fault-tolerant replication architecture suitable to systems that span multiple wide-area sites. The architecture confines the effects of any malicious replica to its local site, reduces message complexity of wide-area communication, and allows read-only queries to be performed locally within a site for the price of additional standard hardware. We present proofs that our algorithm provides safety and liveness properties. A prototype implementation is evaluated over several network topologies and is compared with a flat Byzantine fault-tolerant approach. The experimental results show considerable improvement over flat Byzantine replication algorithms, bringing the performance of Byzantine replication closer to existing benign fault-tolerant replication techniques over wide area networks.  相似文献   

The k-set agreement problem is a generalization of the uniform consensus problem: each process proposes a value, and each non-faulty process has to decide a value such that a decided value is a proposed value, and at most k different values are decided. It has been shown that any algorithm that solves the k-set agreement problem in synchronous systems that can suffer up to t crash failures requires rounds in the worst case. It has also been shown that it is possible to design early deciding algorithms where no process decides and halts after rounds, where f is the number of actual crashes in a run (0≤ft).This paper explores a new direction to solve the k-set agreement problem in a synchronous system. It considers that the system is enriched with base objects (denoted has [m,?]_SA objects) that allow solving the ?-set agreement problem in a set of m processes (m<n). The paper makes several contributions. It first proposes a synchronous k-set agreement algorithm that benefits from such underlying base objects. This algorithm requires rounds, more precisely, rounds, where . The paper then shows that this bound, that involves all the parameters that characterize both the problem (k) and its environment (t, m and ?), is a lower bound. The proof of this lower bound sheds additional light on the deep connection between synchronous efficiency and asynchronous computability. Finally, the paper extends its investigation to the early deciding case. It presents a k-set agreement algorithm that directs the processes to decide and stop by round . These bounds generalize the bounds previously established for solving the k-set agreement problem in pure synchronous systems.  相似文献   

Educational software must provide a “friendly” user interface in order to prevent student frustration. A recurring source of student frustration is the task of responding to prompts issued by the computer. Scanning on the fly reduces the difficulty of this task. It prevents the possibility of errors of form in student responses by accepting only keystrokes that lead to correctly formatted responses. This approach has the advantage that all text displayed by the computer pertains to the content of the lesson and none to the technical use of the computer. Its implementation is based on the notion of a finite state automaton, yielding reliable and easily modifiable software. Scanning on the fly has been used in the development of microcomputer-based instructional software for college algebra and trigonometry.  相似文献   

With the rapid advancement of wireless networking technology, networks have evolved from static to dynamic. Reliability of dynamic networks has virtually become an important issue. Fortunately, a solution to the above issue can be derived from solutions to the Byzantine Agreement (BA) problem. BA problem can be solved by protocols that make processors reach an agreement through message exchange. Protocols used to solve the problem can be divided into Immediate Byzantine Agreement (IBA) protocols and Eventual Byzantine Agreement (EBA) protocols. In IBA protocols, the number of rounds of message exchange is determined by the total number of processors in the network. Even if no faulty processor is present in the network, IBA protocols still require a fixed number of rounds of message exchange, causing a waste of time. In contrast, EBA protocols dynamically adjust the number of rounds of message exchange according to the interference of faulty processors. In terms of efficiency, EBA protocols certainly outperform IBA protocols. Due to the fact that the existing EBA protocols have been designed for static networks, they cannot work on dynamic networks. In this paper, we revisit the EBA problem in dynamic networks to increase the reliability of dynamic networks. Simulations will be conducted to validate that the proposed protocol requires the minimum rounds of message exchange and can tolerate the maximum number of malicious faulty processors compared to other existing protocols.  相似文献   

基于代理的Byzantine一致性协议的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在研究了国内外Byzantine协议的基础上提出了一种新的Byzantine一致性协议,即基于代理的Byzantine一致性协议。该协议按照Byzantine容错机制将所有参与运算的进程分成很多小块,每个块设有一个代理。通过代理,块内的进程向其他块的进程发送运算结果。这样,在进程发生Byzantine错误时可以先在块的内部处理,从而可以有效地减少容错的开销和时延,提高系统的安全性。  相似文献   

The artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm is a swarm intelligence algorithm inspired by the intelligent foraging behavior of a honeybee swarm. In recent years, several ABC variants that modify some components of the original ABC algorithm have been proposed. Although there are some comparison studies in the literature, the individual contribution of each proposed modification is often unknown. In this paper, the proposed modifications are tested with a systematic experimental study that by a component-wise analysis tries to identify their impact on algorithm performance. This study is done on two benchmark sets in continuous optimization. In addition to this analysis, two new variants of ABC algorithms for each of the two benchmark sets are proposed. To do so, the best components are selected for each step of the Composite ABC algorithms. The performance of the proposed algorithms were compared against that of ten recent ABC algorithms, as well as against several recent state-of-the-art algorithms. The comparison results showed that our proposed algorithms outperform other ABC algorithms. Moreover, the composite ABC algorithms are superior to several state-of-the-art algorithms proposed in the literature.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to outline various results regarding the computational complexity and the algorithms of nonmonotonic entailment in different coherence‐based approaches. Starting from a (non necessarily consistent) belief base E and a pre‐order on E, we first present different mechanisms for selecting preferred consistent subsets. Then we present different entailment principles in order to manage these multiple subsets. The crossing point of each generation mechanism m and each entailment principle p defines an entailment relation which we study from the computational complexity point of view. The results are not very encouraging since the complexity of all these nonmonotonic entailment relations is, in most restricted languages, larger than the complexity of monotonic entailment. So, we decided to extend Binary Decision Diagrams technics, which are well suited to the task of solving NP‐hard logic‐based problems. Both theoretical and experimental results are described along this line in the last sections. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Yang  Sijia  Xiong  Haoyi  Zhang  Yunchao  Ling  Yi  Wang  Licheng  Xu  Kaibo  Sun  Zeyi 《Applied Intelligence》2022,52(3):3103-3117
Applied Intelligence - Gaussian Graphical Model is widely used to understand the dependencies between variables from high-dimensional data and can enable a wide range of applications such as...  相似文献   

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