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With the rapid development of the genomic sequencing technology, the cost of obtaining personal genomic data and effectively analyzing it has been gradually reduced. The analysis and utilization of genomic data gradually entered the public view, and the leakage of genomic data privacy has attracted the attention of researchers. The security of genomic data is not only related to the protection of personal privacy, but also related to the biological information security of the country. However, there is still no effective genomic data privacy protection scheme using Shangyong Mima(SM) algorithms. In this paper, we analyze the widely used genomic data file formats and design a large genomic data files encryption scheme based on the SM algorithms. Firstly, we design a key agreement protocol based on the SM2 asymmetric cryptography and use the SM3 hash function to guarantee the correctness of the key. Secondly, we used the SM4 symmetric cryptography to encrypt the genomic data by optimizing the packet processing of files, and improve the usability by assisting the computing platform with key management. Software implementation demonstrates that the scheme can be applied to securely transmit the genomic data in the network environment and provide an encryption method based on SM algorithms for protecting the privacy of genomic data.  相似文献   

张丽敏  韩西达  吕天宇  赵宏超 《红外与激光工程》2018,47(8):818008-0818008(6)
针对地基大口径望远镜次镜系统加工精度和装调精度的要求,提出了基于拓扑优化的次镜系统结构设计方法。该方法利用变密度的拓扑优化思想,将次镜系统的Spider结构和Serrurier桁架的设计域限定为基结构,以期望方向的变形最小,通过材料的去留决定结构的最终形状和尺寸。首先,以相对密度为设计变量,Spider结构以1阶振型和重力方向变形为设计约束,桁架以X向和Y向变形为设计约束,建立各结构的拓扑优化模型;然后,以拓扑优化所得构型为基础,利用Workbench进行优化迭代;最后,设置优化参数,采用有限元法进行动静刚度分析和优化。结果显示4 m望远镜次镜系统的1阶谐振为22.7 Hz,光轴指向天顶和水平时重力方向偏移分别为-0.173 mm和-0.195 mm,并且Spider结构和Serrurier桁架的轻量化率超过30%。该结果验证了文中方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Composition, degree of crystallinity, particle size, and soot packing density of a multimode VAD porous sootform fabricated under optimum standard processing conditions were evaluated with 1-mm radial resolution using several analytical methods. The methods include inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy, the X-ray diffraction powder method, a simple mass/volume calculation, and transmission electron microscopy. Within individual particulate, the GeO2 and SiO2 appear as separate phases as opposed to a compound glass. The degree of fusion observed in the particle aggregates indicates that the soot packing density profile is established by a surface sintering process governed predominantly by the deposition surface temperature distribution. This study has general significance in clarifying the behavior of dopants during various processing steps associated with VAD and other soot processes, including the MVCD (modified chemical vapor deposition) and OVD (outside vapor-phase deposition) lightguide processes  相似文献   

SM4算法是2012年国家密码管理局正式批准的,我国第一个用于无线局域网的商用密码算法,其具有简单,安全,快速的特点。针对单片机内存空间小、执行能力受限的特点,对SM4算法进行性能分析,与其他算法对比并将其应用到数据传输系统中,以保证发送和接收端的安全通信。在系统上的实现结果表明,SM4算法可以在STM32RBT6上运行并且满足小系统对数据安全保证的需求。该方案还可以用在其他有数据传输安全需要的嵌入式系统中。  相似文献   

文章通过微分方程的解,定量描述了单模光纤WDM传输中SRS串扰,并指出减小这种串扰的方法。  相似文献   

本文介绍了光纤带SZ绞新技术及其特点.  相似文献   

双包层光纤的侧面泵浦耦合技术   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:8  
泵浦耦合技术是获得高功率光纤激光器的关键技术之一。双包层光纤侧面泵浦耦合技术通过双包层光纤侧面将泵浦光耦合入内包层,相对于光纤端面泵浦耦合技术有很多优点。针对于双包层光纤激光器的特点,已经发展了多种光纤侧面泵浦耦合技术。概述了目前已经在实验中采用的光纤侧面泵浦耦合技术,并就各自的特点进行了比较。  相似文献   

High-precision two-dimensional (2-D) fiber alignment modules would offer great benefits for high-density photonic interconnects at the multichip-module level, where parallel light signals have to be transferred between integrated dense 2-D emitter and detector arrays, or for massive parallel sensing applications. In telecom, the availability of highly accurate low-cost field installable 2-D fiber couplers would boost the further integration of fiber optics in future fiber-to-the-home networks. We present deep proton writing as a prototyping technology for the mastering of small-form-factor 2-D fiber connector components. The alignment components, which we present here, consist of 4 /spl times/ 8 arrays of circular conically shaped holes for single-mode fibers and feature average insertion losses of 0.062 dB and a maximum loss of 0.15 dB, when used in a fiber butt-coupling configuration.  相似文献   

开槽电大尺寸目标表面行波散射的混合法计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用流基混合法与有限元法相结合计算开槽电大尺寸目标的表面行波散射,首先利用流基混合法算出无槽时的目标表面波散射,再根据等效原理在口径处与有限元法进行耦合得到开槽电大尺寸目标的总体表面波散射。数据结果证明此方法是准确和高效的。  相似文献   

陈锡坤  邱静和  戴兰发 《中国激光》1993,20(11):857-860
研制的磁光光纤大电流传感器在1~8kA测量范围内具有±0.5%的线性和±0.5%的重复性。该传感器能耐压300kV以上。方形闭环结构是实用化的电流传感头。  相似文献   

Compared with the conventional coaxial undersea cable systems, an optical fiber undersea cable system has a great technical and economical advantage. It is also suitable for digital transmission. In this paper, the optical fiber undersea cable technology (including optical fiber cables and repeaters), which is now in the research and development stage in several countries, is reviewed.  相似文献   

Optical fiber sensor technology   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  

近年来,随着我国经济社会的不断发展和人们生活水平的显著提高,汽车已经走进千家万户成为人们出行的主要交通工具之一.伴随而来的就是在一些城市尤其是在北京、上海、广州等大型城市,空气污染问题也变得越来越严重,其中PM2.5监测数值爆表的现象屡见不鲜.因此,如何进一步转变汽车主要依赖石油能源的现状、攻克更加清洁环保的混合动力电动汽车技术,成为了关系到汽车行业能否长远健康发展的一大难题.本文主要阐述混合动力电动车技术的现状、前景、研发要点以及需要研究的关键技术.  相似文献   

为了实现光学系统波像差的高精度检测,引入了改进的光纤相移点衍射干涉仪,介绍了其工作原理,并对干涉仪的关键部件包括激光光源及光纤的参数进行了选择和分析。经测试,激光光源功率稳定性约为1%(10 min),光斑尺寸在实现最佳耦合效率允许范围内,光束位置稳定度约为6 um,相干长度为1 cm 左右,都在测试精度允许范围内;选择了纤芯直径为3.5 um 的单模不保偏光纤,对光纤端面镀半反半透金属膜,实现了较高的条纹对比度和光能利用率,并设计了波前参考源,方便了光纤端面的抛光、镀膜及装卡。最后,利用选择的部件搭建了光纤相移点衍射干涉仪实验装置,为最终能够实现光学系统波像差的高精度检测提供了前期的准备。  相似文献   

主要介绍光缆现场加铠技术、光缆现场加铠机的组成及其使用方法。  相似文献   

泵浦耦合技术是研究高功率光纤激光器和光纤放大器的关键技术,而侧面泵浦耦合技术又是通过泵浦耦合技术获取高功率光纤激光器的未来发展趋势。它是通过双包层光纤的侧面将泵浦光耦合进内包层,对纤芯进行泵浦。目前已经提出并且实现了多种侧面泵浦耦合技术。详细叙述了各种耦合方案的工作原理,并对其耦合效率,输出功率,工艺难易进行了分析和对比,最后根据制作工艺和耦合原理将其进行了分类。  相似文献   

苗效方  吴鹏  赵保银 《红外与激光工程》2019,48(9):918005-0918005(6)
通过在周期性梳状折射率结构的最外层增加一个高折射率平台的方法,对梳状折射率分布大模场光纤的波导结构进行了优化,使其在模场面积、模场分布及抗弯曲性能方面都有明显提升。模拟研究结果表明,与已有单一梳状折射率分布的光纤相比,优化后的大模场光纤的模场面积提高了700 m2以上,且在相同弯曲半径下,基模弯曲损耗由6 dB/m降低为0.1 dB/m。此外,通过对最外层高折射率平台的参数进行调制可实现不同的模场分布,包括高斯分布、平坦化分布和环状分布,满足特殊激光加工工业的应用需求。  相似文献   

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