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An introduction to TMN   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Telecommunication Management Network standard (ITU-T M.3010), the Network Magagement Forum OMNIPoint program, and many related developments are summarized. TMN and OMNIPoint are presented as a means to achieve integrated network management in the telecommunications industry by calling for all management systems to include an interoperable interface which permits each system to be integrated into a larger management hierarchy. By means of such interfaces, hierarchical integration of management systems can be achieved within the administration of a single service provider. Interoperable interfaces also make possible the interconnection of multiple service providers and the connection of customer to service provider, resulting in the possibility of industry wide integration of management infrastructures at all levels.  相似文献   

A general method of conflictless arbitrary permutation of large data elements that can be divided into a multitude of smaller data blocks was considered for switches structured as the Cayley graphs. The method was specified for arbitrary permutations in the generalized hypercubes and multidimensional grids, and their characteristics were considered.  相似文献   

This paper is an informal introduction to the theory of types which use a connective for the intersection of two types and a constant for a universal type, besides the usual connective for function-types. This theory was first devised in about 1977 by Coppo, Dezani and Sallé in the context of-calculus and its main development has been by Coppo and Dezani and their collaborators in Turin. With suitable axioms and rules to assign types to-calculus terms, they obtained a system in which (i) the set of types given to a term does not change under-conversion, (ii) some interesting sets of terms, for example the solvable terms and the terms with normal form, can be characterised exactly by the types of their members, and (iii) the type-apparatus is not so complex as polymorphic systems with quantifier-containing types and therefore probably not so expensive to implement mechanically as these systems.There are in fact several variant systems with different detailed properties. This paper defines and motivates the simplest one from which the others are derived, and describes its most basic properties. No proofs are given but the motivation is shown by examples. A comprehensive bibliography is included.  相似文献   

Let (X, #) be an orthogonality space such that the lattice C(X, #) of closed subsets of (X, #) is orthomodular and let (, ) denote the free orthogonality monoid over (X, #). Let C0(, ) be the subset of C(, ), consisting of all closures of bounded orthogonal sets. We show that C0(, ) is a suborthomodular lattice of C(, ) and we provide a necessary and sufficient condition for C0(, ) to carry a full set of dispersion free states.The work of the second author on this paper was supported by National Science Foundation Grant GP-9005.  相似文献   

Certain tasks in multidimensional digital image analysis, in particular surface detection and volume estimation, lead us to the study of surfaces in the digital environment. It is desirable that these surfaces should have a Jordan property analogous to that of simple closed curves in two dimensions-namely, that they should partition the underlying space into an inside and an outside which are disconnected from each other. A version of this property, called near-Jordanness, has been previously defined and has been shown to be useful within a general theory of surfaces in digital spaces. The definition of a near-Jordan surface is global: it demands that all paths from the interior to the exterior cross the surface. This makes it difficult in many practical applications to check whether surfaces are near-Jordan. The work reported in this paper is motivated by the desire for a local condition, such that if a surface satisfies this condition at each of its elements, then it is guaranteed to be near-Jordan. In the search for such a condition, we were led to a concept of simple connectedness of a digital space, which resembles simple connectedness in ordinary topological spaces. We were then able to formulate the desired local condition for simply connected digital spaces. Many digital spaces, in particular those based on the commonly-studied tessellations of n-dimensional Euclidean space, are shown to be simply connected and thus our theory yields general sufficient conditions for boundaries in binary pictures to be near-Jordan.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In der folgenden Arbeit werden zunächst die Begriffe Gesamtschrittverfahren, Einzelschrittverfahren und Relaxationsverfahren allgemein formuliert und dann auf allgemeine lineare Gleichungssysteme angewandt. Im Spezialfall einer Matrix mit verschwindender Hauptdiagonale erhält man so die bekanntenJacobi-, Gauss-Seidel- und Relaxationsverfahren. Satz 1 macht eine Aussage über die Konvergenz des Einzelschrittverfahrens bei allgemeinen, nicht-negativen Matrizen. Der Beweis verläuft ähnlich wie in einem bereits 1948 vonStein undRosenberg [2] behandelten Spezialfall. Als Korollar ergibt sich eine Aussage über die Konvergenz des Relaxationsverfahrens bei nicht-negativen Matrizen. Es wird ferner der Satz 2 über die Konvergenz des Relaxationsverfahrens bei diagonaldominanten Matrizen beweisen.
Summary In this paper we give a general definition what is meant by total-step-, single-step- and successive relaxation iterative method and we apply these concepts on systems of linear equations. In the special case of a matrix with zero diagonal entries we obtain the well knownJacobi-, Gauss-Seidel- and Relaxation iterative method. Theorem 1 gives conditions for the convergence of the singlestep-iterative method for general, non-negative matrices. The proof is similar to that given byStein andRosenberg in [2] (1948) for a special case. A corollary gives conditions for the convergence of the relaxation-iterative method for non-negative matrices. Further on we prove theorem 2 about the convergence of the relaxation-iterative method with diagonally dominant matrices.

The number of virtual connections in the nodal space of an ATM network of arbitrary structure and topology is computed by a method based on a new concept—a covering domain having a concrete physical meaning. The method is based on a network information sources—boundary switches model developed for an ATM transfer network by the entropy approach. Computations involve the solution of systems of linear equations. The optimization model used to compute the number of virtual connections in a many-category traffic in an ATM network component is useful in estimating the resource of nodal equipment and communication channels. The variable parameters of the model are the transmission bands for different traffic categories.  相似文献   

An experiment was performed to test a distinct-window conferencing screen design as an electronic cue of social status differences in computer-mediated group decision-making. The screen design included one distinct window to symbolize high-status, and two nondistinct windows to symbolize low-status. The results indicated that the distinct-window screen design did produce status affects in groups of peers making decisions on judgmental problems. Randomly assigned occupants of the distinct window had greater influence on group decisions and member's attitudes than occupants of nondistinct windows.The authors would like to thank Shyam Kamadolli and Phaderm Nangsue, the programmers who developed the software used in this experiment. We would also like to thank the editor and our three anonymous reviewers for exceedingly helpful comments on an earlier draft of this article.  相似文献   

Summary This paper is devoted to developing and studying a precise notion of the encoding of a logical data structure in a physical storage structure, that is motivated by considerations of computational efficiency. The development builds upon the notion of an encoding of one graph in another. The cost of such an encoding is then defined so as to reflect the structural compatibility of the two graphs, the (externally specified) costs of implementing the host graph, and the (externally specified) set of intended usage patterns of the guest graph. The stability of the constructed framework is demonstrated in terms of a number of results; the faithfulness of the formalism is argued in terms of a number of examples from the literature; and the tractability of the model is hinted at by several results and by further references to the literature.  相似文献   

This paper describes work carried out atUniversity College London to evaluate the use of MobileAgents (MA), written in Java, in network and systemmanagement. The work draws on experience fromconventional management systems based on ISO CommonManagement Information Protocol (CMIP) andInternet Simple Network ManagementProtocol (SNMP). These systems make use of theconcept of a Managed Object (MO). The paper describes the way in which the MOconcept has been translated into a form suitable forMA-based management and how the features of the Javalanguage may be used to express management information and to implement MOs. A platform has beenimplemented which allows MOs to be instantiated,controlled and stored. The platform also allows the easyproduction of MAs, their launching into the system and their subsequent management. Details of theplatform implementation are given and an initialassessment of performance is presented.  相似文献   

We present a deep X-ray mask with integrated bent-beam electrothermal actuator for the fabrication of 3D microstructures with curved surface. The mask absorber is electroplated on the shuttle mass, which is supported by a pair of 20-m-thick single crystal silicon bent-beam electrothermal actuators and oscillated in a rectilinear direction due to the thermal expansion of the bent-beams. The width of each bent-beam is 10 m or 20 m and the length and bending angle are 1 mm and 0.1 rad, respectively, and the shuttle mass size is 1 mm × 1 mm. For 10-m-wide bent-beams, the shuttle mass displacement is around 15 m at 180 mW (3.6 V) dc input power. For 20-m-wide bent-beams, the shuttle mass displacement is around 19 m at 336 mW (4.2 V) dc input power. Sinusoidal cross-sectional PMMA microstructures with a pitch of 40 m and a height of 20 m are fabricated by 0.5 Hz, 20-m-amplitude sinusoidal shuttle mass oscillation.This research, under the contract project code MS-02-338-01, has been supported by the Intelligent Microsystem Center, which carries out one of the 21st centurys Frontier R & D Projects sponsored by the Korea Ministry of Science & Technology. Experiments at PLS were supported in part by MOST and POSCO.  相似文献   

A variotherm mold for micro metal injection molding   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
In this paper, a variotherm mold was designed and fabricated for the production of 316L stainless steel microstructures by micro metal injection molding (MIM). The variotherm mold incorporated a rapid heating/cooling system, vacuum unit, hot sprue and cavity pressure transducer. The design of the variotherm mold and the process cycle of MIM using the variotherm mold were described. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the molded microstructures produced using variotherm mold and conventional mold. The experiments showed that microstructures of higher aspect ratio such as 60 m × height 191 m and 40 m × height 174 m microstructures could be injection molded with complete filling and demolded successfully using the variotherm mold. Molded microstructures with dimensions of 60 m × height 191 m were successfully debound and sintered without visual defects.  相似文献   

Software engineering programmes are not computer science programmes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Programmes in Software Engineering have become a source of contention in many universities. Some Computer Science departments, many of which have used that phrase to describe individual courses for decades, claim software engineering as part of their discipline. However, Engineering faculties claim Software Engineering as a new speciality in the family of engineering disciplines. This paper discusses the differences between traditional computer science programmes and most engineering programmes and argues that we need programmes that follow the traditional engineering approach to professional education and educate engineers whose speciality within engineering is software construction. One such programme is described.  相似文献   

The first proposals for various component tools of what is now called the translator's workstation or translator's workbench are traced back to the 1970s and early 1980s in various, often independent, proposals at different stages in the development of computers and in their use by translators.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the class of Boolean -functions, which are the Boolean functions definable by -expressions (Boolean expressions in which no variable occurs more than once). We present an algorithm which transforms a Boolean formulaE into an equivalent -expression-if possible-in time linear in E times , where E is the size ofE andn m is the number of variables that occur more than once inE. As an application, we obtain a polynomial time algorithm for Mundici's problem of recognizing -functions fromk-formulas [17]. Furthermore, we show that recognizing Boolean -functions is co-NP-complete for functions essentially dependent on all variables and we give a bound close to co-NP for the general case.  相似文献   

A well-known problem in default logic is the ability of naive reasoners to explain bothg and ¬g from a set of observations. This problem is treated in at least two different ways within that camp.One approach is examination of the various explanations and choosing among them on the basis of various explanation comparators. A typical comparator is choosing the explanation that depends on the most specific observation, similar to the notion of narrowest reference class.Others examine default extensions of the observations and choose whatever is true in any extension, or what is true in all extensions or what is true in preferred extensions. Default extensions are sometimes thought of as acceptable models of the world that are discarded as more knowledge becomes available.We argue that the notions of specificity and extension lack clear semantics. Furthermore, we show that the problems these ideas were supposed to solve can be handled easily within a probabilistic framework.  相似文献   

Agent-based technology has been identified as an important approach for developing next generation manufacturing systems. One of the key techniques needed for implementing such advanced systems will be learning. This paper first discusses learning issues in agent-based manufacturing systems and reviews related approaches, then describes how to enhance the performance of an agent-based manufacturing system through learning from history (based on distributed case-based learning and reasoning) and learning from the future (through system forecasting simulation). Learning from history is used to enhance coordination capabilities by minimizing communication and processing overheads. Learning from the future is used to adjust promissory schedules through forecasting simulation, by taking into account the shop floor interactions, production and transportation time. Detailed learning and reasoning mechanisms are described and partial experimental results are presented.  相似文献   

When verifying concurrent systems described by transition systems, state explosion is one of the most serious problems. If quantitative temporal information (expressed by clock ticks) is considered, state explosion is even more serious. We present a notion of abstraction of transition systems, where the abstraction is driven by the formulae of a quantitative temporal logic, called qu-mu-calculus, defined in the paper. The abstraction is based on a notion of bisimulation equivalence, called , n-equivalence, where is a set of actions and n is a natural number. It is proved that two transition systems are , n-equivalent iff they give the same truth value to all qu-mu-calculus formulae such that the actions occurring in the modal operators are contained in , and with time constraints whose values are less than or equal to n. We present a non-standard (abstract) semantics for a timed process algebra able to produce reduced transition systems for checking formulae. The abstract semantics, parametric with respect to a set of actions and a natural number n, produces a reduced transition system , n-equivalent to the standard one. A transformational method is also defined, by means of which it is possible to syntactically transform a program into a smaller one, still preserving , n-equivalence.  相似文献   

One major task in requirements specification is to capture the rules relevant to the problem at hand. Declarative, rule-based approaches have been suggested by many researchers in the field. However, when it comes to modeling large systems of rules, not only for the behavior of the computer system but also for the organizational environment surrounding it, current approaches have problems with limited expressiveness, flexibility, and poor comprehensibility. Hence, rule-based approaches may benefit from improvements in two directions: (1) improvement of the rule languages themselves and (2) better integration with other, complementary modeling approaches.In this article, both issues are addressed in an integrated manner. The proposal is presented in the context of the Tempora project on rule-based information systems development, but has also been integrated with PPP. Tempora has provided a rule language based on an executable temporal logic working on top of a temporal database. The rule language is integrated with static (ER-like) and dynamic (SA/RT-like) modeling approaches. In the current proposal, the integration with complementary modeling approaches is extended by including organization modeling (actors, roles), and the expressiveness of the rule language is increased by introducing deontic operators and rule hierarchies. The main contribution of the article is not seen as any one of the above-mentioned extensions, but as the resulting comprehensive modeling support. The approach is illustrated by examples taken from an industrial case study done in connection with Tempora.C. List of Symbols Subset of set - Not subset of set - Element of set - Not element of set - Equivalent to - Not equivalent to - ¬ Negation - Logical and - Logical or - Implication - Sometime in past - Sometime in future - Always in past - Always in future - Just before - Just after - u Until - s Since - Trigger - Condition - s State condition - Consequence - a Action - s State - Role - Actor - ¬ - General deontic operator - O Obligatory - R Recommended - P Permitted - D Discouraged - F Forbidden - (/–) General rule - t R Real time - t M Model time  相似文献   

Pizer and Eberly introduced the core as the analogue of the medial axis for greyscale images. For two-dimensional images, it is obtained as the ridge of a medial function defined on 2 + 1-dimensional scale space. The medial function is defined using Gaussian blurring and measures the extent to which a point is in the center of the object measured at a scale. Numerical calculations indicate the core has properties quite different from the medial axis. In this paper we give the generic properties of ridges and cores for two-dimensional images and explain the discrepancy between core and medial axis properties. We place cores in a larger relative critical set structure, which coherently relates disjoint pieces of core. We also give the generic transitions which occur for sequences of images varying with a parameter such as time. The genericity implies the stability of the full structure in any compact viewing area of scale space under sufficiently small L2 perturbations of the image intensity function. We indicate consequences for finding cores and also for adding markings to completely determine the structure of the medial function.  相似文献   

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