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A Bayesian approach to joint feature selection and classifier design   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper adopts a Bayesian approach to simultaneously learn both an optimal nonlinear classifier and a subset of predictor variables (or features) that are most relevant to the classification task. The approach uses heavy-tailed priors to promote sparsity in the utilization of both basis functions and features; these priors act as regularizers for the likelihood function that rewards good classification on the training data. We derive an expectation- maximization (EM) algorithm to efficiently compute a maximum a posteriori (MAP) point estimate of the various parameters. The algorithm is an extension of recent state-of-the-art sparse Bayesian classifiers, which in turn can be seen as Bayesian counterparts of support vector machines. Experimental comparisons using kernel classifiers demonstrate both parsimonious feature selection and excellent classification accuracy on a range of synthetic and benchmark data sets.  相似文献   

A hybrid technique involving symbolization of data to remove noise and use of conditional entropy minima to extract relevant and non-redundant features is proposed in conjunction with support vector machines to obtain more robust classification algorithm. The technique tested on three data sets shows improvements in classification efficiencies.  相似文献   

The process of placing a separating hyperplane for data classification is normally disconnected from the process of selecting the features to use. An approach for feature selection that is conceptually simple but computationally explosive is to simply apply the hyperplane placement process to all possible subsets of features, selecting the smallest set of features that provides reasonable classification accuracy. Two ways to speed this process are (i) use a faster filtering criterion instead of a complete hyperplane placement, and (ii) use a greedy forward or backwards sequential selection method. This paper introduces a new filtering criterion that is very fast: maximizing the drop in the sum of infeasibilities in a linear-programming transformation of the problem. It also shows how the linear programming transformation can be applied to reduce the number of features after a separating hyperplane has already been placed while maintaining the separation that was originally induced by the hyperplane. Finally, a new and highly effective integrated method that simultaneously selects features while placing the separating hyperplane is introduced.  相似文献   

A novel facial expression classification (FEC) method is presented and evaluated. The classification process is decomposed into multiple two-class classification problems, a choice that is analytically justified, and unique sets of features are extracted for each classification problem. Specifically, for each two-class problem, an iterative feature selection process that utilizes a class separability measure is employed to create salient feature vectors (SFVs), where each SFV is composed of a selected feature subset. Subsequently, two-class discriminant analysis is applied on the SFVs to produce salient discriminant hyper-planes (SDHs), which are used to train the corresponding two-class classifiers. To properly integrate the two-class classification results and produce the FEC decision, a computationally efficient and fast classification scheme is developed. During each step of this scheme, the most reliable classifier is identified and utilized, thus, a more accurate final classification decision is produced. The JAFFE and the MMI databases are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed salient-feature-and-reliable-classifier selection (SFRCS) methodology. Classification rates of 96.71% and 93.61% are achieved under the leave-one-sample-out evaluation strategy, and 85.92% under the leave-one-subject-out evaluation strategy.  相似文献   

黄宇扬  董明刚  敬超 《计算机应用》2018,38(11):3112-3118
针对传统的实例选择算法会误删训练集中非噪声样本、算法效率低的不足,提出了一种面向K最近邻(KNN)的遗传实例选择算法。该算法采用基于决策树和遗传算法的二阶段筛选机制,先使用决策树确定噪声样本存在的范围;再使用遗传算法在该范围内精确删除噪声样本,可有效地降低误删率并提高效率,采用基于最近邻规则的验证集选择策略,进一步提高了遗传算法实例选择的准确度;最后引进基于均方误差(MSE)的分类精度惩罚函数来计算遗传算法中个体的适应度,提高有效性和稳定性。在20个数据集上,该方法相较于基于预分类的KNN (PRKNN)、基于协同进化的实例特征选择算法(IFS-CoCo)、K最近邻(KNN),在分类精度上的提升分别为0.07~26.9个百分点、0.03~11.8个百分点、0.2~12.64个百分点,在AUC和Kappa的上的提升分别为0.25~18.32个百分点、1.27~23.29个百分点、0.04~12.82个百分点。实验结果表明,该方法相较于当前实例选择算法在分类精度和分类效率上均具有优势。  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new method for Joint Feature Selection and Classifier Learning using a sparse Bayesian approach. These tasks are performed by optimizing a global loss function that includes a term associated with the empirical loss and another one representing a feature selection and regularization constraint on the parameters. To minimize this function we use a recently proposed technique, the Boosted Lasso algorithm, that follows the regularization path of the empirical risk associated with our loss function. We develop the algorithm for a well known non-parametrical classification method, the relevance vector machine, and perform experiments using a synthetic data set and three databases from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. The results show that our method is able to select the relevant features, increasing in some cases the classification accuracy when feature selection is performed.  相似文献   

《Pattern recognition letters》1999,20(11-13):1149-1156
Nearest neighbor classifiers demand significant computational resources (time and memory). Editing of the reference set and feature selection are two different approaches to this problem. Here we encode the two approaches within the same genetic algorithm (GA) and simultaneously select features and reference cases. Two data sets were used: the SATIMAGE data and a generated data set. The GA was found to be an expedient solution compared to editing followed by feature selection, feature selection followed by editing, and the individual results from feature selection and editing.  相似文献   

Features selection is the process of choosing the relevant subset of features from the high-dimensional dataset to enhance the performance of the classifier. Much research has been carried out in the present world for the process of feature selection. Algorithms such as Naïve Bayes (NB), decision tree, and genetic algorithm are applied to the high-dimensional dataset to select the relevant features and also to increase the computational speed. The proposed model presents a solution for selection of features using ensemble classifier algorithms. The proposed algorithm is the combination of minimum redundancy and maximum relevance (mRMR) and forest optimization algorithm (FOA). Ensemble-based algorithms such as support vector machine (SVM), K-nearest neighbor (KNN), and NB is further used to enhance the performance of the classifier algorithm. The mRMR-FOA is used to select the relevant features from the various datasets and 21% to 24% improvement is recorded in the feature selection. The ensemble classifier algorithms further improves the performance of the algorithm and provides accuracy of 96%.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of minimizing the number of misclassifications of a weighted voting classifier, plus a penalty proportional to the number of nonzero weights. We first prove that its optimum is at least as hard to approximate as the minimum disagreement halfspace problem for a wide range of penalty parameter values. After formulating the problem as a mixed integer program (MIP), we show that common “soft margin” linear programming (LP) formulations for constructing weighted voting classsifiers are equivalent to an LP relaxation of our formulation. We show that this relaxation is very weak, with a potentially exponential integrality gap. However, we also show that augmenting the relaxation with certain valid inequalities tightens it considerably, yielding a linear upper bound on the gap for all values of the penalty parameter that exceed a reasonable threshold. Unlike earlier techniques proposed for similar problems (Bradley and Mangasarian (1998) [4], Weston et al. (2003) [14]), our approach provides bounds on the optimal solution value.  相似文献   

The high dimensionality of microarray datasets endows the task of multiclass tissue classification with various difficulties—the main challenge being the selection of features deemed relevant and non-redundant to form the predictor set for classifier training. The necessity of varying the emphases on relevance and redundancy, through the use of the degree of differential prioritization (DDP) during the search for the predictor set is also of no small importance. Furthermore, there are several types of decomposition technique for the feature selection (FS) problem—all-classes-at-once, one-vs.-all (OVA) or pairwise (PW). Also, in multiclass problems, there is the need to consider the type of classifier aggregation used—whether non-aggregated (a single machine), or aggregated (OVA or PW). From here, first we propose a systematic approach to combining the distinct problems of FS and classification. Then, using eight well-known multiclass microarray datasets, we empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of the DDP in various combinations of FS decomposition types and classifier aggregation methods. Aided by the variable DDP, feature selection leads to classification performance which is better than that of rank-based or equal-priorities scoring methods and accuracies higher than previously reported for benchmark datasets with large number of classes. Finally, based on several criteria, we make general recommendations on the optimal choice of the combination of FS decomposition type and classifier aggregation method for multiclass microarray datasets.  相似文献   

基于类别的特征选择算法的文本分类系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋伟贞  陶宏才 《计算机应用》2005,25(11):2658-2660
目前的索引词选择算法大多是基于词频的,没有利用训练样本中的类别信息,为此提出了一种新的基于类别的特征选择算法。该算法根据某个词是否存在于文档中导致该类文档相似度的区别,来确定该词区分不同文档的分辨力,以此分辨力作为选取关键词的重要度。以该算法为基础,设计了一个英文文本自动分类系统,并对该系统进行了测试和结果分析。  相似文献   

Feature selection and feature weighting are useful techniques for improving the classification accuracy of K-nearest-neighbor (K-NN) rule. The term feature selection refers to algorithms that select the best subset of the input feature set. In feature weighting, each feature is multiplied by a weight value proportional to the ability of the feature to distinguish pattern classes. In this paper, a novel hybrid approach is proposed for simultaneous feature selection and feature weighting of K-NN rule based on Tabu Search (TS) heuristic. The proposed TS heuristic in combination with K-NN classifier is compared with several classifiers on various available data sets. The results have indicated a significant improvement in the performance in classification accuracy. The proposed TS heuristic is also compared with various feature selection algorithms. Experiments performed revealed that the proposed hybrid TS heuristic is superior to both simple TS and sequential search algorithms. We also present results for the classification of prostate cancer using multispectral images, an important problem in biomedicine.  相似文献   

Web services, which can be described as functionality modules invoked over a network as part of a larger application are often used in software development. Instead of occasionally incorporating some of these services in an application, they can be thought of as fundamental building blocks that are combined in a process known as Web service composition. Manually creating compositions from a large number of candidate services is very time consuming, and developing techniques for achieving this objective in an automated manner becomes an active research field. One promising group of techniques encompasses evolutionary computing, which can effectively tackle the large search spaces characteristic of the composition problem. Therefore, this paper proposes the use of genetic programming for Web service composition, investigating three variations to ensure the creation of functionally correct solutions that are also optimised according to their quality of service. A variety of comparisons are carried out between these variations and two particle swarm optimisation approaches, with results showing that there is likely a trade-off between execution time and the quality of solutions when employing genetic programming and particle swarm optimisation. Even though genetic programming has a higher execution time for most datasets, the results indicate that it scales better than particle swarm optimisation.  相似文献   

The matrix, as an extended pattern representation to the vector, has proven to be effective in feature extraction. However, the subsequent classifier following the matrix-pattern- oriented feature extraction is generally still based on the vector pattern representation (namely, MatFE + VecCD), where it has been demonstrated that the effectiveness in classification just attributes to the matrix representation in feature extraction. This paper looks at the possibility of applying the matrix pattern representation to both feature extraction and classifier design. To this end, we propose a so-called fully matrixized approach, i.e., the matrix-pattern-oriented feature extraction followed by the matrix-pattern-oriented classifier design (MatFE + MatCD). To more comprehensively validate MatFE + MatCD, we further consider all the possible combinations of feature extraction (FE) and classifier design (CD) on the basis of patterns represented by matrix and vector respectively, i.e., MatFE + MatCD, MatFE + VecCD, just the matrix-pattern-oriented classifier design (MatCD), the vector-pattern-oriented feature extraction followed by the matrix-pattern-oriented classifier design (VecFE + MatCD), the vector-pattern-oriented feature extraction followed by the vector-pattern-oriented classifier design (VecFE + VecCD) and just the vector-pattern-oriented classifier design (VecCD). The experiments on the combinations have shown the following: 1) the designed fully matrixized approach (MatFE + MatCD) has an effective and efficient performance on those patterns with the prior structural knowledge such as images; and 2) the matrix gives us an alternative feasible pattern representation in feature extraction and classifier designs, and meanwhile provides a necessary validation for "ugly duckling" and "no free lunch" theorems.  相似文献   

Most methods of classification either ignore feature analysis or do it in a separate phase, offline prior to the main classification task. This paper proposes a neuro-fuzzy scheme for designing a classifier along with feature selection. It is a four-layered feed-forward network for realizing a fuzzy rule-based classifier. The network is trained by error backpropagation in three phases. In the first phase, the network learns the important features and the classification rules. In the subsequent phases, the network is pruned to an "optimal" architecture that represents an "optimal" set of rules. Pruning is found to drastically reduce the size of the network without degrading the performance. The pruned network is further tuned to improve performance. The rules learned by the network can be easily read from the network. The system is tested on both synthetic and real data sets and found to perform quite well.  相似文献   

The problem addressed in this letter concerns the multiclassifier generation by a random subspace method (RSM). In the RSM, the classifiers are constructed in random subspaces of the data feature space. In this letter, we propose an evolved feature weighting approach: in each subspace, the features are multiplied by a weight factor for minimizing the error rate in the training set. An efficient method based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) is here proposed for finding a set of weights for each feature in each subspace. The performance improvement with respect to the state-of-the-art approaches is validated through experiments with several benchmark data sets.  相似文献   

An efficient fuzzy classifier with feature selection based on fuzzyentropy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents an efficient fuzzy classifier with the ability of feature selection based on a fuzzy entropy measure. Fuzzy entropy is employed to evaluate the information of pattern distribution in the pattern space. With this information, we can partition the pattern space into nonoverlapping decision regions for pattern classification. Since the decision regions do not overlap, both the complexity and computational load of the classifier are reduced and thus the training time and classification time are extremely short. Although the decision regions are partitioned into nonoverlapping subspaces, we can achieve good classification performance since the decision regions can be correctly determined via our proposed fuzzy entropy measure. In addition, we also investigate the use of fuzzy entropy to select relevant features. The feature selection procedure not only reduces the dimensionality of a problem but also discards noise-corrupted, redundant and unimportant features. Finally, we apply the proposed classifier to the Iris database and Wisconsin breast cancer database to evaluate the classification performance. Both of the results show that the proposed classifier can work well for the pattern classification application.  相似文献   


In dynamic ensemble selection (DES) techniques, only the most competent classifiers, for the classification of a specific test sample, are selected to predict the sample’s class labels. The key in DES techniques is estimating the competence of the base classifiers for the classification of each specific test sample. The classifiers’ competence is usually estimated according to a given criterion, which is computed over the neighborhood of the test sample defined on the validation data, called the region of competence. A problem arises when there is a high degree of noise in the validation data, causing the samples belonging to the region of competence to not represent the query sample. In such cases, the dynamic selection technique might select the base classifier that overfitted the local region rather than the one with the best generalization performance. In this paper, we propose two modifications in order to improve the generalization performance of any DES technique. First, a prototype selection technique is applied over the validation data to reduce the amount of overlap between the classes, producing smoother decision borders. During generalization, a local adaptive K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm is used to minimize the influence of noisy samples in the region of competence. Thus, DES techniques can better estimate the classifiers’ competence. Experiments are conducted using 10 state-of-the-art DES techniques over 30 classification problems. The results demonstrate that the proposed scheme significantly improves the classification accuracy of dynamic selection techniques.


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