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To facilitate structural analysis of proteins and protein-protein interactions, we developed Pro-CrossLink, a suite of software tools consisting of three programs (Figure 1), DetectShift, IdentifyXLink, and AssignXLink. DetectShift was developed to detect ions of cross-linked peptide pairs in a mixture of 18O-labeled peptides obtained from protein proteolytic digests. The selected candidate ions of cross-linked peptide pairs subsequently undergo tandem mass spectrometric (MS/MS) analysis for sequence determination. Based on the masses of candidate ions as well as y- and b-type ions in the tandem mass spectra, IdentifyXLink assigns the candidate ions to cross-linked peptide pairs. For an identified cross-linked peptide pair, AssignXLink generates an extensive fragment ion list, including a-, b-, c-type, x-, y-, z-type, internal, and immonium ions with associated common losses of H2O, NH3, CO, and CO2, and facilitates a precise location of the cross-linked residues. Pro-CrossLink is automated, highly configurable by the user, and applicable to many studies that map low-resolution protein structures and molecular interfaces in protein complexes.  相似文献   

Quantitative mass spectrometry using stable isotope-labeled tagging reagents such as isotope-coded affinity tags has emerged as a powerful tool for identification and relative quantitation of proteins in current proteomic studies. Here we describe an integrated approach using both automated two-dimensional liquid chromatography/ mass spectrometry (2D-LC/MS) and a novel class of chemically modified resins, termed acid-labile isotope-coded extractants (ALICE), for quantitative mass spectrometric analysis of protein mixtures. ALICE contains a thiol-reactive group that is used to capture all cysteine (Cys)-containing peptides from peptide mixtures, an acid-labile linker, and a nonbiological polymer. The acid-labile linker is synthesized in both heavy and light isotope-coded forms and therefore enables the direct relative quantitation of peptides/proteins through mass spectrometric analysis. To test the ALICE method for quantitative protein analysis, two model protein mixtures were fully reduced, alkylated, and digested in solution separately and then Cys-containing peptides covalently captured by either light or heavy ALICE. The reacted light and heavy ALICE were mixed and washed extensively under rigorous conditions and the Cys-containing peptides retrieved by mild acid-catalyzed elution. Finally, the eluted peptides were directly subjected to automated 2D-LC/MS for protein identification and LC/MS for accurate relative quantitation. Our initial study showed that quantitation of protein mixtures using ALICE was accurate. In addition, isolation of Cys-containing peptides by the ALICE method was robust and specific and thus yielded very low background in mass spectrometric studies. Overall, the use of ALICE provides improved dynamic range and sensitivity for quantitative mass spectrometric analysis of peptide or protein mixtures.  相似文献   

Chemical cross-linking combined with mass spectrometry is a viable approach to study the low-resolution structure of protein and protein complexes. However, unambiguous identification of the residues involved in a cross-link remains analytically challenging. To enable a more effective analysis across various MS platforms, we have developed a novel set of collision-induced dissociative cross-linking reagents and methodology for chemical cross-linking experiments using tandem mass spectrometry (CID-CXL-MS/MS). These reagents incorporate a single gas-phase cleavable bond within their linker region that can be selectively fragmented within the in-source region of the mass spectrometer, enabling independent MS/MS analysis for each peptide. Initial design concepts were characterized using a synthesized cross-linked peptide complex. Following verification and subsequent optimization of cross-linked peptide complex dissociation, our reagents were applied to homodimeric glutathione S-transferase and monomeric bovine serum albumin. Cross-linked residues identified by our CID-CXL-MS/MS method were in agreement with published crystal structures and previous cross-linking studies using conventional approaches. Common LC/MS/MS acquisition approaches such as data-dependent acquisition experiments using ion trap mass spectrometers and product ion spectral analysis using SEQUEST were shown to be compatible with our CID-CXL-MS/MS reagents, obviating the requirement for high resolution and high mass accuracy measurements to identify both intra- and interpeptide cross-links.  相似文献   

We describe an approach for the combination of biomolecular interaction analysis (BIA) and electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (ESI/MS/MS) to obtain sequence information on the affinity-bound proteins on the sensor chip of BIA. The procedure is illustrated with stable and unstable interactions of recombinant proteins, i.e., histidine-tagged protein-Ni2+/NTA and 1,4,5-inositol trisphosphate receptor-ligand interactions. The E. coli lysates expressing the recombinant proteins were passed through the sensor chips, and biomolecular interactions were monitored in real time. The molecules detected on the sensor chip were digested by delivering proteolytic enzyme to the sensing flow cells. The resulting on-chip digested peptide mixture at the mid- to low-femtomole level was recovered on a microcapillary reversed-phase precolumn by an on-line system and analyzed using HPLC-MS/MS. In both cases, unambiguous sequence information on the recombinant proteins isolated on the sensor chip was obtained from only a single run of analysis. The combined BIA-MS/MS may prove to be a general and versatile system to discover novel biomolecular interactions and to analyze protein complexes.  相似文献   

Several former studies have shown that MALDI-TOF-MS can be applied successfully to investigate the quaternary structure of proteins. Whereas most of these reports were focused on MALDI sample preparation, there is little information about the influence of instrumental parameters on the desorption/ionization and gas-phase behavior of protein subunit assemblies. Therefore, in addition of giving short examples of the quaternary structure analysis of a microheterogeneous glycoprotein, a metalloenzyme, and a heme-binding enzyme by MALDI-TOF-MS, we report a systematic study of the effect of some instrumental parameters on the analysis of chicken egg white avidin. From these tested parameters, only the laser pulse energy was found to influence the relative abundance of the intact assembly as well as the formation of nonspecific cluster ions significantly. This finding suggests that the disruption of the noncovalent interactions during the desorption/ionization process takes place at a very short time interval after the laser ablation, whereas those assemblies that survive this step are rather stable afterward in the gas phase. In addition, we present clear evidence that protein cluster ions are not preformed during sample preparation but originate from nonspecific assemblage during desorption/ionization.  相似文献   

N-glycosylation of proteins is recognized as one of the most common post-translational modifications. Until recently it was believed that N-glycosylation occurred exclusively in eukaryotes before the discovery of the general protein glycosylation pathway (Pgl) in Campylobacter jejuni. To date, most techniques to analyze lipid-linked oligosaccharides (LLOs) of these pathways involve the use of radiolabels and chromatographic separation. Technologies capable of characterizing eukaryotic and the newly described bacterial N-glycosylation systems from biologically relevant samples in a quick, accurate, and cost-effective manner are needed. In this paper a new glycomics strategy based on lectin-affinity capture was devised and validated on the C. jejuni N-glycan pathway and the engineered Escherichia coli strains expressing the functional C. jejuni pathway. The lipid-linked oligosaccharide intermediates of the Pgl pathway were then enriched using SBA-agarose affinity-capture and examined by capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CE-MS). We demonstrate that this method is capable of detecting low levels of LLOs, the sugars are indeed assembled on undecaprenylpyrophosphate, and structural information for expected and unexpected LLOs can be obtained without further sample manipulation. Furthermore, CE-MS analyses of C. jejuni and the E. coli "glyco-factories" showed striking differences in the assembly and control of N-glycan biosynthesis.  相似文献   

High-performance liquid chromatography (LC) coupled to mass spectrometry (MS) is increasingly being used for urinary metabonomic studies. Most studies utilize reversed-phase separation techniques, which are not suited to retaining highly polar analytes. Metabonomic studies should encompass a representative "fingerprint" that contains the largest amount of information possible. In this work, we have analyzed human urine samples with LC-MS, comparing traditional reversed-phase separation with hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC), using both positive and negative electrospray ionization modes. The resulting data were analyzed using principal components analysis and partial least-squares-discriminant analysis. Discriminant models were developed for the response variables gender, diurnal variation, and age and were evaluated using external test sets to classify their predictive ability. The developed models using both positive and negative ionization mode data for reversed-phase and HILIC separations were very comparable, indicating that HILIC is a suitable method for increasing the fingerprint coverage for LC-MS metabonomic studies.  相似文献   

A method for testing the significance of mass spectrometric (MS) protein identification results is presented. MS proteolytic peptide mapping and genome database searching provide a rapid, sensitive, and potentially accurate means for identifying proteins. Database search algorithms detect the matching between proteolytic peptide masses from an MS peptide map and theoretical proteolytic peptide masses of the proteins in a genome database. The number of masses that matches is used to compute a score, S, for each protein, and the protein that yields the best score is assumed as the identification result. There is a risk of obtaining a false result, because masses determined by MS are not unique; i.e., each mass in a peptide map can match randomly one or several proteins in a genome database. A false result is obtained when the score, S, due to random matching cannot be discerned from the score due to matching with a real protein in the sample. We therefore introduce the frequency function, f(S), for false (random) identification results as a basis for testing at what significance level, alpha, one can reject a null hypothesis, H0: "the result is false". The significance is tested by comparing an experimental score, S(E), with a critical score, S(C), required for a significant result at the level alpha. If S(E) > or = S(C), H0 is rejected. f(S) and S(C) were obtained by simulations utilizing random tryptic peptide maps generated from a genome database. The critical score, S(C), was studied as a function of the number of masses in the peptide map, the mass accuracy, the degree of incomplete enzymatic cleavage, the protein mass range, and the size of the genome. With S(C) known for a variety of experimental constraints, significance testing can be fully automated and integrated with database searching software used for protein identification.  相似文献   

Plasma desorption mass spectrometric analysis of mycobacterial glycolipids   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mycobacteria are characterized by species- or type-specific glycolipid antigens. These are generally of the following three types: the trehalose-containing, acylated lipooligosaccharides (LOS), the C-mycoside glycopeptidolipids (GPL), and the phenolic glycolipids (PGL). To date, convenient mass spectrometric analysis of the intact form of these complex glycolipids has proved to be difficult. The successful plasma desorption mass spectrometric analysis of intact mycobacterial glycolipids of the LOS, GPL, and PGL types is now reported, allowing location of the acyl residues and providing oligosaccharide sequence and molecular weight information.  相似文献   

Chemical cross-linking has proved successful in combination with mass spectrometry as a tool for low-resolution structure determination of proteins. The integration of chemical cross-linking with Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) mass spectrometry to determine protein interfaces was tested on the calcium-dependent complex between calmodulin (CaM) and a 26-amino acid peptide derived from the skeletal muscle myosin light chain kinase (M13). Different amine-reactive, homobifunctional cross-linkers and a "zero-length" cross-linker were employed. The covalently attached complexes were separated from nonreacted proteins by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and the bands of interest were excised and in-gel digested with trypsin. Digestion of the cross-linked complexes resulted in complicated peptide mixtures, which were analyzed by nano-HPLC/nano-ESI-FTICR mass spectrometry. The distance constraints obtained by chemical cross-linking were in agreement with the published NMR structure of the CaM/M13 complex, pointing to residues Lys-18 and Lys-19 of M13 being cross-linked with the central alpha-helix of CaM. Thus, the integrated approach described herein has proven to be an efficient tool for mapping the topology of the CaM/M13 complex. As such it is applicable as a general strategy for the investigation of the spatial organization of protein complexes and complements existing techniques, such as X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

We report here the application of electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry for the characterization of protein ubiquitylation, an important posttranslational modification of cellular proteins. Trypsin digestion of ubiquitin-conjugated proteins produces diglycine branched peptides containing the modification sites. Chemical derivatization by N-terminal sulfonation was carried out on several model peptides for the formation of a characteristic fragmentation pattern in their MS/MS analysis. The fragmentation of derivatized singly charged peptides results in a product ion distribution similar to that already observed by MALDI-TOF MS/MS. Signature fragments distinguished the diglycine branched peptides from other modified and unmodified peptides, while the sequencing product ions reveal the amino acid sequence and the location of the ubiquitylation site. Doubly charged peptide derivatives fragment in a somewhat different manner, but several fragments characteristic to diglycine branched peptides were observed under low collision energy conditions. These signature peaks can also be used to identify peptides containing ubiquitylation sites. In addition, a marker ion corresponding to a glycine-modified lysine residue produced by high-energy fragmentation provides useful information for identity verification. The method is demonstrated by the analysis of three ubiquitin-conjugated proteins using LC/MS/MS.  相似文献   

An ultralow volume fraction collection system referred to as nano fraction analysis chip technology (nanoFACT) is reported. The system collects 25-2500-nL fractions from 75-microm nanoLC columns into pipet tips at a user-defined, timed interval, typically one fraction every 15-120 s. Following collection, the fractions in the tip dry down naturally on their own in such a way as to create a concentrated band at the very end of the interior of the pipet tip. The fractions are then reconstituted directly in the pipet tips in approximately 250 nL of solvent prior to analysis. Because the chromatography and reconstitution solvent are independent, the reconstitution solvent can be selected to maximize ionization efficiency without compromising chromatography. In the infusion analysis of the nanoLC fractions, a low-flow electrospray chip is used which consists of 400 nozzles, each with an inner diameter of 2.5 microm and yielding flow rates of approximately 20 nL/min. Therefore, when reconstituted in 250 nL, each nanoLC fraction can be analyzed for over 10 min. This increase in analysis time allows for signal averaging, resulting in higher data quality, collision energy optimization, slower scanning techniques to be used, such as neutral loss and precursor ion scanning, higher resolution scans on FTMS instruments, and improved peptide quantitation. Furthermore, the nanoLC fractions could be archived in the pipet tips for analysis at a later date. Here, the advantages of nanoFACT are shown for phosphorylation analysis using bovine fetuin and glycosylation analysis using bovine ribonuclease B (RNase B). In the phosphorylation analysis, a comparison between conventional nanoLC and a nanoFACT analysis was performed. An MS/MS spectrum of a triply phosphorylated peptide, 313-HTFSGVApSVEpSpSSGEAFHVGK-333 could only be obtained using nanoFACT, not with nanoLC. Furthermore, spectral quality for the nanoFACT analysis was significantly improved over nanoLC. This was determined by comparing the number of diagnostic ions between the nanoFACT and nanoLC spectra, and it was found that the nanoFACT spectra contained a 19% or greater number of diagnostic ions for nonphosphorylated peptides and 55% or greater for phosphorylated peptides. For the glycosylation analysis, the glycosylation site of RNase B was fully characterized using 100 fmol of tryptic digest on a three-dimensional ion trap mass spectrometer.  相似文献   

A direct current (dc) glow discharge mass spectrometer has been used to analyze atmospheric particulate matter. The sample preparation used is simple and time-saving. The air is sucked by a pump through a single-orifice impactor stage, in which the aerosols are impacted on a metal support, forming a central spot. This metal plate is directly used as a cathode in a dc glow discharge mass spectrometer. Evaluation of the sample loading and of the discharge parameters allowed us to optimize the signal intensity and to minimize its decrease, the latter being a consequence of its consumption by continuous sputtering in the discharge. The available aerosol analysis time could be prolonged to more than 3 h, a time span necessary to perform a multielement analysis using a magnetic sector instrument and long integration times. A NIST reference aerosol was measured to evaluate the quantitative analysis potential. The internal reproducibility was better than 10% RSD, and the limits of detection were estimated to be in the low ppm or sub ppm region. Even without the use of any standards or correction factors, glow discharge mass spectrometry could offer good semiquantitative results, based only on the use of an internal standard.  相似文献   

New software tools for quantitative analysis of mass spectrometric lipidome data have been developed. The LIMSA tool finds and integrates peaks in a mass spectrum, matches the peaks with a user-supplied list of expected lipids, corrects for overlap in their isotopic patterns, and quantifies the identified lipid species according to internal standards. Three different algorithms for isotopic correction (deconvolution) were implemented and compared. LIMSA has a convenient user interface and can be applied on any type of MS spectrum. Typically, analysis of one spectrum takes only a few seconds. The SECD tool, designed for analysis of LC-MS data sets, provides an intuitive and informative display of MS chromatograms as two-dimensional "maps" for visual inspection of the data and allows the user to extract mass spectra, to be further analyzed with LIMSA, from arbitrary regions of these maps. More reliable analysis of complex lipidome data with improved signal-to-noise ratio is obtained when compared to standard time-range averaged spectra. The functionality of these tools is demonstrated by analysis of standard mixtures as well as complex biological samples. The tools described here make accurate, high-throughput analysis of extensive sample sets feasible and are made available to the scientific community free of charge.  相似文献   

Cadene M  Chait BT 《Analytical chemistry》2000,72(22):5655-5658
Recent breakthroughs in the high-resolution structural elucidation of ion channels and transporters are prompting a growing interest in methods for characterizing integral membrane proteins. These methods are proving extremely valuable in facilitating the production of X-ray diffraction-grade crystals. Here we present a robust and straightforward mass spectrometric procedure that utilizes matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization to analyze integral membrane proteins in the presence of detergents. The utility of this method is illustrated with examples of high-quality mass spectral data obtained from membrane proteins for which atomic resolution structural studies are ongoing.  相似文献   

Surface acoustic wave nebulization (SAWN) is a novel method to transfer nonvolatile analytes directly from the aqueous phase to the gas phase for mass spectrometric analysis. The lower ion energetics of SAWN and its planar nature make it appealing for analytically challenging lipid samples. This challenge is a result of their amphipathic nature, labile nature, and tendency to form aggregates, which readily precipitate clogging capillaries used for electrospray ionization (ESI). Here, we report the use of SAWN to characterize the complex glycolipid, lipid A, which serves as the membrane anchor component of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and has a pronounced tendency to clog nano-ESI capillaries. We also show that unlike ESI SAWN is capable of ionizing labile phospholipids without fragmentation. Lastly, we compare the ease of use of SAWN to the more conventional infusion-based ESI methods and demonstrate the ability to generate higher order tandem mass spectral data of lipid A for automated structure assignment using our previously reported hierarchical tandem mass spectrometry (HiTMS) algorithm. The ease of generating SAWN-MS(n) data combined with HiTMS interpretation offers the potential for high throughput lipid A structure analysis.  相似文献   

M Wotske  Y Wu  DA Wolters 《Analytical chemistry》2012,84(15):6848-6855
Farnesylation involves the post-translational attachment of a 15 carbon unit to the C-terminus of proteins, thus allowing them to incorporate into membranes. The farnesylation reaction requires farnesyldiphosphate as the farnesyl group donor and is catalyzed by the farnesyltransferase. Some of the most familiar farnesylated proteins belong to the Ras protein superfamily, well-known oncoproteins. As Ras proteins require the membrane localization for the transduction of extracellular signals, farnesyltransferase inhibitors are discussed as chemotherapeutic agents. Despite the importance of this post-translational modification, farnesylated peptides have been investigated rarely by means of high-pressure liquid chromatography in combination with mass spectrometry. In this study, we examined the liquid chromatographic separation of farnesylated peptides with the help of the multidimensional protein identification technology. The peptides were further ionized by electrospray ionization and subsequently analyzed by tandem mass spectrometry. We demonstrated that farnesylated peptides are more strongly retained by reversed phase than nonfarnesylated peptides. This allowed for the identification of farnesylated peptides, if spiked into complex peptide samples. In some cases the farnesyl group was apparently split off from the peptide during the ionization process, and tandem mass spectra often revealed a neutral loss of the farnesyl moiety.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of investigations conducted to evaluate the added mass to represent fluid-structure interaction effects in vibration/dynamic analysis of floating bodies such as ship hulls. While the structural plating is idealized by 9-noded plate/shell finite elements, the fluid domain is modelled by 20-noded/21-noded 3-D finite elements in the investigations conducted. A new 8-noded element has been developed to model the interface between the structure and the fluid. An efficient computational methodology has been used for computation of added mass. The finite element models are validated by comparing the results with those given by analytical solution for a submerged sphere. The efficacy of the finite element model is demonstrated through convergence of the results obtained for a floating barge problem. A better convergence rate and distribution of added mass in three orthogonal directions have been obtained.  相似文献   

Zhang N  Doucette A  Li L 《Analytical chemistry》2001,73(13):2968-2975
Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) is widely used in protein sample workup. However, many mass spectrometric methods cannot tolerate the presence of this strong surfactant in a protein sample. We present a practical and robust technique based on a two-layer matrix/sample deposition method for the analysis of protein and peptide samples containing SDS by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS). The two-layer method involves the deposition of a mixture of sample and matrix on top of a thin layer of matrix crystals. It was found that for SDS-containing samples, the intensity of the MALDI signals can be affected by the conditions of sample preparation: on-probe washing, choice of matrix, deposition method, solvent system, and protein-to-SDS ratio. However, we found that, under appropriate conditions, the two-layer method gave reliable MALDI signals for samples with levels of SDS up to approximately 1%. The applications of this method are demonstrated for MALDI analysis of hydrophobic membrane proteins as well as bacterial extracts. We envision that this two-layer method capable of handling impure samples including those containing SDS will play an important role in protein molecular weight analysis as well as in proteome identification by MALDI-MS and MS/MS.  相似文献   

A glass rod (5-20 cm long, 2 mm o.d.) containing more than 1200 parallel microchannels (< 40 microns i.d.) was converted into a high-resolution (> 100 theoretical plates cm-1) GC column by coating the inside of each channel in a way that compensated for the dispersion of the channel inner diameter. The columns were evaluated for the separation of mixtures of several organometallic (Hg, Sn, Pb) compounds prior to on-line sensitive metalselective detection by ICPMS. Chromatographic separation conditions were optimized to enable a rapid (within a maximum 30 s) multielemental speciation analysis. Absolute detection limits were 0.1 pg for Hg, 0.05 pg for Sn, and 0.03 pg for Pb using the carrier gas flows of approximately 200 mL min-1. The microcolumn multicapillary GC/ICPMS developed was applied to the analysis of a number of environmental samples. The results were validated with certified reference materials for tin (BCR477, PACS-2) and mercury (DORM-1, TORT-1).  相似文献   

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