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Preparing Future Faculty programs were developed as an alternate way to prepare doctoral students for academic careers. The author discusses experiences of faculty of color in institutions of higher education. The article describes the original University of Georgia Preparing Future Faculty in Psychology program with its emphasis on students of color. Lessons learned and implications for training are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In recent years, the delayed recall of memories of childhood abuse has been the subject of increasingly heated societal debate. The American Psychological Association Working Group on Investigation of Memories of Childhood Abuse was charged with reviewing relevant literature and making recommendations for future research directions as well as for clinical training and practice. This article reviews the trauma and child sexual abuse literatures by examining the scope of the problem and placing the current controversy into its broader social/historical context. It then provides a review of selected literature on the following topics: (1) the nature and consequences of trauma, particularly with regard to its potential effect on memory, and with special attention to trauma occurring during childhood; (2) child sexual abuse as a unique and potentially very traumatic form of interpersonal victimization; (3) dissociation and its functions both as a psychological defense against the impact of trauma and as the mental mechanism that most likely accounts for the amnesia and hypermnesia commonly experienced by traumatized individuals; and (4) memory in adults reporting a history of child sexual abuse, using available empirical data. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The relevance of race, ethnicity, and culture in the mentor–mentee relationship is the essence of this article. The authors argue that diversity education for those mentoring students of color merits an additional level of required expertise in the following key areas: culture and academia, shared/assumed existential posture, racial discrimination, race and ethnic self-awareness, and relationship and process. With support from APA publications, the authors highlight specific academic and professional concerns for students of color, to work toward effective mentoring of culturally diverse students. For prospective mentors of students of color, the authors make recommendations related to engagement, instruction, and integration of personal and professional identity. Further, the authors make recommendations for the management of experiences with discrimination and the recognition of racial identity and racial awareness in the mentor–mentee relationship. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article identifies the key issues involved in the debate about affirmative action. The June 2003 Supreme Court decisions allowing consideration of race to ensure that there is a "critical mass" of African American, Latino/Latina, and Native American applicants to higher education are addressed. Social psychologists have identified key myths and provided clarifications about the need for and consequences of strategies used to promote equal opportunity for persons of color and women. A brief history of affirmative action and of the problems it was designed to solve is provided. The accomplishments, benefits, and compelling interest of diversity and affirmative action are described, as well as the concerns and counterpoints. The lack of a substantial applicant pool in psychology hinders progress toward diversity. Alternative strategies for remedying this lack beyond affirmative admissions policies in psychology are briefly discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Many universities have experienced success at improving student, but not faculty, diversity. This paper examines how, over the past few years, a major U.S. research university made significant progress in recruiting faculty candidates from underrepresented groups. The paper situates this progress in the earlier context of a racial incident that disrupted the community's sense of order and civility. It was in the aftermath of this critical incident that a galvanized collective created positive conditions for change. We show that insiders' tacit knowledge can provide key clues to successful organizational change. In particular, we offer our experience of creating a university-wide, online tutorial on recruiting diverse faculty that every search committee member is required to take. Our case also demonstrates that organizational context and history are important factors to consider in understanding why specific faculty life initiatives succeed or flounder. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A 5-study investigation of reactions of dominant group members (i.e., White Americans) to diversity (relative to racial minority reactions) provides evidence of implicit and explicit associations between multiculturalism and exclusion and of a relationship between perceived exclusion and reactions to diversity. In Study 1, Whites but not racial minorities were faster in an implicit association task at pairing multiculturalism with exclusion than with inclusion. This association diminished in Study 2 through a subtle framing of diversity efforts as targeted toward all groups, including European Americans. In Study 3, in a “Me/Not Me” task, Whites were less likely than minorities to pair multiculturalism concepts with the self and were slower in responding to multiculturalism concepts. Furthermore, associating multiculturalism with the self (Study 3) or feeling included in organizational diversity (Study 4) predicted Whites' endorsement of diversity and also accounted for the oft-cited group status difference in support for diversity initiatives. Study 5 showed that individual differences in need to belong moderated Whites' interest in working for organizations that espouse a multicultural versus a color-blind approach to diversity, with individuals higher in need to belong less attracted to organizations with a multicultural approach. Overall, results show that the purportedly “inclusive” ideology of multiculturalism is not perceived as such by Whites. This may, in part, account for their lower support for diversity efforts in education and work settings. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The current paper reviews literature on the academic performance of Asian Americans with a critical eye toward understanding the influence of discrimination on this process. Specifically, this study seeks to understand the extent to which researchers have gathered sufficient knowledge to dispel “conventional knowledge” of Asian Americans as model minorities. We questioned the extent to which studies explicitly measured student performance as a product of individual effort and Asian cultural influences, while simultaneously measuring the impact of exposure to discrimination. We present a review of studies on Asian American academic performance published 1990–2008. Our analysis suggests that social science research has continued to perpetuate the stereotype of Asian Americans as a “model minority.” The majority of the reviewed studies did not differentiate among Asian American ethnic and generational groups. These studies also tended to infer culture as an explanation for the high achievement of Asian Americans without examining the impact of sociopolitical factors, such as racial discrimination. In fact, many of the reviewed studies reported that Asian Americans were deficient relative to Whites on attributes thought to be related to culture (e.g., personality characteristics, parenting behaviors) while finding that they achieved academically at levels similar to or higher than Whites. Finally, the majority of these studies have not used culturally appropriate methods to test their hypotheses and research questions. Thus, we recommend that studies embrace emic/population-specific and sociopolitical (Sasao & Sue, 1993) approaches to understand and explore factors that contribute to academic achievement in this group. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In an attempt to address concerns regarding the experiences of academic faculty who are members of often-marginalized groups (e.g., women and ethnic/racial minorities), a climate survey of faculty members at a large public university was developed as part of a larger effort to improve aspects of the policies, procedures, and work climate. Multivariate analysis of variance revealed differences in performance-related variables and equality of treatment for women and racial/ethnic minorities working in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields. Women in STEM fields and racial/ethnic minority non-STEM faculty generally reported more negative experiences, while ethnically diverse STEM faculty generally reported more positive experiences. The differential composition of the racial/ethnic minority STEM and non-STEM groups is thought to explain the discrepant findings between these 2 groups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article critically reviews methodologies and theoretical orientations of 27 published empirical studies examining the graduate school experiences of students of color using Bronfenbrenner's (1979, 1994) bioecological model. Despite the urgent need for evidence-based approaches to increase the number of scholars of color, the findings in this review indicate an inadequate number of studies explaining how to realize that goal. Furthermore, much of the existing literature examined individual-level characteristics rather than how environmental factors benefit students. Specific recommendations for future ecological research are provided. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

As part of a college-wide commitment to infusing diversity into educator preparation, focus groups were conducted to determine (a) faculty efforts to infuse diversity, (b) instructional approaches used, (c) factors that facilitate or hinder infusion, and (d) supports needed to enhance efforts. Results are presented highlighting personal professional development needs, contextual factors, and student-centered challenges that affect the extent to which diversity is addressed, along with future steps to improve efforts and implications for other institutions of higher education. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Trends since 1989 in the minority graduate pipeline in psychology are examined, with special focus on trends in recent years. Encouraging trends generally outweigh troubling ones at lower levels of the pipeline. However, in recent years disquieting trends dominate at the higher pipeline levels. Promising trends include a rise in the percentage (to nearly 25%) of minority psychology students receiving the bachelor's degree and a rise to more than 20% receiving the master's degree. Troubling trends include the stalling of growth in minority PhD degree receipt since 1999 and the lack of growth in the percentage of African American and Hispanic/Latino(a) students entering PhD departments. Given the mixed findings, one of the highest priorities for psychology must be continued and persistent efforts to develop practices and policies that enhance recruitment, high levels of achievement, and degree receipt for students of color. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A new area in psychotherapy practice and research has arisen addressing therapeutic interventions to explicitly promote forgiveness. There is wide variation in the response to this new area including enthusiastic acceptance, wary openness, and vigorous opposition. Unfortunately, these reactions are not often based on a thorough understanding of the empirical literature and result in concerns about using forgiveness interventions in therapy that may or may not be warranted. The authors identify these potential concerns, framing them as concerns about the impact on clients, concerns related to therapist skill or knowledge, and concerns about the effect on the therapy process. The authors address these concerns with a review of the relevant research on forgiveness in therapy. Based on this review, the authors conclude that some skepticism of the new "forgiveness interventions" is warranted, although serious consideration needs to be given to these interventions at appropriate times. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

How is racism covertly or overtly active in psychological theory, practice, and policy? The field of psychology has given little attention to addressing this question. Using a qualitative interviewing approach, this study assessed racism in psychology from the unique perspectives of 8 psychologists of color. An analysis of in-depth responses to 3 target questions suggested that although participants believed that the field has made gains, negative appraisals very clearly predominated, and covert acts of racism were cited, providing additional evidence that racism is in psychology's midst. Suggestions for addressing racism within psychology are made. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article provides a brief introduction to this special issue of the Journal of Diversity in Higher Education on "Measurement and Assessment in Campus Climate Research." As institutions across the country seek to increase structural diversity, campus climate has become an integral component on diversity initiatives. In the face of ongoing attacks against diversity efforts, campus climate researchers will be under increasing scrutiny and pressure to provide evidence for the validity of their findings. To date, there has been little attention in the scholarly literature regarding the quality of methods of measurement and assessment in campus climate research. This special issue provides a set of five articles addressing important issues in this important area of inquiry. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The process of identity development for Chinese youth growing up in a multicultural Canadian context is complex. These youth, who represent one of the largest groups of immigrants and ethnic minorities in the country, must negotiate Chinese and Canadian cultures during a developmental period marked by significant identity exploration. The authors review qualitative and quantitative investigations of the multiple components of ethnic identity, as well as quantitative studies of the relations between Chinese and Canadian identities, the acculturative and familial factors that may promote a strong sense of ethnic identity, and the psychological correlates of ethnic identity. Overall, the ethnic identity of Chinese youth residing in Canada appears strong. In comparison, greater variability is evident in the extent and ease in which Chinese youth integrated a Canadian identity. The reviewed literature supports a bidimensional conceptualization of acculturation, emphasises the important role that parents play in the formation of their children’s ethnic identity, and highlights the potential psychological advantages of strong feelings of ethnic identity. Implications of the findings for future research, policy, and practise are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This review of the research on college access programs between 1997 and 2007 examines: (a) target populations of students served; (b) assumptions and value judgments of researchers and program staff about participants in connection with participants' diverse backgrounds; and (c) views of access held by college access programs, based on analysis of program practices. Very few research studies were published on college access programs, of which the majority focused on racial and ethnic minority students, and only a few focused on students with disabilities. No programs targeted students from diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds with disabilities, nor did any studies question college access programs' neglect to target or measure outcomes for minority students with disabilities. In addition to these findings, implications are provided for future policies, practices, and research around college access, as well as for higher educational institutions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Outcome studies of multicultural education have neglected the student of color experience. This study examined ethnic minority students' responses to a doctoral level diversity course. Results revealed that though all students reported new learning experiences, including increased cultural knowledge and personal insights, learning outcomes varied based upon previous exposure to racism, and opportunities to process this experience. The learning course appeared to proceed from reactive and emotion-focused, to reflective. Commonly reported in the reflective phase was the emergence of the question of what position students would take as persons of color on racial issues. Implications for training are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Replies to the numerous comments (see cases 2007-09070-001, 2007-09071-001, 2007-09072-001, 2007-09073-001, and 2007-09074-001) made on the current author's original article (see record 2007-09069-001). The crisis in higher education is far more about psychology than it is about education, and appropriately so. "Crisis" is, after all, a term from personality and clinical psychology. Our interventions must be more akin to the cognitive restructuring of psychotherapy than to the experimental or scientific analysis of a substantive issue. We already understand well enough the education part. We have not yet acknowledged the psychological part and unleased the power of action-research that allows us to combine living and knowing in way which does not make them a mutually exclusive choice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Birdsong is a sexually selected signal that is learned early in life. Song learning (imitative vocal learning) by male songbirds has been extensively studied, but other aspects of development are important in birdsong as well. Female experience with song can affect song preferences in some species but not in others. The neural responses to song in females, as assessed by immediate-early gene expression, likewise appear related to early learning in some studies but not others. The development of song preferences by females requires further study to determine how genes interact through experience to produce adult preferences. Male song learning appears to be affected by exposure to environmental stressors during development. Developmental stressors impair both neural development and song learning. Thusly female song preferences may guide females to mate with males who have had benign developmental conditions and/or high developmental stability. These lines of research highlight the importance of considering development whether examining the function or the mechanisms of behaviour. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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