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水泥熟料岩相分析对于生产控制有着非常重要的意义。通过岩相分析可以从微观上评价熟料质量的优劣,判断工艺中可能存在的问题,并提出改进措施。岩相检验中熟料岩相试块的制备对实验效果起着重要作用。传统的岩相分析试块制作方法是将熟料样品用真空镶嵌机镶嵌在环氧树脂中(如图1),再脱泡、打磨、抛光后制成待测试块。笔者在试验中发现此方法存在很多弊端,如树脂块内易残留空气,严重影响观察效果;树脂需要冷却,实验时间较长;在对树脂块表面进行磨抛处理时,树脂屑容易吸附在熟料表面,给岩相分析带来很大的困难;环氧树脂价格昂贵;需要真空镶嵌机等。 相似文献
本文通过岩相观察水泥熟料中的一些非主要矿物,如A矿包裹物、方镁石、还原矿物,对熟料中煤灰沉落点的B矿区域也做了观察,通过观察总结了这些次要矿物的存在形态,并对形成原因及关联的工艺含意进行了分析,观察这些非主要矿物对判断煅烧工艺状况、了解煅烧进程具有一定的帮助。 相似文献
熟料岩相分析是水泥企业对原料选择、粉磨、均化、烧成、冷却等工艺过程进行合理性判断的重要依据,其制样过程较为繁琐,制样时间制约着检测效率。通过对制样各工序的关键参数进行解析和改进,从而缩短制样时间,以提高检测效率和检验能力,为熟料岩相分析的广泛应用提供参考。 相似文献
This paper aims to clarify the influence of the clinker SO3 on the cement characteristics. The impact on the strength development rate and the level of sulfate resistance were studied .The results show that increasing the amount of clinker SO3 at low alkali level reduces the percentages of the tricalcium aluminate (C3A) and alite as well as the alite/belite ratio, leading to a modification in the cement quality.For these reasons cements produced from a clinker containing high sulfate and low alkali, have slower strength development and higher sulfate resisting level than that produced with low sulfate clinker. 相似文献
水泥生产企业为高能耗企业,其中熟料烧成系统电能约占整体电能消耗的17%~27%。根据三条水泥熟料生产线烧成系统跟踪统计结果,分析烧成系统的电耗基本组成(物料输送、气流体传送及生产辅助),针对分析结果,提出相应的节能降耗措施。 相似文献
预分解窑与湿法窑的工艺差异,其熟料的微观结构能够明显反映;熟料的晶体结构取决于工艺过程,并能判断操作水平的高低;从分解炉结渣的微观结构可以准确地找出原燃材料存在的问题。也就是说,水泥生产过程中的不良环节均能从熟料岩相结构中反映出来。 相似文献
氧化镁对硅酸盐熟料的影响 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
韶峰水泥集团公司拥有Φ30m×145m华新窑一台,Φ40/35/40m×145m湘乡窑三台及Φ40m×43m窑外分解窑一台,规模为年产水泥202万t,生产工艺条件完善,原燃材料质量比较稳定。通过多年对公司湿法回转窑熟料质量的探讨、总结发现:硅酸盐熟料中MgO含量在20%以下较合理;在20%~26%时,熟料强度呈无规律波动;而在30%左右时,熟料强度大多呈下降趋势。本文就MgO对熟料的烧成、晶体结构及强度的影响作探讨分析。1熟料MgO含量与强度的关系本公司1988~1994年的熟料MgO含量在17%~30%的… 相似文献
以铝酸盐水泥熟料、硅酸盐水泥熟料和粉煤灰为原料,探讨了掺加少量铝酸盐水泥熟料对硅酸盐水泥及粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥复合体系水化、凝结和硬化性能的影响。结果表明,在硅酸盐水泥及粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥中掺加铝酸盐水泥熟料,可以明显缩短水泥的初、终凝时间,但复合体系的需水量增加;掺加少量铝酸盐水泥熟料(≤3%)可明显提高硅酸盐水泥的早期强度,但后期强度(28d)有所降低;当铝酸盐水泥熟料的掺量达5%时,水泥的各龄期强度均明显降低。少量铝酸盐水泥熟料掺加到粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥中,复合体系的各龄期强度都明显提高,且早期强度的提高幅度较大。 相似文献
在砼工程中,水泥中的碱与集料中的活性成分反应对砼的耐久性危害很大。为避免碱集料反应的发生,施工中应优选低活性集料或低碱水泥。此外,在新型干法水泥生产工艺中,由于碱在预热器系统中的内循环及在电除尘、增湿塔系统的外循环,会增加窑尾系统中碱含量,易造成预热器系统的结皮、堵塞 相似文献
A new method of burning Portland cement clinker is studied. The microwave sintering is adopted after the raw meal is heated to certain temperature in an electric furnace. The experimental results show that after the raw meal is heated at a low electric heating temperature (1000-1200 °C) and then further sintered with microwave for 1 to 2 min, Portland cement clinkers can be formed. The f-CaO contents of the clinkers are 1-2%. It has also been found that the higher the temperature of the samples put into the microwave cavity, the shorter the time needed for microwave burning. When the temperature is up to 1300 °C, the sample needs to be heated by microwave for only 40 s, and the f-CaO content decreases to 0.65%. It has been proved by the experiments that (1) the new burning technique can greatly increase the forming speed of Portland cement clinkers, (2) Fe2O3 can enhance the microwave clinkering. XRD patterns of the clinkers show that their mineral compositions and the characteristic XRD peaks are similar to those of clinkers by conventional burning method. 相似文献
《Cement and Concrete Research》1987,17(2):340-348
The electrical conductivity of pastes made of various types of portland cement and clinkers, as well as clinker minerals in the presence and absence of various admixtures was studied. In the investigated range of frequencies (100 Hz − 10 kHz) conductance increases after mixing with water to be followed by a steady decrease. This decrease in some cements is interrupted by a short, transient second increase. The time of this transient maximum (TM) of conductivity can be changed by temperature, grinding fineness, admixtures, carbonation, etc. The intensity of the TM can be reduced or the TM totally eliminated by the addition of gypsum. Clinker + gypsum mixtures show TM in case of a ‘critical’ gypsum content. The effect of accelerators (e.g., calcium chloride, sodium formate) and of retarders (e.g., citric acid) on the conductivity vs. time graphs is shown. 相似文献