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Many researchers index mood variability by a within-Ss standard deviation computed from mood ratings provided by single Ss on several occasions. I argue that this index is theoretically limited because it refers mainly to the average extremity of mood change and not the frequency of change and that time-series techniques be used to better represent emotional variability. The studies here illustrate how one class of time-series techniques—spectral analysis—can be applied to daily mood measures to index the frequency of mood shifts. The convergent validity of spectral estimates of mood change frequency is assessed relative to self-report and parental-report measures of emotional reactivity. The divergent validity of the spectral estimates of mood change frequency is assessed by examining their relation to the within-subjects standard deviation computed from daily mood assessments. Results suggest that the spectral approach provides an adequate index of mood change frequency that is independent of mood change extremity, helps clarify the meaning of emotional variability, and provides a new class of analytic strategies for inclusion in the idiographic-nomothetic paradigm. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Examined the effects of naturally occurring, daily events on next-day mood. From a sample of 50 men (mean age 41.4 yrs) who had reported events and mood prospectively, 17 whose reports included a severe, negative event were selected. Same- and next-day associations were examined using both self-reports from the men and wives' reports about their husbands' mood; the wives' mean ages were 38.8 yrs. Instruments included the Assessment of Daily Experience and the Mood Adjective Check List. Same-day associations were observed, but there was no strong evidence of changes in next-day mood. Results offer no support for 2-day or longer effects of daily, negative events and highlight the need for prospective studies to address causal questions and cognitive mediational variables such as coping. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Bolger Niall; DeLongis Anita; Kessler Ronald C.; Schilling Elizabeth A. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1989,57(5):808
This article examines the influence of daily stressors on mental health in a community sample. Ss were 166 married couples who completed diaries each day for 6 weeks. In pooled within-person analyses, daily stressors explained up to 20% of the variance in mood. Interpersonal conflicts were by far the most distressing events. Furthermore, when stressors occurred on a series of days, emotional habituation occurred by the second day for almost all events except interpersonal conflicts. Contrary to certain theoretical accounts, multiple stressors on the same day did not exacerbate one another's effects; rather, an emotional plateau occurred. Finally, on days following a stressful event, mood was better than it would have been if the stressor had not happened. These results reveal the complex emotional effects of daily stressors, and in particular, they suggest that future investigations should focus primarily on interpersonal conflicts. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Stone Arthur A.; Kennedy-Moore Eileen; Neale John M. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1995,14(4):341
Research indicates that self-reports of coping with stressful occurrences are associated with psychological and health outcomes. However, measures of coping may be biased by retrospective distortion as they assess coping over relatively long periods. In this study, a sample of 79 men completed a coping assessment daily for several weeks about the day's most "bothersome" problem. Repeated daily measurement of coping allowed analysis of within-subject effects of coping efforts. Same-day mood reported by the men (targets) and reports of the men's mood by their spouses (observers) were outcome variables. Within-subject analyses indicated that catharsis and social supports were associated with increased negative affect, whereas use of acceptance was associated with less negative affect. Use of distraction, acceptance, and relaxation were associated with increased positive affect. These findings held for both target- and observer-reported mood. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Stone Arthur A.; Cox Donald S.; Valdimarsdottir Heiddis; Jandorf Lina; Neale John M. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1987,52(5):988
In this study, we examined the secretory immune system, the body's first line of defense against invading organisms, and its relation to daily fluctuations of mood. Specifically, secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) was studied. Unlike other psychoimmunity studies that examined all sIgA protein regardless of specificity to invading organisms, ours examined an antigen-specific sIgA response to the oral administration of harmless protein (rabbit albumin) and monitored the antibody produced in response to the protein. Dental students recorded their daily mood thrice weekly for 8? weeks, and parotid saliva was obtained from subjects during these contacts. Using a within-subjects analyses strategy, we found that antibody response was lower on days with high negative mood relative to days with lower negative mood, and conversely, sIgA antibody response was higher on days with high positive mood relative to days with lower positive mood. Results from total sIgA protein were in the opposite direction, although not significantly so. These results extend our knowledge of immunological changes and mood, and they suggest that minor life events' role in health may be mediated by the secretory immune system. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Compared the relative impact of major life events, chronic stressors, and minor daily stressors on daily reports of mood. Analyses are based on daily diary data combined with interview data derived from a longitudinal study of 96 women (mean age 33.1 yrs) sampled from the population of persons using the services of a neighborhood health center. Ss kept daily diaries for 28 days following initial personal interviews. The Affect Balance Scale was used as a baseline measure of psychological well-being. The most important direct determinants of mood were found to be concurrent daily stressors and physical symptoms, and previous levels of psychological well-being. Life events and chronic stressors had indirect effects on mood through these other variables. Results confirm and extend previous studies on the determinants of short-term changes in mood. The advantages and disadvantages of the temporal aggregation of time-series data are discussed. (44 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Peeters Frenk; Nicolson Nancy A.; Berkhof Johannes; Delespaul Philippe; deVries Marten 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2003,112(2):203
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is characterized by high negative affect (NA) and low positive affect (PA), but little is known about emotional reactivity in daily life. The authors used experience sampling methodology to investigate changes in NA and PA following minor daily events in MDD compared with healthy participants. Contrary to expectation, MDD participants did not report more frequent negative events, although they did report fewer positive events. Multilevel regression showed that both NA and PA responses to negative events were blunted in the MDD group, whereas responses to positive events were enhanced. NA responses to negative events persisted longer in MDD participants. Depressed participants with a positive family history or longer current episodes showed relatively greater NA responses to negative events. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Related daily changes in 2 job conditions, workload and social interaction with co-workers and supervisors, to daily mood and health complaints. 52 air-traffic controllers (ATCs) completed measures of subjective well-being and perceived job conditions on 3 consecutive days; objective indicators of daily workload (air traffic volume and visibility at the airport) were also obtained. The results indicate that increases in job stressors are associated with a same-day deterioration in physical and psychological well-being. On days in which workload was perceived to be high, ATCs reported more health complaints and moods that were more negative and less positive. On days in which there was greater air traffic volume (objectively measured), ATCs reported moods that were more negative. On days in which interactions with co-workers and supervisors were described as more distressing, ATCs reported moods that were more negative and less positive. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Denissen Jaap J. A.; Butalid Ligaya; Penke Lars; van Aken Marcel A. G. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2008,8(5):662
The present study examines the effects of six weather parameters (temperature, wind power, sunlight, precipitation, air pressure, and photoperiod) on mood (positive affect, negative affect, and tiredness). Data were gathered from an online diary study (N = 1,233), linked to weather station data, and analyzed by means of multilevel analysis. Multivariate and univariate analyses enabled distinction between unique and shared effects. The results revealed main effects of temperature, wind power, and sunlight on negative affect. Sunlight had a main effect on tiredness and mediated the effects of precipitation and air pressure on tiredness. In terms of explained variance, however, the average effect of weather on mood was only small, though significant random variation was found across individuals, especially regarding the effect of photoperiod. However, these individual differences in weather sensitivity could not be explained by the Five Factor Model personality traits, gender, or age. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Berg Cynthia A.; Wiebe Deborah J.; Butner Jonathan; Bloor Lindsey; Bradstreet Chester; Upchurch Renn; Hayes John; Stephenson Robert; Nail Lillian; Patton Gregory 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2008,23(3):505
Collaborative coping (i.e., spouses pooling resources and problem solving jointly) may be associated with better daily mood because of heightened perceptions of efficacy in coping with stressful events. The study examined the daily processes of collaborative coping (individuals' perceptions that the spouse collaborated), perceived coping effectiveness (ratings of how well they dealt with the event), and mood (i.e., Positive and Negative Affect Scale) across 14 days in 57 older couples coping with stressors involving the husband's prostate cancer and daily life in general. In hierarchical multivariate linear models, collaborative coping was associated with more positive same-day mood for both husbands and wives and less negative mood for wives only. These associations were partially mediated by heightened perceptions of coping effectiveness. Exploratory analyses revealed that collaborative coping was more frequent among wives who performed more poorly on cognitive tests and couples who reported greater marital satisfaction and more frequently using collaboration to make decisions. The results suggest that older couples may benefit from collaborative coping in dealing with problems surrounding illness. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Reynolds Brady; Patak Michele; Shroff Palak; Penfold Robert B.; Melanko Shane; Duhig Amy M. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2007,15(3):264
This research compared adolescent daily smokers (n = 25) and nonsmokers (n = 26) on different measures of impulsivity. Assessments included question-based measures of delay (DDQ) and probability (PDQ) discounting, a measure of behavioral disinhibition (go-stop task), and a self-report measure of impulsivity (Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-Adolescent). Adolescent smokers were more impulsive on the DDQ and Barratt Impulsiveness Scale--Adolescent but not on the PDQ or the go-stop task. However, there was a significant interaction between smoking status and gender on the go-stop task, with male smokers performing less impulsively on this measure than male nonsmokers--an effect not observed with the female adolescents. These findings indicate that adolescents who smoke cigarettes are more impulsive with respect to some, but not all, types of impulsivity than are adolescents who do not smoke. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Daily life events of 79 married men (average age 43.2 yrs) were grouped according to their life content area and according to the desirability of the event as rated by the S. Associations among event groupings and concurrently measured daily mood were examined. As in studies of major life events, some event classifications were more strongly associated with mood than were others. Specifically, desirable family-leisure events and undesirable work events were strongly related to mood. It is suggested that particular life areas deserve special attention in understanding environmental stress. (11 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Daily mood ratings and corresponding diary entries were studied to determine relations between common events and two independent mood factors—Positive Affect (PA) and Negative Affect (NA)—in a sample of 18 young adults over a 3-month period. In an extension of findings from earlier interindividual studies, PA (enthusiastic, delighted vs. sluggish, drowsy) was found to be associated with a wide range of daily events, whereas fewer correlations were found between these events and NA (distressed, nervous, angry vs. calm, relaxed). The relation between high PA and reported social interactions (particularly physically active social events) was especially robust, and its effects were noted repeatedly; NA was unrelated to social activity. As hypothesized, high NA was associated with physical problems; contrary to expectations, low PA also tended to be correlated with health complaints. Overall, the results reaffirm the importance of assessing NA and PA independently and suggest that PA is an interesting and important dimension that deserves more research attention. Theoretical considerations and clinical implications are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Courvoisier Delphine S.; Eid Michael; Lischetzke Tanja; Schreiber Walter H. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2010,10(1):115
Ecological momentary assessment is a method that is now largely used to study behavior and mood in the settings in which they naturally occur. It maximizes ecological validity and avoids the limitations of retrospective self-reports. Studies on the psychometric properties of scales administered via mobile phone ecological momentary assessment are lacking. Therefore, we collected data on a 4-item mood scale measuring well being on six occasions per day for 7 days (N = 307) and examined compliance rate across time, within day, and within week. Using specific latent state-trait structural equation models, we analyzed the degree to which interindividual mood differences on an occasion of measurement were because of (a) measurement error, (b) stable differences in mood level, and (c) occasion-specific differences. Results show good compliance (mean compliance: 74.9% of calls answered). Moreover, the scale showed good reliability (M = .82). Mood was mostly stable, especially the first 3 days of the week. It depended weakly albeit significantly on the previous assessment (autoregressive coefficient). In conclusion, computerized mobile phone assessment is an appropriate, easy-to-use, and promising method to measure mood. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Ohr Phyllis S.; Vidair Hilary B.; Gunlicks-Stoessel Meredith; Grove Allen B.; La Lima Candice 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2010,24(5):625
This article presents an in vivo investigation of maternal negative mood, maternal video-mediated cognitions, and daily stressors in families with young children. Specifically, it was hypothesized that greater levels of maternal depressed, anxious, and hostile mood states immediately prior to a daily, reportedly routine, stressful parent–child interaction would be significantly associated with higher percentages of dysfunctional and lower percentages of functional cognitions. Forty-five mothers of 2- to 5-year-old children participated in this study by rating their mood before being videotaped in a daily routine with their child they reported as recurrent and stressful (e.g., mealtime). Using video-mediated recall (VMR) methodology, mothers were instructed to recall their cognitions upon immediate video review. Results indicated that greater levels of negative mood were associated with a greater percentage of dysfunctional cognitions and a smaller percentage of functional cognitions. Levels of maternal depressed mood were significantly and independently associated with greater rates of dysfunctional and lower rates of functional cognitions. Negative mood states were not consistently associated with the amount of maternal self-reported general irrationality, pointing to the utility of the VMR to elicit maternal cognitions specific to the observed interaction, which may have more implications for clinical intervention than more general irrationality measures. Evaluating maternal mood and using video-mediated maternal cognitions regarding daily family stressors can precipitate clinical interventions meant to reduce family-related stress and potentially improve maternal and child mental health outcomes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
R?ikk?nen Katri; Matthews Karen A.; Flory Janine D.; Owens Jane F. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1999,18(1):44
This study (a) tested the effects of hostile attributes on ambulatory blood pressure (BP), heart rate, and mood monitored repeatedly over 3 days in 100 healthy men and women and (b) determined whether the cardiovascular effects of trait hostility were moderated by mood. Multilevel random-coefficients regression analyses showed that hostile individuals exhibited higher systolic and diastolic BP and rated their current moods as more negative and less positive throughout the monitoring. Individuals low in hostility exhibited high BP only during the few occasions when they experienced negative mood. However, these patterns were true only when participants were classified by Potential for Hostility ratings from the Structured Interview (R. H. Rosenman, 1978), not by the Cynical Hostile Attitudes score derived from the Cook-Medley scale. Results provide convergent and ecological validity of interview rating of hostility and illuminate one possible dynamic mechanism by which overt hostile behaviors might contribute to the rates of increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Jones Fiona; O'Connor Daryl B.; Conner Mark; McMillan Brian; Ferguson Eamonn 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2007,92(6):1731
Four hundred and twenty-two employees completed daily diaries measuring positive affect, negative affect, work hours, and health behaviors (snacking, smoking, exercise, alcohol, caffeine consumption) on work days over a 4-week period. In addition, measures of job demands, job control, and social support (iso-strain variables) were completed on 1 occasion. Multilevel random coefficient modeling was used to examine relationships between the job characteristics, daily work variables, and self-reported health behaviors. Results indicated a more important role for within-person daily fluctuations than for between-persons variations in predicting health behaviors. Whereas negative affect was negatively related to health behavior for both men and women, work hours had negative impacts for women only. Iso-strain variables showed few main effects and a modest number of interactions with daily variables (mainly for men). Findings point to the limited impact of stable features of work design compared to the effects of daily work stressors on health behaviors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
The experience sampling method was used to examine the helplessness–hopelessness theory as a model of normal mood fluctuations. Ninety-one participants were signaled 5 times daily for a 1-week period to provide reports of negative events, specific cognitions, and anxiety and depression. Attributional and perception of control styles did not explain anxious or depressed moods, but they were predictive of the causal attributions and perceptions of control made across diverse environmental contexts. Furthermore, idiographic analyses demonstrated that specific causal attributions about negative events explained fluctuations in depressed mood within the flow of daily life. In contrast to the theory, perceptions of event controllability were not related to fluctuations in anxious mood or to the later formulation of causal attributions. Implications for understanding normal mood experience and the helplessness–hopelessness theory are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
This study examined daily stress processes among 75 married couples across 20 assessments during a 6-month period. The somatic and psychological effects of common everyday hassles were investigated. Overall, there was a significant relationship between daily stress and the occurrence of both concurrent and subsequent health problems such as flu, sore throat, headaches, and backaches. The relationship of daily stress to mood disturbance was more complex. The negative effects of stress on mood were limited to a single day, with the following day characterized by mood scores that were better than usual. Furthermore, striking individual differences were found in the extent to which daily stress was associated with health and mood across time. Participants with unsupportive social relationships and low self-esteem were more likely to experience an increase in psychological and somatic problems both on and following stressful days than were participants high in self-esteem and social support. These data suggest that persons with low psychosocial resources are vulnerable to illness and mood disturbance when their stress levels increase, even if they generally have little stress in their lives. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Affleck Glenn; Tennen Howard; Urrows Susan; Higgins Pamela 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1994,66(2):329
Examined the mood-related and pain-related consequences of daily stressors among 74 individuals with rheumatoid arthritis who supplied daily reports for 75 days. Meta-analyses of time series regression coefficients disclosed a significant same-day relation between events and mood but no consistent effects of events on same-day pain, next-day mood, or next-day pain. With distributional characteristics of the daily data controlled, Ss with more active inflammatory disease showed a greater positive relation of events with same-day and next-day pain, those with a recent history of more major life stressors showed a greater positive relation of events with next-day pain, and those with less social support showed a greater positive relation of events with next-day mood disturbance. Implications of these and other findings for theories of stress and adaptation and the methodological challenges of daily experience research are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献