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Following just-in-time principles, a growing number of manufacturers are adopting the so-called supermarket concept. Supermarkets are decentralised storage areas scattered throughout the shopfloor that serve as an intermediate store for parts required by nearby assembly lines. From these stores, a certain number of handling operators deliver parts from the supermarket to, and collect empty bins from, assembly stations. Finally, they return to the supermarket and are refilled for their next tours. The assembly stations are typically refilled from the supermarket through the constant replacement of the consumed parts pulled by the kanban system. Considering a mixed model assembly system composed of different assembly lines, feeding problems can occur as an effect of the replenishment lead time, of the production mix variation, of the commonality between the different models assembled. The aims of this paper are (i) to highlight how the supermarket/multi-mixed assembly-line system presents specific attributes that prohibit the simple application of well-known kanban dimensioning formulations and (ii) to provide an innovative procedure to optimally set all decision variables related to such a feeding system.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a control theoretical modelling to study dynamic behaviour of a mixed-model assembly line. First, an open-loop model is developed for the system, then examined via different conveyor’s velocity values. It is realised that the performance of the system is very sensitive to the velocity; therefore, a closed-loop (CL) model is developed taking feedback from the system. By the use of proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller and SIMULINK, some interesting results are obtained applying CL model: regardless of the sequence of the products in the line, the total work-overload and idleness always equals to zero. Moreover, less working area within the workstation is required. Based on the statistical analysis, it is found that no significant increase in makespan is imposed by CL model. It is also shown that PID controller is robust not only to the disturbances of the velocity, also to the uncertainties in the assembly operation times. These results are supported by many numerical experiments dealing with different test problems, line configurations and sequences. Finally, using a discrete event simulation model, the proposed approach is applied into a seru production mode. Simulation results show that the feedback PID controller can deal with real-world assembly line problems, successfully.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method to describe, analyse and estimate production system performances. Work-in-process (units), lead time (number of time units spent in the production system for each unit) and throughput (number of produced units per time unit) are basic performance measures, also used in this article. It is essential for industry to know about relations between system parameters and system performances in existing systems, and in not yet implemented system alternatives. Different performances are achieved by adjusting system parameters. Trade-offs between system parameters and its different performances are necessary to stay efficient and competitive in today's market. Queuing theory and simulation can help the decision makers to estimate system performances of existing and not yet implemented systems. When the complexity increases queuing theory becomes cumbersome, very difficult and eventually impossible to use. A single simulation presents limited information. Multiple simulations are necessary to ensure that the best alternative is chosen. A high number of simulations demand a lot of computer time and resources. Reduction of runs is desirable even with cheaper computer equipment. Currently, traditional two-dimensional charts are the only tools to present and analyse system performances. This article presents a new surrogate model for easier estimation and presentation of system performances, their internal relations, and relations to the system parameters. With the new surrogate model, system performances based on simulations are presented as positions in a three-dimensional environment. Parametric curves and surfaces of Bezier type are generated and adapted to these positions. System performances of other system alternatives can then be estimated without explicit simulation. The number of simulation calculations can thereby be moderated. The method is illustrated with a small production line system.  相似文献   

Two-sided assembly lines are usually designed to produce large-sized products such as automobiles, trucks and buses. In this type of production line, both left-side and right-side of the line are used. In parallel assembly lines, one or more product types are produced on two or more assembly lines located in parallel to each other. Both production lines have several serious practical advantages. For this purpose, in this paper, two or more two-sided assembly lines located in parallel to each other are considered and a tabu search algorithm which combines the advantages of both types of production lines is developed. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, a set of test problems are solved. The proposed algorithm is illustrated with two examples, and some computational properties of the algorithm are given.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel stochastic two-sided U-type assembly line balancing (STUALB) procedure, an algorithm based on the genetic algorithm and a heuristic priority rule-based procedure to solve STUALB problem are proposed. With this new proposed assembly line design, all advantages of both two-sided assembly lines and U-type assembly lines are combined. Due to the variability of the real-life conditions, stochastic task times are also considered in the study. The proposed approach aims to minimise the number of positions (i.e. the U-type assembly line length) as the primary objective and to minimise the number of stations (i.e. the number of operators) as a secondary objective for a given cycle time. An example problem is solved to illustrate the proposed approach. In order to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm, test problems taken from the literature are used. The experimental results show that the proposed approach performs well.  相似文献   

The mixed-model sequencing problem is to sequence different product models launched down an assembly line, so that work overload at the stations induced by direct succession of multiple labour-intensive models is avoided. As a concept of clearing overload situations, especially applied by Western automobile producers, a team of cross-trained utility workers stands by to support the regular workforce. Existing research assumes that regular and utility workers assemble side-by-side in an overload situation, so that the processing speed is doubled and the workpiece can be finished inside a station's boundaries. However, in many real-world assembly lines the application of utility workers is organised completely differently. Whenever it is foreseeable that a work overload will occur in a production cycle, a utility worker takes over to exclusively execute work, whereas the regular worker omits the respective cycle and starts processing the successive workpiece as soon as possible. This study investigates this more realistic sequencing problem and presents a binary linear program along with a complexity proof. Different exact and heuristic solution procedures are then introduced and tested. Additional experiments show that the new model is preferable from an economic point of view whenever utility work causes considerable setup activities, for example walking to the respective station.  相似文献   

Kanban control systems have been around for decades and have been used to control work-in-process of manufacturing systems. Lately many variations of the basic control system have been developed; however, much of the work in the development and comparison of control systems has focused on a single-stage manufacturing system producing a single product type. In this research, we present procedures for optimising multiple product kanban control systems, namely Base Stock, Traditional Kanban Control System and Extended Kanban Control System (both dedicated and shared type). We then conduct a detailed simulation study to compare the performance of the systems using a common total cost measure. Numerical results show that the dedicated and shared-extended kanban control systems outperform the other two systems. The study also shows that in spite of their different schematics and contrary to conventional wisdom, the performance of dedicated and shared-extended kanban control systems doesn’t differ much.  相似文献   

As a consequence of increasing interests in customised products, mixed-model lines have become the most significant components of today’s manufacturing systems to meet surging consumer demand. Also, U-shaped assembly lines have been shown as the intelligent way of producing homogeneous products in large quantities by reducing the workforce need thanks to the crossover workstations. As an innovative idea, we address the mixed-model parallel U-shaped assembly line design which combines the flexibility of mixed-model lines with the efficiency of U-shaped lines and parallel lines. The multi-line stations utilised in between two adjacent lines provide extra efficiency with the opportunity of assigning tasks into workstations in different combinations. The new line configuration is defined and characterised in details and its advantages are explained. A heuristic solution approach is proposed for solving the problem. The proposed approach considers the model sequences on the lines and seeks efficient balancing solutions for their different combinations. An explanatory example is also provided to show the sophisticated structure of the studied problem and explain the running mechanism of the proposed approach. The results of the experimental tests and their statistical analysis indicated that the proposed line design requires fewer number of workstations in comparison with independently balanced mixed-model U-lines.  相似文献   

Sequencing mixed-model assembly lines is a well researched topic in the literature. However, many methods that have been developed to solve this problem fail to cope with either the large size or the specific characteristics of real-life problems. In this paper, a heuristic is proposed that is derived from Vogel's approximation method for transportation planning. The heuristic is able to handle large and supposedly difficult problem instances. Sophisticated test scenarios considering real-life aspects were generated to evaluate the performance of the heuristic for realistic problem instances. It is shown that the proposed heuristic significantly outperforms priority rule-based methods and requires only reasonable computational effort.  相似文献   

Kanban systems are simple yet effective means of controlling production. Production control is decentralised or exercised locally on the shop floor, i.e. a downstream station signals to an upstream station that an item is needed. If items are always the same and known, then demands can be satisfied instantaneously from stock; but if items differ and are unknown, demands must first be propagated backwards from station to station before being satisfied. The former is defined as an inventory control problem and the latter as an order control problem. Handling the order control problem via kanban involves a decentralised card acquisition process (during which information is propagated from station to station) that is separated from the actual production process. COBACABANA (control of balance by card-based navigation), an alternative card-based solution, shares kanban’s control structure but centralises the card acquisition process. Evaluating the two systems therefore provides a unique opportunity to compare decentralised and centralised control. Using simulation, we demonstrate that it is specifically the centralised card acquisition process that allows COBACABANA to balance the workload across resources and thus to outperform kanban in an order control problem. This has major implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

Mixed-model assembly lines are widely used in a range of production settings, such as the final assembly of the automotive and electronics industries, where they are applied to mass-produce standardised commodities. One of the greatest challenges when installing and reconfiguring these lines is the vast product variety modern mixed-model assembly lines have to cope with. Traditionally, product variety is bypassed during mid-term assembly line balancing by applying a joint precedence graph, which represents an (artificial) average model and serves as the input data for a single model assembly line balancing procedure. However, this procedure might lead to considerable variations in the station times, so that serious sequencing problems emerge and work overload threatens. To avoid these difficulties, different extensions of assembly line balancing for workload smoothing, i.e. horizontal balancing, have been introduced in the literature. This paper presents a multitude of known and yet unknown objectives for workload smoothing and systematically tests these measures in a comprehensive computational study. The results suggest that workload smoothing is an essential task in mixed-model assembly lines and that some (of the newly introduced) objectives are superior to others.  相似文献   

In the paper, we study a flexible assembly line design problem with equipment decisions. We assume the task times and equipment costs are correlated in the sense that for all tasks the cheaper equipment gives no smaller task time. Given the cycle time and number of workstations we aim to find the assignment of tasks and equipment to the workstations so as to minimise the total equipment cost. We develop a branch and bound algorithm that uses powerful lower bounds and reduction mechanisms. Our computational experiments have revealed that our algorithm can solve large-sized problem instances in reasonable solution times.  相似文献   

To effectively respond to the changing market demands, a manufacturer should produce variety of products with small lots. Thus, multiple products (models) are assembled simultaneously on a same line. However, it is very challenging to balance such an assembly line. This paper conducts a study on balancing a mixed-model assembly line of Type E. To solve this problem, a coloured-timed Petri net model is developed to describe the task precedence relationship. Also, the optimisation problem is formulated as a mathematical programming model. Then, with the models, a two-stage heuristic algorithm is proposed to solve the problem. At the first stage, based on the Petri net model, a P-invariant algorithm (PA) is presented to minimise the number of workstations. At the second stage, a heuristic is proposed to further minimise the cycle time by combining the PA with a binary search algorithm (BSA). Performance of the proposed method is evaluated by an illustrative example and numerical experiments. It is shown that it works well in terms of both solution accuracy and computational efficiency for large size problems.  相似文献   

In this work a real automobile assembly line and the correspondent preassembly lines have been analyzed as a network of closed loops of machines decoupled by intermediate buffers. This work deals with some important aspects, which have still not been investigated in earlier literature, such as: machines processing pallets, which are not related to each other and depend on an external variable in a network with closed loops of machines and intermediate buffers, machines working at different cycle times in a network of closed loops of machines and intermediate buffers, machines working in both, stationary and transitory regime and the relationships between the cycle times of the machines in the stationary working regime in order to guarantee the production rate of the system. Finally how the transient results can be used to improve the performance of the system under certain working conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, a simulated annealing approach is developed for the parallel mixed-model assembly line balancing and model sequencing (PMMAL/BS) problem which is an extension of the parallel assembly line balancing (PALB) problem introduced by Gökçen et al. (2006 Gökçen, H and A?pak, K. 2006. A goal programming approach to simple U-line balancing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 171(2): 577585. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). In PALB, the aim is to balance more than one assembly line together. Balancing of the lines simultaneously with a common resource is very important in terms of resource minimisation. The proposed approach maximises the line efficiency and distributes the workloads smoothly across stations. The proposed approach is illustrated with two numerical examples and its performance is tested on a set of test problems. The computational results show that the proposed approach is very effective for PMMAL/BS.  相似文献   

看板管理是准时制生产(JIT)的主要管理工具,直送看板供应是看板管理在供应链上的具体应用。阐述了直送看板供应的原理,对神龙公司直送看板供应的一个成功案例进行了量化分析,并预测了这种供应模式在轿车整车厂的未来前景及其带来的管理效益;探索如何将JIT管理技术转化为生产力。  相似文献   

Nowadays, companies must be able to provide a higher degree of product customisation to fulfil the needs of the increasingly sophisticated customer demand. This can only be achieved by having flexible production systems, able to cope with extended product ranges and with the uncertainty and variability of demand in the current market environment. The purpose of this paper is to present a contribution related to facilities design that accounts for this issue, by presenting flexible U-shaped line configurations for an assembly system. In this type of line, whenever the production volume or product mix changes, the only modification in the line will be the number of operators working in the line, as the physical workstations remain fixed. The relevance of the problem is stated and a heuristic procedure, based on ant colony algorithms, developed to address this problem is described. The results of the application of the proposed procedure to an assembly line of a major manufacturer of electronic security systems are reported.  相似文献   

The joint task of allocating several PCB assembly jobs to a set of production lines, load balancing of the line machines and job scheduling is considered. The production facility includes a number of assembly lines of different kinds, the PCB jobs are of different types and they should be allocated to suitable (i.e. feasible) lines. Scheduling of the production should respect the predefined release and due dates, and the objective is to minimise the sum of job tardy times. The scheduling is of the rolling-horizon-type where at the beginning of each planning period new jobs are inserted in the current non-preemptive production programme of unfinished jobs from the past planning periods. A mathematical formulation and a two-phase heuristic (including initial job-to-line allocation and schedule improving steps) are given for the problem. Experimental tests with jobs from practice were convincing.  相似文献   

U-shaped assembly lines are regarded as an efficient configuration in Just-In-Time manufacturing. Balancing the workload in these lines is an unsolved problem that attracted significant research within the past two decades. We present a novel integer programming formulation for U-shaped line balancing problems, where cycle time, the interval between two consecutive outputs, is known and the aim is to minimize the number of workstations. To enhance the efficiency of the LP relaxation of the new formulation, we present three types of logic cuts (assignable-station-cuts, task-assignment-cuts and knapsack-cuts) that exploit the inherent logic of the problem structure. The new formulation and logic cuts are tested on an extensive set of benchmark problems to provide a comparative analysis with the existing models in the literature. The results show that our novel formulation augmented by assignable-station-cuts is significantly better than the previous formulations.  相似文献   

The increasing worldwide competition requires economical manufacture, high quality and short delivery time. The Just-In-time (JIT) philosophy of manufacturing is increasingly being considered by manufacturing organizations, as a response to the increased pressure to supply high quality products with short delivery times and at low cost. A very simple shop floor control system that was developed by Toyota in the 1970s specifically for their Just-In-Time assembly plant, has received considerable attention in the Western World, and is known as the ‘kanban’ system (literally translated as ‘card’ system). Japan’s success has prompted many scholars and practitioners, to turn their attention to Japanese management practices. This article is to address the modelling, simulation and implementation issues of Just-In-Time in flexible manufacturing environments. Priority nets are used for modelling and analysis of the kanban system. A large number of simulation runs are conducted/presented to probe the behaviour of the system, with respect to different parameter changes.  相似文献   

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