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U-type and two-sided assembly lines are two types of design having advantages over traditional straight assembly lines. In this paper, a new line design hybrid of U-type and two-sided lines is presented. A bi-objective 0-1 integer programming model is developed to solve the line balancing problem of the proposed design. Zoning constraints are also considered for the proposed design. A number of test problems from the literature with up to 65 tasks are solved. Benefits of two-sided U-type lines are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, we consider balancing problems of one- and two-sided assembly lines with real-world constraints like task or machine incompatibilities. First, we study the one-sided assembly line balancing problem (ALBP) with a limited number of machine types per workstation. Using a genetic algorithm (GA), we find optimal results for real-world instances. A set of larger test cases is used to compare two well-established solution approaches, namely GA and tabu search (TS). Additionally, we apply a specific differential evolution algorithm (DE), which has recently been proposed for the considered ALBP. Our computational results show that DE is clearly dominated by GA. Furthermore, we show that GA outperforms TS in terms of computational time, if capacity constraints are tight. Given the algorithm’s computational performance as well as the fact that it can easily be adapted to additional constraints, we then use it to solve two-sided ALBP. Three types of constraints and two different objectives are considered. We outperform all previously published methods in terms of solution quality and computational time. Finally, we are the first to provide feasible test instances as well as benchmark results for fully constrained two-sided ALB.  相似文献   

This paper presents a beam search-based method for the stochastic assembly line balancing problem in U-lines. The proposed method minimizes total expected cost comprised of total labour cost and total expected incompletion cost. A beam search is an approximate branch and bound method that operates on a search tree. Even though beam search has been used in various problem domains, this is the first application to the assembly line balancing problem. The performance of the proposed method is measured on various test problems. The results of the computational experiments indicate that the average performance of the proposed method is better than the best-known heuristic in the literature for the traditional straight-line problem. Since the proposed method is the first heuristic for the stochastic U-type problem with the total expected cost criterion, we only report its results on the benchmark problems. Future research directions and the related bibliography are also provided in the paper.  相似文献   

In this study, a mixed integer programming model for the parallel two-sided assembly line balancing problem is developed. Several extensions such as a cost-oriented model, a model with time and space constraints and a model with assignment restrictions which considers characteristics of parallel lines are also presented. The model has been tested on a number of test problems from the literature. The results for different objective functions are analysed on the test problems.  相似文献   

In supply chain optimisation problems, determining the location and number of facilities is considered at a strategic level, while mid-term and short-term decisions such as those concerning assembly policy, inventory levels, lot sizes and scheduling are handled at the tactical and operational levels. However, considering these decisions simultaneously is almost always ignored during the optimisation of distribution/production processes. The aim of the study is to optimise the supply chain network (strategic level), including manufacturers, assemblers and customers, while simultaneously balancing the U-type assembly lines (tactical level) in assemblers. A nonlinear mixed integer mathematical model is proposed to minimise the total costs and the number of assembly stations while minimising the total fixed costs of stations. To show the validity and usefulness of the proposed model, a numerical example with different scenarios and sensitivity analyses is given and discussed.  相似文献   

Two-sided assembly lines are usually designed to produce large-sized products such as automobiles, trucks and buses. In this type of production line, both left-side and right-side of the line are used. In parallel assembly lines, one or more product types are produced on two or more assembly lines located in parallel to each other. Both production lines have several serious practical advantages. For this purpose, in this paper, two or more two-sided assembly lines located in parallel to each other are considered and a tabu search algorithm which combines the advantages of both types of production lines is developed. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, a set of test problems are solved. The proposed algorithm is illustrated with two examples, and some computational properties of the algorithm are given.  相似文献   

This paper presents a multi-objective genetic algorithm (moGA) to solve the U-shaped assembly line balancing problem (UALBP). As a consequence of introducing the just-in-time (JIT) production principle, it has been recognized that U-shaped assembly line systems offer several benefits over the traditional straight line systems. We consider both the traditional straight line system and the U-shaped assembly line system, thus as an unbiased examination of line efficiency. The performance criteria considered are the number of workstations (the line efficiency) and the variation of workload. The results of experiments show that the proposed model produced as good or even better line efficiency of workstation integration and improved the variation of workload.  相似文献   

Growing interests from customers in customised products and increasing competitions among peers necessitate companies to configure their manufacturing systems more effectively than ever before. We propose a new assembly line system configuration for companies that need intelligent solutions to satisfy customised demands on time with existing resources. A mixed-model parallel two-sided assembly line system is introduced based on the parallel two-sided assembly line system previously proposed in the literature. The mixed-model parallel two-sided assembly line balancing problem is illustrated with examples from the perspective of simultaneous balancing and sequencing. An agent-based ant colony optimisation algorithm is proposed to solve the problem. This algorithm is the first attempt in the literature to solve an assembly line balancing problem with an agent-based ant colony optimisation approach. The algorithm is illustrated with an example and its operational procedures and principles are explained and discussed.  相似文献   

The mixed model assembly line is becoming more important than the traditional single model due to the increased demand for higher productivity. In this paper, a set of procedures for mixed-model assembly line balancing problems (MALBP) is proposed to make it efficiently balance. The proposed procedure based on the meta heuristics genetic algorithm can perform improved and efficient allocation of tasks to workstations for a pre-specified production rate and address some particular features, which are very common in a real world mixed model assembly lines (e.g. use of parallel workstations, zoning constraints, resource limitation). The main focus of this study is to study and modify the existing genetic algorithm framework. Here a heuristic is proposed to reassign the tasks after crossover that violates the constraints. The new method minimises the total number of workstation with higher efficiency and is suitable for both small and large scale problems. The method is then applied to solve a case of a plastic bag manufacturing company where the minimum number of workstations is found performing more efficiently.  相似文献   

This paper documents a study carried out on the problem of designing an integrated assembly line when many workers with a variety of skills are employed. This study addresses the problem of selecting multi-functional workers with different salaries to match their skills and of assigning tasks to work stations when there are precedence restrictions among the tasks. The objective of this study is to minimise the total annual work station costs and the annual salary of the assigned workers within a predetermined cycle time. A mixed integer linear program is developed with a genetic algorithm in order to address the problem of resource restrictions related to integrated assembly line balancing. Numerical examples demonstrate the efficiency of the developed genetic algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the operator assignment in predefined workstations of an assembly line to get a sustainable result of fitness function of cycle time, total idle time and output where genetic algorithm is used as a solving tool. A proper operator assignment is important to get a sustainable balanced line. To improve the efficiency and meet the desired target output within the time limit, a balanced assembly line is a must. Real world lines consist of a large number of tasks and it is very time consuming and crucial to choose the most suitable operator for a particular workstation. In addition, it is very important to assign the suitable operator at the right place as his skill of operating machines finally reflects in productivity or in the cost of production. To verify better assignments of workers, a genetic algorithm is adopted here. A heuristic is proposed to find out the sustainable assignment of operators in the predefined workstations.  相似文献   

This article deals with a real-life multi-objective two-sided assembly line rebalancing problem (MTALRBP) with modifications of production demand, line’s structure and production process in a Chinese construction machinery manufacturing firm. The objectives are minimising the cycle time and rebalancing cost, considering some specific constraints associated with the inevitable wait time, such as novel cycle time, idle time and balanced constraints. A modified non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (MNSGA-II) is proposed to solve this problem. MNSGA-II employs some problem-specific designs for encoding and decoding, initial population, crossover operator, mutation operator and selection operator. The great performance of MNSGA-II is demonstrated from two aspects: one is through the comparison between the representative results and current situation in the production system in terms of some ALs’ performance evaluation index, the other is utilising the comparison between the proposed MNSGA-II and two versions of initial NSGA-II in terms of ratio, convergence and spread.  相似文献   

A mixed-model assembly line is a type of production line which is used to assemble a variety of product models with a certain level of similarity in operational characteristics. This variety causes workload variance among other problems resulting in low efficiency and line stops. To cope with these problems, a hierarchical design procedure for line balancing and model sequencing is proposed. It is structured in terms of an amelioration procedure. On the basis of our evolutionary algorithm, a genetic encoding procedure entitled priority-based multi-chromosome (PMC) is proposed. It features a multi-functional chromosome and provides efficient representation of task assignment to workstations and model sequencing. The lean production perspective recognises the U-shape assembly line system as more advanced and beneficial compared to the traditional straight line system. To assure the effectiveness of the proposed procedure, both straight and U-shape assembly lines are examined under two major performance criteria, i.e., number of workstations (or line efficiency) as static criterion and variance of workload (line and models) as dynamic criterion. The results of simulation experiments suggest that the proposed procedure is an effective management tool of a mixed-model assembly line system.  相似文献   

Two-sided assembly lines are often designed to produce large-sized products, such as automobiles, trucks and buses. In this type of production line, both left-side and right-side of the line are used in parallel. In all studies on two-sided assembly lines, sequence-dependent setup times have not yet been considered. However, in real life applications, setups may exist between tasks. Performing a task directly before another task may influence the latter task inside the same station, because a setup for performing the latter task may be required. Furthermore, if a task is assigned to a station as the last one, then it may cause a setup for performing the first task assigned to that station since the tasks are performed cyclically. In this paper, the problem of balancing two-sided assembly lines with setups (TALBPS) is considered. A mixed integer program (MIP) is proposed to model and solve the problem. The proposed MIP minimises the number of mated-stations (i.e., the line length) as the primary objective and it minimises the number of stations (i.e., the number of operators) as a secondary objective for a given cycle time. A heuristic approach (2-COMSOAL/S) for especially solving large-size problems based on COMSOAL (computer method of sequencing operations for assembly lines) method is also presented. An illustrative example problem is solved using 2-COMSOAL/S. To assess the effectiveness of MIP and 2-COMSOAL/S, a set of test problems are solved. The computational results show that 2-COMSOAL/S is very effective for the problem.  相似文献   

A mixed-model assembly line is a type of production line where a variety of product models similar in product characteristics are produced. As a consequence of introducing the just-in-time (JIT) production principle, it has been recognised that a U-shaped assembly line system offers several benefits over the traditional straight line system. This paper proposes a new evolutionary approach to deal with workload balancing problems in mixed-model U-shaped lines. The proposed method is based on the multi-decision of an amelioration structure to improve a variation of the workload. This paper considers both the traditional straight line system and the U-shaped assembly line, and is thus an unbiased examination of line efficiency. The performance criteria considered are the number of workstations (the line efficiency) and the variation of workload, simultaneously. The results of experiments enhanced the decision process during multi-model assembly line system production; thus, it is therefore suitable for the augmentation of line efficiency in workstation integration and simultaneously enhancement of the variation of the workload. A case study is examined as a validity check in collaboration with a manufacturing company.  相似文献   

The classic assembly line balancing problem (ALBP) basically consists of assigning a set of tasks to a group of workstations while maintaining the tasks’ precedence relations. When the objective is to minimise the number of workstations m for a given cycle time CT, the problem is referred to as ALBP-1; if the objective is to minimise CT given m, then the problem is called ALBP-2. The only objective in ALBP-2 is to minimise CT, i.e., the workload of the most heavily loaded workstation (the bottleneck). However, considering the second-biggest, third-biggest, etc. workloads, can be important. Distributing a workload among six workstations as 10, 10, 10, 4, 3, 3, is not the same as distributing it as 10, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6. The CT value is the same, but the second distribution is beyond question more reliable and balanced. In this paper, we present and formalise a new assembly line balancing problem: the lexicographic bottleneck assembly line balancing problem (LB-ALBP). The LB-ALBP hierarchically minimises the workload of the most heavily loaded workstation (CT), followed by the workload of the second most heavily loaded workstation, followed by the workload of the third most heavily loaded workstation, and so on. We present two mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) models designed to solve the LB-ALBP optimally, together with three heuristic procedures based on these MILPs.  相似文献   

A mixed-model assembly line (MMAL) is a type of production line that is capable of producing a variety of different product models simultaneously and continuously. The design and planning of such lines involve several long- and short-term problems. Among these problems, determining the sequence of products to be produced has received considerable attention from researchers. This problem is known as the Mixed-Model Assembly Line Sequencing Problem (MMALSP). This paper proposes an adaptive genetic algorithm approach to solve MMALSP where multiple objectives such as variation in part consumption rates, total utility work and setup costs are considered simultaneously. The proposed approach integrates an adaptive parameter control (APC) mechanism into a multi-objective genetic algorithm in order to improve the exploration and exploitation capabilities of the algorithm. The APC mechanism decides the probability of mutation and the elites that will be preserved for succeeding generations, all based on the feedback obtained during the run of the algorithm. Experimental results show that the proposed adaptive GA-based approach outperforms the non-adaptive algorithm in both solution quantity and quality.  相似文献   

Mixed-model assembly lines are widely used to improve the flexibility to adapt to the changes in market demand, and U-lines have become popular in recent years as an important component of just-in-time production systems. As a consequence of adaptation of just-in-time production principles into the manufacturing environment, mixed-model production is performed on U-lines. This type of a production line is called a mixed-model U-line. In mixed-model U-lines, there are two interrelated problems called line balancing and model sequencing. In real life applications, especially in manual assembly lines, the tasks may have varying execution times defined as a probability distribution. In this paper, the mixed-model U-line balancing and sequencing problem with stochastic task times is considered. For this purpose, a genetic algorithm is developed to solve the problem. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, a computational study is conducted for both deterministic and stochastic versions of the problem.  相似文献   

In a two-sided assembly line, tasks can be executed simultaneously on both sides of the line. One task cannot be started until both of its direct predecessors on the left and right sides are completed. Therefore, the start time of the task is the maximum of the two predecessors’ finish times. In many realistic situations, it is assumed that the task times are independent and normally distributed with known means and variances. However, the maximum of two normal variables is not normally distributed, but can be well approximated by results from extreme value theory. In this paper, we utilise these results to develop a solution methodology to balance two-sided assembly lines with stochastic task times, minimising the line length and the number of stations while guaranteeing all tasks are completed within the cycle time with a given confidence level.  相似文献   

In the paper, we study a flexible assembly line design problem with equipment decisions. We assume the task times and equipment costs are correlated in the sense that for all tasks the cheaper equipment gives no smaller task time. Given the cycle time and number of workstations we aim to find the assignment of tasks and equipment to the workstations so as to minimise the total equipment cost. We develop a branch and bound algorithm that uses powerful lower bounds and reduction mechanisms. Our computational experiments have revealed that our algorithm can solve large-sized problem instances in reasonable solution times.  相似文献   

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