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Ergonomics intends to convey the fundamental knowledge which is necessary to utilize existing design possibilities in human–machine systems and human–computer interaction, whilst taking abilities and limitations of people into consideration. This is, of course, true for developers, designers and production engineers alike, since, e.g. mechanical engineers need to develop and design instruments and tools, devices and facilities, as well as production equipment and to carry the responsibility for the products they create. Even though within a ‘scientific community’, a canon of generally accepted knowledge and skills for a specific discipline exists—what is taught and which areas of research are followed at the diverse ergonomics divisions are, to some degree, matters of personal choice of the university professors. This may, on the one hand, lead to the consequence that the inter-disciplinary goal of ergonomics may be somewhat neglected. Additionally, the scope and importance of ergonomics in the curriculum vary from university to university, irrespective of how important ergonomics may be in the education. On the other hand, the possibility to combine the various strengths of differing centres of excellence offers an extraordinary opportunity for the development of a comprehensive qualification. In light of this rather heterogeneous situation in the ergonomics field, modular course offerings in the form of inter-university co-operation have been developed, enabling micro- as well as macro-ergonomic design competency in the system ‘human being–technology–organization’ to be able to be conveyed to the student. The first step was to define and describe core modules which, in terms of content and quantity of material, must be considered fundamental elements of a well-founded education in the subject. Dependent on an individual's needs and previous knowledge, optional specialization modules are then offered in addition to this foundation. Personal preferences or ‘schools’ should not play a major role in the design of individual modules, rather the defining factors should be the needs of the ergonomist in practice, as well as a certain ergonomic ‘self-confidence’ and a challenging systems ergonomic requirement, which must be based not solely on simple point-scoring improvements in a work system but rather on a holistic view of the problem. Circumspect action and often profound thought, in the sense of ‘human factors engineering’, is required in order to achieve an optimal solution for the use of human capital, given the typical complexity of the circumstances. Considering the rather strong legal-normative foundation of ergonomics which has developed, an increased demand from businesses for the availability of well-founded ergonomic knowledge and design competency can be assumed.  相似文献   

Du  Zhi  Gao  Nan  Guan  Yijia  Ding  Chao  Sun  Yuhuan  Ren  Jinsong  Qu  Xiaogang 《Nano Research》2018,11(4):1987-1997
Nano Research - The aggregation of amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) is implicated in the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and Aβ oligomers are considered the most toxic species....  相似文献   

Environmental pollution caused due to coal-mining activities distresses the natural biodiversity and hampers sustainable development of coal-mining environment. Based on the environmental impact analysis of coal-mining activities, this study develops a framework for computing the environmental capability considering air pollution reduction, water pollution reduction, noise pollution reduction and land pollution reduction. This study proposes a method for ranking the parameters and subsequently computing their sustainable environmental capability using Bradley–Terry model. The parameters have been ranked by assigning the weights, using attitudinal data collected by surveying the experts from industry and academics. Further, in order to compute the environmental capability of coal mining, these weights have been integrated with the real-life published data collected from environmental reports and journal publications of mining firms for the period 2010–2016 in Dhanbad. The results show that the environmental capability of coal mining has increased by 57–62% during the period under consideration, with the major contribution from air pollution reduction and water pollution reduction. However, in case of noise pollution reduction, it is fluctuating by?±?2–3%, and hence no significant contribution is found. Here, the increasing trend of the environmental capability of coal mining indicates the reduction in environmental pollution which subsequently leads to a sustainable coal-mining environment. This study contributes to this domain of the literature by building an integrated framework which can be used as a tool for environmental impact assessment of coal-mining industry and other industries as well.  相似文献   

The effect of Ni on the thermal conductivity and fluidity of a low Si-added Al–Si casting alloy was investigated. The room temperature thermal conductivity of an Al–2 wt%Si alloy instantly dropped when adding 0.5 wt%Ni, whereas further additions of Ni up to 3 wt% had little influence on the thermal conductivity, which was in the range of 180–185 W/mK. The thermal conductivity was also estimated for the alloys cast at various cooling rates by measuring the electrical conductivity using the Wiedemann–Franz law and increased nearly linearly with an increase in the cooling rates. At such a low level of 2 wt%Si, the castability of the Al–Si alloys, which was evaluated by a fluidity spiral test, was enhanced by the Ni additions, exhibiting the maximum fluidity length at 0.5 wt%Ni.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the key predictors of cloud computing adoption, and further, assesses how cloud computing adoption affects small and medium enterprises' (SMEs') performance. To test the proposed model, we have applied a dual-stage analytical approach by combining structural equation modeling (SEM) and artificial neural network (ANN). SEM results reveal that relative advantage, service quality, perceived risks, top management supports, facilitating conditions, cloud providers influence, server location, computer self-efficacy, and resistance to change have a significant effect on the adoption of cloud computing. Also, this study confirms the positive impact of cloud computing adoption on firm performance. The results of importance-performance map analysis (IPMA) suggest that managerial actions should focus more on improving perceived risk, relative advantage, and top management support. Besides, the results of neural network analysis indicate that the most significant predictor of cloud adoption is server location followed by facilitating conditions, relative advantage, service quality, top management support, computer self-efficacy, perceived risks, cloud provider's influence, and resistance to change. We also discuss the implications of the research that can assist researchers, owners/managers, policymakers, and cloud providers by offering valuable insights regarding cloud computing adoption in SMEs.  相似文献   

Kim YT  An I 《Analytical chemistry》1998,70(7):1346-1351
A multichannel detection system with a grating spectrometer was employed for rapid spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements. Although a grating spectrometer is convenient for dispersing light, it suffers from overlapping orders. Here, we developed novel techniques to eliminate overlapping orders of spectra from a reflection grating. First, an optical filter is properly positioned in the measurement system. Second, a numerical filter is developed. A monochromatic source was used to deduce the exact amount of the overlapping orders, which were determined as the irradiance ratio of the second- to the first-order diffraction. The ratios were found to be increased from 5 to 11% in the 1.5-2.5 eV region. We used the values to correct for overlapping irradiance using the numerical filter. Finally, second-order reflection in real-time rotating element spectroellipsograms were corrected using the filters developed in this work.  相似文献   

Wu QQ 《Analytical chemistry》1998,70(5):865-872
A "basket in a basket" method based on a multistage accurate mass spectrometric (MAMS) technique was developed and demonstrated by obtaining a unique elemental composition of a compound (with a molecular weight of 517) from combinatorial synthesis. The accurate masses for the parent and the fragment ions were obtained with up to five stages of MAMS using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR-MS). This approach requires only input of elements used in the synthetic processes and some constraints about unusual light elements, such as fluorine, while the compositions of the parent ions and their fragments are obtained for structure elucidation. Conversely, accuracy of better than 0.02 ppm (assuming elements C, H, N, O, S, and F are involved) would be required in order to define a unique composition for the same mass using a direct accurate mass measurement because the number of possible elemental compositions increases sharply as the mass increases. Similarly, due to the uncertainty in determining elemental compositions of fragments and complexity of possible internal fragmentation, tandem mass spectrometry may not provide enough information for structure elucidation of unknown compounds, especially of the organic molecules in the mass range of 300-1000 Da, typically encountered in combinatorial lead generation. The application of MAMS to combinatorial drug discovery is particularly advantageous since the built-in chemical information from the synthesis can be used as constraints. The implementation of a nanoelectrospray ionization technique makes this approach practical for characterization of small quantities of compounds typically available from lead generation processes.  相似文献   

This paper suggests a new technique to facilitate consistent transition between planning and production stages of small lots of complex products (in quantities that do not justify full automation). Despite the usage of modern approaches such as design for assembly and design for manufacturing the typical product planning ends up before production planning begins, instead of having a unified seamless planning process. This paper presents a new three stage technique to fill the gap between product planning and production. The paper shows how to generate a rigorous production plan by: (1) extending the Bill-of-Materials to include additional required information, (2) constructing an assembly ‘method prototype’ and (3) using the ‘method prototype’ to calculate time standards for executing the assembly. A case study illustrates the proposed technique.  相似文献   

The study's purpose was to determine which factors influence a consumer's willingness to pay for sustainability and their intention to take action against climate change related to airports. An expanding body of literature relates to assessing whether consumers would be willing to pay for these ‘green’ practices in the aviation industry, such as biofuels or sustainable airport construction/renovations. While previous studies have experimentally examined these scenarios, we are aware of no prior research that has proposed and assessed a structural model related to determining which factors influence consumer's perspectives on ‘green’ airports. A sample of 722 eligible participants from the United States completed the study using Amazon's Mechanical Turk. We examined future time perspective, affect toward climate change, the perceived value of sustainability, and perceptions of climate change on the endogenous variables of willingness to pay for sustainability and intentions to take action against climate change. Six of the seven hypotheses proposed were supported. Affect, perceived value, and perceptions of climate change were all significant and positively related to willingness to pay, which was positively associated with intention to act. Two non-hypothesized paths, between perceived value and future time perspective, were also positively related to intention to act. The model explained 42% of the variance in willingness to pay and 66% in intention to act. These findings offer insights into what factors significantly influence these relationships as they relate to airports. Perceived value and perceptions of climate change had the largest effect sizes in the model and were significantly related to willingness to pay and intentions to act.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to introduce an optimization-based approach for the integrated design and operation of macroscopic water networks. A structural representation approach is developed to embed all potential configurations of interest. This representation accounts for water resources, desalination plants, water users, wastewater treatment facilities, and storage. Water recycle/reuse is enhanced via the use of treated water. Water utilization is improved by minimizing the losses of discharged water resulting from the linkage of power plants and thermal desalination plants and the lack of integration between water production and consumption. Excess water is saved in storage systems or injected in aquifers for strategic (long-term) storage. The developed approach also accounts for the economic values of water uses and storage and for the cost of water production and allocation. An optimization formulation is developed and solved to determine the optimal operation of the infrastructure. The solution also determines the optimal monthly allocation and storage of water resources. A case study is solved for managing the water resources in the State of Qatar while accounting for desalination, distribution, and storage. The solution indicates that storage in tanks reaches its maximum capacity in less than a month while storage in aquifers continues throughout the year as a strategic step towards water security. The solution also illustrates the need to treat wastewater in addition to using desalination of seawater. The output water streams with different qualities are assigned to proper destinations.  相似文献   

This paper investigates sway, roll and yaw motions of a floating body with the aim to determine coupled motion characteristics based on the order-wise analysis of hydrodynamic coefficients. To compute the hydrodynamic coefficients and wave force exerted on the floating body, we employ speed-dependent strip theory. The governing equations are solved analytically for linear restoring moment. For nonlinear restoring moment which is expressed as an odd-order polynomial of fifth degree in roll angle, we apply the Runge–Kutta–Gill method to solve the coupled equations. To investigate the effect of initial disturbances on sway, roll, yaw and speed of the body, numerical experiments have been carried out for a Panamax Container ship under the action of a sinusoidal wave of periodicity 11.2 s with varying wave height and speed. For the linear restoring moment, we first derive associated motion equations for various cases based on the relative magnitude of the hydrodynamic coefficients. The order-wise analysis leads to the classification of coupled characteristics exhibiting the nature of coupling. For the nonlinear restoring moment, we notice that the initial disturbance plays an important role in the ship’s stability. The effects of forward speed and variation in wave heights are illustrated through typical numerical experiments.  相似文献   

Wearable and stretchable strain sensors have potential values in the fields of human motion and health monitoring, flexible electronics, and soft robotic skin. The wearable and stretchable strain sensors can be directly attached to human skin, providing visualized detection for human motions and personal healthcare. Conductive polymer composites(CPC) composed of conductive fillers and flexible polymers have the advantages of high stretchability, good flexibility, superior durability, which can b...  相似文献   

Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy - The pollution and emission caused by the manufacturing, operation, and scrapping of marine ships have considerable impact on the environment....  相似文献   

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