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At the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ) in Kraków, a two-dimensional (2-D) thermoluminescence (TL) dosimetry system was developed within the MAESTRO (Methods and Advanced Equipment for Simulation and Treatment in Radio-Oncology) 6 Framework Programme and tested by evaluating 2-D dose distributions around radioactive sources. A thermoluminescent detector (TLD) foil was developed, of thickness 0.3 mm and diameter 60 mm, containing a mixture of highly sensitive LiF:Mg,Cu,P powder and Ethylene TetraFluoroEthylene (ETFE) polymer. Foil detectors were irradiated with (226)Ra brachytherapy sources and a (90)Sr/(90)Y source. 2-D dose distributions were evaluated using a prototype planar (diameter 60 mm) reader, equipped with a 12 bit Charge Coupled Devices (CCD) PCO AG camera, with a resolution of 640 x 480 pixels. The new detectors, showing a spatial resolution better than 0.5 mm and a measurable dose range typical for radiotherapy, can find many applications in clinical dosimetry. Another technology applicable to clinical dosimetry, also developed at IFJ, is the Si microstrip detector of size 95 x 95 mm(2), which may be used to evaluate the dose distribution with a spatial resolution of 120 microm along one direction, in real-time mode. The microstrip and TLD technology will be further improved, especially to develop detectors of larger area, and to make them applicable to some advanced radiotherapy modalities, such as intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) or proton radiotherapy.  相似文献   

In the dosimetry of boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) beams, thermoluminescent (TL) detectors are typically applied in phantom measurements to determine the spatial distribution of the gamma ray and neutron dose. Pairs of 6LiF and 7LiF are applied to discriminate between the thermal neutron and gamma ray field components, exploiting the high cross section for (n,alpha) reaction of 6Li. At the Institute of Nuclear Physics (INP) in Kraków (Poland) a prototype TL-based measuring set has been constructed and tested. This set consists of a miniature TL detector (of 2 mm diameter and 0.4 mm thickness) placed inside a miniature container made of non-thermoluminescent 6LiF. The outer dimensions of the set are 4.5 mm diameter and 1.4 mm thickness, enabling its application in place of a thermoluminescence dosemeter pellet in typical phantoms. The detector sets were tested in the BNCT beam of the Studsvik reactor. By exploiting the ratio of TL signals of the unshielded and shielded detectors, it was possible to estimate the contributions of the thermal and epithermal components of the neutron field.  相似文献   

Conclusions Of the two methods of detector heating considered in this study, the first method gives a higher reproducibility for than the second. The amplitude reading method and the second of the detector heating methods considered above are completely incompatible.The reproducibility of in the course of the first method of heating improves as the heat capacity of the detector C2 decreases (assuming that C1=const).For a given construction of HE and detector there exists an optimal heating rate, at which the highest degree of reproducibility is attained.Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 9, pp. 74–75, September, 1971.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to determine important dosimetric characteristics of several types of the most interesting tissue-equivalent thermoluminescent detectors (TLDs). Special attention was given to the determination of energy dependence for medium and low energy X rays. The following types of TLDs were investigated: (a) two new types based on lithium borate: Li2B4O7:Cu,In and Li,B4O7:Cu,In,Ag; (b) two types of the recently developed highly sensitive LiF:Mg,Cu,P material: TLD-700H and GR 200A and (c) two well known types of LiF:Mg,Ti detectors: TLD-100 and TLD-700. In order to determine their photon energy response characteristics, TLDs previously calibrated with 137Cs gamma rays were simultaneously irradiated with X ray beams in the range of effective energies between 33 and 116 keV. Measured energy responses (relative to air), normalised to those to 137Cs photons were compared with calculated data. Although the deviations of the measured data from the 'theoretical' predictions are different for all the investigated TLDs, there is no large difference in 'tissue-equivalency' between them.  相似文献   

The linearity of dose response of chemical vapour deposition (CVD) diamonds grown at the Institute for Materials Research at Limburg University, Belgium, was investigated over a dose range relevant for radiotherapy. The following CVD diamonds were investigated: (1) a batch of square 3 x 3 mm2 detectors cut from a CVD wafer and (2) an as-grown CVD wafer of 6 cm diameter. A total of 20 CVD square detectors were irradiated with 137Cs gamma rays over the dose range from 200 mGy to 25 Gy. The CVD wafer, used as a large-area thermoluminescent (TL) detector, was exposed to a 226Ra needle. Very few square detectors showed linearity over a limited dose range, followed by saturation of the TL signal. The dose range of linearity was found to be strongly affected by the thermal annealing procedure of the detector. Owing to its high sensitivity and homogeneity of response, the large CVD diamond wafer was found to be very suitable as a large-area detector for 2-D dose mapping of the 226Ra brachytherapy source, possibly for Quality Assurance purposes.  相似文献   

Slowing down spectra, LET spectra, hit probabilities, and radiation doses were simulated for the interaction of single 218Po and 214Po alpha particles with sensitive basal and secretory cell nuclei in the bronchial epithelium of human and rat lungs for defined exposure conditions. Probabilities per unit track length for transformation, derived from in vitro experiments with C3H 10T1/2 cells, were used to estimate transformation probabilities for randon progeny alpha particles in basal and secretory cells. Different weighting schemes were assumed to relate cellular hit probabilities, doses and transformation probabilities, obtained for different cell depths and airway generations, to lung cancer risk per unit exposure. In vitro transformation and in vivo lung cancer incidence were simulated by a state-vector model which provides a stochastic formulation of dose-rate dependent cellular transitions related to formation of double strand breaks, repair, inactivation, stimulated mitosis and promotion through loss of intercellular communication.  相似文献   

Measurements of the response of thermoluminescent (TL) detectors after gamma ray doses high enough to observe signal saturation provide input to microdosimetric models which relate this gamma-ray response with the energy response after low doses of photons (gamma rays and low-energy X rays) and after high-LET irradiation. To measure their gamma ray response up to saturation, LiF:Mg,Ti (MTS-7 and MTT), LiF:Mg,Cu,P (MCP-7), CaSO4:Dy (KCD) and Al2O3:C detectors were irradiated with 60Co gamma rays over the range 1-5000 Gy. The X-ray photon energy response and TL efficiency (relative to gamma rays) after doses of beta rays and alpha particles, were also measured, for CaSO4:Dy and for Al2O3:C. Microdosimetric and track structure modelling was then applied to the experimental data. In a manner similar to LiF:Mg,Cu,P, the experimentally observed under response of alpha-Al2O3:C to X rays <100 keV, compared with cross-section calculations, is explained as a microdosimetric effect caused by the saturation of response of this detector without prior supralinearity (saturation of traps along the tracks). The enhanced X-ray photon energy response of CaSO4:Dy is related to the supralinearity observed in this material after high gamma ray doses, similarly to that in LiF:Mg,Ti. The discussed model approaches support the general rule relating dose-, energy- and ionisation density-responses in TL detectors: if their gamma ray response is sublinear prior to saturation, the measured photon energy response is lower, and if it is supralinear, it may be higher than that expected from the calculation of the interaction cross sections alone. Since similar rules have been found to apply to other solid-state detector systems, microdosimetry may offer a valuable contribution to solid-state dosimetry even prior to mechanistic explanations of physical phenomena in different TL detectors.  相似文献   

Beta emitters are widely used in nuclear medicine for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The critical groups exposed to a radioactive patient include the staff, other patients and members of the public accompanying the patient. The aim of this work is to characterise thermoluminescent (TL) materials for the staff monitoring of nuclear medicine services that manipulate beta radiation solutions of (153)Sm. This study was performed using CaSO(4):Dy + Teflon pellets, produced at IPEN, with different dimensions. For the dosimetric characterisation, these TL dosemeters were exposed to gamma source ((60)Co) and to beta sealed sources ((90)Sr + (90)Y, (204)Tl and (147)Pm) and to a non-sealed source ((153)Sm). Results were obtained related to reproducibility, lower detection limits, calibration curves, angle and energy dependence of response. All tested materials show usefulness for monitoring of workers exposed to beta radiation.  相似文献   

Stimulation spectra of several TLD materials in the short-wave spectral region are measured using the optically stimulated afterglow (OSA) method for determination of absorbed dose. Optical stimulation spectra are studied in the region of wavelengths lower than those of emission spectra. The effective optical stimulation hands have been found for examined materials in the regions of wavelengths which overlap with fluorescence excitation bands. Application of short-wave OSA bands for determination of absorbed dose is analysed.  相似文献   

Measurements of cosmic radiation dose rates (from the neutron and the non-neutron components) on board passenger aircraft were performed using environmental packages with thermoluminescent TL and CR-39 etched track detectors. The packages were calibrated at the CERN-EU high-energy Reference Field Facility and evaluated at the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Krakow (TL + CR-39) and at the German Aerospace Centre in Cologne (CR-39). Detector packages were exposed on board passenger aircraft operated by LOT Polish Airlines, flown between February and May 2001. The values of effective dose rate determined, averaged over the measuring period, ranged between 2.9 and 4.4 microSv h(-1). The results of environmental measurements agreed to within 10% with values calculated from the CARI-6 code.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to determine energy dependence characteristics in terms of values of the personal dose equivalent, HP(10). The following types of thermoluminescent detectors (TLDs) were investigated: (a) two new types based on lithium borate, Li2B4O7:Cu,In and Li2B4O7:Cu,In,Ag; (b) two types based on the highly sensitive material LiF:Mg,Cu,P, TLD-700H and GR 200A; (c) two well-known types of LiF:Mg,Ti detector, TLD-100 and TLD-700 and (d) highly sensitive Al2O3:C detectors. TLDs previously calibrated with 137Cs gamma rays were simultaneously irradiated with X ray beams in the range of mean energies between 33 and 116 keV. The irradiations were performed with detectors in polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) holders placed on a 30 cm x 30 cm x 15 cm water phantom with PMMA walls (ISO phantom). Measured energy responses were compared with calculated data for HP(10) values. The results confirmed the satisfactory tissue equivalent characteristics of all investigated TLDs except Al2O3:C, which (due to its large energy dependence) is suitable for personal dosimetry only with an appropriate filter.  相似文献   

A treatment planning system (TPS) was validated in conditions of simulated radiotherapy (RT) of an anthropomorphic tissue-equivalent phantom. Individually calibrated solid MTS-N (LiF:Mg,Ti) detectors were placed within the treatment volume in this phantom which was then repeatedly irradiated by external 60Co or 6 MV X ray beams. On the basis of TLD-measured depth-dose curves for the two beams, the relative accuracy of determining dose (of the order of 1 Gy) at live depths in a water phantom is about 0.4-0.6%. In the volume of interest representing the target volume, the relative standard difference between the calculated and measured dose values ranged between 1.3% and 2.2% for the 60Co and 6 MV X ray beams, respectively. The TPS-calculated uniformity of irradiation of that volume is within 1%. While fraction-to-fraction repeatability was within 1-2%, systematic underexposure around the reference point, by 2-3%, was found in two consecutive exposures by sets of both beams.  相似文献   

A plastic phoswich detector consisting of a 0.1 mm thick (NE102A) fast scintillator and a 10 mm thick slow scintillator (NE115 or BC-444), heat pressed together, has been tested and found to give a satisfactory charge separation of light particles.  相似文献   

The Earth's atmosphere acts as a natural radiation shield which protects terrestrial dwellers from the radiation environment encountered in space. In general, the intensity of this radiation field increases with distance from the ground owing to a decrease in the amount of atmospheric shielding. Neutrons form an important component of the radiation field to which the aircrew and spacecrew are exposed. In light of this, the neutron-sensitive bubble detector may be ideal as a portable personal dosemeter at jet altitudes and in space. This paper describes the ground-based characterisation of the bubble detector and the application of the bubble detector for the measurement of aircrew and spacecrew radiation exposure.  相似文献   

This article examines one of the main characteristics of seismic detectors — the variability of their amplitudefrequency and phase-frequency characteristics.Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 4, pp. 39–41, April, 1995.  相似文献   

The European Radiation Dosimetry Group, EURADOS, established a working group consisting of experts whose aim is to assist in the process of harmonisation of individual monitoring as part of the protection of occupationally exposed workers. A catalogue of facilities and internal dosimetric techniques related to individual monitoring in Europe has been completed as a result of this EURADOS study. A questionnaire was sent in 2002 to services requesting information on various topics including type of exposures, techniques used for direct and indirect measurements including calibration and sensitivity data and the methods employed for the assessment of internal doses. Information relating to Quality Control procedures for direct and indirect measurements, Quality Assurance Programmes in the facilities and legal requirements for "approved dosimetric services" were also considered. A total of 71 completed questionnaires were returned by internal dosimetry facilities in 26 countries. This results in an overview of the actual status of the processes used in internal exposure estimation in Europe. In many ways harmonisation is a reality in internal dose assessments, especially when taking into account the measurements of the activity retained or excreted from the body. However, a future study detailing the estimation of minimum detectable activity in the laboratories is highly recommended. Points to focus on in future harmonisation activities are as follows: the process of calculation of doses from measured activity, establishment of guidelines, similar dosimetric tools and application of the same ICRP recommendations. This would lead to a better and more harmonised approach to the estimation of internal exposures in all European facilities.  相似文献   

A new type of detector, thermoluminescent (TL) sheets (BaSO4:Eu), and a readout system for the TL sheets have been developed to study electromagnetic cascade showers in ultrahigh energy interactions. To perform a measurement of showers recorded in TL sheets, the longitudinal and radial development of an electromagnetic cascade shower in lead produced by accelerator electrons has been studied for comparison. Simulations of the longitudinal and radial development of cascade showers were also performed using the EGS code system.

This study is useful for the design of a thermoluminescent calorimeter (TLC) for the measurement of electromagnetic cascade showers originating from ultrahigh energy (above 1015 eV) interactions.  相似文献   

The full-energy peak efficiency calibration and the energy resolution measurements of the LaBr3 γ-ray detector are presented for γ-ray energies in the 700 keV–17.6 MeV range. Measurements were done using a combination of proton-capture nuclear reactions on , , , and for high-energy γ-rays, and radioactive sources such as and for the lowest energies. At high energies, two γ-rays in a cascade from proton resonance capture were employed using Al, Na2WO4, K2SO4 and LiBO2 targets. The obtained results were compared to the simulations performed using a GEANT4 code.  相似文献   

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