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Development of Ferromagnetic Superspins in Bare Cu Nanoparticles by Electronic Charge Redistribution
Erdembayalag Batsaikhan Yen-Cheng Chen Chi-Hung Lee Hsiao-Chi Li Wen-Hsien Li 《International journal of molecular sciences》2015,16(10):23165-23176
We report on the results of investigating the ferromagnetic properties of bare Cu nanoparticles. Three sets of bare Cu nanoparticle assemblies with mean particle diameters of 6.6, 8.1, and 11.1 nm were fabricated, employing the gas condensation method. Curie-Weiss paramagnetic responses to a weak driving magnetic field were detected, showing the appearance of particle superspins that overcomes the diamagnetic responses from the inner core. The isothermal magnetization displays a Langevin field profile together with magnetic hysteresis appearing even at 300 K, demonstrating the existence of ferromagnetic superspins in the Cu nanoparticles. Shifting of a noticeable amount of electronic charge from being distributed near the lattice sites in bulk form toward their neighboring ions in nanoparticles was found. The extended 3d and 4s band mixture are the main sources for the development of localized 3d holes for the development of ferromagnetic particle superspins in Cu nanoparticles. 相似文献
Elisabeth Bardez 《Israel journal of chemistry》1999,39(3-4):319-332
When the acidic and basic groups of an amphoteric compound become stronger on excitation, excited-state proton transfers (ESPT) are driven by the photoinduced synergy between the two functions. This is exemplified here by 7- and 8-hydroxyquinolines (7- and 8-HQ), whatever the initially excited form. For instance, the -OH group of the 7-hydroxyquinolinium form undergoes photoinduced deprotonation even in 8M HClO4! This reveals its outstanding photoacidity, confirmed by the value of the deprotonation rate constant k1 at infinite dilution, 5.5 × 1010 s−1. The decrease of k1 on increasing the ionic strength pointed out the key number of 4 water molecules as proton acceptors. In neutral medium, a very efficient photoinduced tautomerization is observed. For 7-HQ in water, a mechanism consisting of three competitive paths was established: A proton translocation via a bridge of water molecules within less than 10 ps for the cis-isomer, and two stepwise competitive reactions for the trans-isomer. Concerning the weakly fluorescent 8-HQ, the photoinduced tautomerization occurs even in organic media. In most solvents, an intrinsic ESPT takes place within intramolecularly H-bonded molecules, but preferential solvation by residual water of the solvent may lead to open structures where ESPT is impaired. In alkanes, a biprotonic ESPT is expected to occur within very stable dimers (Kdim= 7.0 × 107). In all cases, the coupling between proton transfers and an intramolecular electron transfer leads to the ketonic structure of the tautomer. This might be a general feature in phototautomerization reactions. 相似文献
Electron transfer between excited donor molecules followed by the back reaction is treated theoretically for a solid solution at high excitation power. An expression for the average donor cation probability P+(t) is derived. Calculations of the time dependence for P+(t) are presented. The results indicate that the maximum value of P+(t) in the nonlinear quenching process is less than the corresponding values of P+(t) for the linear quenching at a low excitation power due to the depletion of the acceptors with time t. The restriction of the reaction volume slows down the charge separation if the back charge transfer takes place. 相似文献
荧光传感器提供了方便,快捷,廉价的分析检测重金属离子的方法,并且有很高的灵敏度和选择性.它在环境科学,分析化学以及生命科学等领域有着广泛的应用前景.综述了分子内电荷转移(intramolecular charge transfer)荧光传感器的最新研究进展,并展望了该领域的发展趋势. 相似文献
线性聚能装药切割岩石的数值模拟 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
运用改进的MOCL程序,数值模拟了线性聚能装药金属射流的形成以及射流侵彻岩石的全过程,得到了锥角为60°的聚能装药结构爆轰产物膨胀、药型罩变形、射流形成过程及锥角为60°和90°时的射流速度梯变分布。不同时刻射流的分布显示,在拉伸过程中,锥角为60°的聚能射流速度变小,速度梯度较大,头部速度为4500m·s-1;锥角为90°的聚能射流,头部速度为3500m·s-1速度梯度较小,与实际物理过程相一致。结果表明,模拟结果基本符合聚能射流的物理现象和规律,说明采用的物理模型和数值算法是合理的。 相似文献
E. Gileadi 《Israel journal of chemistry》1971,9(3):405-412
The adsorption of phenol in the form of phenoxy radicals on the surface of a bright Pt electrode is discussed. Two main features of the adsorption isotherm are brought out. The fractional coverage Θ changes suddenly at a characteristic potential, in a manner reminiscent of two dimensional phase formation. This is attributed to the existence of an isotherm with strong lateral attraction interaction forces. The corresponding two-dimensional equation of state resembles qualitatively the Van der Waals equation of state at temperatures below the critical temperature. For the potential dependence of adsorption a new type of isotherm is used which combines the effects of potential on charge-transfer equilibrium and on the solvent-solute replacement equilibrium on the surface of the electrode. The resulting function, describing the variation of Θ with E fits the observed inhibition effects of phenol on the rate of oxidation of Γ, and should also be taken into consideration in deriving Tafel slopes for different mechanisms. 相似文献
Doping semiconductor nanocrystals with transition metal ions introduces new optical, electronic, and magnetic properties to the host semiconductor nanocrystals. The energy transfer and charge transfer between exciton and dopant ions are the key photophysical processes responsible for the unique properties of doped semiconductor nanocrystals, which are distinct from their undoped counterparts. Since the energy transfer and charge transfer processes between exciton and dopant ions compete with the usual relaxation pathways of the exciton, competition among different dynamic processes ultimately determines the photophysical properties of doped nanocrystals. In this review, we discuss the dependence of the dynamics of the energy transfer and charge transfer processes in Mn-doped II-VI semiconductor nanocrystals on the structure of the host nanocrystal, spatial distribution of the dopant ions within the nanocrystal, and charge carrier-trapping molecules near the surface of the nanocrystals. 相似文献
The charging behavior of metal nanoparticles bouncing from conductive surfaces was investigated in a single-stage-low-pressure-impactor. Ag and Pt particles of a fixed particle size between 20 nm and 100 nm were impacted on targets of bulk Au and Pt, respectively, and the resulting contact charge was measured as a function of impact velocity. The influence of target hardness was revealed by the comparison to measurements with soft nanostructured layers obtained by direct current sputtering of Au and Pt on mica discs. From the dataset, regions of elastic, elastoplastic, and fully plastic particle deformation were identified, and the size-dependent effective yield stress for the respective particle materials was calculated. The influence of electron back-tunneling in the separation phase of the collision on the effective contact charge is discussed.
Copyright 2014 American Association for Aerosol Research 相似文献
The dimethoxyphenyl-ethyl-substituted pyridinium ion 1 shows a long-wave absorption and fluorescence, which are attributed to an intramolecular electron donor-acceptor complex. In contrast to electrically neutral complexes the fluorescence quantum yield of 1 in polar solvents is comparatively high and the radiative decay time is rather small. The excited complex can also be generated by electrochemical methods. 相似文献
We discuss the influence of high excitation power on reversible charge transfer kinetics. The kinetics depends on the excited donor concentration, on the parameters of the rate constants, and on the boundary conditions for the Smoluchowski equation in liquids. The nonlinear effects of the excitation power are determined by the geometry of molecular spectra of emission and absorption. They disappear with the acceptor concentration, with the decrease in the forward rate constant. The role of Coulomb interaction of ions increases with increase of diffusion constant. Nonlinear effects for our theory of reversible charge transfer in liquids are compared with those of Dorfman and coworkers (J. Chem. Phys. 1989 , 90, 159). The difference of the effects between the two theories vanishes when the probability of the donor's excited state approaches unity. 相似文献
长钢轨铺换车(简称换轨车)是长钢轨更换的主要设备,我段从1984年以来,就开始采用分体式换轨车更换长钢轨,为我局铺设无缝线路发挥了重要的作用。但是,分体式换轨车上下拖车,辅助时间较长,影响换轨进度;而且轨条在穿入龙口装置时,用压机顶起轨头,容易碰伤人员;特别是随着更换轨型的逐级增大和淬火轨的出现,在小半径曲线地段上换轨,由于车体自重小,容易掉道,起复难度很大。为此,研制新型的换轨车,改进技术性能,迫切需要。笔者针对分体式换轨车存在的问题,提出了相应的对策,构思出几种新型的换轨车方案,分析各自的优缺点,进行相互的比较,从中选择了桁架式整体换轨车方案进行设计与研制,通过实际应用,取得了良好的效果。 相似文献
可逆加成-断裂链转移(Reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer,RAFT)自由基聚合是最近发展起来的一种活性可控自由基聚合技术。该技术对聚合调控效果好、聚合条件相对温和、适用单体范围广等优点而备受关注,已成为一种有效的聚合物分子设计手段,文章介绍了RAFT聚合的机理、优点及应用。 相似文献
Haifeng Song Piotr M. Diakowski Robert H. E. Hudson Heinz-Bernhard Kraatz 《Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials》2012,22(1):178-182
Ferrocene-labeled DNA systems where the Fc group is directly attached to deoxyuridine are investigated electrochemically in an effort to elucidate the electron transfer properties of these systems. The rigid linkage between the Fc group and the nucleobase provides control over the position of the Fc group within the ds-DNA and helps to elucidate the effect of the position of the redox label on the electrochemical behaviour of the ds-DNA films. Cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical surface plasmon resonance and scanning electrochemical microscopy measurements show that charge transfer (CT) in such systems is to a large extent controlled by the dynamic properties of surface-bound ds-DNA rather than by the CT through base-pair stacks. 相似文献
John F. Endicott 《Israel journal of chemistry》1970,8(2):209-226
Irradiation of charge transfer absorption bands of coordination complexes can result in net oxidation reduction or ligand exchange reactions. The photoredox processes generally involve the formation of reactive radicals in the primary photochemical act. The identification of these primary radicals is essential to the specification of the primary photochemical act since radical reactions with substrate, other radicals, etc. can make the net products and yields appear vastly different from the nature of the primary act. For example, in a few documented cases, the metal ion fragment formed in a photoredox process has characteristics of a radical and can couple with ligand radicals giving rise to a net photochemical process which appears to be ligand exchange rather than photoredox. A variety of radicals, organic as well as inorganic, can be generated and studied in aqueous solution. Some information has also been obtained concerning the nature of the photochemical precursors to the radicals formed in photoredox processes. 相似文献
Eliezer Gileadi 《Israel journal of chemistry》2008,48(3-4):121-131
Electrode reactions are characterized by charge transfer across the interface. The charge can be carried by electrons or by ions. It is shown here that when both mass and charge cross the interface, the charge must be carried by the ionic species, not by the electrons, as a result of the very large difference in the time scale for electron and ion transfer. A prime example of charge transfer by ions is metal deposition. It is proposed that ion transfer occurs by migration of the ions across the interface, under the influence of the high electrostatic field in the double layer. The rate constants observed for metal deposition are comparable to those for outer-sphere charge transfer. These unexpectedly high rate constants for metal deposition are explained by a model in which removal of the solvation shell and reduction of the effective charge on the metal ion occur in many small steps, and a make-before-break mechanism exists, which lowers the total Gibbs energy of the system as it moves along the reaction coordinate from the initial to the final state. 相似文献