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The consideration of this paper is given to address the straight and U-shaped assembly line balancing problem. Although many attempts in the literature have been made to develop deterministic version of the assembly line model, the attention is not considerably given to those in uncertain environment. In this paper, a novel bi-objective fuzzy mixed-integer linear programming model (BOFMILP) is developed so that triangular fuzzy numbers (TFNs) are employed in order to represent uncertainty and vagueness associated with the task processing times in the real production systems. In this proposed model, two conflicting objectives (minimizing the number of stations as well as cycle time) are considered simultaneously with respect to set of constraints. For this purpose, an appropriate strategy in which new two-phase interactive fuzzy programming approach is proposed as a solution method to find an efficient compromise solution. Finally, validity of the proposed model as well as its solution approach are evaluated though numerical examples. In addition, a comparison study is conducted over some test problems in order to assess the performance of the proposed solution approach. The results demonstrate that our proposed interactive fuzzy approach not only can be applied in ALBPs but also is capable to handle any practical MOLP models. Moreover, in light of these results, the proposed model may constitute a framework aiming to assist the decision maker (DM) to deal with uncertainty in assembly line problem.  相似文献   

D. G. Bate 《Software》1974,4(1):91-109
An interactive test bed for programs written in the system development language CLSD is described. It consists of a compiler and an interactive interpreter. The test facilities and the internal design of the test and bed are described in detail. Experience has demonstrated this to be a very valuable tool in program development.  相似文献   

Damien Ciabrini 《Software》2007,37(7):693-725
The compilation of high‐level languages to general‐purpose execution platforms poses some challenges when it comes to debugging. Typically, abstractions that are not natively supported by the execution platform must be emulated with intermediate data structures and function calls. Unfortunately, the details of the emulation are visible in the execution stack, and this unwanted information greatly reduces the effectiveness of debuggers. This paper presents a general method for constructing a virtual view of the stack, in order to mask intermediate function calls that were generated to emulate high‐level abstractions, or even to recover logical frame information that was lost during the compilation process. In particular, virtual views enable the visualization of two disjoint code representations (e.g. native code and interpreted code) as a single unified stack. We illustrate this method by showing how to handle the compilation of Bigloo, a dialect of the Scheme programming language. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Conventional operating systems have for many-years used the ideas of standard stream interfaces to peripherals. Multi-tasking has been used in order to give an efficient response while maintaining simplicity and flexibility for the user. This paper describes an extension to an operating system which makes similar facilities available for the control of interactive workstations, and also provides a command dispatcher which enables the straightforward implementation of arbitrary user-defined command languages. The current system has been written in BCPL to run on a PDP 11/45 handling a Vector General display, but the design is suitable for use with a variety of terminals, computers and languages.  相似文献   

李蓓 《计算机应用》2014,(Z2):238-239,242
关联性故障代表单元的查找定位是电子会议系统调试的关键环节。为了提高查找定位效率,提出了一种基于折半查找的快速定位算法。通过对电子会议系统中干线上的代表单元可靠度的分析,把代表单元的故障情况转化成随着代表单元数量动态变化的量化数据,构成一组有序的可靠度数据,将工程调试问题转化成数据分析问题,引入折半查找算法,设计高效准确定位故障代表单元的算法,并进行了算法效率分析。该方法操作简单,无需借助特殊工具即可应用于复杂环境下电子会议系统的现场调试。  相似文献   

Traditional CAD (Computer-Aided Design) methods in garment pattern design (GPD) fail to utilize the knowledge of experts for inexperienced designers. Moreover, the interactive and co-evolutionary features are not supported. We propose an interactive co-evolutionary CAD system for GPD (ICE-GCAD). The functionality model, modular architecture and data flow of the system are proposed. Then, the interactive co-evolutionary system whose core module is an immune-inspired co-evolutionary algorithm is studied. Finally, the flow of co-design in the system is proposed. As a case demonstration, we study a design sample of a leisure shirt. The experimental studies show that our approach has promising performance and appealing effects. We believe ICE-GCAD is applicable to support the collaboration among garment designers and experts.  相似文献   

The recent expansion of broadband Internet access led to an exponential increase of potential consumers of video on the Web. The huge success of video upload websites shows that the online world, with its virtually unlimited possibilities of active user participation, is an ideal complement to traditional consumption-only media like TV and DVD. It is evident that users are willing to interact with content-providing systems in order to get the content they desire. In parallel to these developments, innovative tools for producing interactive, non-linear audio-visual content are being created. They support the authoring process alongside management of media and metadata, enabling on-demand assembly of videos based on the consumer’s wishes. The quality of such a dynamic video remixing system mainly depends on the expressiveness of associated metadata. Eliminating the need for manual input as far as possible, we aim at designing a system which is able to automatically enrich its own media and metadata repositories continuously. Currently, video content remixing is available on the Web mostly in very basic forms. Most platforms offer upload and simple modification of content. Although several implementations exist, to the best of our knowledge no solution uses metadata to its full extent to dynamically render a video stream based on consumers’ wishes. With the research presented in this paper, we propose a novel concept to interactive video assembly on the Web. In this approach, consumers may describe the desired content using a set of domain-specific parameters. Based on the metadata the video clips are annotated with, the system chooses clips fitting the user criteria. They are aligned in an aesthetically pleasing manner while the user furthermore is able to interactively influence content selection during playback at any time. We use a practical example to clarify the concept and further outline what it takes to implement a suchlike system.
Martin UmgeherEmail:

Rene Kaiser   graduated in Software Engineering at the FH Hagenberg in 2005. Since 2006, he is working at JOANNEUM RESEARCH, focussing on various research aspects of multimedia semantics. Rene is especially interested in metadata representation, Semantic Web technologies, and non-linear interactive video production. Dr. Michael Hausenblas   is a senior researcher at JOANNEUM RESEARCH working in the area of multimedia semantics. He has been utilising Web of Data technologies in a couple of national and international projects. Additionally, he has been active in several W3C activities, Semantic Web Deployment Working Group and in Video in the Web activity. Michael holds a PhD in Computer Science (Telematics) from Graz University of Technology. Martin Umgeher   is a PhD student at the Technical University of Graz. He is researching in the area of mobile multimedia applications, applying agile development methodologies and focussing on usability aspects. Martin has been active in both national and international multimedia-based projects.   相似文献   

R. Kingslake 《Software》1971,1(4):391-401
TALK is an interactive file creation and editing system implemented on a very small computer. It provides facilities for FORTRAN syntax checking and an interactive ‘desk-calculator’. Major computing tasks are sent over a high speed link to CDC 6600/6400 computers A number of teleprinters can be controlled by TALK in the usual way, but also the card reader/line printer pair may be used as a terminal. This is useful for creating or printing large files When a user has logged in he can work in one of several modes. These include INPUT, EDIT and CALCULATE modes. It is possible to nest modes, for example, by entering CALCULATE mode while in INPUT mode without losing one's place in the input file An unusual feature of TALK is the ‘inclusion’ facility. This enables a user to specify previously filed text to be included within another file, either as the file is being created or dynamically whenever the file is used. It also gives users the ability to build up macros of commonly used commands. Many system commands are in fact macros with only simple primitives provided as executable code.  相似文献   

基于JTAG技术的嵌入式交叉调试软件   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
介绍了JTAG交叉调试技术及Xscale芯片的增强调试功能,并在此基础上给出一种嵌入式交叉调试软件系统的设计及实现。主机端环境为LINUX操作系统,并利用GDB调试软件,目标系统采用Xscale芯片。该系统的特点是纯软件实现,廉价方便。  相似文献   

This paper describes a novel approach to event-based debugging. The approach is based on a (coarsegrained) dataflow view of events: a high-level event is recognized when an appropriate combination of lower-level events on which it depends has occurred. Event recognition is controlled using familiar programming language constructs. This approach is more flexible and powerful than current ones. It allows arbitrary debugger language commands to be executed when attempting to form higher-level events. It also allows users to specify event recognition in much the same way that they write programs. This paper also describes a prototype, Dalek, that employs the dataflow approach for debugging sequential programs. Dalek demonstrates the feasibility and attractiveness of the dataflow approach. One important motivation for this work is that current sequential debugging tools are inadequate. Dalek contributes toward remedying such inadequacies by providing events and a powerful debugging language. Generalizing the dataflow approach so that it can aid in the debugging of concurrent programs is under investigation.  相似文献   

PEP (Program Editor and Processor) is an interactive programming system based on an Algol-like language. It is intended to replace BASIC as a system for interactive program development on small computers (LSI-11). The language processed by the system allows declaration of variables, constants and procedures; it has structured statements for conditional and repetitive execution of program parts. We describe design and implementation of the system and give our impressions after 1 year of experience with the system.  相似文献   

IMPS is an interactive mathematical proof system intended as a general-purpose tool for formulating and applying mathematics in a familiar fashion. The logic of IMPS is based on a version of simple type theory with partial functions and subtypes. Mathematical specification and inference are performed relative to axiomatic theories, which can be related to one another via inclusion and theory interpretation. IMPS provides relatively large primitive inference steps to facilitate human control of the deductive process and human comprehension of the resulting proofs. An initial theory library containing over a thousand repeatable proofs covers significant portions of logic, algebra, and analysis and provides some support for modeling applications in computer science.Supported by the MITRE-Sponsored Research program.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of an interactive system for the design of a distributed computer system. The system helps the designer in finding the optimal combination of processors of varying power to be located at various nodes of the system. It also helps in finding the optimal allocation of data files or databases. The system allows the designer to trade-off between the conflicting objectives: low investment and operating cost and high availability of data. Reasonable relative weights are assigned to each data file, and design objectives can be assigned priorities. A value added network such as TELENET is assumed for data communication. Also, multiple copies of the data file or database may exist in the system to achieve higher data availability and better response time.  相似文献   

应用虚拟机构建技术与可视化技术相结合,设计一个汇编程序可视化集成开发环境X86VVM2.实现了一个可执行X86汇编程序的虚拟机内核,在此内核的基础上,进行对程序运行时数据及其执行过程的可视化研究,实现CPU寄存器值及寄存器之间的数据交换可视化、堆栈信息可视化、代码跟踪和调试可视化.同时也实现了一个可视化代码编辑器.经过实验与分析,具备可视调试特征的X86汇编程序集成开发环境可令程序设计者更为直观地理解汇编程序的执行过程,提高调试效率.  相似文献   

In this paper, we designed and developed an interactive assembly simulation system of cable harness. First, we establish a real-time physical model of cable harness based on an extension of the mass–spring model. We use various kinds of springs to describe the different properties of the cable harness: linear springs for stretching, bending springs for bending, and torsion springs for geometrical torsion and material twisting. The constraints of connectors and clips on cable harness are both considered. We also associate the elastic coefficients of various springs with the material parameters of the cable. Moreover, we use spherical bounding volume hierarchy and triangular facets for collision detection of cable harness during the assembly simulation. By applying contact forces to both ends of the cable links that collide with the surrounding environment, we obtain the real-time contact response of cable harness. Finally, we apply the proposed model to a cable assembly task. The results show that the proposed model successfully expressed the deformation of the cable harness and the interactive manipulation is computationally efficient.  相似文献   

In the automobile industry, mixed-model assembly lines are used to produce many different vehicles without carrying large inventory. For achieving high productivity, it is required to keep a constant rate of usage of parts used by the assembly line. We have developed a new dynamic sequencing method for level production of assembly line and built up an automated sequence-control system which had been operated manually. In this paper, we present i) the nature of sequence control problems, ii) a dynamic sequence control algorithm, and iii) the experience of automating a buffer control system.  相似文献   

Auction processes are commonly employed in many environments. With rapid advances in Internet and computing technologies, electronic auctions have become very popular. People sell and buy a wide range of goods and services online. There is a growing need for the proper management of online auctions and for providing support to parties involved. In this paper, we develop an interactive approach supporting both the buyer and the bidders in a multi-attribute, single-item, multi-round, reverse auction environment. We demonstrate the algorithm on a number of problems.  相似文献   

Literature shows that reinforcement learning (RL) and the well-known optimization algorithms derived from it have been applied to assembly sequence planning (ASP); however, the way this is done, as an offline process, ends up generating optimization methods that are not exploiting the full potential of RL. Today’s assembly lines need to be adaptive to changes, resilient to errors and attentive to the operators’ skills and needs. If all of these aspects need to evolve towards a new paradigm, called Industry 4.0, the way RL is applied to ASP needs to change as well: the RL phase has to be part of the assembly execution phase and be optimized with time and several repetitions of the process. This article presents an agile exploratory experiment in ASP to prove the effectiveness of RL techniques to execute ASP as an adaptive, online and experience-driven optimization process, directly at assembly time. The human-assembly interaction is modelled through the input-outputs of an assembly guidance system built as an assembly digital twin. Experimental assemblies are executed without pre-established assembly sequence plans and adapted to the operators’ needs. The experiments show that precedence and transition matrices for an assembly can be generated from the statistical knowledge of several different assembly executions. When the frequency of a given subassembly reinforces its importance, statistical results obtained from the experiments prove that online RL applications are not only possible but also effective for learning, teaching, executing and improving assembly tasks at the same time. This article paves the way towards the application of online RL algorithms to ASP.  相似文献   

轮胎安全性能智能检测系统软硬件仿真与调试   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
构筑汽车轮胎安全性能智能检测系统,可进行汽车轮胎安全性能的在线检测、智能分析和实时处理,可有效地提升汽车轮胎在使用过程中的安全性和可靠性,但该系统的功能体系和性能指标还必须经过软硬件仿真和调试,才能得到令人信服的结论。通过研制该系统的实验验证装置,并进行有关系统各功能模块的软硬件仿真与调试,得到了与设计目标相一致的实验结果,证实了该系统设计构思的正确性、合理性和可行性。  相似文献   

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