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In the Industry 4.0 era, manufacturers strive to remain competitive by using advanced technologies such as collaborative robots, automated guided vehicles, augmented reality support and smart devices. However, only if these technological advancements are integrated into their system context in a seamless way, they can deliver their full potential to a manufacturing organization. This integration requires a system architecture as a blueprint for positioning and interconnection of the technologies. For this purpose, the HORSE framework, resulting from the HORSE EU H2020 project, has been developed to act as a reference architecture of a cyber-physical system to integrate various Industry 4.0 technologies and support hybrid manufacturing processes, i.e., processes in which human and robotic workers collaborate. The architecture has been created using design science research, based on well-known software engineering frameworks, established manufacturing domain standards and practical industry requirements. The value of a reference architecture is mainly established by application in practice. For this purpose, this paper presents the application and evaluation of the HORSE framework in 10 manufacturing plants across Europe, each with its own characteristics. Through the physical deployment and demonstration, the framework proved its goal to be basis for the well-structured design of an operational smart manufacturing cyber-physical system that provides horizontal, cross-functional management of manufacturing processes and vertical control of heterogeneous technologies in work cells. We report on valuable insights on the difficulties to realize such systems in specific situations. The experiences form the basis for improved adoption, further improvement and extension of the framework. In sum, this paper shows how a reference architecture framework supports the structured application of Industry 4.0 technologies in manufacturing environments that so far have relied on more traditional digital technology.  相似文献   

In recent years, the introduction of Industry 4.0 technologies in the manufacturing landscape promoted the development of smart factories characterised by relevant socio-technical interactions between humans and machines. In this context, understanding and modelling the role of humans turns out to be crucial to develop efficient manufacturing systems of the future. Grounding on previous researches in the field of Human-in-the-Loop and Human Cyber-Physical Systems, the paper aims at contributing to a deep reflection about human-machine interaction in the wider perspective of Social Human-in-the-Loop Cyber-Physical Production Systems, in which more agents collaborate and are socially connected. After presenting an evolution of manufacturing control organisations, an architecture to depict social interactions in smart factories is proposed. The proposed architecture contributes to the representation of different human roles in the smart factory and the exploration of both hierarchical and heterarchical data-driven decision-making processes in manufacturing.  相似文献   

Correct-by-construction synthesis is a cornerstone of the confluence of formal methods and control theory towards designing safety-critical systems. Instead of following the time-tested, albeit laborious (re)design-verify-validate loop, correct-by-construction methodology advocates the use of continual refinements of formal requirements – connected by chains of formal proofs – to build a system that assures the correctness by design. A remarkable progress has been made in scaling the scope of applicability of correct-by-construction synthesis – with a focus on cyber-physical systems that tie discrete-event control with continuous environment – to enlarge control systems by combining symbolic approaches with principled state-space reduction techniques.Unfortunately, in the security-critical control systems, the security properties are verified ex post facto the design process in a way that undermines the correct-by-construction paradigm. We posit that, to truly realize the dream of correct-by-construction synthesis for security-critical systems, security considerations must take center-stage with the safety considerations. Moreover, catalyzed by the recent progress on the opacity sub-classes of security properties and the notion of hyperproperties capable of combining security with safety properties, we believe that the time is ripe for the research community to holistically target the challenge of secure-by-construction synthesis. This paper details our vision by highlighting the recent progress and open challenges that may serve as bricks for providing a solid foundation for secure-by-construction synthesis of cyber-physical systems.  相似文献   

With the advent of the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 concepts, cyber-physical systems in civil engineering experience an increasing impact on structural health monitoring (SHM) and control applications. Designing, optimizing, and documenting cyber-physical system on a formal basis require platform-independent and technology-independent metamodels. This study, with emphasis on communication in cyber-physical systems, presents a metamodel for describing cyber-physical systems. First, metamodeling concepts commonly used in computing in civil engineering are reviewed and possibilities and limitations of describing communication-related information are discussed. Next, communication-related properties and behavior of distributed cyber-physical systems applied for SHM and control are explained, and system components relevant to communication are specified. Then, the metamodel to formally describe cyber-physical systems is proposed and mapped into the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), an open international standard for building information modeling (BIM). Finally, the IFC-based approach is verified using software of the official IFC certification program, and it is validated by BIM-based example modeling of a prototype cyber-physical system, which is physically implemented in the laboratory. As a result, cyber-physical systems applied for SHM and control are described and the information is stored, documented, and exchanged on the formal basis of IFC, facilitating design, optimization, and documentation of cyber-physical systems.  相似文献   

The physical space and the cyber space are deeply coupled in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). The traffic flows are constrained by heterogeneous delay constraints. In order to provide real-time and predictable communication, the paper combines the distributed scheduling algorithm with game theory. A non-cooperative game is proposed to form the scheduling set in the contention-based multiple-access scenario. In the game, each player only has its delay knowledge and makes decision without the information of other competing players. The payoff function is designed to encourage players to give the transmission chance to the player with urgent packets. Simulation results demonstrate that the game-theoretic scheduling approach can improve the real-time performance compared with the existing scheduling algorithms under different scenarios.  相似文献   

Mastering the fusion of information and communication technologies with physical systems to cyber-physical automation systems is of main concern to engineers in the industrial automation domain. The engineering of these systems is challenging as their distributed nature and the heterogeneity of stakeholders and tools involved in their engineering contradict the need for the simultaneous engineering of their cyber and physical parts over their life cycle. This paper presents a novel approach based on the virtual engineering method, which provides support for the simultaneous engineering of the cyber and physical parts of automation systems. The approach extends and integrates the life cycle centered view mandated by current conceptual architectures and the digital twin paradigm with an integrated, iterative engineering method. The benefits of the approach are highlighted in a case study related to the engineering of the control logic of a cyber physical automation system originating from the process engineering domain. We describe for the first time a modular domain ontology, which formally describes the cyber and physical part of the system. We present cyber services built on top of the ontology layer, which allow to automatically verify different control logic types and simultaneously verify cyber and physical parts of the system in an incremental manner.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel approach to implementing cyber-physical systems (CPS) using the combined strength of holons, agents and function blocks. Within the context, a CPS is represented by a holarchy of multiple holons. Each holon possesses a logical part and a physical part, which mimic the cyber and physical entities of the CPS. During implementation, the two parts of a holon are realised by agents and function blocks for information processing and materials processing, respectively. The objective of this research is to provide a concept map and associate a CPS with holons, agents and function blocks for the ease of system implementation in decentralised or cloud environment.  相似文献   

This article presents a methodology defined as semantic modeling to create computable virtual abstractions of complex manufacturing phenomena denoted as phenomena twins from the perspective of the fourth industrial revolution (also known as Smart Manufacturing, Connected Factory, Industry 4.0, and so forth). The twins are created such that they become friendly to both sensor signals and new-generation web technology (i.e., the semantic web). The efficacy of the proposed modeling approach is demonstrated by creating a phenomenon twin of cutting force (a highly complex and stochastic phenomenon associated with all material removal processes) and also by representing it using the semantic web. The relevant epistemological and systemological issues (e.g., those of meta-models, ontology, classification/trustworthiness/provenance of knowledge associated with the webized phenomenon twin) are also discussed. This article will help developers of embedded (e.g., cyber-physical) systems needed for functionalizing Industry 4.0.  相似文献   

Digital twins can achieve hardware-in-the-loop simulation of both physical equipment and cyber model, which could be used to avoid the considerable cost of manufacturing system reconfiguration if the design deficiencies are found in the deployment process of the traditional irreversible design approach. Based on the digital twin technology, a quad-play CMCO (i.e., Configuration design-Motion planning-Control development-Optimization decoupling) design architecture is put forward for the design of the flow-type smart manufacturing system in the Industry 4.0 context. The iteration logic of the CMCO design model is expounded. Two key enabling technologies for enabling the customized and software-defined design of flow-type smart manufacturing systems are presented, including the generalized encapsulation of the quad-play CMCO model and the digital twin technique. A prototype of a digital twin-based manufacturing system design platform, named Digital Twin System, is presented based on the CMCO model. The digital twin-based design platform is verified with a case study of the hollow glass smart manufacturing system. The result shows that the Digital Twin System-based design approach is feasible and efficient.  相似文献   

Currently, ways to approach the design of Cyber Physical Systems in Industry 4.0 are under development. Emerging concepts of Smart Factories require the development of specialized knowledge; new working methods are also needed to manage the transition from conventional industry to industry 4.0. To achieve this objective, fractal theory could provide the appropriate knowledge and tools. Fractal systems applied to manufacturing have been widely used over the last decades to design complex adaptive systems: it allows the introduction of resilience requirements (capacity to react to changes in a turbulent environment) and to reduce the complexity of its structure, operation and management. In order to know the potential and the possibility of applying fractal theory to the design of systems in Industry 4.0, this article reviews the publications that develop fractal systems for manufacturing engineering. The review includes contributions published between 1985 (approximate date of the first works on the theory applied to manufacturing engineering) and 2019. The objective is to gather those strategies, methodologies and successful case studies that can be useful for the approaches of Industry 4.0 and to define a set of future lines of work for the adaptation of the fractal theory to the new challenges posed by Industry 4.0.  相似文献   

This paper is a formal overview of standards and patents for Internet of Things (IoT) as a key enabler for the next generation advanced manufacturing, referred as Industry 4.0 (I 4.0). IoT at the fundamental level is a means of connecting physical objects to the Internet as a ubiquitous network that enables objects to collect and exchange information. The manufacturing industry is seeking versatile manufacturing service provisions to overcome shortened product life cycles, increased labor costs, and fluctuating customer needs for competitive marketplaces. This paper depicts a systematic approach to review IoT technology standards and patents. The thorough analysis and overview include the essential standard landscape and the patent landscape based on the governing standards organizations for America, Europe and China where most global manufacturing bases are located. The literature of emerging IoT standards from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the Guobiao standards (GB), and global patents issued in US, Europe, China and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) are systematically presented in this study.  相似文献   

宋彬彬 《软件》2020,(2):276-278,287
云计算可以用于商业计算方法,它可以使计算指令发给很多计算机组建的资源池上,使用客户可以按照自己的去求得到想要的计算方式、存储空间和信息服务,客户可以从逻辑底层硬件、网络协议和软件中更好的解脱出来。我们在使用计算机技术中,肯定存在信息安全问题,所以我们需要加强计算机网络信息安全及防护。同时也要深入探讨和分析计算机网络防护以及安全。因此,本文主要就云计算背景下环计算机网络安全进行研究和讨论。也会主要说明做好计算机网络安全防范的重要性,希望可以在保证资源信息共享的情况下,使运行稳定,还可以使用户的生活和工作更加便捷。  相似文献   

In smart industrial systems, in many cases, a fault can be captured as an event to represent the distinct nature of subsequent changes. Event-based fault diagnosis techniques are capable model-based methods for diagnosing faults from a sequence of observable events executed by the system under diagnosis. Most event-based diagnosis techniques rely on perfect observations of observable events. However, in practice, it is common to miss an observable event due to a problem in sensor-readings or communication/transmission channels. This paper develops a fault diagnosis tool, referred to as diagnoser, which can robustly detect, locate, and isolate occurred faults. The developed diagnoser is resilient against missed observations. A missed observation is detected from its successive sequence of events. Upon detecting a missed observation, the developed diagnoser automatically resets and then, asynchronously resumes the diagnosis process. This is achieved solely based on post-reset/activation observations and without interrupting the performance of the system under diagnosis. New concepts of asynchronous detectability and asynchronous diagnosability are introduced. It is shown that if asynchronous detectability and asynchronous diagnosability hold, the proposed diagnoser is capable of diagnosing occurred faults under imperfect observations. The proposed technique is applied to diagnose faults in a manufacturing process. Illustrative examples are provided to explain the details of the proposed algorithm. The result paves the way towards fostering resilient cyber-physical systems in Industry 4.0 context.   相似文献   

本文从多个方面分析了校园网普遍存在的网络问题,同时也分析了传统网络安全技术和现在流行的网络安全技术"云火墙"。云火墙遵循了主动防御的思想,云火墙是防火墙的进一步发展,但它把防火墙提升到一个新的高度,给网络安全带来了新的生机。  相似文献   

刘宴涛  刘珩 《计算机科学》2018,45(12):293-298, 312
存储空间、修复带宽和更新带宽是云存储系统的3个重要指标,系统设计往往需要在这些性能度量之间取折衷。为了降低存储空间、修复带宽、更新带宽以及系统复杂度,文中提出了一种基于网络编码的云存储系统。该系统结构为m*n数据阵列的形式,n列表示n个存储节点,其中k个节点用于存储原始数据,称为系统部分;另外(n-k)个节点用于存储校验字符,称为非系统部分。数据阵列的m行对应m个系统形式的(n,k)最大距离可分(MDS)码,每个源数据符号只参与它所在行的编码,不参与其他行的编码,这种系统结构大幅降低了编译码的复杂度。该系统可以承受最多(n-k)个节点的失效,此外,当单节点失效时,由于使用了系统形式的MDS码,可以使用干扰对齐技术进一步缩减修复带宽。与现有的某些云存储系统相比,该系统明显降低了存储空间、修复带宽和更新带宽等资源消耗,性能得到大幅提升。  相似文献   

随着互联网的迅速发展和IP应用的普及,网络性能状况越来越受到人们的关注.网络性能数据对于分析网络行为,解决网络故障,规划新业务等具有重要的参考价值.本文设计了基于云计算的分布式网络测量系统.利用Hadoop平台的可靠存储和并行计算能力,解决了海量数据安全存储和快速计算的问题.用户可以在系统中方便地部署各种测量算法,完成网络性能的测量和评估.  相似文献   

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) as one of the key technologies for delivering sensor-related data drive the progress of cyber-physical systems (CPSs) in bridging the gap between the cyber world and the physical world. It is thus desirable to explore how to utilize intelligence properly by developing the effective scheme in WSN to support data sensing and fusion of CPS. This paper intends to serve this purpose by proposing a prediction-based data sensing and fusion scheme to reduce the data transmission and maintain the required coverage level of sensors in WSN while guaranteeing the data confidentiality. The proposed scheme is called GM–KRLS, which is featured through the use of grey model (GM), kernel recursive least squares (KRLS), and Blowfish algorithm (BA). During the data sensing and fusion process, GM is responsible for initially predicting the data of next period with a small number of data items, while KRLS is used to make the initial predicted value approximate its true value with high accuracy. The KRLS as an improved kernel machine learning algorithm can adaptively adjust the coefficients with every input, while making the predicted value more close to actual value. And BA is used for data encoding and decoding during the transmission process due to its successful applications across a wide range of domains. Then, the proposed secure data sensing and fusion scheme GM–KRLS can provide high prediction accuracy, low communication, good scalability, and confidentiality. In order to verify the effectiveness and reasonableness of our proposed approach, we conduct simulations on actual data sets that are collected from sensors in the Intel Berkeley research lab. The simulation results have shown that the proposed scheme can significantly reduce redundant transmissions with high prediction accuracy.  相似文献   

Most scenarios emerging from the Industry 4.0 paradigm rely on the concept of cyber-physical production systems (CPPS), which allow them to synergistically connect physical to digital setups so as to integrate them over all stages of product development. Unfortunately, endowing CPPS with AI-based functionalities poses its own challenges: although advances in the performance of AI models keep blossoming in the community, their penetration in real-world industrial solutions has not so far developed at the same pace. Currently, 90% of AI-based models never reach production due to a manifold of assorted reasons not only related to complexity and performance: decisions issued by AI-based systems must be explained, understood and trusted by their end users. This study elaborates on a novel tool designed to characterize, in a non-supervised, human-understandable fashion, the nominal performance of a factory in terms of production and energy consumption. The traceability and analysis of energy consumption data traces and the monitoring of the factory's production permit to detect anomalies and inefficiencies in the working regime of the overall factory. By virtue of the transparency of the detection process, the proposed approach elicits understandable information about the root cause from the perspective of the production line, process and/or machine that generates the identified inefficiency. This methodology allows for the identification of the machines and/or processes that cause energy inefficiencies in the manufacturing system, and enables significant energy consumption savings by acting on these elements. We assess the performance of our designed method over a real-world case study from the automotive sector, comparing it to an extensive benchmark comprising state-of-the-art unsupervised and semi-supervised anomaly detection algorithms, from classical algorithms to modern generative neural counterparts. The superior quantitative results attained by our proposal complements its better interpretability with respect to the rest of algorithms in the comparison, which emphasizes the utmost relevance of considering the available domain knowledge and the target audience when design AI-based industrial solutions of practical value. Finally, the work described in this paper has been successfully deployed on a large scale in several industrial factories with significant international projection.  相似文献   

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