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A versatile, semi-automatic micromalting plant has been constructed, suitable for malting 1–2 kg barley samples. There are two units, each containing four vessels, allowing up to eight samples to be processed at a time. Each unit can be operated independently, so that different steeping schedules and germination temperatures can be used within an experiment. A steeping schedule involving one air rest can be performed fully automatically. For a more complicated schedule it is necessary to alter the settings during the steeping process.  相似文献   

Whole triticale kernels were extruded using a Brabender Plasti-corder extruder with 3/4-in. rifled barrel and 1:1 flight depth ratio screw. Samples were extruded at initial moisture contents of 15% and 20% using barrel temperatures of 350 °F, 400 °F and 450 °F through nozzle openings of 1/8 in. and 1/16 in. The products were measured for pH, final moisture content, color, trypsin hydrolysis, torque during extrusion, and texture and flavor as evaluated by a taste panel. From the results it was concluded that an acceptable product could be produced at 20% initial moisture using either the small nozzle and operating at 350 °F or the larger nozzle and operating at 400 °F.  相似文献   

种植密度对酿造专用大麦原麦品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对甘肃省啤酒大麦均一性差、发芽不整齐的品质现状,研究论证了种植密度对蛋白质、千粒重、饱满度、发芽率等原麦品质的影响,为指导大面积生产提供科学依据.试验表明随种植密度加大,发芽率变幅不大,但千粒重降低,当种植密度达50万/666.7m2以上时,原麦蛋白质和饱满度下降到二级标准.结合产量及品质分析结果,提出甘肃河西石羊河流域啤酒大麦推荐播种密度应以30万/666.7m2~40万/666.7m2为宣.  相似文献   

According to the literature the protein nutritive value of triticale is higher than that of wheat. For this reason, and others, the possibility of using triticale in noodles was investigated. Regular noodles and egg noodles were prepared from all-purpose flour, durum flour, trititale flour, as well as from semolina and were evaluated by panels for flavor and firmness after cooking times of 10, 15, 25 and 30 min. Regular noodles made from triticale flour had the shortest cooking time and the best cooking tolerance. There were no statistically significant differences in the flavor of the noodles among the flours used. The regular triticale noodles had a higher cooking loss compared to the other noodle samples. However, the addition of eggs to the noodle recipe eliminated any statistically significant differences in cooking loss between noodles made from the different flours. It was concluded that triticale, which at present is used in animal feeds, can be used for the manufacture of noodles.  相似文献   

In times of rapidly increasing energy costs and rising importance of economic efficiency, the malting industry is searching for possibilities to reduce malting time to lower their production costs and to increase production capacities. The aim of this study was to compare a step‐wise optimized accelerated malting procedure, combining optimal parameters found in previous individual investigations about steeping, germination and withering with two reference malting programmes: a standard laboratory malting programme according to MEBAK and a programme applied in an industrial malting plant. For five investigated spring barley cultivars, sufficient malt qualities according to the MEBAK specifications could be achieved in a malting process that was about 2 days shorter. Despite slightly lower extract contents, resulting from slightly higher pH values and activities of the starch degrading α‐ and β‐amylases, a reduced and thus improved proteolytic modification, improved malt homogeneities, a reduced thermal impact resulting in lower malt colours, in turn implying an increased oxidative flavour stability, and an improved behaviour of premature yeast flocculation could be observed when malting was accelerated. The lautering properties, cytolytic modifications, deoxynivalenol content and gushing potential were not influenced in a significant positive or negative way. Next to the notable production time reduction, decreased dimethyl sulphide precursor contents imply advantages for the brewing and malting industry with regard to a shorter necessary boiling and kilning time. Further significant cost savings of €1.27–4.87/t malt could be calculated owing to a reduction in the amount of electrical energy used for aerating and cooling during germination and lower malting losses, depending on the cultivar. Copyright © 2015 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to establish whether it is possible to select malting barley showing high quality under Australian conditions on the basis of malting quality data from the crop of the same genotype grown at a breeding station in Japan. Two approaches were taken to analyse the data obtained over several years. The first was a bivariate mixed model used to obtain variety estimates for the various quality traits of interest. The second approach used a univariate mixed model to determine the correlation between the same genotype grown in Australia and Japan, as well as the correlation between the same genotype grown at trial sites within a country. The first analysis found that nitrogen was related to most malting quality traits except for viscosity. The second analysis showed that the performance in Australia and Japan is similar for all malting quality traits. It may therefore be possible to select barley showing high malting quality under Australian conditions on the basis of malting quality data from the Japanese crop of the same genotype.  相似文献   

过氧化物酶(POD)在植物生长过程中起着重要的调节作用。研究了制麦过程中POD活性对大麦根芽生长和制麦损失的影响。结果表明:制麦添加剂GA3促进根芽的生长、POD活性的升高和制麦损失的增大,而KBrO4反之,而且随着KBrO4浓度的增大,这种抑制也增大;对20种大麦样品的微型制麦试验表明,绿麦芽和干麦芽的POD活性与根芽长度和制麦损失均呈现高度显著的正相关性(P〈0.01)。研究认为,制麦过程中POD活性与绿麦芽根芽的生长和制麦损失有密切关系,POD活性可能对根芽生长和制麦损失有促进作用。  相似文献   

Two six-row barley cultivars, DL 70 and C 164 were subjected to Co60 gamma irradiation in the range of 0 to 250 Krad and malted with and without gibberellic acid treatment. Barley irradiated with doses up to 75 Krad produced normal malts when compared to the controls. Irradiation doses of 125 and 250 Krad significantly increased the malt yields but considerably decreased the α-amylase activity. Gibberellic acid significantly increased the enzyme activity and degree of modification of the irradiated and the control malts.  相似文献   

A scanning near-infrared reflectance spectrophotometer was calibrated for the estimation of barley protein, moisture, total β-glucan and predicted malt extract. About 50 samples covering the range normally encountered in selection in barley breeding were used for each calibration. The best prediction equations each using three wavelengths, gave the following root mean square differences for the samples used in the calibration; nitrogen, 0.042%; moisture, 0.22%; total β-glucan, 0.26%; predicted malt extract, 1.4%. However, prediction of samples not in the calibration set was always slightly less accurate. These four characters were predicted in about 25 s allowing rapid screening for malting quality of large numbers of barley samples. The speed and simplicity with which successful calibrations could be produced suggests that the regular updating of calibrations to include barley from new seasons or regions should be possible.  相似文献   

Over the last 15 years numerous studies, both fundamental and applied, have ensured for gibberellic acid (GA3) a firm place in the routine commercial malting of barley and the production of fruits. A large number of the thirty-eight gibberellins so far characterized occur naturally, e.g. gibberellic acid in germinating barley. Commercial application of gibberellic acid during malting therefore supplements the natural endogenous levels of this hormone. Small additions of gibberellic acid accelerate the production and release into the endosperm of enzymes which degrade the hemicellulosic-protein-starch complex into essential brewing materials such as sugar, peptides and amino acids. A combination of abrasion with gibberellic acid application results in further acceleration of the malting process. Abrasion of the pericarp at the distal end of barley grains allows them, in the presence of normal levels of gibberellic acid, to malt simultaneously from both their embryo and non-embryo ends: malting time is drastically reduced and soluble malt extract is increased. In spite of the widespread industrial use of gibberellic acid, the cellular mechanisms through which gibberellic acid elicits its various actions on plant growth and development are not yet known; however, with barley aleurone cells gibberellic acid can induce drastic reorganization and synthesis of subcellular organelles. The net result of gibberellin treatment may be vigorous production and secretion of hydrolytic enzymes or, in other circumstances a rapid acceleration of growth and development. It is as yet unknown whether these apparently diverse expressions of gibberellin action have a similar biochemical basis.  相似文献   

微生物对麦芽品质的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大麦作为啤酒酿造的主要原料,其表面或外源的微生物在制麦过程中会影响麦芽的品质,并最终影响成品啤酒的质量。近年来研究发现在制麦过程中添加启动子培养物,既能作为微生物控制剂,抑制有害微生糖的生长;同时又能利用微生物分泌的水解酶系来提高麦芽的品质和安全性。本文介绍了麦芽中的微生物种类及其对麦芽质量的影响,并对添加不同启动子培养物对麦芽品质的改善及其工业化应用的可行性进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The effect of germination conditions on sorghum malt quality and malting loss was studied by germinating sorghum for different periods of time up to 6 days over a range of temperatures (24 to approximately 36°C) and moisture conditions. The moisture conditions varied from that sufficient to maintain green malt weight to that where surface moisture remained on the malt throughout germination. Germination time, temperature, moisture and the three possible pairwise interactions all had a highly significant effect on malt diastatic power, free α-amino nitrogen and extract. Malting loss was highly significantly affected by germination time and moisture and their pair-wise interaction. However, over the range examined, germination temperature had no significant effect on malting loss. In general diastatic power, free α-amino nitrogen, extract, and malting loss all increased with germination time. Germination temperatures of 24° and 28°C were both equally good for the development of diastatic power, free α-amino nitrogen and extract but higher temperatures were progressively worse. Distatic power, free α-amino nitrogen, extract and malting loss were, in general, all increased by high moisture during germination. However, high moisture and a negative effect on diastatic power towards the end of the germination period.  相似文献   

The effect of malting conditions on pearl millet malt quality in two varieties, SDMV 89004 and SDMV 91018, was investigated. Grain was steeped and germinated at four temperatures, 20°, 25°, 30° and 35°C, over 5 days. Generally, malt quality parameters (percentage of roots and shoots, diastatic power (DP), α‐ and β‐amylase activity, free α‐amino nitrogen (FAN), and malting loss) were significantly affected (P < 0.001) by germination temperature and time, as well as by variety. Malt FAN and malting loss were not affected by variety. A germination temperature of 25–30°C and germination time of 3–5 days were optimal. These conditions resulted in high DP, α‐ and β‐amylase activity, good FAN and moderate malting loss. These malting conditions and the subsequent malt quality of pearl millet are similar to those reported for sorghum. Pearl millet malt can therefore be used for the production of sorghum type beers.  相似文献   

刘慧  包怡红 《酿酒》2000,(4):59-61
以小黑麦作为酿造啤酒的原料,对其制麦与糖化、发酵工艺进行了探索发酵产品具有风味独特、口味协调、酒体醇厚的特点。其各项理化指标符合部颁啤酒酿造标准。  相似文献   

Two barley genotypes were grown, in 2 seasons, at sites in both Scotland and Spain. The development of enzyme levels and endosperm modification were assayed, over the final 3 days of malting. Spanish grown samples demonstrated faster and more extensive synthesis of both α-amylase and β-glucanase, more rapid cell wall modification and a greater reduction in milling energy during malting than Scottish grown samples. Malt milling energy was strongly associated with cell wall breakdown, which was a limiting step in modification of Scottish, but not Spanish, grown samples. Extract levels were not related to α-amylase activity, but Kolbach index exhibited an association with extract at both sites.  相似文献   

The dimethyl sulphide (DMS) content of kilned malt, and, presumably, the level of precursor in green malt, is significantly affected by malting conditions. Increasing proteolysis favours increased DMS formation in the malt, particularly when induced by higher germination temperatures. The additives gibberellic acid and potassium bromate have opposing effects, some increase being caused by the former and significant reduction being achieved by the latter.  相似文献   

选用进口大麦Gairdner和国产大麦甘啤二号为原料,分析比较了发芽过程中赤霉素、生长素和脱落酸等内源激素含量的变化规律。研究结果表明,3种激素在两种大麦发芽过程中均呈现出随发芽时间上下波动的趋势,且两种大麦在发芽过程中各激素含量的变化规律基本一致。同时,赤霉素均有刺激并诱导其他两种内源激素的作用。  相似文献   

本文首先对我国制麦工业的发展历程作了简要回顾,然后对我国制麦工业中存在的一些具体问题:原料大麦的培育、生产和供应,生产工艺、生产设备的发展和应用,管理水平的完善和提高等作了详尽的分析和阐述。  相似文献   

The barley mutant, TR49, selected in Spain for rapid germination, and its parent cultivar Troubadour, were grown in Scotland in 1991 and assessed for a range of grain and malt quality characters. Results suggested that both genotypes had a potential dormancy problem, although TR49 showed a slight but significant improvement over Troubadour. TR49 produced very large grain which did not completely modify during malting, but still showed an advantage over its parent cultivar for all malting parameters assessed.  相似文献   

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