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This study examined whether the clinical environment could be used to increase internal medicine house officers' adoption of care recommendations taught in a didactic conference. Subjects were 11 internal medicine house officers who served 6-week rheumatology elective rotations. At the start of each of four rotation periods, house officers attended a 1-hour conference in which periarticular rheumatic disorders associated with knee pain (anserine bursitis, pseudothrombophlebitis) and shoulder pain (bicipital tendinitis) were discussed. All house officers also practiced physical examination techniques on anatomic models simulating the disorders. During alternate rotation periods, reminder sheets were appended to the records of arthritis patients with histories of chronic knee or shoulder pain. The frequency with which house officers followed conference recommendations was documented by direct observation (6 house officers in 17 encounters with reminders, 5 house officers in 30 encounters without reminders). Specific questioning about a recent history of knee or shoulder pain and the performance of four of five recommended physical examination maneuvers were increased significantly by reminder sheets in patients' charts (P < 0.05 for all). Although rheumatology faculty often have limited options available to increase the number of house officer trainees or to intensify clinical activity, qualitative improvements within existing logistic parameters are feasible by assuring that the clinical environment (e.g., patient records) contains salient cues that will prompt desired actions.  相似文献   

Although antibodies to viruses in both the epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV) and bluetongue virus (BTV) sero-groups have been reported from white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Texas (USA), there are few reports of hemorrhagic disease (HD) in these populations. To understand the extent and diversity of exposure to the North American EHDV and BTV serotypes in these deer populations, we serologically tested 685 white-tailed deer collected from November 1991 through March 1992 throughout their range in Texas. Overall, 574 (84%) of deer had antibodies to EHDV or BTV. Prevalence estimates varied according to ecological region, from 57% in the Gulf Prairies to 100% in the northwest Edwards Plateau. Based on serum neutralization tests, the deer had evidence of previous exposures to multiple EHDV and BTV serotypes, with evidence of exposure to two to five serotypes detected in each ecological region. The apparent lack of HD in relation to this high antibody prevalence cannot be explained, but may be related to enzootic stability in which a near perfect host-virus relationship exists.  相似文献   

目前基于游客视角对地质公园解说系统进行评价还未见报道.本文以武隆国家地质公园为例,采用问卷调查与实地考察相结合的方法,对地质公园解说系统进行了定量评价.研究结果显示,游客对武隆国家地质公园解说系统各个项目的评价值仅比中等略有偏高.其中,游客对人员解说和户外牌示评价值高于出版物和室内解说;男性游客的评价值略高于女性;24岁以下和60岁以上游客的评价值较高;学历越高评价值越低;专业人员和政府职员的评价值高于其他职业.建议从提高解说人员科学修养,认真制作地质公园出版物,完善地质公园解说牌,加强地质博物馆建设4个方面改进解说系统.  相似文献   

Reliability of event-related P3 parameters. Various parameters of the P3 wave were tested for reliability and test-retest stability. To this end, event-related P3 waves were evoked in 21 subjects during visual and auditory oddball tasks. The protocol was repeated one to two weeks later. Amplitude, latency and area between P3 and baseline were estimated by different procedures. The stability within and between sessions was assessed with the split-half method and a measure of test-retest reliability, respectively. A literature review revealed that latency estimation is most commonly done by computer-aided peak measurement, but determining peak parameters visually after interpellating superimposed artifacts turned out to be significantly more reliable. Interrater reliability for this visual inspection was very high if preestablished rules were employed. Amplitude and area were measured reliably by both computer-aided procedures and visual inspection. The area was quite stable both within and between sessions. Area can serve as a measure of cerebral activation and should therefore be determined. Based on the results recommendations are made about analyzing components of event-related potentials. The need to control for error variance is emphasized. This is the only way to improve methods enough that they will be suitable for use in single case diagnosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate whether orthotopic urinary diversion is a viable option for patients undergoing cystoprostatectomy for radio-recurrent prostate cancer (RRPC). METHODS: Between 1990 and 1996, we performed 34 salvage surgeries for RRPC, including 26 radical retropubic prostatectomies and 8 cystoprostatectomies. We determined the operative and postoperative complication rates and pathologic stage for the 8 patients undergoing cystoprostatectomy. RESULTS: Of the 8 patients in whom cystoprostatectomy was performed, 5 underwent ileal conduit diversion and 3 underwent orthotopic neobladder reconstruction. There were no intraoperative complications or perioperative mortalities. In the group with orthotopic neobladder, postoperative complications included pyelonephritis in 1 patient and prolonged ileus in another. In the group with ileal conduit, no short-term complications occurred; 1 patient developed an incisional hernia on long-term follow-up. All patients with neobladder reconstruction are continent during the day. One patient wears one pad at night. The other 2 are continent at night. CONCLUSIONS: Orthotopic urinary diversion is a valid option for selected patients with RRPC who require a cystoprostatectomy. This procedure can be performed with minimal complications, resulting in good continence and good quality of life.  相似文献   

Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) has been shown to be a preferentially selective neurotrophic factor for dopamine (DA) neurons. In the present study, we have examined the distribution of GDNF mRNA expression in several major DA-containing cell body and terminal areas and the regulation of GDNF mRNA expression upon various pharmacological treatments. Results indicated that there is a relatively higher GDNF mRNA level in neurons of the nigrostriatal and mesolimbic dopaminergic pathways. Upon chronic 1-methyl-4-phenyl1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) treatment (30 mg/ kg, i.p., for 7 days), DA level was decreased, whereas GDNF mRNA expression was increased in the striatum, suggesting that more GDNF is synthesized and expressed to cope with the neurotoxin insult. Furthermore, among several DA neuron protective and/or therapeutic agents examined, both intrastriatal injections of (-)-deprenyl (1.25 microg and 2.5 microg) and melatonin (30 microg, 60 microg, and 120 microg) significantly enhanced GDNF mRNA expression in the striatum, whereas the same concentrations of (-)-deprenyl did not affect monoamine oxidase B (MAOB) activity, although it increased glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and/or superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities. Similarly, the same concentrations of melatonin did not alter SOD or GPx activities, except that the highest dose of melatonin (120 microg) increased lipid peroxidation in the striatum. Conversely, GM1 ganglioside injection (45 microg) lacked of an effect on GDNF mRNA expression. Together, these results suggest that both (-)-deprenyl and melatonin up-regulate GDNF gene expression at threshold doses lower than that needed for altering MAOB activity and/or the antioxidant enzyme systems, respectively. These results provide new information on the neuroprotective and therapeutic mechanisms of (-)-deprenyl and melatonin on DA neurons.  相似文献   

Six male patients with infantile autism and an extra inverted duplicated chromosome 15[inv dup(15)] were reported in a previous study. These patients had four copies of the chromosome region 15pter-q13, or an inv dup(15)(pter-->q13; q13-->pter). In this new study, DNA from the families of four of the patients were analysed using Southern based RFLPs and microsatellite polymorphisms from the region. In all four cases the inv dup(15) chromosome was of maternal origin. Furthermore, the data suggests that it originated in the maternal meiotic process rather than in an early mitosis in the developmental process of the embryo. The extra chromosome contained material from both of the maternally derived 15-chromosomes. Based on the molecular data presented here, a model for the origin of chromosome markers of this type is proposed.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic evidence suggests that the caprids (sheep and goats) evolved from a common ancestor with a 2n=60 karyotype. Although goats (Capra) retained the primitive 2n=60 karyotype, sheep (Ovis) underwent a sequential reduction in the number of chromosomes by means of acrocentric translocation. The formation of the first metacentric autosome (M1) occurred in the aoudad (Ammotragus) and urial (O. vignei), resulting in a 2n=58 karyotype. The G-bands are homologous, which implies both genotypes arose from a common ancestor, possibly a rupicaprid. Based on G-bands, acrocentric chromosomes 1 and 7 of the 2n=60 karyotype formed the M1. The X chromosome, which is the second longest acrocentric in the 2n=60 karyotype, became the longest acrocentric in Ammotragus and Ovis (2n=58). The second pair of metacentrics to evolve, which is ranked in the M3 position of the 2n=54 karotype, resulted from the translocations of acrocentric chromosomes 4 and 14 or 15 in the 2n=60 karyotype. The M2 was the third pair of metacentrics to be formed and resulted from the translocations of acrocentric chromosomes 3 and 12 or 13 in the 2n=60 karyotype. The G-bands of all 2n=54 karyotypes are homologous, which indicates origin from a common ancestor. Evidence is presented that suggests a prezygotic selection is bringing about a reduction in diploid chromosome numbers. The possible roles of fission and fusion in the karyotypic evolution of Ovis are discussed.  相似文献   

The Wnts can be classified into two classes based on their ability to transform cells. The Wnt5a class can antagonize the effects of transforming Wnts partly through effects on cell migration. To understand the mechanisms of regulation of Wnt5a, we investigated its expression in human normal and breast cancer cell lines. Elevation of Wnt5a in HB2, a normal breast epithelial cell line, was linearly correlated with cell density, but this did not occur in cancer cell lines. We examined intracellular events responsible for the regulation of Wnt5a by cell to cell contacts, using various metabolic agents known to affect signal transduction pathways. Agents that selectively blocked protein kinase C (calphostin C) or protein tyrosine kinases (genistein) reduced the level of Wnt5a expression markedly. Protein kinase C activation by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate up-regulated Wnt5a partly through prolongation of Wnt5a mRNA half-life. Cytoskeleton reorganization following cytochalasin D treatment caused an induction of Wnt5a, which was associated with changes in cell morphology. Calphostin C did not block these effects, showing that protein kinase C is acting upstream of cytoskeletal modulation. However, the cancer cell lines treated with cytochalasin D showed no changes in cell morphology or Wnt5a induction, suggesting disruption of this regulatory pathway in cancer.  相似文献   

A computer programme has been developed for partly automating the process of chromosome analysis of the European crested newt (Triturus cristatus carnifex). Chromosome classifications made by the computer and by the cytologist have been compared for a sample of 130 spermatogonial metaphase. The twelve pairs of chromosomes have been classified into three groups. The overall error rate achieved by the computer was 14% for chromosome assignment to single pairs, and 3.8% for chromosome assignment to the proper group.  相似文献   

The effects of a male-specific meiotic mutant, paternal los (pal), in D. melanogaster have been examined genetically. The results indicate the following: (1) When homozygous in males, pal can cause loss, but not nondisjunction, of any chromosome pair. The pal-induced chromosome loss produces exceptional progeny that apparently failed to receive one, or more, paternal chromosomes and, in addition, mosaic progeny during whose early mitotic divisions one or more paternal chromosomes were lost. (2) Only paternally derived chromosomes are lost. (3) Mitotic chromosome loss can occur in homozygous pal+progeny of pal males. (4) Chromosomes differ in their susceptibility to pal-induced loss. The site responsible for the insensitivity vs. sensitivity of the X chromosome to pal mapped to the basal region of the X chromosome at, or near, the centromere. From these results, it is suggested that pal+acts in male gonia to specify a product that is a component of, or interacts with, the centromeric region of chromosomes and is necessary for the normal segregation of paternal chromosomes. In the presence of pal, defective chromosomes are produced and these chromosomes tend to get lost during the early cleavage divisions of the zygote. (5) The loss of heterologous chromosome pairs is not independent; there are more cases of simultaneous loss of two chromosomes than expected from independence. Moreover, an examination of cases of simultaneous somatic loss of two heterologs reveals an asymmetry in the early mitotic divisions of the zygote such that when two heterologs are lost at a somatic cleavage division, almost invariably one daughter nucleus fails to get either, and the other daughter nucleus receives its normal chromosome complement. It is suggested that this asymmetry is not a property of pal but is rather a normal process that is being revealed by the mutant. (6) The somatic loss of chromosomes in the progeny of pal males allows the construction of fate maps of the blastoderm. Similar fate maps are obtained using data from gynandromorphs and from marked Y chromosome (nonsexually dimorphic) mosaics.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Disability scores, such as the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) and Barthel Index, have been shown to correlate with care needs but cannot be used to assess them directly, as they do not indicate the number of people required to help with a task, nor the time taken. The Northwick Park Dependency Score (NPDS) is an ordinal scale that can be used to assess impact on nursing time. It takes 3-5 minutes to complete. Together with a short set of additional questions, it may be used directly to assess care needs in the community and to facilitate discharge planning. AIMS: To develop and evaluate the NPDS for use in a rehabilitation setting. METHODS: (1) Development: Following a survey of existing instruments, tasks were selected on the basis of their impact on nursing time and divided into Basic Care Needs (BCN) and Special Nursing Needs (SNN). Cut-off points were devised to reflect the number of helpers needed and time taken. Following evaluation of the NPDS version 5, minor changes were made to produce version 6 which was re-evaluated on a smaller scale. (2) Evaluation: Inter-rater and intra-rater reliability were tested in a cohort of 23 inpatients using five senior nurses. Analysis included assessment of degree of association, significant differences, absolute agreement, and agreement +1 level. Although there is no gold standard, the BCN section should correlate inversely with independently assessed Barthel scores. Re-evaluation of version 6 was undertaken using the same method of analysis in a cohort of 21 patients using three senior nurses. RESULTS: On initial evaluation inter-rater reliability testing showed an excellent level of association in total composite score between each pair of nurses (rho = 0.73-0.92, p <0.01) and agreement +1 level for individual items ranged from 73 to 100%. Significant disagreements were in six items. On re-evaluation following minor modification, high levels of association were still seen for total BCN, SNN and composite scores both between and within raters, with very satisfactory levels of agreement for individual items. The BCN section of the NPDS showed good inverse correlation with Barthel scores (rho = 0.91, p <0.01). CONCLUSION: The NPDS is simple and practical to use in a busy setting. It is shown to be reliable and valid in its assessment of nursing dependency on the ward. Its translation into a directly costable measure of continuing care needs in the community now requires evaluation.  相似文献   

通过对青海麦秀国家森林公园旅游资源的详细调查,按照我国森林公园风景资源质量等级评定方法,运用定性和定量相结合的方法,对该区域的旅游资源与发展条件进行了科学评价和分析.评价结果认为,青海麦秀国家森林公园景观资源及开发条件总评价值为42.60分,符合一级森林公园标准,且开发条件较为优越.  相似文献   

The use of chromosome specific DNA probes labelled with fluorochromes and especially the combination of several probes has been used to indirectly study the chromosome constitution of decondensed sperm nuclei by fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH), and has allowed to include this test in the protocol of study of infertile males. Still, if the test is to be valid, several strict conditions must be met, and some specific characteristics have to be taken into account. This becomes evident when comparing earlier results with more recent ones. The basic technical factors to be taken into account are the methods of chromatin decondensation, the number of spermatozoa and of individuals to study, the use of internal controls, the scoring criteria, the specificity of the probes and the possible existence of polymorphisms that may interfere with the detection of fluorescent signals. In the last 7 or 8 years, a large number of papers has been published, describing the incidence of aneuploidies in controls, in individuals in whom a tendency to non-disjunction was suspected and in infertile males. Studies in controls have shown a considerable intra- and inter-individual variability in the frequency of aneuploidies, the tendency of some chromosomes to undergo non-disjunction (chromosome 21 and the sex chromosomes) and the importance of alpha-satellite polymorphisms when using centromere probes. In the control population, the frequency of aneuploidy per haploid set has been estimated at approximately 6%. The incidence of aneuploidies in sperm nuclei for some of the chromosomes more frequently involved in trisomies is considerably higher than the incidence of these trisomies established through epidemiological data using the global incidence of chromosome abnormalities during the peri-implantation stage. In infertile males and in males with sex-chromosome abnormalities (usually with very low numbers of spermatozoa) the results show an increased incidence of sex chromosome aneuploidies and diploid (multi-aneuploid?) sperm nuclei. The results could be related to the higher incidence of chromosome abnormalities (especially sex-chromosome aneuploidies) observed in children conceived by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).  相似文献   

Terminal chromosome associations ("satellite associations") in ASG-banded preparations have been used to determine the number and location of staellites in the Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) and the Djungarian hamster (Phodopus sungorus). Five pairs of satellites are found in the former and four in the latter. Nucleolar organizing regions (NORs) were visualized with the Ag-AS silver precipitation technique, and their number and position corresponded exactly with the number and position of satellites in Phodopus, where positive chromosome identification can be made in the absence of banding. Numerical agreement is exact in Mesocricetus as well, and the morphology of the silver-tagged NOR-bearing chromosomes strongly suggests that corrrespondence also occurs in this species.  相似文献   

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