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Immunoadsorption test was used for determination of the strainspecificity of antibody to a new antigenic variant of influenza B virus (B/Hong Kong/5/72 and B/Yamagata/1/73) in human sera collected in April, 1973--March, 1974. The new strains were shown to be circulating in Moscow City only late in February and in March 1974. The experimental data show the immunoadsorption test to give more definite ideas not only on the qualitative differences between strains but also on the specificity of the immunologic response.  相似文献   

The C terminus of the influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) contains three cysteine residues that are highly conserved among HA subtypes, two in the cytoplasmic tail and one in the transmembrane domain. All of these C-terminal cysteine residues are modified by the covalent addition of palmitic acid through a thio-ether linkage. To investigate the role of HA palmitylation in virus assembly, we used reverse genetics technique to introduce substitutions and deletions that affected the three conserved cysteine residues into the H3 subtype HA. The rescued viruses contained the HA of subtype H3 (A/Udorn/72) in a subtype H1 helper virus (A/WSN/33) background. Rescued viruses which do not contain a site for palmitylation (by residue substitution or substitution combined with deletion of the cytoplasmic tail) were obtained. Rescued virions had a normal polypeptide composition. Analysis of the kinetics of HA low-pH-induced fusion of the mutants showed no major change from that of virus with wild-type (wt) HA. The PFU/HA ratio of the rescued viruses grown in eggs ranged from that of virus with wt HA to 16-fold lower levels, whereas the PFU/HA ratio of the rescued viruses grown in MDCK cells varied only 2-fold from that of virus with wt HA. However, except for one rescued mutant virus (CAC), the mutant viruses were attenuated in mice, as indicated by a > or = 400-fold increase in the 50% lethal dose. Interestingly, except for one mutant virus (CAC), all of the rescued mutant viruses were restricted for replication in the upper respiratory tract but much less restricted in the lungs. Thus, the HA cytoplasmic tail may play a very important role in the generation of virus that can replicate in multiple cell types.  相似文献   

The pneumocandins are natural lipopeptide products of the echinocandin class which inhibit the synthesis of 1,3-beta-D-glucan in susceptible fungi. The lack of a corresponding pathway in mammalian hosts makes this mode of action an attractive one for treating systemic infections. Substitution by an aminoethyl ether at the hemiaminal and dehydration and reduction of the glutamine of pneumocandin B0 produced a semisynthetic compound (L-733,560) with intrinsic water solubility, significantly increased potency, and a broader antifungal spectrum. To evaluate the mechanism for the improved antifungal efficacy, we determined that L-733,560 was a more potent inhibitor of glucan synthase activity in vitro, did not affect the other membrane-bound enzymes tested, conferred susceptibility to lysis in the absence of osmotic support, and did not disrupt currents in liposomal bilayers or 86Rb+ fluxes from liposomes. In Aspergillus species L-733,560 also produced the same morphological alterations as pneumocandin B0. A stereoisomer of L-733,560 with poor antifungal activity was a weak inhibitor of glucan synthase. All of these results support the notion that the enhanced antifungal activity of L-733,560 is achieved by superior inhibition of glucan synthesis and not by nonspecific membrane effects or a second mode of action.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Inhibitors of the influenza virus neuraminidase have been shown to be effective antiviral agents in humans. Several studies have reported the selection of novel influenza strains when the virus is cultured with neuraminidase inhibitors in vitro. These resistant viruses have mutations either in the neuraminidase or in the viral haemagglutinin. Inhibitors in which the glycerol sidechain at position 6 of 2-deoxy-2,3-dehydro-N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac2en) has been replaced by carboxamide-linked hydrophobic substituents have recently been reported and shown to select neuraminidase variants. This study seeks to clarify the structural and functional consequences of replacing the glycerol sidechain of the inhibitor with other chemical constituents. RESULTS: The neuraminidase variant Arg292-->Lys is modified in one of three arginine residues that encircle the carboxylate group of the substrate. The structure of this variant in complex with the carboxamide inhibitor used for its selection, and with other Neu5Ac2en analogues, is reported here at high resolution. The structural consequences of the mutation correlate with altered inhibitory activity of the compounds compared with wild-type neuraminidase. CONCLUSIONS: The Arg292-->Lys variant of influenza neuraminidase affects the binding of substrate by modification of the interaction with the substrate carboxylate. This may be one of the structural correlates of the reduced enzyme activity of the variant. Inhibitors that have replacements for the glycerol at position 6 are further affected in the Arg292-->Lys variant because of structural changes in the binding site that apparently raise the energy barrier for the conformational change in the enzyme required to accommodate such inhibitors. These results provide evidence that a general strategy for drug design when the target has a high mutation frequency is to design the inhibitor to be as closely related as possible to the natural ligands of the target.  相似文献   

The clinical picture of acetate intolerance strictly mimics the nitric oxide (NO) effect, including smooth muscle relaxation and extreme vasodilation. Because acetate induces production of cAMP, which is a powerful stimulus of NO synthase (NOS), we evaluated the effect of different dialysate solutions with and without acetate on NOS activity in endothelial cells (EC). NOS activity of EC, evaluated as H3-citrulline produced from H3-arginine, was modulated by the dialysate composition (e.g., 38 mmol/L acetate produced an increase of 3.2 +/- 0.39-fold compared with basal values (P < 0.0005), and the small amount of acetate (4 mmol/L) in 35 mmol/L bicarbonate solution increased the NOS activity by 2 +/- 0.49-fold (P < 0.05). Conversely, the acetate-free solution produced no effect on NOS activity. The mRNA encoding for inducible NOS was highly expressed in EC incubated with acetate buffer and also with acetate in bicarbonate dialysis buffer. The EC proliferative index was depressed by acetate (P < 0.0005), and tumor necrosis factor synthesis was increased (P < 0.0005) compared with acetate-free buffer. This study suggests that dialytic "acetate intolerance" can be induced by the activation, through cAMP and tumor necrosis factor release, of NOS. The small amount of acetate in bicarbonate dialysate, although capable of inducing in vitro NOS activation, is likely to be rapidly metabolized, whereas the large amounts of this anion in acetate fluids overwhelm metabolism by the liver. Acetate-free dialysate is the only solution that provides an acceptable level of biocompatibility both in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

Nonstructural proteins encoded by measles virus (MV) include the V protein which is translated from an edited P mRNA. V protein is not associated with intracellular or released viral particles and has recently been found to be dispensable for MV propagation in cell culture (H. Schneider, K. Kaelin, and M. A. Billeter, Virology 227:314-322, 1997). Using recombinant MVs (strain Edmonston [ED]) genetically engineered to overexpress V protein (ED-V+) or to be deficient for V protein (ED-V-), we found that in the absence of V both MV-specific proteins and RNAs accumulated to levels higher than those in the parental MV molecular clone (ED-tag), whereas MV-specific gene expression was strongly attenuated in human U-87 glioblastomas cells after infection with ED-V+. The titers of virus released from these cells 48 h after infection with either V mutant virus were lower than those from cells infected with ED-tag. Similarly, significantly reduced titers of infectious virus were reisolated from lung tissue of cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus) after intranasal infection with both editing mutants compared to titers isolated from ED-tag-infected animals. In cell culture, expression of V protein led to a redistribution of MV N protein in doubly transfected Cos-7 cells, indicating that these proteins form heterologous complexes. This interaction was further confirmed by using a two-hybrid approach with both proteins expressed as Gal4 or VP16 fusion products. Moreover, V protein efficiently competed complexes formed between MV N and P proteins. These findings indicate that V protein acts to balance accumulation of viral gene products in cell culture, and this may be dependent on its interaction with MV N protein. Furthermore, expression of V protein may contribute to viral pathogenicity in vivo.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Pr55Gag precursor proteins direct virus particle assembly. While Gag-Gag protein interactions which affect HIV assembly occur in the capsid (CA) domain of Pr55Gag, the nucleocapsid (NC) domain, which functions in viral RNA encapsidation, also appears to participate in virus assembly. In order to dissect the roles of the NC domain and the p6 domain, the C-terminal Gag protein domain, we examined the effects of NC and p6 mutations on virus assembly and RNA encapsidation. In our experimental system, the p6 domain did not appear to affect virus release efficiency but p6 deletions and truncations reduced the specificity of genomic HIV-1 RNA encapsidation. Mutations in the nucleocapsid region reduced particle release, especially when the p2 interdomain peptide or the amino-terminal portion of the NC region was mutated, and NC mutations also reduced both the specificity and the efficiency of HIV-1 RNA encapsidation. These results implicated a linkage between RNA encapsidation and virus particle assembly or release. However, we found that the mutant ApoMTRB, in which the nucleocapsid and p6 domains of HIV-1 Pr55Gag were replaced with the Bacillus subtilis MtrB protein domain, released particles efficiently but packaged no detectable RNA. These results suggest that, for the purposes of virus-like particle assembly and release, NC can be replaced by a protein that does not appear to encapsidate RNA.  相似文献   

Cleavage of the hemagglutinin (HA) molecule by proteases is a prerequisite for the infectivity of influenza A viruses. Here, we describe a novel mechanism of HA cleavage for a descendant of the 1918 pandemic strain of human influenza virus. We demonstrate that neuraminidase, the second major protein on the virion surface, binds and sequesters plasminogen, leading to higher local concentrations of this ubiquitous protease precursor and thus to increased cleavage of the HA. The structural basis of this unusual function of the neuraminidase molecule appears to be the presence of a carboxyl-terminal lysine and the absence of an oligosaccharide side chain at position 146 (N2 numbering). These findings suggest a means by which influenza A viruses, and perhaps other viruses as well, could become highly pathogenic in humans.  相似文献   

The biochemical properties of a second protein (CM2) encoded by RNA segment 6 of influenza C virus were investigated. Three forms of CM2 with different electrophoretic mobilities (CM2(0), CM2a, and CM2b) were detected in infected cells by immunoprecipitation with antiserum to the glutathione S-transferase (GST)-CM2 fusion protein. Treatment of infected cells with tunicamycin and digestion of immunoprecipitated proteins with endoglycosidase H or peptide-N-glycosidase F suggested that a mannose-rich oligosaccharide core is added to unglycosylated CM2(0) (Mr, approximately 16,000) to form CM2a (Mr, approximately 18,000) and that the processing of the carbohydrate chain from the high-mannose type to the complex type converts CM2a into CM2b, which is heterogeneous in electrophoretic mobility (Mr, approximately 22,000 to 30,000). Labeling of infected cells with [3H]palmitic acid showed that CM2 is fatty acylated. The fatty acid bond was sensitive to treatment with hydroxylamine and mercaptoethanol, which indicates a labile thioester-type linkage. The CM2 protein was also found to form disulfide-linked dimers and tetramers on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels under nonreducing conditions. Trypsin treatment of infected cell surfaces as well as of microsome vesicles from infected cells followed by immunoprecipitation with antiserum to the GST fusion protein containing the 56 C-terminal amino acid residues of CM2 suggested that this C-terminal domain is intracellular and exposed to the cytoplasms of microsomes. Furthermore, evidence that a small amount of CM2 is incorporated into progeny virus particles was obtained by Western blot analysis. These results, altogether, suggest that CM2 is an integral membrane protein with biochemical properties similar to those of influenza A virus M2 and influenza B virus NB proteins.  相似文献   

The single gene reassortant virus that derives its PB2 gene from the avian influenza A/Mallard/NY/78 virus and remaining genes from the human influenza A/Los Angeles/2/87 virus exhibits a host range restriction (hr) phenotype characterized by efficient replication in avian tissue and failure to produce plaques in mammalian Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. The hr phenotype is associated with restriction of viral replication in the respiratory tract of squirrel monkeys and humans. To identify the genetic basis of the hr phenotype, we isolated four phenotypic hr mutant viruses that acquired the ability to replicate efficiently in mammalian tissue. Segregational analysis indicated that the loss of the hr phenotype was due to a mutation in the PB2 gene itself. The nucleotide sequences of the PB2 gene of each of the four hr mutants revealed that a single amino acid substitution at position 627 (Glu-->Lys) was responsible for the restoration of the ability of the PB2 single gene reassortant to replicate in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. Interestingly, the amino acid at position 627 in every avian influenza A virus PB2 protein analyzed to date is glutamic acid, and in every human influenza A virus PB2 protein, it is lysine. Thus, the amino acid at residue 627 of PB2 is an important determinant of host range of influenza A viruses.  相似文献   

Entry of influenza virus into the host cell is dependent on the fusion of the viral envelope with the endosomal membrane and is mediated by a low-pH-induced change of the viral hemagglutinin (HA) to a conformation that is fusogenic. A compound related to podocarpic acid (180299) was identified that inhibits multicycle replication of influenza A/Kawasaki/86 (H1N1) virus in culture. Treatment of Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells with 180299 at 1 h before infection resulted in the inhibition of viral protein synthesis. Addition of 20 microgram of 180299/ml at 1 h p.i. had no effect, indicating that 180299 affects an early step of the influenza viral replication cycle. Genetic analysis of reassortants between sensitive and resistant viruses demonstrated that hemagglutinin (HA) conferred the 180299-resistant (180299(r)) phenotype. Twelve independent isolates of influenza A/Kawasaki/86 were selected for resistance to 180299, and sequence analysis revealed that each of these viruses contained amino acid substitutions in the HA. These mutations are dispersed throughout the HA primary amino acid sequence and cluster in one of two regions: the interface between HA1 and HA2 and in a region near the fusion domain of HA2. When compared with the parent virus, the pH-of-inactivation of the resistant mutants was increased by 0.3 to 0.6 pH unit, suggesting that the mutant HAs undergo the conformational change at an elevated pH. Fusion of human erythrocytes to MDCK cells infected with parent influenza A/Kawasaki/86 was inhibited by 180299 (0.1-10 microgram/ml) in a concentration-dependent manner, whereas fusion of erythrocytes to MDCK cells infected with 180299(r) mutants was not affected. These results suggest that 180299 interacts with the neutral pH conformation of influenza A HA and prevents the low-pH-induced change of HA to its fusogenic conformation.  相似文献   

Early stages in vaccinia virus (VV) assembly involve the recruitment of cellular membranes from the endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC) to virus factories (or virosomes). The key viral factors involved in this process are not yet known. We have previously identified and characterized two viral proteins, of 21 kDa (A17L gene) and 15 kDa (A14L gene), that associate with tubulovesicular elements related to the ERGIC and are localized in viral membranes at all stages of virion assembly. We showed that the 21-kDa protein is not responsible for the recruitment of membranes from the ERGIC to viral factories. However, it appears to be essential for the organization of viral membranes. In this investigation we have generated a VV recombinant, VVindA14L, in which the expression of the A14L gene is inducibly regulated by the Escherichia coli lacI operator-repressor system. Repression of 15-kDa protein synthesis has a dramatic effect on virus yields and severely impairs plaque formation. Compared to wild-type VV, reduced amounts of 15-kDa protein are produced in VVindA14L-infected cells in the presence of IPTG (isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactoside), and this correlates with a small-plaque phenotype and reduced VVindA14L yields under these conditions. In the absence of the 15-kDa protein, early and late viral protein syntheses proceed normally; however, proteolytic cleavage of the major core precursors is inhibited. Electron microscopic examination of cells infected with VVindA14L under nonpermissive conditions reveals the presence of numerous membranous elements that look like unfinished or disassembled crescents interspersed between electron-dense masses. These abnormal membrane elements are usually well separated from the surfaces of the dense structures. These findings show that the 15-kDa protein is essential for VV morphogenesis and indicate that this polypeptide is necessary both for the correct assembly of viral crescents and for their stable attachment to the surfaces of viral factories.  相似文献   

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