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棉纤维检验有仪器检验和感官检验两种方法,本文着重谈感官检验。所谓感官检验就是检验者运用自己的感觉器官感知棉纤维的外观形态和特征,通过大脑把感知到的各种因素结合起来综合判断,依据国家标准和判定,抓住本质研究其使用价值,从而作出结论。感官检验棉纤维具有速度快、代表性强、检验结果比较准确的优点。在我国农村实行生产责任制后,售棉形式发生了很大变化,感官检验将进一步发挥它独特的优势来缓解收棉难的矛盾。  相似文献   

以5批次酱香型白酒勾调酒样感官质量排序结果为实例,综合采用Friedman和Kendall统计学检验方法,开展感官排序结果一致性和重复性评价,剔除感官品评人员在整体排序结果中一致性和重复性差的结果,然后开展Friedman检验及多重比较数据分析。统计分析结果表明,在显著性水平(α=0.05)下,该方法很好的实现了5批次酱香型白酒勾调酒样感官排序结果的统计学最优估计的科学表达。基于研究成果,研发感官数据在线分析平台,该平台可以广泛推广实际应用于白酒企业不同批次勾调酒样感官质量科学评价及优质品酒员的筛选。  相似文献   

通过对粮食辅助检验中观察所用光源、检验平台及平台背景色等因素进行分析、研究和实验,结合相关感官检验方面的有关参数,找出了适合粮食感官检验所需的光源强度、透视方式、适合不同检验项目的平台背景色,研发出适合进行粮食辅助检验用的米质判定器。米质判定器的推广和应用将为提高我国粮食感官检验水平提供有力的技术支持,可以更好的贯彻优质优价、按质论价政策,促进我国粮食标准与国际粮食检验标准接轨。着重介绍了米质判定器的结构、特点和技术指标及其应用。  相似文献   

本实验应用三角试验法对绿茶饮料进行了感官差别检验,结果表明,两种绿茶饮料之间有显著差异。对绿茶饮料的喜好程度,无显著差异,该方法能评价出绿茶饮料样品之间的差别。  相似文献   

感官检验织物风格的判定方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘承缙 《棉纺织技术》1995,23(10):38-40
感官检验织物风格的判定方法刘承缙(山东滨州工业学校)在纺织工业中,感官检验经常用于检验原料、半成品以及织物特性和成衣等。对于织物而言,人们不仅要用感官检查和仪器检验相结合来检验其质量,有时还要估计织物投放市场后的销售情况。什么样的织物受人们的喜爱往往...  相似文献   

感官检验在酒行业中的应用和效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曾凡君 《酿酒》1993,(4):56-67
产品质量的检验方法有理化检验、试验性使用鉴定法和感官检验三大类。衡量产品质量的高低,是通过检验结果反映出来的,但是检验结果的正确性直接与检验方法相关、在理化检验、试验性使用鉴定法和感官检验中,感官检验是其中最早、最经济、判断速度最快的检验方法。  相似文献   

曹忠雷  刘永德  赵玲 《丝绸》2003,(11):20-22,24
分别采用型式检验和过程检验对同一批生丝各项指标进行测试,并采用t检验法判定两种检验结果是否存在显著差异。结果表明,平均公量纤度和清洁指标不存在差异,对于偏差和最大偏差,过程检验更有利于反映偏差的真实情况,如果过程检验中对洁净的检验严格依照标准,则两种检验方法结果一致。  相似文献   

正成对比较检验法是一种基于食品感官分析与检测的实验方法,该方法的性质为差别性实验。在实际应用中该种检验法建立在随机顺序基础上,同时检验出两个样品,递交给食品感官评价员。评价员同时对比分析两个产品,经过分析判断出样品某一性征。差别成对比较检验方式属于成对比较检验中的一种,同时也是一种双边检验。成对比较检验前的准备对品评人员的要求成对比较检验对感官评定的品评人员和检验设计的要求较高。首先,要求品评人员要具有实事求是的品质、  相似文献   

目前,我国棉纤维品级,主要是采取在一定光照条件下,依据品级条件和实物标准,采用感官进行检验。而色泽特征洁白和明亮程度,正是每一个检验人员定级时,首先需要判定的,因此,棉花的色泽特征对感官检验起着致关重要的条件,而品级检验室内的光线和配套设施等细小差异变化,以及人为各种感官因素,都将对棉花品级检验结果产生非常大的差异。因此,棉花色泽的感观检验正是我国感官检验中迫切需要解决的问题之一。我国棉花标准尽管在1999年进行了改革和修订,但品级检验还是以感官检验为主,以仪器检验为辅的检测方法,笔者认为还存在一些弊病。一、文字…  相似文献   

介绍了感官检验法、物理检验法、化学检测法、微生物检验法和产品试验法5种产品质量检验方法。简要分析了抽样方法在产品质量检验中对检验结果准确性的影响。  相似文献   

Multiple comparison procedures involving Friedman rank sums for the analysis of ranked data have recently been proposed as alternatives to tests developed by Kramer. Expanded tables for these multiple comparison procedures (involving the “all treatments” and “treatments versus control” comparisons) were presented to accomodate the range of panelists and samples usually encountered in sensory evaluation experiments involving ranked data.  相似文献   

针对感官评价小组及成员排序能力的评估,提出重复性、再现性与一致性的评估指标。分析了排序实验样品种类、样品间差异程度及样品个数对感官分析仪器性能评估的重要性。确定了以样品间的排列秩次作为能力评估统计的基础数据形式。排序能力评估中,对于无理论顺序样品,通过剔除重复性与再现性异常评价员结果后,采用Friedman检验结合最小显著性差(least significant difference,LSD)确定实验样品的最优估计顺序。文章重点分析用于双变量的Spearman秩相关及用于多变量的Kendall和谐系数,在评价小组及评价员的重复性、再现性与一致性等性能评估中的具体技术应用方法与理论分析。为感官评价小组及成员排序能力评估提出了良好操作示范,也为不同感官实验室评价小组间比对提供了理论基础。既有利于评价小组及成员的长期监测,也有利于感官分析实验室的良好管理能力。  相似文献   

目的分析4个不同工艺的香肠制品的感官总评分与每个感官因子评分之间的关系,明确总评分顺序不能代表每个感官指标的顺序。方法根据文献选择4个描述香肠的感官描述词:色泽、风味、质地和咀嚼性。10个经验型感官评价员用0~4法计算色泽、风味、质地、咀嚼性4个因子的权重值,再根据4个权重值计算4个品牌香肠的加权总评分。用非参数Friedman检验法分析4个品牌香肠加权总评分之间的统计学差异。再用多重比较和分组法检验不同品牌香肠4个感官因子色泽、风味、质地和咀嚼性两两之间的统计学差异。结果色泽、风味、质地和咀嚼性的权重值分别是0.238、0.304、0.200和0.258,加权评分的结果是品牌2品牌4品牌1品牌3, Friedman法检验4个品牌香肠加权总评分统计学上有差异(a=0.01)。进一步采用多重分组和比较可以看出,色泽感官因子,香肠品牌1、2、3、4之间统计学上都有差异(α=0.05)。风味感官因子品牌3与品牌1、2统计学有差异(α=0.05),质地感官因子品牌4与品牌3、2之间统计学上有差异(α=0.05),咀嚼性感官因子品牌2与品牌4、1之间有统计学差异(α=0.05)。结论在不同工艺制作的香肠制品中,评价员对香肠的综合评分顺序和差异性不能代表每个感官因子的感官评价顺序和差异,这就要求香肠生产企业更加关注每个感官指标对整体评分的影响。  相似文献   

Choosing a consumer test methodology is critical for any company sensory scientist. However, we lack tools for comparing the outcome of consumer tests. Here we intended to develop a new comparison criterion based on a concept borrowed from metrology: robustness. We tested this concept with hedonic ratings data obtained from a central location test (CLT) on one hand and from a home use test (HUT) on the other hand. Two fermented milk beverages were tested and both tests were conducted with 240 subjects. The beverages differed in fat and sugar content. The comparison of the CLT and HUT data sets (both in monadic sequential) indicates that the method has a significant effect on the degree of liking. Indeed, the liking scores are lower with CLT than with HUT. Still, both tests lead to the same conclusion that the product with the higher fat and sugar content is significantly more liked. Besides, we developed three graphic representations that illustrate the results stability faced with the decrease in the panel size. These graphs show that CLT yields more robust results than HUT. Additionally the leading role of the panel size is emphasised for both tests. Our data show that the results from the two methods may change as soon as 20 subjects are removed from our original data set. These results that were not unexpected illustrate a fact which is often underestimated in practice.  相似文献   

An analytical sensory test and an authenticity test were used to evaluate subtle flavour differences in milk. Consumers who habitually drink milk were selected for the tests. These consumers, we assume, possess implicitly learned knowledge about the taste of milk. In the authenticity test the consumers were able to differentiate milk samples which they were less able to discriminate in the analytical test. These results indicate that the consumers’ ability to perceive subtle flavour differences is sharpened in this test as compared to the analytical test. The two tests are compared using d′-values, for which a novel calculation is suggested for the authenticity test.  相似文献   

将最常用的甜、酸基本味分别设置成6个浓度体系作为评价员排序能力筛选的参比样,考虑到感官疲劳的客观现象,12位评价员对每个味道系列浓度进行3次重复排序,在分别采用Spearman检验和Kendall检验评估评价员排序正确性与重复性的基础上,采用聚类分析融合正确性与重复性数据特征,综合评估分析每位评价员的排序能力。发现5号评价员表现最差需要剔除;3号评价员需要进一步训练;6位评价员(编号为2、4、9、10、11、12号)排序能力表现优异,可直接开展检测试验;4位评价员(编号为1、6、7、8号)排序能力良好。同时发现Kendall检验系数W值与Spearman检验系数rs平均值具有整体正相关趋势,而W值能更精确区分评价员之间的能力差异。该研究可为感官分析实验室中评价员的筛选与维护提供理论依据和实践经验。  相似文献   

Tenderness of steaks and diced meat was evaluated by sensory panel, Wainer-Bratzler shear press and modified Kramer shear press which employed coarse grinding of meat through a food chopper and shearing duplicate 20g samples of ground meat by the Kramer shear device. Highly significant (P < 0.01) correlation coefficients of -0.88 and -0.80 were obtained for the steaks and diced meat, respectively, between sensory score and modified Kramer shear value. A correlation value of 0.90 between W-B shear values and modified Kramer shear values was also highly significant. The results strongly indicate that the modified sample preparation method is a simple, reliable and versatile method which is less influenced by experimental variables and is applicable to almost any kind of meat products.  相似文献   

Although the relative performance of sensory discrimination methods is well theorized in Thurstonian modeling and signal detection theory (SDT), empirical research is needed to investigate how such theorized models could be validated in complex sensory testing situations of food and beverages. This paper presents a practical procedure to utilize the existing SDT-based A-Not A sensory discrimination model based on a beta-strategy for detecting the off-sensory quality of samples of drinking water and validates the model for effective and efficient sensory quality management of food and beverages. Dual reminder A-Not A (DR A-Not A) using two tastings of the reference stimulus before evaluating every test stimulus is proposed as the optimal test procedure because it uses more sensitive test sequences and facilitates subjects’ familiarization with the standard quality of the reference. To test the performance of DR A-Not A, 3-AFC, which also uses three stimuli and is the recommended method for detecting odor or taste stimuli by ASTM, was used as a control method. In Experiment 1, 98 subjects each performed both DR A-Not A and 3-AFC. Based on these results, only sensitive subjects were selected for the next experiment, in which they were divided into two equally well performing groups. In Experiment 2, each group performed either DR A-Not A or 3-AFC over three repeated sessions. The results confirmed that the A-Not A beta-strategy was adopted for DR A-Not A and that its test performance was improved over replications. These results suggest that although DR A-Not A is an unspecified difference test method and does not use a forced-choice task, embedding the familiarization procedure for the reference renders it an effective sensory difference method for the sensory quality management of drinking water.  相似文献   

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