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BL-algebras were introduced by P. Hájek as algebraic structures of Basic Logic. The aim of this paper is to survey known results about the structure of finite BL-algebras and natural dualities for varieties of BL-algebras. Extending the notion of ordinal sum of BL-algebras , we characterize a class of finite BL-algebras, actually BL-comets, which can be seen as a generalization of finite BL-chains. Then, just using BL-comets, we can represent any finite BL-algebra A as a direct product of BL-comets. This result can be seen as a generalization of the representation of finite MV-algebras as a direct product of MV-chains. Then we consider the varieties generated by one finite non-trivial totally ordered BL-algebra. For each of these varieties, we show the existence of a strong duality. As an application of the dualities, the injective and the weak injective members of these classes are described.  相似文献   

The class of bounded residuated lattice ordered monoids Rl-monoids) contains as proper subclasses the class of pseudo BL-algebras (and consequently those of pseudo MV-algebras, BL-algebras and MV-algebras) and of Heyting algebras. In the paper we introduce and investigate local bounded Rl-monoids which generalize local algebras from the above mentioned classes of fuzzy structures. Moreover, we study and characterize perfect bounded Rl-monoids.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduced the notion of n-fold obstinate filter in BL-algebras and we stated and proved some theorems, which determine the relationship between this notion and other types of n-fold filters in a BL-algebra. We proved that if F is a 1-fold obstinate filter, then A/F is a Boolean algebra. Several characterizations of n-fold fantastic filters are given, and we show that A is a n-fold fantastic BL-algebra if A is a MV-algebra (n ≥ 1) and A is a 1-fold positive implicative BL-algebra if A is a Boolean algebra. Finally, we construct some algorithms for studying the structure of the finite BL-algebras and n-fold filters in finite BL-algebras.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the relationship between separation axioms and (semi)topological quotient BL-algebras. We bring some conditions under which a (semi)topological quotient BL-algebra becomes a T 1-space or Hausdorff or regular or normal. Also, we use maximum condition to get a Hausdorff or regular or normal (semi)topological quotien BL-algebra.  相似文献   

 In the paper we study MV-algebras and their non-commutative generalizations, GMV-algebras, in which every element is compact. Further, we characterize finite MV-algebras as archimedean GMV-algebras which are 0-meet compact. Dedicated to Prof. Ján Jakubík on the occasion of his 80th birthday Supported by the Council of Czech Government, J 14/98: 15100011.  相似文献   

In this paper we define the notion of quasifilter neighborhoods on (semi)topological BL-algebras and state and prove some of their properties. Finally, using the concept of quasifilter, we find some conditions under which a BL-algebra will become metrizable.  相似文献   


In this paper, congruences, ideals, and prime ideals of an EMV-semiring and of its associated EMV-algebra are studied. Then EMV-semirings are characterized and it is proved that each EMV-semiring can be embedded into a direct product of a family of MV-semirings as an EMV-semiring. Moreover, another representation of EMV-semirings are presented by EMV-semirings of continuous sections in a sheaf of commutative semirings whose stalks are localizations of EMV-semirings over prime ideals. Also, using the categorical equivalence between EMV-semirings and EMV-algebras, a representation of EMV-algebras are obtained.  相似文献   

 Three new (easy) results about the computational complexity of basic propositional fuzzy logic BL are presented. An important formula of predicate logic is shown 1-true in all interpretations over saturated BL-chains but is not a BL-1-tautology, i.e. is not 1-true in a safe interpretation over a non-saturated BL-algebra. Partial support of the grant No. A1030004/00 of the Grant Agency of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic is acknowledged.  相似文献   

For MV-algebras (algebras of multivalued Lukasiewicz logics) we apply the same terminology and notation as in [3] and [8]. Retracts and retract mappings of abelian lattice ordered groups were studied in [4], cf. also [6], [7]; for the case of multilattice groups and cyclically ordered groups cf. [1] and [5]. To each MV-algebra ? there corresponds an abelian lattice ordered group G with a strong unit u such that (under the notation as in [8]), ? = ?0(G,u) (cf. also Section 1 below). In [2], a different (but equivalent) system of axioms for defining the notion of MV-algebra was applied; instead of ?0(G,u), the notation Γ(G,u) was used. In the present paper we investigate the relations between retract mappings of a projectable MV-algebra ? and the retract mappings of the corresponding lattice ordered group G.  相似文献   

 Torsion classes of MV-algebras are defined as radical classes which are closed with respect to homomorphisms; in this paper we investigate their relations to radical classes of lattice ordered groups and to varieties of MV-algebras. Supported by Grant VEGA 1/9056/02.  相似文献   

We introduce the concept of quasi-coincidence of a fuzzy interval value with an interval valued fuzzy set. By using this new idea, we introduce the notions of interval valued -fuzzy filters of pseudo BL-algebras and investigate some of their related properties. Some characterization theorems of these generalized interval valued fuzzy filters are derived. The relationship among these generalized interval valued fuzzy filters of pseudo BL-algebras is considered. Finally, we consider the concept of implication-based interval valued fuzzy implicative filters of pseudo BL-algebras, in particular, the implication operators in Lukasiewicz system of continuous-valued logic are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is the study of some classes of state filters of a state pseudo BL-algebra. The concepts of minimal prime state filter and of state hyperarchimedean pseudo BL-algebra are introduced and a characterization of a state hyperarchimedean pseudo BL-algebra is presented. Also, we define the notion of a state radical of a state filter of a state pseudo BL-algebra, we present a characterization of a state radical and some of its properties. The algebra of state radicals of a state pseudo BL-algebra is studied.  相似文献   

Given a residuated lattice L, we prove that the subset MV(L) of complement elements x * of L generates an MV-algebra if, and only if L is semi-divisible. Riečan states on a semi-divisible residuated lattice L, and Riečan states on MV(L) are essentially the very same thing. The same holds for Bosbach states as far as L is divisible. There are semi-divisible residuated lattices that do not have Bosbach states. These results were obtained when the authors visited Academy of Science, Czech Republic, Institute of Comp. Sciences in Autumn 2006.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider fuzzy subsets of a universe as L-fuzzy subsets instead of [ 0, 1 ]-valued, where L is a complete lattice. We enrich the lattice L by adding some suitable operations to make it into a pseudo-BL algebra. Since BL algebras are main frameworks of fuzzy logic, we propose to consider the non-commutative BL-algebras which are more natural for modeling the fuzzy notions. Based on reasoning with in non-commutative fuzzy logic we model the linguistic modifiers such as very and more or less and give an appropriate membership function for each one by taking into account the context of the given fuzzy notion by means of resemblance L-fuzzy relations.  相似文献   

In this paper, the notion of a semi-independent dynamical system on a hyper MV-algebra is introduced. The concept of the entropy for a semi-independent hyper MV-algebra dynamical system is developed, and its characteristics are considered. The notion of equivalent semi-independent systems is defined, and it is proved the fact that two equivalent semi-independent hyper MV-algebra dynamical systems have the same entropy. Theorems to help calculate the entropy are given. Specifically, a new version of Kolmogorov–Sinai Theorem has been proved.  相似文献   

We introduce the notion of a pseudo d-algebra as a generalization of the idea of a d-algebra. The class of pseudo d-algebras can be included in the class of coupled d-algebras. We show that the class of pseudo d-algebras behaves well with respect to standard mappings such as direct products and standard mappings such as homomorphisms. Indeed, we are able to prove a fundamental theorem of homomorphisms and we are able to identify kernel objects as d-ideals in this theory. We also discuss several large classes of examples of pseudo d-algebras which occur in different settings and we identify properties sufficient for or equivalent to membership in important subclasses of the class of pseudo d-algebras in these settings.  相似文献   

The spectrum of a residuated lattice L is the set Spec(L) of all prime i-filters. It is well known that Spec(L) can be endowed with the spectral topology. The main scope of this paper is to introduce and study another topology on Spec(L),?the so called stable topology, which turns out to be coarser than the spectral one. With this and in view, we introduce the notions of pure i-filter for a residuated lattice and the notion of normal residuated lattice. So, we generalize to case of residuated lattice some results relative to MV-algebras (Belluce and Sessa in Quaest Math 23:269–277, 2000; Cavaccini et?al. in Math Japonica 45(2):303–310, 1997) or BL-algebras (Eslami and Haghani in Kybernetika 45:491–506, 2009; Leustean in Central Eur J Math 1(3): 382–397, 2003; Turunen and Sessa in Mult-Valued Log 6(1–2):229–249, 2001).  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to solve the open problem appeared in Motamed and Moghaderi (Soft Comput 2012), about the relation between Noetherian (Artinian) $\textit{BL}$ -algebras in short exact sequences. Also, a better theorem to improve its results is suggested. The relation between Noetherian and Artinian $\textit{BL}$ -algebras is found, the concept of length for a filter in $\textit{BL}$ -algebras is introduced and properties of finite length $\textit{BL}$ -algebras are developed. Finally, it is proved that any $\textit{BL}$ -algebra has finite length if and only if be Noetherian and Artinian.  相似文献   

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