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This research investigates and approach to query processing in a multidatabase system that uses an objectoriented model to capture the semantics of other data models. The object-oriented model is used to construct a global schema, defining an integrated view of the different schemas in the environment. The model is also used as a self-describing model to build a meta-database for storing information about the global schema. A unique aspect of this work is that the object-oriented model is used to describe the different data models of the multidatabase environment, thereby extending the meta database with semantic information about the local schemas. With the global and local schemas all represented in an object-oriented form, structural mappings between the global schema and each local schema are then easily supported. An object algebra then provides a query language for expressing global queries, using the structural mappings to translate object algebra queries into SQL queries over local relational schema. The advantage of using an object algebra is that the object-oriented database can be viewed as a blackboard for temporary storage of local data and for establishing relationships between different databases. The object algebra can be used to directly retrieve temporarily-stored data from the object-oriented database or to transparently retrieve data from local sources using the translation process described in this paper.  相似文献   

In this paper, a temporal meta database for three-dimensional (3D) objects whose properties and relationships are supported by valid time is introduced. Based on our proposed temporal object-oriented conceptual schema model, a conceptual schema of the temporal meta database can be generated from a 3D graphical data source and other particular application requirements. Based on our proposed temporal object relational data model with attribute timestamping, logical schemas of the temporal meta database can be systematically and automatically generated from the conceptual schema. From the temporal meta database, non-temporal/temporal metadata about temporal 3D objects are available for temporal information system users. Convenient access using database languages such as SQL can be performed. Queries over 3D objects using a temporal object relational SQL are demonstrated.  相似文献   

We consider data exchange for XML documents: given source and target schemas, a mapping between them, and a document conforming to the source schema, construct a target document and answer target queries in a way that is consistent with the source information. The problem has primarily been studied in the relational context, in which data-exchange systems have also been built. Since many XML documents are stored in relations, it is natural to consider using a relational system for XML data exchange. However, there is a complexity mismatch between query answering in relational and in XML data exchange. This indicates that to make the use of relational systems possible, restrictions have to be imposed on XML schemas and mappings, as well as on XML shredding schemes. We isolate a set of five requirements that must be fulfilled in order to have a faithful representation of the XML data-exchange problem by a relational translation. We then demonstrate that these requirements naturally suggest the in-lining technique for data-exchange tasks. Our key contribution is to provide shredding algorithms for schemas, documents, mappings and queries, and demonstrate that they enable us to correctly perform XML data-exchange tasks using a relational system.  相似文献   

由于缺乏足够的语义信息,不同模式的XML数据之间很难进行互操作。针对油气井工程中的XML数据集成需求,借助领域全局本体,提出一种模式无关的XML语义集成方法。该方法首先在XML Path路径与领域本体之间进行语义映射,屏蔽其模式差异;然后,按照模型映射方法将XML存储为关系数据;最后通过查询重写将SPARQL转换为SQL语句,实现语义查询。该方法对XML模式进行语义标注,利用关系数据库存储与查询XML数据,能有效处理领域XML数据的语义集成。  相似文献   

在给定关系模式的属性集及其函数依赖最小覆盖集的基础上,提出一种基于模式图的规范化XML模式设计方法。定义了模式图,在模式图中增加了Keys的描述信息,给出由函数依赖集构造模式图的算法。该模式图独立于具体的XML模式语言,经分析证明,所设计的模式满足XNF。  相似文献   

XML文档在关系数据库中的规范化存储   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
提出了一种存储方法,首先把XML文档映射为泛关系模式,再利用算法DeriveFDs推导出XML键所蕴含的泛关系模式上函数依赖集的规范覆盖,根据此规范覆盖,最后将泛关系模式保持函数依赖地分解为3NF模式集。得到了保持XML键约束的规范化存储模式,实现了XML文档在关系数据库中的规范化存储。实验研究表明文中提出的方法是有效的。  相似文献   

XML access control models proposed in the literature enforce access restrictions directly on the structure and content of an XML document. Therefore access authorization rules (authorizations, for short), which specify access rights of users on information within an XML document, must be revised if they do not match with changed structure of the XML document. In this paper, we present two authorization translation problems. The first is a problem of translating instance-level authorizations for an XML document. The second is a problem of translating schema-level authorizations for a collection of XML documents conforming to a DTD. For the first problem, we propose an algorithm that translates instance-level authorizations of a source XML document into those for a transformed XML document by using instance-tree mapping from the transformed document instance to the source document instance. For the second problem, we propose an algorithm that translates value-independent schema-level authorizations of non-recursive source DTD into those for a non-recursive target DTD by using schema-tree mapping from the target DTD to the source DTD. The goal of authorization translation is to preserve authorization equivalence at instance node level of the source document. The XML access control models use path expressions of XPath to locate data in XML documents. We define property of the path expressions (called node-reducible path expressions) that we can transform schema-level authorizations of value-independent type by schema-tree mapping. To compute authorizations on instances of schema elements of the target DTD, we need to identify the schema elements whose instances are located by a node-reducible path expression of a value-independent schema-level authorization. We give an algorithm that carries out path fragment containment test to identify the schema elements whose instances are located by a node-reducible path expression.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been plenty of interest in XML. Since the amount of data in XML format has rapidly increased, the need for effective storage and retrieval of XML data has arisen. Many database researchers and vendors have proposed various techniques and tools for XML data storage and retrieval in recent years. In this paper, we present an XML data management system using a relational database as a repository. Our XML management system stores XML data in a schema independent manner, and translates a comprehensive subset of XQuery expressions into a single SQL statement. Also, our system does not modify the relational engine. In this paper, we also present the experimental results in order to demonstrate the efficiency and scalability of our system compared with well-known XML processing systems.  相似文献   

On resolving schematic heterogeneity in multidatabase systems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The objective of a multidatabase system is to provide a single uniform interface to accessing multiple independent databases being managed by multiple independent, and possibly heterogeneous, database systems. One crucial element in the design of a multidatabase system is the design of a data definition language for specifying a schema that represents the integration of the schemas of multiple independent databases. The design of such a language in turn requires a comprehensive classification of the conflicts (i.e., discrepancies) among the schemas of the independent databases and development of techniques for resolving (i.e., homogenizing) all of the conflicts in the classification. An earlier paper provided a comprehensive classification of schematic conflicts that may arise when integrating multiple independent relational database (RDB) schemas into a single multidatabase (MDB) schema. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive classification of techniques for resolving the schematic conflicts that may arise when integrating multiple RDB schemas, or RDB schemas and object-oriented database (OODB) schemas, or multiple OODB schemas. The classification of conflict resolution techniques includes not only those necessary for resolving schematic conflicts identified in the earlier paper, but also additional conflicts that arise when OODBs become part of the databases to be integrated. Most of the conflict resolution techniques discussed in the paper have already been incorporated into SQL/M, a multidatabase language implemented in UniSQL/M, a commercially available multidatabase system from UniSQL, Inc. which integrated SQL-based relational database systems and the UniSQL/X unified relational and object-oriented database system.  相似文献   

XML在关系数据库中的存储问题是XML研究领域中的一个重要问题。在总结多种映射方法的基础上,提出了一种方法将多个相似的XML文档进行解析,根据映射关系,生成各自的关系模式,并分析归纳出一个集成的关系模式,然后创建一个关系数据库,并在映射关系的基础上提取并存储XML文档数据到关系数据库。此方法以较为简洁的结构保存了XML文档的数据信息,其最大的特点就是不用考虑文档的模式信息(DTD,XML Schema)。并通过一个具体的实验结果来说明这种方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Relational schemas consisting of relation-schemes, key dependencies and key-based inclusion dependencies (referential integrity constraints) are considered. Schemas of this form are said to be entity-relationship (EER)-convertible if they can be associated with an EER schema. A procedure that determines whether a relational schema is EER-convertible is developed. A normal form is proposed for relational schemas representing EER object structures. For EER-convertible relational schemas, the corresponding normalization procedure is presented. The procedures can be used for analyzing the semantics of existing relational databases and for converting relational database schemas into object-oriented database schemas  相似文献   

Formal transformation from fuzzy object-oriented databases to fuzzy XML   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
XML has become the standard for publishing and exchanging data on the Web. Since most of the business data nowadays are stored in structured databases including relational and object-oriented databases (OODB), it is of significance to automate the transformation process and generate the XML data containing information from existing databases. At the same time, information imprecision and uncertainty exist in many practical applications, and for this reason, fuzzy data modeling has been extensively investigated in various data models. As such, there is an increasing need to effectively publish fuzzy structured data as fuzzy XML documents for Web-based applications. In this paper, we take a significant step in a fundamental consolidation of fuzzy XML. In particular, we are interested in finding an XML schema that best describes the existing fuzzy object-oriented schema. To accomplish this, we first offer mapping formalisms to capture the semantics of fuzzy XML Schema and fuzzy object-oriented schema. To allow for better and platform independent sharing of data stored in an object-oriented format, we investigate the formal transformation from fuzzy OODB to fuzzy XML and develop a set of rules to assist in the transformation process.  相似文献   

Many XML-relational systems, i.e., the systems that use an XML schema as an external schema and a relational schema as an internal schema of the data application representation level, require modifications of the data schemas in the course of time. Schema evolution is one of the ways to support schema modifications for the application at the DBMS level. A number of schema evolution support systems for different data models have been suggested. Schema evolution can be applied to mapping-related evolving schemas (such as schemas of XML-relational systems), the transformation problem for which is also known as schema adaptation. In this paper, a survey of various approaches to solving the outlined problems is given.  相似文献   

This paper studies certain transformations of XML schemas, which are widely used in algorithms of the XML data management. In view of the fact that properties and functional characteristics of the XML documents considerably differ from those of data of other type, the solutions of a number of typical data management problems (such as the XML data validation, schema inference, and data translation to/from other models) for them are more complicated. The general idea of our approach to solving these problems is to transform the original structure (i.e., structural schema constraints) into another structure without loss of information about properties of the original data that are important for applications. The suggested technique has been successfully used in various algorithms for solving problems of this kind. In this paper, a systematic approach to solving these problems is discussed. Methods for reducing the XML schemas to several canonical forms are presented, and algorithms of solving the management problems for data satisfying schemas represented in the canonical forms are examined.  相似文献   

从DTD映射到关系模式:一种保持数据依赖的映射方法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
XML正迅速成为互联网上数据表示和交换的标准.用关系数据库存储XML数据是XML存储策略之一.为了将XML数据存储到关系数据库中,人们研究了从DTD到关系模式的映射方法.提出了一种保持数据依赖的映射方法PDD.与已有的Shared—Inlining方法相比,PDD方法充分考虑了DTD蕴涵的数据依赖关系,保证了XML文档的完整性.通过对泛关系进行模式分解,得到的关系模式保持函数依赖,并且满足2NF.可以证明,这种方法是有效的.  相似文献   

VIREX provides an interactive approach for querying and integrating relational databases to produce XML documents and the corresponding schemas. VIREX connects to each database specified by the user; analyzes the catalogue to derive an interactive diagram equivalent to the extended entity-relationship diagram; allows the user to display sample records from the tables in the database; allows the user to rename columns and relations by modifying directly the interactive diagram; facilitates the conversion of the relational database into XML; and derives the XML schema. VIREX works even when the catalogue of the relational database is missing; it extracts the required catalogue information by analyzing the database content. Further, VIREX supports VRXQuery, which is a visual naive-users-oriented query language that allows users to specify queries and define views directly on the interactive diagram as a sequence of mouse clicks with minimum keyboard input. The user is expected to interactively decide on certain factors to be considered in producing the XML result. Such factors include: 1) selecting the relations/attributes to be converted into XML; 2) specifying a predicate to be satisfied by the information to be converted into XML; 3) deciding on the order of nesting between the relations to be converted into XML; 4) ordering for the result. VRXQuery supports selection, projection, nesting/join, union, difference, and order-by. As the result of a query, VIREX displays on the screen the XML schema that satisfies the specified characteristics and generates colored (easy to read) XML document(s). Further, VIREX allows the user to display and review the SQL and XQuery equivalent to each query expressed in VRXQuery.  相似文献   

Management of interval probabilistic data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we present a data model for uncertain data, where uncertainty is represented using interval probabilities. The theory introduced in the paper can be applied to different specific data models, because the entire approach has been developed independently of the kind of manipulated objects, like XML documents, relational tuples, or other data types. As a consequence, our theory can be used to extend existing data models with the management of uncertainty. In particular, the data model we obtain as an application to XML data is the first proposal that combines XML, interval probabilities and a powerful query algebra with selection, projection, and cross product. The cross product operator is not based on assumptions of independence between XML trees from different collections. Being defined with a possible worlds semantics, our operators are proper extensions of their traditional counterparts, and reduce to them when there is no uncertainty. The main practical result of the paper is a set of equivalences that can be used to compare or rewrite algebraic queries on interval probabilistic data, in particular XML and relational.  相似文献   

This article deals with a flexible natural language interface to access data stored in a relational data base. This interface may prove of great value to the less sophisticated user.The FIDO system (Flexible Interface for Database Operations) is presented; it accepts queries issued in natural language (Italian) and translates them into relational algebra operations. FIDO is composed of a parser (not described in the paper), a two-level semantic network, which (among other things) expresses the correspondence between the natural language terms and the conceptual database objects, and a translator/optimizer, which translates the conceptual query into its logical equivalent (i.e. into a query expressed in terms of stored relations and their attributes). The article describes the main characteristics of the semantic network and addresses, in greater detail, the problem of query translation and optimization.The flexibility of FIDO is due to the complete independence of the semantic knowledge source from the logical schema of the data base. In fact, the logical schema can be designed on the basis of considerations not related to the overall structure of FIDO (e.g. the presence of particular types of applications that have to be implemented in a particularly efficient way). In principle, the (relational) data base could be preexistent with respect to the adoption of FIDO, in that the data structures used by the translator/optimizer and described in this paper are able to describe the correspondence between the conceptual model of the domain and different logical schemas.  相似文献   

In this work, we focus on XML data integration by studying rewritings of XML target schemas in terms of source schemas. Rewriting is very important in data integration systems where the system is asked to find and assemble XML documents from the data sources and produce documents that satisfy a target schema.As schema representation, we consider Visibly Pushdown Automata (VPAs), which accept Visibly Pushdown Languages (VPLs). The latter have been shown to coincide with the family of (word-encoded) regular tree languages, which are the basis of formalisms for specifying XML schemas. Furthermore, practical semi-formal XML schema specifications (defined by simple pattern conditions on XML) compile into VPAs that are exponentially more concise than other representations based on tree automata.Notably, VPLs enjoy a “well-behavedness” that facilitates us in addressing rewriting problems for XML data integration. Based on VPAs, we positively solve these problems, and present detailed complexity analyses.  相似文献   



UML and XML are two of the most commonly used languages in software engineering processes. One of the most critical of these processes is that of model evolution and maintenance. More specifically, when an XML schema is modified, the changes should be propagated to the corresponding XML documents, which must conform with the new, modified schema.


The goal of this paper is to provide an evolution framework by which the XML schema and documents are incrementally updated according to the changes in the conceptual model (expressed as a UML class model). In this framework, we include the transformation and evolution of UML profiles specified in UML class models because they are widely used to capture domain specific semantics.


We have followed a metamodeling approach which allowed us to achieve a language independent framework, not tied to the specific case of UML-XML. Besides, our proposal considers a traceability setting as a key aspect of the transformation process which allows changes to be propagated from UML class models to both XML schemas and documents.


As a general framework, we propose a Generic Evolution Architecture (GEA) for the model-driven engineering context. Within this architecture and for the particular case of the UML-to-XML setting, our contribution is a UML-to-XML framework that, to our knowledge, is the only approach that incorporates the following four characteristics. Firstly, the evolution tasks are carried out in a conceptual model. Secondly, our approach includes the transformation to XML of UML profiles. Thirdly, the proposal allows stereotyped UML class models to be evolved, propagating changes to XML schemas and documents in such a way that the different elements are kept in synch. Finally, we propose a traceability setting that enables evolution tasks to be performed seamlessly.


Generic frameworks such as that proposed in this paper help to reduce the work overload experienced by software engineers in keeping different software artifacts synchronized.  相似文献   

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