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介绍了天津钢管集团股份有限公司150t电弧炉炼钢过程中三项重要的供能单元技术,即热装铁水技术、2500m^3/h集束射流供氧技术和100MVA超高功率变压器供电技术,以及技术集成。经过十余年的技术改造和生产实践,电弧炉炼钢取得了较好的生产效果:冶炼周期平均为54.6min;氧气消耗约为42.9m^3/t;冶炼电耗降至325kWh/t左右;变压器利用系数超过了11000t/(MVA·a)。  相似文献   

丁祥 《工业加热》1989,(6):25-27
一、前言我厂一台公称容量5t的年产2.5万吨钢的电弧炉是1986年10月投产的,投产以来的生产实践证明,这台电弧炉的各项技术指标达到和超过了国内同类型的设计指标.特别是每炉钢产量达到了平均13t的水平,在连续供电生产的情况下,平均吨钢电耗为538kWh.实际每炉产量比标准5t炉平均炉产量超出4t,达到了相当于10t容量标准炉产量水平.吨钢电耗亦  相似文献   

钢球磨煤机的优化运行试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文介绍了某电站锅炉配套制粉系统的优化运行试验,主要包括钢球装载量试验、粗粉分离器特性和磨煤机出力特性等性能试验。根据大量的试验数据,提出了优化运行工况卡片,在该工况下运行可以大幅度地提高制粉系统出力,降低制粉单耗,其中,甲侧制粉系统的单耗从30.99 kW.h/t下降至21.36 kW.h/t,下降了9.63 kW.h/t;乙侧制粉系统的单耗从29.46 kW.h/t下降至19.96 kW.h/t左右,下降了9.5 kW.h/t,而且煤粉细度达到设计要求。  相似文献   

谭涛 《中外能源》2013,18(5):93-96
大庆油田第八采油厂为了实现"十一五"期间将机采系统单井日耗电降低在80kW.h/d以下的目标,对全厂新投产井和老油田生产井的机采系统进行了理论计算和现场情况分析,制定并实施了有针对性的节能措施。对于新投产井,利用最佳冲程和冲次校核载荷、扭矩,优选机型及装机功率,对抽油机、电机进行优化匹配。对20个新区块采油工程方案中2272口井采取优选节能措施后,平均设计载荷和装机功率分别降低了28kN、9.8kW,平均单井日耗电由措施前的85.7kW.h/d降低至65kW.h/d,累计节电5600×104kW.h。对于老油田生产井,通过采取优化抽汲参数、加强盘根盒管理、进行抽油机节能改造等措施,并试点应用了间歇采油技术、往复式潜油泵采油技术、智能抽油装置采油技术,使全厂机采系统平均单井日耗电、吨油电耗降低到了78.3kW.h/d、58.6kW.h/t,实现了节能目标。  相似文献   

电弧炉炼钢具有能量效率高、可调节性能好等优点,然而相比于转炉炼钢其冶炼时间较长,电弧炉转炉化操作能够有效降低电弧炉冶炼电耗,缩短冶炼时间,是实现电弧炉高效冶炼的重要途径之一。针对某钢厂45 t电弧炉转炉化过程,基于理论计算分析电炉转炉化中合理的铁水比例及高铁水比下冶炼操作工艺特点,并结合实际铁水温度与成分数据,确定铁水比应当控制在78%~88%范围内。通过设备改造、生产组织优化、工艺操作调节等方式优化电弧炉转炉化改造后的生产过程,最终确定有利于电弧炉冶炼的最佳兑入铁水比例为83%左右。此时45 t电弧炉完全实现转炉化操作,冶炼周期缩短了6.84 min,吨钢冶炼成本节约107.26元/吨坯,设备故障与热停时间缩短5 min/炉,同时减小了员工的劳动强度,取得了明显的经济效益。  相似文献   

电弧炉炼钢是以电能转化为热能来熔化废钢去完成炼钢任务的。因此,在冶炼过程中要消耗大量的电能。对冶金企业来说,电弧炉是能耗大户,俗称“电老虎”。目前,由于我国的能源紧缺,电力不足,降低电弧炉冶炼电耗已成为我们国家,特别是冶金行业节能降耗的重点。西钢炼钢厂是60年代建成的老厂,有3吨电弧炉两座,变压器为2200kVA,平均出钢量6.39t,年产1.9万吨。从投产以来,由于种种原因,电炉冶炼电耗一直居高不下,1991年为708kWh/t(详见表1),成为公司节能降耗的一大。难题1992年开始做了一些尝试,从抓节能降耗人手,强化了科学管理,不断改进操作工艺,进行技术改造,取得了较好的效果。电炉冶炼电耗1992年为579kWh/t,1993年1~8月份为509kWh/t,工序能耗由原来的415kg标煤/t降到293kg标煤/t。  相似文献   

桂林康密劳铁合金有限公司是法国埃赫曼香港康密劳集团公司下属独资企业,成立于2002年9月.公司一贯重视企业环境保护和节能降耗,每年投入巨资进行环境治理,2003年实现工业废水闭路循环零排放.2004年至2005年,高炉、电炉实行布袋除尘,还灵川一片蓝天.同时实施高炉、电炉、烧结、水泥、发电设备技术改造,提高装备技术水平,开展员工技术培训,提高员工技术素质,引进先进技术和管理,各项生产技术指标快速步入全国先进之列.2005年高炉锰铁平均焦比从2002年1981kg/t降到1443kg/t;电炉硅锰电耗从2002年4527kW·h/t下降到3905kW·h/t;标煤消耗总量从2004年276749吨下降到189213吨.  相似文献   

在莱钢特钢50 t电炉上采用炉门水冷碳氧枪装置、油氧助熔/二次燃烧两用喷嘴及EBT氧枪技术,提高了电炉的用氧水平,降低电炉电耗130 kW.h/t、全程冶炼时间缩短到65 min,冶炼成本下降40元/t.该综合用氧技术对国内30~60t电炉的改造具有指导意义.  相似文献   

嘉兴钢铁集团公司有两台5吨的炼钢电弧炉,炉用变压器的容量各为4000kVA。其中的2号电炉1993年8月初投产时,电耗居高不下,吨钢电耗平均为584kWh/t,超过了公司下达的考核指标。为此,公司成立了2号  相似文献   

德国施劳耶曼·西马格 (SMS)公司新开发的炉料预热工艺是将电弧炉排出的热量输送到 Verticon预热装置中 ,预热炉料。被预热过的炉料连续地加入电弧炉中 ,采用该预热措施后 ,熔钢电耗由原来的 42 0 k W· h/ t,降低到 2 10 k W· h/ t;熔钢时间缩短 35 m in。连续加料的另外优点是使电弧炉在熔炼过程中 ,一直保持有平坦的熔池 ,它使电弧连续、稳定地燃烧、因而能传输最大的电弧功率 ,并且消除了电弧炉的电压闪变效应。噪音也降低了。图 1炼钢电弧炉的新趋向——炉料预热新形式@花皑…  相似文献   

秦勤 《工业加热》2004,33(2):12-15
降低电炉钢成本的关键是节能,而电能单耗是评价电弧炉节能的一个重要指标。本文主要叙述了电弧炉的节能措施;介绍了电弧炉电能单耗的计算方法,并分析了每种节能措施对电能单耗的影响度。  相似文献   

孙国臣 《中外能源》2009,14(11):91-95
燕山石化乙烯装置生产能力为71×104t/a,2005年装置能耗为684.9kg标油/t乙烯。近年来,为降低装置能耗,采取如下措施:①优化原料结构,提高乙烯收率,石脑油中对乙烯收率影响最大的链烷烃含量由2006年的69%提高到2009年的71%,裂解性能得到改善,加氢尾油(HVGO)中的芳烃指数(BMCI)由2007年的14降低到2009年的7;到2008年,以石脑油为代表的轻质原料的加工量已达62.8%,2009年5月乙烯收率已达32.13%。②优化蒸汽平衡,在所有裂解炉上安装空气预热器,改高压锅炉给水泵的运行方式为电泵运行、汽泵备用,降低低压蒸汽产量15t/h,解决了低压蒸汽过剩问题,消除了放空现象。③裂解炉烧焦时间由57h缩短了10h,降低了烧焦的消耗,急冷油塔釜温度平均提高10℃,减少中压蒸汽耗量15t/h。④加强设备检修和维护管理,在负荷不变的情况下,超高压蒸汽消耗平均下降了40t/h。上述措施实施后,乙烯装置2009年上半年的装置能耗为568kg标油/t乙烯,比2005年下降17.1%。  相似文献   

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the world and produces only water vapor as a result of chemical reaction that occurred in fuel cells. Therefore, fuel cell electric vehicles, which use hydrogen as fuel, continue its growing trend in the sector. In this study, an energy distribution comparison is carried out between fuel cell electric vehicle and fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle. Hybridization of fuel cell electric vehicle is designed by equipped a traction battery (15 kW). Modeled vehicles were prepared under AVL Cruise program with similar chassis and same fuel cell stacks for regular determining process. Numerical analyses were presented and graphed with instantaneous results in terms of sankey diagrams with a comparison task. WLTP driving cycle is selected for both vehicles and energy input/output values given with detailed analyses. The average consumption results of electric and hydrogen usage is found out as 4.07 kWh and 1.125 kg/100 km respectively for fuel cell electric vehicle. On the other hand, fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle’s average consumption results figured out as 3.701 kWh for electric and 0.701 kg/100 km for hydrogen consumption. As a result of this study, fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle was obtained better results rather than fuel cell electric vehicle according to energy and hydrogen consumption with 8% and 32%, respectively.  相似文献   

九江石化聚丙烯装置采用国产化单环管液相本体聚合工艺和DCS、ESD控制技术,于1998年6月投产,原设计产能为70kt/a,2002年通过扩能改造,实际产能达到120kt/a以上。该装置设计能耗为186kg标油/t聚丙烯,设计各工质单耗分别为新鲜水0.5t/t,能耗为0.09kg标油/t;循环水150t/t,能耗为15kg标油/t;1.0MPa蒸汽0.4t/t,能耗为30kg标油/t;脱盐水0.2t/t,能耗为0.5kg标油/t;电耗467t/t,能耗为140kg标油/t。随着聚丙烯新工艺、新技术的工业化应用,单环管工艺聚丙烯装置在产品竞争力上渐趋劣势。对该装置能耗进行分析,确立电能、循环水、蒸汽是影响装置能耗的主要因素;并从工艺操作、设备运行以及技术改造等方面实施节能优化,该装置2013年能耗(90.46kg标油/t)较2011年和2012年分别下降15.84kg标油/t和7.99kg标油/t,在节约电能和循环水消耗方面尤其显著。  相似文献   

介绍了双级单熔池炼钢新工艺。第1级工艺只用燃料做能源;第2级工艺则利用燃料能和电能二者做能源。这种新型燃料电弧炉(FAF)在不降低生产率的情况下,大幅度地降低电能消耗,其原因是由于采用了高功率旋转式(HPR)氧气-燃气喷枪-碳粉喷射装置、后燃烧工艺,以及炉料预热装置。用廉价的燃料能代替电能可以显著地降低运行成本和投资成本。;  相似文献   

《Energy Policy》2005,33(7):949-962
We demonstrate the importance of stock turnover on industrial energy efficiency through a literature review and a case study of energy-intensive equipment, i.e. the electric arc furnace in the US steel industry. We describe the common methods for assessing stock turnover. We have found that both stock turnover and retrofit are important elements to explain the energy efficiency improvement rates. We investigated the development of electricity use in electric arc furnaces in the United States by tracking the development of individual furnaces over the period 1990–2002. This provides a detailed picture of changes in the stock or fleet of furnaces through turnover and/or retrofit. Our results confirm the results of other empirical studies that there is no clear lifetime of equipment. However, retired furnaces are distinctly less efficient than furnaces remaining in the stock, while new furnaces are distinctly more efficient than the average stock. We found an annual average improvement in specific electricity consumption of 1.3%/year over the studied period, of which 0.7%/year was due to stock turnover and 0.5%/year due to retrofit of stock in service throughout the period.  相似文献   

孙国庆 《工业加热》1997,(4):28-30,38
针对一汽各类电炉热效率状况,在合理选择炉型,推广使用轻质耐火材料,增大炉子的单位体积功能、搞好能源监测管理,精心组织生产等方面采取节能改造措施,收到了较明显的效果,明确了节能的方向。  相似文献   

After having taken into consideration the energy consumption involved in the production of steel by electric arc furnaces, and after having shown quite clearly how much energy is lost because of the fumes, the Authors of the present paper wish to go through the various systems for the recovery of energy by the preheating of scrap. There is also a proposal for a preheating system which is installed in a dedusting plant as well as an indication of the studies and analyses which have been carried out with a view to the installation project; there is also a hypothetical costs/benefits analysis as a conclusion at the end of the article.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of education cause, the increasing energy consumption of school buildings is gradually causing widespread concern in recent years in China. This paper presented an analysis of energy consumption of 270 schools located in the city of Tianjin, China. The analysis focused specifically on calculating the space heating energy consumption indexes and non-heating energy consumption indexes of different types of schools, aiming at providing reliable and precise data for the government to elaborate policies and measures. The space heating energy consumption of schools adopting district heating and gas boiler were 92.04 kWh/(m2·a) and 64.25 kWh/(m2·a), respectively. Comparing to the schools without a canteen, the non-heating energy consumption index of schools with a canteen can increase by 8%–37%. Furthermore, clustering of different energy sources, the total primary energy consumption indexes were also presented. Space heating energy consumption accounted for approximately 64%–79% of the total primary energy consumption. When using time-sharing control and self-contained gas boiler instead of district heating, an amount of almost 27.8 kWh/(m2·a) and 77.5 kWh/(m2·a) can be saved respectively. Through extensive statistical analysis of the data collected, this paper demonstrated that gross floor area, heating energy source and canteen had a close relationship with the total primary energy consumption regarding complete schools. Eventually, a linear regression equation was established to make a simple prediction about the total energy consumption of existing complete schools and to estimate the energy consumption of complete schools to be built.  相似文献   

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