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为了研究全超导托卡马克稳态高参数等离子体性能,2008年在EAST托卡马克装置上研制并成功建成了一套能最大传输2兆瓦,工作频率是2450MHz的低混杂波电流驱动系统,要实现低杂波长时间地维持等离子体电流,还需要对低杂波系统的输出功率大小及运行时间长度提出更高要求,拟研制一套波源输出功率4 MW,中心频率4.6GHz,波谱范围为1.7< N_(//)< 2.5,运行脉冲宽度0~1000秒低杂波电流驱动系统.在EAST4.6GHz/4MW低杂波电流驱动系统中,因为速调管放大器和低杂波天线有共同的接地点,速调管放大器电源为负高压,有接地点,低杂波天线有接地点,并且和EAST托卡马克相连,在系统中要求不能有两个接地点,所以要通过隔直器来隔断托卡马克和速调管之间的的直流通路.论文详细介绍了隔直器的原理和设计过程,在以4.6GHz为中心频率,150MHz的频带范围内,隔直器各个端口微波性能良好.  相似文献   

为了研究全超导托卡马克稳态高参数等离子体性能,2008年在EIAST装置上研制并成功建成了-套最大能传输2兆瓦,工作频率是2450MHz的低混杂波电流驱动系统.该系统主要由20个速调管放大器、4套高压源、20路每路30~40米长的WR430标准矩形波导传输线和多结波导天线阵列组成.辐射波谱的控制是通过子波导内的固定移相器和微波前级的数字可调移相器两种移相手段来实现.在低杂波系统的辅助下成功实现了:驱动中心密度为1~2×1013cm-3下150~500kA的等离子体,全波驱动250kA电流达23s和低杂波辅助启动实验,所有的这些实验都证明了整个低杂波系统的稳定和可靠性.详细描述了整个系统的构成和初步的实验结果.  相似文献   

A-35kV/2.8MW/1000s high-voltage power supply(HVPS) for HT-7 superconducting tokamak has been built successfully.The HVPS is scheduled to run on a 2.45 GHz/1MW lower hybrid current drive(LHCD)^[1] system of HT-7 superoonducting tokamak before the set-up of HT-7 superconducting tokamak in 2003.The HVPS has a series of advantages such as good steady and dynamic response,logical computer program controlling the HVPS without and fault,operationa panel and experimental board for data acquisition.which both are grounded distinctively in a normative way to protec the main body of HVPS along with its attached equipments from dangers.Electric power cables and other control cables are disposed reasonably,to prevent singals from magnetic interference and ensure the precision of signal transfer.This paper involves the experiment and operation of a 35kV/2.8 MW/1000s HVPS^[2] for 2.45 GHz/1 MW LHCD system.The reliability and feasibility of the HVPS has been demonstrated in comparison with experimental results of original design and simulation data.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the circulating current which is produced by HT-7U superconducting toroidal power supply-two sets of two-reverse-star converter with an interphase-reactor in parallel running on the basis of the output voltage mathematical equation of three-phaase semi-wave converter circuit.A new iden of omitting interphase-reactor between two converters is proposed,and the parameter design of interphase-reactor of HT-7 toroidal power supply is presented.Simulated results demonstrate the validity of this new project.  相似文献   

1. IntroductionBeing distinct from other power supplies, poloidalfield power supply (PFPS) is the major part in powersupply system of HT--7U superconducting tokamak,with characteristics of hi$h current derivative, highpeak power, high power variation, and sophisticatedcontrol. The main function and task of PFPS are torealize the energy transfer and power conversion ofplasma initiation, maintenance, heating: and control(shape, position and disruption control) in experiment.Based on the main…  相似文献   

张健  韦维  郝旭  黄懿赟 《原子能科学技术》2013,47(12):2375-2379
本文介绍了HT-7托卡马克实验装置上研制的基于脉宽调制(PWM)的诊断中性束电源系统的组成、结构和控制需求,以及控制系统的组成和控制功能等。经实际调试与多轮HT-7实验运行,验证了该套电源控制系统的稳定性与可靠性。  相似文献   

1. IntroductionHigh power as/dc converter systems, using 6-pulseor 12--pulse thyristor bridges, are often used in thermonuclear fusion experiments [1] [2]. Generally, ACpower is delivered by a high voltage grid, so a highreactive power will bring about a large drop and aremarkable fluctuation of the grid voltage. Also theharmonic will be harmful to the safe operation ofthe power system and the devices themselves. Inthe HT-7U superconductive Tokamak, the reactivepower reaches 30 Mvar and the…  相似文献   

This paper reports a new project - the poloidal field (PF) grid power supply system to replace the ac flywheel generator power supply system on the basis of the present running parameters of the HT-7 poloidal field and the short-circuit capacity of our transformer substation. The designed parameters of the PF grid power supply system have been verified to meet the requirements of the heating field (HF) and the vertical field (VF). In the meantime, in order to reduce the disturbance to the local power grid, the device of reactive power and harmonic current compensation has been added. Experimental results have confirmed the feasibility of the PF grid power supply system. Compared with the ac flywheel generator, the PF grid power supply system has the advantages of lower noise, precise control, convenient maintenance, simple operation and cost savings.  相似文献   

HT-7U超导托卡马克装置真空室热烘烤结构数值模拟与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋云涛 《核动力工程》2004,25(4):340-345
在等离子体运行前.为了提高真空室的本体真空度,获得一个高真空等离子体运行环境,必须对真空室进行250℃壁处理烘烤.除去吸附在器壁表面上的杂质。基于此,本文提出了电阻丝和气流加热两种烘烤方案,并对其结构进行了数值模拟和分析.得出了真空室烘烤时的加热功率、温度分布和热应力情况,为HT-7U和同类超导托卡马克装置真空室烘烤结构的工程设计和优化提供了理论参数依据。  相似文献   

研制了一种带有无源辅助网络的全桥移相脉宽调制零压开关(FB PSPWMZVS)高精度磁铁稳流电源,并在电磁铁磁场测量中得到应用,其电流稳定度在8h内优于±1×10-4。  相似文献   

在HT-7托克马克实验装置上DNB系统实验中,加速机高压电源系统的储能电容器组充电电压有过冲现象,为了能够分析并解决这一问题,详细介绍了该套加速极高压电源系统的组成、结构、工作原理以及初级高压充电电源系统的组成、结构和控制流程等,对实验中的过冲现象行了监测,利用具体的电路模型对初级高压充电电源进行了研究,经过详细的分析和计算,结果表明由于变压器漏抗的影响,使得电容器组上随着充电电压设定的不同有0~6 kV的过冲,因此可以认为变压器漏抗是造成电容器组充电过冲的最主要原因,采用反馈控制和简单的预测控制方式,很好地解决了这一问题.  相似文献   

1. IntroductionHT-7U is an upgrade device for the superconducting' tokamak HT--7 in Hefei, C,hina." It will be t.helargest TOkamak in China, with a major radius of l.7m and a minor cross section of 0.6 m x 0.4 m. Thetypical plasma pulse length will be 1000 s, and thetoroidal superconducting magnetic field on plasmaaxis will be 3.5 T [1].The parameters of the vacuum system of TokamakTore Supra in France and Tokamak JET in the U.Kare taken as our design references. The volume ofJET tor…  相似文献   

J-TEXT, formerly TEXT-U at the University of Texas at Austin in USA, is a medium-sized tokamak at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology. The toroidal field (TF) power supply of this tokamak should provide a current of 160 kA and a flat duration of 500 ms for the toroidal field coils to generate a maximum toroidal field of 3 T at the geometric center of the vaccum vessel. This paper presents a design of a new control system which takes the real-time feedback control option for the TF power supply operation. The system was tested successfully during the commissioning. In the first experimental campaign of J-TEXT, the system effectively controlled the power supply to provide a fiat current up to 92.5 kA and therein the TF produced reached 1.74 T, which enabled the machine to generate the first plasma successfully.  相似文献   

5MW低功率堆功率自动调节系统的设计计算与试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文论述了5MW 低功率堆(5MW LPR)功率自动调节系统的理论分析。通过对系统传递函数的研究判别了其稳定性,同时给出了在反应性阶跃扰动下系统输出的数学表达式,并经试验验证其实际动态指标满足了设计要求。  相似文献   

根据中国环流器 ?2 号(HL-2A)装置对水平场电源提出的苛刻要求,设计了一种晶体管数字变流器供电方式,并用电路分析软件PSPICE 对此供电方式进行了数字电路仿真。结果表明,这种晶体管数字变流器在响应速度及波形质量等方面均能满足实验装置的要求。  相似文献   

报道了中国散裂中子源工程(CSNS)和强流质子加速器(PA)柬流损失监控(BLM)系统的电离室的改进.对改进后的电离室测量得到,电离室有良好的坪特性(坪长≥2 000 V),测量的辐照剂量范围到3.6×10 5rad/h,高压加到3500 V仍能稳定工作.测量的结果表明电离室探头性能已能满足CSNS和PA对束流损失监控...  相似文献   

运用GEANT4蒙特卡洛模拟程序包,对用于中国散裂中子源(CSNS)和质子加速器(PA)束流损失监控系统(BLM)的γ电离室探头进行模拟研究,由模拟计算给出优化的电离室设计参数。工作气体选用1个大气压的氩气;内、外电极用无缝不锈钢管代替镍管,它们的分别为0.1和0.15 mm;屏蔽外壳亦选用1 mm厚度的不锈钢。按照以上参数制成的电离室模型用放射源测试,性能良好。  相似文献   

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