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Distance learning students may not think of the “campus” library as the first place to fulfill their information needs and may not even be aware of the services available to them. One way to reach these students is to adopt and adapt marketing techniques from the business world. This article examines the findings of a survey conducted at Emporia State University concerning the awareness of distance learning services. It will also examine marketing techniques and illustrate how they can be applied to increase awareness of reference support services for distance learners.  相似文献   

While driving research on affect has mostly focused on anger and road rage, there has been little empirical research on other affective states. Affect researchers widely acknowledge the “sadder but wiser” phenomenon, but there is little evidence if this tendency can be applied to the driving environment as well. The objective of the present study is to empirically test whether sadness enhances driving performance as the sadder but wiser notion might predict or sadness impairs driving performance as its negative valence or low arousal dimension might predict. The study consists of a simulated driving experiment with induced anger, sadness, and neutral affect to examine how anger and sadness influence driving-related risk perception, driving performance, and perceived workload. Sixty-one young drivers drove under three different road conditions with either induced anger, sadness, or neutral affect conditions. After affect induction, there was no difference in subjective risk perception across three affect conditions. However, participants in both affect conditions showed significantly more errors and took longer driving time than those in the neutral condition. Only participants with induced anger reported significantly higher physical workload and frustration than participants with neutral affect. Results are discussed in terms of affect mechanisms, design directions for the in-vehicle affect mitigation system, and limitations of the study.  相似文献   

In their Minds and Machines essay How would you know if you synthesized a Thinking Thing? (Kary &; Mahner, Minds and Machines, 12(1), 61–86, 2002), Kary and Mahner have chosen to occupy a high ground of materialism and empiricism from which to attack the philosophical and methodological positions of believers in artificial intelligence (AI) and artificial life (AL). In this review I discuss some of their main arguments as well as their philosophical foundations. Their central argument: ‘AI is Platonism’, which is based on a particular interpretation of the notion of ‘definition’ and used as a critique against AI, can be counter criticized from two directions: first, Anti-Platonism is not a necessary precondition for criticizing AI, because outspoken Platonist criticism against AI is already known (Penrose, The emperor’s new mind (with a foreword by M. Gardner), 1989). Second, even in case that AI would essentially be ‘Platonism’ this would not be a sufficient argument for proving AI wrong. In my counter criticism I assume a more or less Popperian position by emphasizing the openness of the future: Not by quasi-Scholastic arguments (like Kary and Mahner’s), but only after being confronted with a novel ‘thinking thing’ by future AI engineers we can start to analyze its particular properties (Let me use a history analogon to illustrate my position: In the 19th century, mechanized aviation was widely regarded impossible—only natural organisms (such as birds or bees) could fly, and any science of aerodynamics or aviation did not exist. Only after some non-scientific technicians had confronted their astonished fellows with the first (obviously) flying machine the science of ‘Artificial Aviation’ came into existence, motivated by the need for understanding and mastering that challenging and puzzling new phenomenon).  相似文献   

Windows Server 2003 Release 2(R2)也许是微软最令人费解的Windows Server版本。它原定于2005年年底的某个时候推出,R2满足了微软新的Windows Server发布计划,该计划确定了每4年发布一个主要版本,而在随后的两年发布一个次要版本(想要了解windows 2003 Service Pack 1(SP1)和R2是如何适应了微软Windows Server的发展路线,请参看本刊2005年7月刊13页“微软讲述Windows Server 2003 SP1的故事”一文)。R2是基于Windows 2003 SP1发展而来的一个次要版本,但是它并不包含任何新的核心技术,而是满足了特定客户的应用场景,这也就意味着很多企业可以忽略过它。下面就是您对R2要了解的内容。  相似文献   

Longhorn Server Beta2的特性还不完善。但它所包含的一些新功能(例如Bit-Locker驱动器加密、服务器管理、NAP和WTS)的确让人兴奋。[编者按]  相似文献   

经历了几年的波折之后,微软终于向公众发布了Windows的下一代操作系统,Longhorn的beta 1版Vista。Longhorn公开发布的日程表从4月份微软提供给面向开发人员的Windows Hardware Enalneering Confercence (WinHEC) 2005会议的与会者pre-beta版Longhorn开始。WinHEC Longhorn Developers Preview,正如大家所知道的这个版本,反映出微软在过去一年中行进的方向,他们放弃了已经完成的基于组件的Longhorn源代码,转而采用Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1(SP1)代码库来重新开发这个项目。从那时起,微软就开始回到他们已经开发多时的Longhorn关键特性上来,其中的一些特性最终在Beta 1版本中展现在了公众面前。下面就是关于Longhorn Beta 1我们要了解的内容。  相似文献   

微软一直致力于开发一款可以与EMC的VMware相媲美的服务器级别的虚拟机(VM)软件。结果是微软技高一筹,还是VMware继续领先?  相似文献   

什么时候服务器软件才会真正运行在x64平台上?当大量用户使用着x64兼容的“芯”却在为微软的服务器产品从x86平台迁移到x64争论不休时.现在是时候了解一下微软的x64服务器产品计划了。[编者按]  相似文献   

Application repackaging is a widely used method for malware distribution, revenue stealing and piracy. Repackaged applications are modified versions of original applications, that can potentially target large audiences based on the original application’s popularity. In this paper, we propose an approach for detecting repackaged applications. Our approach takes advantage of the attacker’s reluctance to significantly alter the elements that characterise an application without notably impacting the application’s distribution. These elements include the application’s name and icon. The detection is initiated from the client side, prior to an application’s installation, making it application store agnostic. Our experimental results show that detection based on our algorithm is effective and efficient.  相似文献   

Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2在安全性和管理性上做了一些重要的改进,比如:集成TWSUS,以及一个特别的“技术升级计划”。本文为你详细解读。  相似文献   

The most cursory examination of the history of artificial intelligence highlights numerous egregious claims of its researchers, especially in relation to a populist form of ‘strong’ computationalism which holds that any suitably programmed computer instantiates genuine conscious mental states purely in virtue of carrying out a specific series of computations. The argument presented herein is a simple development of that originally presented in Putnam’s (Representation & Reality, Bradford Books, Cambridge in 1988) monograph, “Representation & Reality”, which if correct, has important implications for turing machine functionalism and the prospect of ‘conscious’ machines. In the paper, instead of seeking to develop Putnam’s claim that, “everything implements every finite state automata”, I will try to establish the weaker result that, “everything implements the specific machine Q on a particular input set (x)”. Then, equating Q (x) to any putative AI program, I will show that conceding the ‘strong AI’ thesis for Q (crediting it with mental states and consciousness) opens the door to a vicious form of panpsychism whereby all open systems, (e.g. grass, rocks etc.), must instantiate conscious experience and hence that disembodied minds lurk everywhere.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with exploring the mathematical knowledge and reasoning that can be engaged in providing explanations for the convention a0 = 1. Posts from online open forums are used to illustrate the variety of mathematical ideas that can be utilized in the explanations. The explanations are examined in terms of quality criteria of definitions and proofs.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method for combining “off-the-shelf” SAT and constraint solvers for building an efficient Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solver for a wide range of theories. Our method follows the abstraction/refinement approach to simplify the implementation of custom SMT solvers. The expected performance penalty by not using an interweaved combination of SAT and theory solvers is reduced by generalising a Boolean solution of an SMT problem first via assigning don’t care to as many variables as possible. We then use the generalised solution to determine a thereby smaller constraint set to be handed over to the constraint solver for a background theory. We show that for many benchmarks and real-world problems, this optimisation results in considerably smaller and less complex constraint problems. The presented approach is particularly useful for assembling a practically viable SMT solver quickly, when neither a suitable SMT solver nor a corresponding incremental theory solver is available. We have implemented our approach in the ABsolver framework and applied the resulting solver successfully to an industrial case-study: the verification problems arising in verifying an electronic car steering control system impose non-linear arithmetic constraints, which do not fall into the domain of any other available solver.  相似文献   

Participants in online consumer review (OCR) communications are complete strangers. There is barely any research that has examined the relationship established between these participants. Nevertheless, when the receiver evaluates an OCR, he/she connects with the reviewer and perceives the social psychological distance from him/her. This study aimed to analyse whether the social psychological distance is the underlying mechanism that mediates the effect of OCR aspects on the receiver's responses. The OCR aspects tested are profile photo, linguistic style and reported experience, while final variables reflect responses related to the review and the product.  相似文献   

Networks dominate today’s computing landscape and commercial technical protection is lagging behind attack technology. As a result, protection program success depends more on prudent management decisions than on the selection of technical safeguards. Managing Network Security takes a management view of protection and seeks to reconcile the need for security with the limitations of technology.  相似文献   

Online learning when combined with mobile technology transforms the traditional classrooms from teacher-centered to student-centered classrooms. Despite the widespread use of mobile technology among students and educators today, limited researches have been conducted to study the effects of using mobile technology to enhance student–lecturer interactions. In addition, existing theories of technology acceptances, chiefly Information System Success Model (ISSM), Motivational Model (MM), Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and Cultural Dimension Theory (CDT) are widely recognized for their predictive power in determining adoption intentions. In this study, determinants from all five theories were unified and examined, namely system quality and information quality from ISSM, enjoyment from MM, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use from TAM, self-efficacy from SCT, and uncertainty avoidance from CDT as predictors of adoption intention in the context of predicting student–lecturer interactions. This empirical study was conducted using an online survey. Data collected from the samples (n = 328) were analyzed using PLS-SEM. Results obtained exhibited adequate explanatory power, where information quality, system quality, enjoyment, and uncertainty avoidance significantly predict adoption intention, while perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and self-efficacy were insignificant. Secondly, each theory was independently analyzed, and the predictive power and relevance of ISSM, MM, TAM, and UDT confirmed the importance and relevance of these theories. Results obtained provided a comprehensive understanding of the factors that significantly affect students’ intentions to use mobile technology to interact with their lecturers on academic matters. The discussions and implications of this study are crucial for researchers and practitioners of educational technologies in higher education.  相似文献   

This research seeks to understand how people perceive and respond to structural factors and different types of disclosure on Facebook when evaluating the profile of someone they have never met offline. Using a 2 × 3 × 2 between-subjects experimental design, this research explored the relationship between friend adding (add; no add), levels of self-disclosure (low, medium, high), and sex of the Facebook profile owner (male; female) on feelings of interpersonal liking, future behavioral intentions to interact, and homophily. Results indicated that friend adding and higher levels of self-disclosure led to greater feelings of interpersonal liking and homophily amongst both male and female participants. In addition, males tended to view other male profiles with moderate amounts of disclosure and female profiles with the highest amount of disclosure most favorably. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Automata have proved to be a useful tool in infinite-state model checking, since they can represent infinite sets of integers and reals. However, analogous to the use of binary decision diagrams (bdds) to represent finite sets, the sizes of the automata are an obstacle in the automata-based set representation. In this article, we generalize the notion of “don’t cares” for bdds to word languages as a means to reduce the automata sizes. We show that the minimal weak deterministic Büchi automaton (wdba) with respect to a given don’t care set, under certain restrictions, is uniquely determined and can be efficiently constructed. We apply don’t cares to improve the efficiency of a decision procedure for the first-order logic over the mixed linear arithmetic over the integers and the reals based on wdbas.  相似文献   

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