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The notion of choice is emerging as fundamental to new approaches to the provision of housing for people with intellectual disabilities. In order to achieve a more coherent and informed understanding of choice as a basis for theory, policy and practice in housing for people with intellectual disabilities, what is necessary is a clearer understanding of the complexities and tensions inherent in the idea of choice and their implications. Therefore, this paper considers three main themes which give rise to a more critical conceptualization of choice: a tension between the formalist and the redistributive approach to social justice; a tension between the individuality implied by choice and the community-care ethos of disability housing; and the institutional implications of the choice agenda within and beyond state-administration. The manifestation of these tensions is illustrated using a case study: housing for people with intellectual disabilities in the State of Victoria, Australia.  相似文献   

Problem: The elderly population of the United States is large and growing rapidly. Since disability rates increase with age, population aging will bring substantial increases in the number of disabled persons and have a significant impact on the nation's housing needs.

Purpose: We demonstrate the impact of population growth and aging on the projected number of households with at least one disabled resident and estimate the probability that a newly built single-family detached unit will have at least one disabled resident during its expected lifetime.

Methods: We calculate disability rates using two alternative measures of disability and construct projections of the number of households with at least one disabled resident. We develop and apply a technique for estimating the probability that a newly built single-family detached unit will house at least one disabled resident using data on the average lifespan of those units, the average length of residence for households occupying those units, and the projected proportion of households with at least one disabled resident.

Results and conclusions: Under our medium assumptions, we project that 21% of households will have at least one disabled resident in 2050 using our first disability measure (physical limitation) and 7% using our second (self-care limitation). We estimate that there is a 60% probability that a newly built single-family detached unit will house at least one disabled resident during its expected lifetime using our first measure, and a 25% probability using our second measure. When disabled visitors are accounted for, the probabilities rise to 91% and 53%, respectively. Given the desire of most people to live independently for as long as possible, these numbers reflect a large and growing need for housing units with features that make them accessible to disabled persons.

Takeaway for practice: The lack of accessible housing provides an opportunity for homebuilders to develop and market products that meet the needs of an aging population. In light of concerns about the civil rights of people with disabilities and the high public cost of nursing home care, housing accessibility is a critical issue for planners and policymakers as well. We believe planners should broaden their vision of the built environment to include the accessibility of the housing stock.

Research support: None.  相似文献   

The older population in many countries is large and growing rapidly, increasing the number of people with disabilities and driving up the need for accessible housing. In a previous study, the authors projected the number of households in the USA with at least one disabled resident and estimated the probability that a newly built single-family detached unit will house at least one disabled resident during its expected lifetime. This study extends the analysis to the sub-national level by constructing similar estimates and projections for four states that differ widely on two characteristics affecting the need for accessible housing: age structure and disability rates. The results vary from state to state, but all four display a substantial need for accessible housing. Homebuilders, planners and policy makers are urged to account for this need when building new homes and making modifications to the current housing stock.  相似文献   

In the 20 years from 1982 to 2002, the proportion of Australian public housing tenants in employment has fallen markedly relative to Australians living in other housing tenures. This paper explores the potential causes of this trend and their policy implications. For male public renters, the declining employment participation rate can be accounted for by closer targeting of public housing to the most disadvantaged in the labour market and blunter work incentives. This is not the case for female public renters. Their employment participation rate has remained flat while improved labour market conditions should have lifted employment participation rates among this group, even after controlling for an extensive range of individual characteristics. Work incentives are important to female public renters, but further research is required if we are to understand why their employment rates have not improved over this 20-year period.  相似文献   

我非常荣幸向大家作大会的主题发言:21世纪城市的规划--机遇与挑战.我特别高兴首届世界规划院校大会在这个历史时刻于上海召开.自从1990年领导一项关于巨型城市和巨型城市地区的研究以来,在过去的11年中我每年都要到上海来.每当来到这里,我都会迷路,因为在城市中总有一部分被拆掉了,又有新的摩天大楼拔地而起.如果你在上海呆的时间够久,就会实际感受到这个城市在你眼前的变化,好象巨蛇在蜕掉一层层的旧皮.  相似文献   

著: 《风景园林》2019,26(4):8-16
新的国家公园体系是中国在自然和文化遗产保护方面迈出的重要一步,为自然和文化遗产保护提供了重要的基石,同时也为游客提供了全新的体验机会。"为什么(建立国家公园体系)""怎么样(国家公园体系未来有哪些特征)"和"做什么(来建立国家公园体系)"是帮助建立国家公园体系、应对相关挑战和机遇的3条可行路径。此外,为了同步整合这3条路径,还需要一条路径解决政策和程序方面的问题。值得一提的是,在"为什么"方面,国家公园体系不仅应当保护生态完整性,也应当致力于提供转变性的游客体验机会。这些体验能够激励游客学习,掌握更多的信息,激励他们去探索更多地方。而"做什么"的问题涉及路径的其他方面,其中最重要的是要在充满不确定性和变化的全球背景下建立规划和管理的能力。  相似文献   

Master-planned estates (MPEs) are becoming increasingly important as a part of the urban residential fabric and have recently begun to attract significant research attention. Our purpose in this article is to engage critically with understandings of MPEs in the Australian context and to suggest the need for both empirical and theoretical expansion. We draw on research into MPEs in the greater metropolitan region of Sydney and demonstrate how their diverse form and character exceed the parameters of Blakely and Snyder's (Fortress America, Brookings Institution Press, Washington, DC, 1997) influential and widely cited typology of MPEs. In a move towards grounded theory, we build from our findings to suggest three key analytical dimensions needed to equip us with more complex and theory-driven understandings of the dynamic forms and outcomes of MPE development: (i) the nature of governance mechanisms that produce MPEs and govern life within them; (ii) the influence of housing market context on the unfolding of urban social processes; and (iii) the dynamic and lived nature of neighbourhood and community. These dimensions are aimed to capture the empirical multiplicity of the MPE phenomenon and to broaden the scope of the theoretical and analytical frameworks that have characterised their Australian analysis. It is our hope that analysis framed by these expanded dimensions can contribute to the project of enhancing theoretical recognition of urban difference under distinct and unique Australian conditions.  相似文献   

Stockholm and Copenhagen have been widely regarded in English-speaking countries as exemplifying aspects of the compact city—from well planned, mixed use, higher density, transit-oriented development to sociable urban spaces. So how is it that the development of these two cities has also been located in the garden city tradition? This article tackles this question in the context of the implications European cities are often thought to have for low-density Australian cities. Comparisons of the urban form of Stockholm and Brisbane and of higher density housing in Copenhagen and Brisbane emphasise that the ‘Scandinavian model’ is as much about the role of open space in shaping urban form and in housing design as our current preoccupation with density.


新型城镇化背景下小城镇发展的机遇与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展小城镇是促进城乡统筹,解决三农问题,实现城乡一体化的重要途径,而走新型域镇化道路又是当今城镇发展的大势所趋。本文通过分析小城镇当前发展的问题以及新型城镇化的内涵,阐释在新型城镇化大背景下发展小城镇应把握的机遇和挑战,并从城乡规划的角度为怎么发展小城镇提出几点建议。  相似文献   

编制年度实施计划是对我国城市规划实施机制的进一步完善。但是目前我国的年度实施计划仍没有统一范式,各城市正积极开展实践探索。该文以温州2007年城市规划实施建议为例,归纳介绍了该项目的主要内容与特色,并对完善年度实施计划提出了一些想法与建议。  相似文献   

奥运与北京——北京城市发展的机遇与挑战   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文从城市规划、城市景观、生态环保、城市交通、经济发展的方面,客观地介绍了北京为2008奥运会所做的规划工作:并指出奥运会也正是从这些方方面面给北京带来了新的发展机遇和挑战,同时奥运带给北京的影响也将是深远和长期的。  相似文献   

This article seeks to examine some of the ways in which social networks may contribute to employment outcomes for community and public housing tenants. There is a body of literature that explores the relationship between social networks and employment outcomes, and a separate literature on the relationship between housing and social networks (which is largely concerned with homeowners). However, there has been little research that links all three aspects, especially in relation to social housing. This provides a starting point for this research, which involved interviews with housing organisation staff and focus groups with tenants in two case study areas in metropolitan Adelaide, South Australia. This article reports on the findings through examining the way in which housing tenure may affect social network formation, and considering the ways that these networks can impact on job attainment. It is concluded that, overall, those in community housing appeared to fare better, in terms of employment-conducive networks, than those in public housing. This finding is related not just to the management of the housing, but also to the broader issues of stigma, area-level deprivation and intergenerational unemployment.  相似文献   

Cities in Latin America have a crucial role to play in climate change. Urban areas are the main emitters of greenhouse gases, while being vulnerable to severe weather conditions such as floods, heat waves and tropical storms that environmental shifts are expected to trigger. Patricia Romero-Lankao outlines the background to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, while highlighting how development in Latin America presents unique opportunities for mitigating potential damage to the environment. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Housing and residential marginalisation in Southern European cities represents the most critical and controversial of urban conditions for the settlement and inclusion of immigrants. However, these issues are conspicuously under-researched in both the international and Southern European comparative literature. The complexity of ethnic housing hardship and segregation is often de-problematised and misleadingly attributed solely to market mechanisms or inevitable polarisation dynamics. This paper reviews the distinctive features of ethnic residential segregation within wider societal and urban contexts, drawing on an analysis of eight Mediterranean cities with a special focus on the role of housing systems and processes of ethnic and social differentiation. Problems and drivers are reconceptualised within an holistic, comparative framework. It is demonstrated that low levels of ethnic spatial segregation conceal a real problem of social residential marginalisation. This paradox predominantly originates from macro-scale mechanisms of differentiation rooted in the welfare redistributive arrangements and dualist housing systems. It is additionally reinforced by current urban renewal strategies.  相似文献   

Housing density and the relative length of roads or frontage are different urban variables which are proportional only in the case of homogeneous developments based on single-family dwellings. However, when the impact of an urban pattern on the operating cost of public services is analyzed regardless of the settlement morphology, both variables are often considered as equivalent, overlooking the role of the relative length of roads, which might be important due to the linear component of the cost of many of them. This study highlights the differences between the economic role of the two variables, showing that housing density explains better the operating cost per unit area of services such as roads and parks maintenance, while the relative length of roads does so in water cycle, waste collection, disposal, and treatment as well as street cleaning.  相似文献   

A major challenge for urban Australia and its fast growing cities in particular is the provision of an adequate supply of appropriately located, affordable and sustainable housing across a range of dwelling types. A related challenge involves attempts by the metropolitan planning agencies in the capital cities to restrict residential sprawl and deliver more compact cities. Residential infill in the established suburbs has emerged as one of the principal urban planning policies designed to address this dual challenge. Infill targets, typically in the 50–70 per cent range, are now integral to all capital city planning strategies. This article examines the current pattern of infill housing development in Melbourne, Australia's second largest and fastest growing capital city. It highlights the existence of two infill segments—brownfields and greyfields—each with distinctive patterns of development that need to be better understood if urban regeneration is to figure significantly in delivering more liveable and sustainable cities. Current urban policies, programmes and practices are lacking an effective response to redevelopment of the greyfields.  相似文献   

Energy security is receiving increasing attention from governments and scholars at the global and national scale. Petroleum security and rising fuel prices are a challenge for cities whose housing systems are highly dependent on automobile transport. This study assesses transport and socio-tenurial patterns within Australian cities to identify how the combined present and future effects of rising fuel costs, mortgage interest rates and general inflation will be spatially distributed. Using an ‘oil vulnerability’ assessment methodology based on Australian Census data, the study reveals broad-scale mortgage and oil vulnerability across the outer suburbs of Australian cities. The paper concludes with some observations about spatially equitable policy responses to ameliorate the housing and urban impacts of rising petroleum costs.  相似文献   

城市面源污染最佳管理方案及其在上海市的实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着上海城区点源污染逐步得到控制,面源污染已受到高度关注。对国外在该领域的研究成果和经验进行了总结,着重介绍了城市面源污染最佳管理措施(BMPs),并且给出了措施的筛选和方案决策的方法。结合上海市城区面源污染现状和管理措施的执行情况,探讨了适合上海城区的面源污染综合管理方案,介绍了相关措施的执行情况和今后的规划。  相似文献   

This article examines some of the ways in which fear of crime impacts upon opportunities for social interaction among residents in stigmatised suburbs. As we explore in this article, neighbourhoods that are stigmatised by virtue of material disadvantage and poor reputations tend to be associated with a number of social problems, including higher rates of crime. This association with crime, our research suggests, has an impact on social interaction in these neighbourhoods. Specifically, fear of crime may make people less likely to draw on forms of social interaction which enable people to build trust through contact with their fellow residents. In developing this position, the article draws on qualitative data detailing residents' perceptions of safety in three neighbourhoods in Adelaide, South Australia, two of which are stigmatised as 'problem neighbourhoods'. The article concludes by considering the public policy implications that arise from the research.  相似文献   

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