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A novel image encryption technique based on a reality-preserving fractional discrete cosine transform (FrDCT) and a chaos-based generating sequence is proposed. The FrDCT is a generalization of the discrete cosine transform (DCT). This reality-preserving FrDCT inherits the virtues of both the DCT and fractional transform, providing improved security and flexibility by employing the generating sequence as an extra key in addition to the fractional orders. The most fascinating advantage of the FrDCT is its reality-preserving property, which ensures real ciphertext for real plaintext, which is conducive to display, storage, and transmission. Performance and security analysis demonstrates that this algorithm is valid, secure, sensitive to keys, and robust to noise and occlusion attacks.  相似文献   

An image encryption scheme is proposed by combining the random fractional discrete cosine transform (RFrDCT) with the dependent scrambling and diffusion (DSD). The application of the randomization, irrational choice and vectorization of fractional orders and the randomization of generating sequences improves the key-sensitivity and thus enlarges the key space greatly. Both the locations and the values of RFrDCT transformed coefficients are changed during the stage of DSD to further enhance the security of image encryption scheme. Numerical simulations demonstrate that the proposed image encryption scheme is feasible, secure and capable of resisting common classical attacks.  相似文献   

A novel image encryption algorithm using the random fractional DCT (RFrDCT) and the chaos-based Game of Life (GoL) is presented here. Firstly the plaintext image is transformed by the reality-preserving RFrDCT into the RFrDCT domain, and a preliminary encryption output is obtained. And then a combination of the confusion and diffusion (C&D) processes is performed in the transform domain, where the confusion process is carried out by GoL, and the diffusion process is carried out by an XOR operation. Therefore a more random-like encryption result can be obtained after further encryption by the C&D. Both the GoL and XOR operation are based on chaos whose control parameters serve as cipher keys in order to enlarge cipher space and enhance key sensitivity. Theoretical analysis and simulation experiments for the proposed algorithm are described, the desirable encryption performance is obtained, and it is secure against various common attacks.  相似文献   

Modern medical imaging requires storage of large quantities of digitized clinical data. To provide high bandwidth and to reduce the storage space, a medical image must be compressed before transmission. One of the best image compression techniques is using the Haar wavelet transform. The method of discrete cosine transform (DCT) is chosen to be the preprocessing scheme to identify the image frequency information and has excellent energy compaction property. The block coding algorithm uses a wavelet transform to generate the sub band samples, which can be quantized and coded. It is more robust to errors than many other wavelet‐based schemes. In this article, simulations are carried out on different medical Images and it demonstrates the performance in terms of peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) & bits per pixel (BPP). Our proposed method is found to preserve information fidelity while reducing the amount of data. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 24, 175–181, 2014  相似文献   

卢鹏  刘真 《包装工程》2013,34(1):115-118
提出了一种结合了归一化技术和全息技术的数字水印技术。首先,利用归一化技术对图像作归一化运算,同时利用全息技术将水印二值图处理为全息图;其次,取归一化后图像分块离散余弦变换的中频系数,对中频系数所组成的矩阵作离散小波变换;最后将全息图嵌入到离散小波变换的低频分量中。由于图像归一化技术具有抗仿射变换的性能,同时全息技术具有很强的抗裁切的性能,所以此数字水印技术具有很强的抗仿射变换的性能,可以广泛的用于数字作品的版权保护。  相似文献   

构造了一个只有一个平衡点的四维超混沌系统,此系统表现出丰富的多稳态特性,亦具有多翼吸引子。数值分析了系统的动力学特性,仿真了系统的模拟电路和数字电路,探讨了系统的动态复杂度,测试了系统超混沌序列的随机性。分析结果表明,在多组参数值下,系统均存在不同类型的吸引子共存,譬如:两个周期吸引共存,周期与拟周期吸引子共存,双翼混沌与超混沌吸引子共存,两个双翼混沌吸引子共存,双翼与四翼混沌吸引子共存,两个双翼超混沌吸引子共存,两个双翼拟周期吸引子共存,两个双翼超混沌、四翼混沌、四翼超混沌等四个吸引子共存。系统的数字电路和模拟电路的仿真结果均与数值分析结果一致,表明了系统的可实现性。另外,在混沌和超混沌状态下系统复杂度高,且超混沌序列通过了SP800-22 Revla的15项随机测试。  相似文献   

基于人眼视觉特性的印刷图像压缩技术研究   总被引:12,自引:8,他引:4  
姚军财 《包装工程》2011,32(5):69-72
利用人眼对比度感知特性,计算了包装印刷图像的最小感知觉察误差阈值,通过阈值对图像的DCT变换系数进行量化,再采用Huffman编码方法实现编码,并通过实验验证。实验获得其峰值信噪比为49.647 1dB,压缩比达到11.497 7,编码效率达到0.743 8,即从客观评价上衡量数据压缩性能的指标均达到了较好的效果,证明了解码图像与原始图像间的差异较小,且从主观上人眼几乎不能分辨其差异,说明图像使用的压缩技术不会对图像的品质产生影响。该压缩算法既能达到一定的压缩效果,又能不影响包装印刷图像的观测效果,所以能够较好地满足包装印刷图像传输的要求。  相似文献   

一种基于YC-rC-b颜色空间和视觉特性的彩色图像水印技术   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
姚军财 《包装工程》2012,33(9):111-116,134
根据图像离散余弦变换频谱图特征及结合人眼对亮度和颜色的对比度敏感视觉特性,提出了一种人眼感知图像最小误差即JND阈值的计算方法,通过计算出的JND阈值,提出了一种基于YCrCb颜色空间的彩色图像水印技术方案。方案依据JND阈值筛选彩色图像的3个分量亮度图变换域频谱系数来进行水印的嵌入和提取。从水印技术方案上看,JND阈值的引入使得水印的嵌入达到最大;嵌入算法使得水印嵌入的位置具有随机性,有力地保证了水印信息的安全性。仿真实验和攻击测试表明:含水印图经压缩攻击后的图像与原始图像基本一样,提取的水印信息与原始水印基本相同;攻击后的含水印图具有较好的透明性和较高的鲁棒性。提出的基于YCrCb颜色空间和人眼视觉特性的彩色图像水印技术方案,是一种可行的、较好的彩色图像技术。  相似文献   

针对现有离散余弦变换(DCT)域图像增强算法大多统一处理DCT系数,且不能有效抑制块状效应的问题,将Retinex思想引入DCT域,提出一种新增强算法:将DCT系数分为入射分量和反射分量,构造一种带强光抑制的函数,将入射分量映射到理想的动态范围;定义一种频带限制的对比度,实现反射分量的局部细节增强;使用子块分解方法抑制块状效应。实验结果表明,与现有Retinex及DCT域增强算法相比,该算法具有更好的细节增强及强光抑制效果,且能较好抑制块状效应。  相似文献   

一种用于印刷图像防伪的水印算法设计与实现   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
代小红  王光利 《包装工程》2011,32(15):118-122
阐述了基于DCT变换域的数字水印理论和算法,并根据相关理论模型,提出了一种在离散傅里叶变换中实现的、可用于印刷品防伪的数字水印嵌入算法。研究表明与传统的LSB算法和Patchwork算法相比,该算法有较好的抗攻击能力。给出了系统的水印嵌入算法和水印提取流程设计的过程。实践证明,基于DCT变换域的数字水印算法能确保水印的不可见性,并保持较好的鲁棒性,实现了印刷图像载体数字版权的保护,并可检测出用此算法嵌入印刷图像中的不可见标记。最后通过实验验证了此算法的可行性、可靠性和有效性,为印刷品版权保护提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

郭静博 《包装工程》2019,40(9):205-215
目的为了实现多幅图像的同步加密,并增强加密系统的抗破译能力,提出一种基于圆柱衍射域的相位截断与离散余弦变换的多图像光学加密算法。方法首先引入压缩感知(CS,Compress Transform)方法,对输入明文实施压缩;基于离散余弦变换DCT(Discrete Cosine Transform)对压缩明文完成分解,获取相应的DCT系数,形成系数矩阵;构建迭代复数,将每个压缩明文对应的系数矩阵融合为一个复矩阵,通过DCT逆变换,形成一幅组合图像。联合Hilbert变换与波带片相位模型,构建调制掩码;引入圆柱衍射域的相位截断机制,联合调制掩码,对组合图像实施光学加密,获取密文与私钥。结果实验数据表明,相对于已有的多图像同步加密方法而言,所提算法具备更高的加密安全性,密文熵值以及相邻像素间的相关系数分别达到了7.998,0.0012,且具有强烈的密钥敏感性。结论所提加密算法可以抵御网络中外来攻击,在图像信息防伪领域具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

In this paper, a new image encryption scheme is presented based on time-delay chaos synchronization. Compared with existing methods, a new method is proposed and a lot of coupled items can be taken as zero items to simplify the whole system. A simple linear controller is introduced to realize time-delay chaos synchronization and image encryption. The positions of the image pixels are firstly shuffled and then be hidden in the carrier image. The address codes of the chaotic sequences are adopted to avoid the disturbances induced by the initial value and computer accuracy error. Simulation results for color image are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. It can be seen clearly that the system can converge quickly and the image can be encrypted rapidly.  相似文献   

为验证图像压缩算法122.0-B-0对遥感图像的有效性,在对该算法进行了较为详细的研究后,对该算法进行了软件实现,然后将该算法与JPEG2000、SPIHT算法在压缩效率及压缩速度上进行了比较.实验结果表明:该算法在较低码率下压缩性能与JPEG2000、SPIHT算法相当,在较高码率下压缩性能略微下降,但在相同码率下它的编码速度比JPEG2000快2倍左右,比SPIHT算法约快1.5倍左右,且编解码速度与码率成正比.该算法采用的编码方式相对简单,无反馈操作,可适应于不同内存大小的压缩系统,并采用分段编码有效地防止误码扩散,因此在空间飞行器上具有巨大的应用价值.  相似文献   

Assuring medical images protection and robustness is a compulsory necessity nowadays. In this paper, a novel technique is proposed that fuses the wavelet-induced multi-resolution decomposition of the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) with the energy compaction of the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DCT). The multi-level Encryption-based Hybrid Fusion Technique (EbhFT) aims to achieve great advances in terms of imperceptibility and security of medical images. A DWT disintegrated sub-band of a cover image is reformed simultaneously using the DCT transform. Afterwards, a 64-bit hex key is employed to encrypt the host image as well as participate in the second key creation process to encode the watermark. Lastly, a PN-sequence key is formed along with a supplementary key in the third layer of the EbHFT. Thus, the watermarked image is generated by enclosing both keys into DWT and DCT coefficients. The fusions ability of the proposed EbHFT technique makes the best use of the distinct privileges of using both DWT and DCT methods. In order to validate the proposed technique, a standard dataset of medical images is used. Simulation results show higher performance of the visual quality (i.e., 57.65) for the watermarked forms of all types of medical images. In addition, EbHFT robustness outperforms an existing scheme tested for the same dataset in terms of Normalized Correlation (NC). Finally, extra protection for digital images from against illegal replicating and unapproved tampering using the proposed technique.  相似文献   

An optical image encryption method with multiple light paths is proposed based on compressive ghost imaging. In the encryption process, M random phase-only masks (POMs) are generated by means of logistic map algorithm, and these masks are then uploaded to the spatial light modulator (SLM). The collimated laser light is divided into several beams by beam splitters as it passes through the SLM, and the light beams illuminate the secret images, which are converted into sparse images by discrete wavelet transform beforehand. Thus, the secret images are simultaneously encrypted into intensity vectors by ghost imaging. The distances between the SLM and secret images vary and can be used as the main keys with original POM and the logistic map algorithm coefficient in the decryption process. In the proposed method, the storage space can be significantly decreased and the security of the system can be improved. The feasibility, security and robustness of the method are further analysed through computer simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new quick response (QR) code-based non-linear technique for image encryption using Shearlet transform (ST) and spiral phase transform. The input image is first converted into a QR code and then scrambled using the Arnold transform. The scrambled image is then decomposed into five coefficients using the ST and the first Shearlet coefficient, C1 is interchanged with a security key before performing the inverse ST. The output after inverse ST is then modulated with a random phase mask and further spiral phase transformed to get the final encrypted image. The first coefficient, C1 is used as a private key for decryption. The sensitivity of the security keys is analysed in terms of correlation coefficient and peak signal-to noise ratio. The robustness of the scheme is also checked against various attacks such as noise, occlusion and special attacks. Numerical simulation results are shown in support of the proposed technique and an optoelectronic set-up for encryption is also proposed.  相似文献   

基于提升方案与SPIHT的无失真图像压缩   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
解成俊  顾海军  宋建中 《光电工程》2002,29(4):61-63,67
基于提升方案的整数Deslauriers-Dubuc(6,2)可逆双正交小波变换,可由加法和移位完成,便于硬件实现。与SPIHT和熵编码结合可实现无失真图像压缩。与ARJ,JPEG,整数Haar变换结合DPCM以及分块DPCM中的无失真压缩方法相比,压缩比分别平均提高了50%,35%,20%,2%左右。  相似文献   


In this paper, a modelled image encryption scheme is presented, of which generalised circulant matrix is employed together with dynamical chaotic system. The strong correlations among adjacent pixels in plain-image can be declined greatly by the proposed scheme. Meanwhile, the diffusion transform is considered simultaneously to avoid statistical analysis, known plaintext and chosen plaintext attack. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme can suggest an efficient way to hide the image information, and has the advantages of large key space, sensitive to initial conditions and zero correlation between adjacent pixels in cipher-image. Moreover, the grey values in the cipher-image are distributed symmetrically. The proposed image scheme can be applied to practical image information transmission and protection in the public.  相似文献   

提升方案结合改进SPIHT的快速图像压缩方法   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
柯丽  黄廉卿 《光电工程》2005,32(1):59-62
针对传统小波变换过程复杂的缺点和 SPIHT 算法编码过程重复运算、存储量大的问题,提出了基于提升方案快速 SPIHT 的压缩方法。该方法采用提升方案弥补传统小波变换的不足,提高了图像的重构质量和小波变换速度,并引入“最小阈值”、“最小输出位”和“最大值表”的思想对SPIHT 算法加以改进,降低了编解码过程的运算复杂度和时间消耗。实验证明,该算法较传统方法编解码速度提高了2.5倍,重构图像的峰值信噪比亦有所提高,是一种有效的快速图像压缩方法。  相似文献   

Based on the fractional discrete cosine transform with multiple generating sequences (MGSFrDCT) and the dependent scrambling and diffusion (DSD), an image encryption algorithm is proposed, in which the multiple-generating sequences greatly enlarge the key space of the encryption system. The real-valued output of MGSFrDCT is beneficial to storage, display and transmission of the cipher-text. During the stage of confusion and diffusion, the locations and values of all MGSFrDCT transformed coefficients change due to DSD, and the initial values and fractional orders of encryption system depend not only on the cipher keys but also on the plain-image due to introduction of a disturbance factor, which allows the encryption system to resist the known-plaintext and chosen-plaintext attacks. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed encryption algorithm is feasible, effective and secure and able to resist common classical attacks.  相似文献   

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