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毫米波扩展互作用器件 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
扩展互作用器件是一种采用慢波谐振系统作为高频互作用电路的真空电子器件,是目前能够在毫米波亚毫米波段提供大功率输出的重要器件之一。本文给出了目前国内外毫米波亚毫米波段扩展互作用器件(EIK和EIO)技术的发展情况,并介绍了扩展互作用器件在毫米波亚毫米波段的技术特点和最新研究趋势。 相似文献
提出并研究了一种具有结构紧凑、散热性好、输出功率大等特点的新型扩展互作用结构——径向扩展互作用振荡器(EIO),并推导了小信号理论.利用电磁仿真软件分析了径向EIO高频结构中的谐振特性与场分布,并采用三维粒子模拟软件开展了注波互作用研究.研究结果表明在工作电压为5 k V,电流为8.48 A时,所设计的径向EIO输出功率达到2.6 k W,热腔工作频率为30.011 GHz,效率为6.1%. 相似文献
在太赫兹频段,无源器件电容电感的品质因数低、电路的寄生参数以及MOS管的截止频率影响使太赫兹振荡器电路难以实现高功率输出。提出一种300 GHz可调谐振荡器,首先,采用改进的交叉耦合双推(Push-Push)振荡器结构,通过输出功率叠加的方法输出二次谐波300 GHz信号,增加了振荡器的输出功率并突破了MOS管截止频率,并通过增加栅极互连电感增加输出功率。其次,太赫兹振荡器摒弃传统片上可变电容调谐的方式,通过调节MOS管衬底电压改变MOS管的栅极寄生电容实现频率调谐,避免太赫兹频段引入低Q值电容,进一步增加了输出功率。提出的太赫兹振荡器采用台积电40 nm CMOS工艺,基波工作频率为154.5 GHz,输出二次谐波为 309.0 GHz,输出功率可达-3.0 dBm,相位噪声为-79.5 dBc/Hz@1 MHz,功耗为28.6 mW,频率调谐范围为303.5~315.4 GHz。 相似文献
利用一台多纵模调Q Nd:YAG激光器泵浦的浅表垂直发射太赫兹波参量振荡器参量产生了高功率可调谐太赫兹波辐射。推导了非共线相位匹配条件下的有效参量增益长度以优化太赫兹波参量振荡器参数。实验测得太赫兹波的调谐范围为0.77~2.83 THz。当泵浦功率密度为222.3 MW/cm2时,在1.78 THz处太赫兹波的最大输出能量为347.8 nJ/pulse,对应的能量转化效率为3.9110-6。太赫兹波在垂直方向上的远场发散角为0.020 4 rad,在水平方向上为0.006 8 rad。 相似文献
为实现太赫兹新频段的开拓,满足太赫兹应用对实用化功率源的需求,研发了太赫兹折叠波导慢波结构止带振荡器。器件工作在慢波结构的止带附近,利用高耦合阻抗的特点,完成强注波互作用,实现大功率、小尺寸的太赫兹源。实验验证的振荡器样管采用了折叠波导慢波结构,工作电压为23.1 kV,工作电流为150 mA,在振荡频率为124.45 GHz时,最大脉冲输出功率达到32 W。实验结果表明,该器件适于作为开拓新频段的探索,能够满足高功率、窄带宽需求的太赫兹应用。 相似文献
本文选用矩形耦合腔作为太赫兹扩展互作用振荡器(EIO)的慢波结构,鉴于其结构的复杂性,采用等效电路方法计算其色散.详细研究了腔体和耦合槽的电路参数,计算了不同结构尺寸、圆形和矩形电子通道的0.12THz和0.225THz慢波结构的色散特性.并采用专业电磁软件,研究了不同结构参数下的色散特性、耦合阻抗和特征阻抗.通过对色... 相似文献
低电压频率可调太赫兹回旋管在生物医学和波谱学等领域具有重要应用。文章分析了超低电压(<1 kV)下采用传统开放腔互作用电路的330 GHz 回旋管输出功率和频率调谐特性,探讨了超低电压下由于电子相对论效应减弱而导致的回旋管中电子注-波互作用耦合强度降低的问题。在此基础上,针对330 GHz 超低电压回旋管提出了一种改进的互作用电路结构,其下倾式尾端结构有助于增大反向波幅度,提高弱相对论电子注与电磁波之间的耦合强度,从而提高回旋管的输出效率及频率调谐带宽。非线性模拟结果表明,在低至0.3 kV 的超低电压下,采用此种互作用电路结构仍可获得大于1 W 的连续波输出功率及22 GHz 的连续调谐带宽,峰值输出效率大于7%。 相似文献
Kaichun Zhang Zhenhua Wu Shenggang Liu 《Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves》2009,30(4):309-318
An extended interaction oscillator (EIO) generating Terahertz (THz) wave is presented by theoretical study and simulation
study in this paper. A rectangular reentrant coupled-cavity is proposed as its slow-wave structure (SWS). The equivalent circuit
method (ECM) is adopted to calculate the dispersion relation and circuit parameters of the SWS. The beam-wave interaction
of the EIO is theoretically studied in detail, including the beam loading conductance, the conversion efficiency and the optimal
gap number. The dependence is investigated of the beam loading conductance and the conversion efficiency on the gap number
and the beam velocity. Some properties of the cold circuit are simulated by CST software, including the dispersion relation
and the filed distribution. These simulation results agree well with those of ECM. The operating mode of EIO is chosen very
close to the βL = 2π point with corresponding frequency about 0.225 THz, when the beam voltage is 13 kV, the current 105 mA, the cavity was designed with the period 0.3 mm, 14-gap, the height 1.6 mm and the width 0.76 mm
. Simulation results of beam-wave interaction with PIC codes show that the excited frequency is 0.225 THz and peak output power 44 W. 相似文献
太赫兹波能穿透许多物质,相对于可见光和X射线,其具有非常强的互补特征;它的光子能量极低,且没有X射线的电离性质,因此太赫兹成像技术的应用前景非常广阔。在太赫兹成像系统中,系统参数的合理选择,软件部分的合适控制,对系统的成像结果有着至关重要的作用。从调试过程中得到的图像来看,不合适的处理如斩波器、锁相放大器参数选择不当等,将会导致两行之间错位、信噪比不高,以至于图像失真,甚至无法辨认。对出现这种错位现象的原因进行了研究,在硬件参数选择和软件两个层次,对导致该现象的系统偏差进行控制、补偿和消除,最后给出成像结果。扫描成像结果表明,搭建了稳定合适的光路,选择了适当的仪器参数,在软件上控制了偏差,通过实验和测试,系统达到了较好的成像效果。 相似文献
Anurag Srivastava Jin-Kyu So Yiman Wang Jinshu Wang R. S. Raju Seong-Tae Han Gun-Sik Park 《Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves》2009,30(7):670-678
The design of a sheet-beam electron gun with planar cathode was made with the help of a three-dimensional electrostatic field
solver that was capable of forming a sheet-beam of 19 mA at 12 kV. It uses one-dimensional three-fold beam cross-sectional
area compression meets the specific requirement of a beam to be formed of height 30 μm and width 600 μm at the beam–waist
position with over 100 A/cm2 uniform current density and 0.068 π-mm-mrad emittance, typically, for 0.5 THz devices. A novel beam focusing electrode (BFE)
provided with extended-corner rectangular-aperture geometry alleviating the commonly encountered sheet-beam formation problem
with a gun that uses a conventional BFE, as well as it reduced beam emittance more than 50%. The practicability of the design
was tested by the high-voltage, the thermal and structural analyses. Work has been initiated to test the performance of special
high current scandate cathode using anode-aperture mapping. 相似文献
An improved global shutter pixel structure with extended output range and linearity of compensation is proposed for CMOS image sensor. The potential switching of the sample and hold capacitor bottom plate outside the array is used to solve the problem of the serious swing limitation, which will attenuate the dynamic range of the image sensor. The non-linear problem caused by the substrate bias effect in the output process of the pixel source follower is solved by using the mirror FD point negative feedback self-establishment technology outside the array. The approach proposed in this paper has been verified in a global shutter CMOS image sensor with a scale of 1024×1024 pixels. The test results show that the output range is expanded from 0.95V to 2V, and the error introduced by the nonlinearity is sharply reduced from 280mV to 0.3mV. Most importantly, the output range expansion circuit does not increase the additional pixel area and the power consumption. The power consumption of linearity correction circuit is only 23.1μW, accounting for less than 0.01% of the whole chip power consumption. 相似文献