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复原乳鉴别指标探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
金瑛  刘艳琴 《中国乳品工业》2006,34(8):43-45,62
选择适宜的鉴别指标,确定并完善复原乳的鉴定方法,不但可为质量监督检验机构的检测和监督工作提供技术支持.而且可有效保护消费者的利益。可以通过检测牛奶在长时间贮藏过程中产生的荧光物质.或检测牛奶中脂肪酸组成分的变化来鉴别鲜奶与复原乳,但难以排除某些干扰因素的影响。近年来复原乳鉴定指标的研究热点主要集中在奶制品经热处理后其中的热损害产物。有两种化学反应产物可用来评价:(1)降解产物:热不稳定组分的降解、变性、失活,如乳清蛋白或酶;(2)新形成物质:如乳果糖或美拉德反应的产物。目前国际上通常用糠氨酸和乳果糖作为评估热处理和贮存对奶制品质量影响的指标。然而各指标也不可避免的存在一定的局限性,因此可能需要不止一个指标来进行综合评价。  相似文献   

紫外分光光度法鉴别复原奶和保鲜奶   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
对保鲜奶和复原奶中未变性乳清蛋白质量浓度的差别进行研究,初步探索了以紫外分光光度法对二者进行快速鉴别的方法。通过对未变性乳清蛋白的吸光度的研究确定了它的最大吸收波长为292nm,可在此波长下测出它的吸光度值并由标准曲线的线性回归方程算得其质量浓度。结果表明,复原奶中的未变性乳清蛋白质量浓度与保鲜奶中未变性乳清蛋白质量浓度差异较大。测量结果与凯氏定氯法的测量结果进行比较,这种方法与凯氏定氯法无显著差异,但此法较为简易,实用性较强。  相似文献   

研究了贮存温度和贮存时间对复原乳的pH值、流变特性、粒径、乳析率和离心沉淀率的影响,在此基础上分析了贮存过程中乳浊液粒径与乳析率、离心沉淀率之间的相关性。结果表明:随着贮存温度的升高,复原乳的pH值与表观黏度逐渐降低,而随着贮存时间的延长,二者均先升高后降低,其中25℃和37℃下贮存在第15天时达到最大值,而55℃下贮存在第7天时达最大值;贮存过程中乳浊液顶部粒径d4,3与乳析率有较好的相关性(P<0.05),二者均随着贮存温度的升高和贮存时间的延长而增大;贮存过程中乳浊液底部粒径d4,3与离心沉淀率有很好的相关性(P<0.05),二者随着贮存温度的升高先增大后减小,在37℃时达最大值,随着贮存时间的延长均有所增大。  相似文献   

乳制品中复原乳检测方法的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前乳品中复原乳掺假现象日益增多,复原乳检测技术不断完善.文中介绍了我国复原乳现状,综述了荧光分光光度法、高效液相色谱法、近红外光谱法、紫外分光光度法和AOAC化学法等5种常用复原乳检测方法,并对这5种方法的检测限和可操作性进行了比较分析.  相似文献   

以苹果渣和复原羊乳为主要原料,生产固体复合发酵乳饮料。在单因素的基础上,通过正交实验,确定苹果渣复合发酵乳的优化工艺条件为:复原羊乳量30%,43℃发酵8h,接种量5%,木糖醇5%。营养评价结果证明,此工艺参数生产的固体复合发酵乳饮品营养丰富、均衡,风味纯正,是一种风味纯正的饮料。   相似文献   

Calcium enrichment of food and dairy products has gained interest with the increased awareness about the importance of higher calcium intake. Calcium plays many important roles in the human body. Dairy products are an excellent source of dietary calcium, which can be further fortified with calcium salts to achieve higher calcium intake per serving. However, the addition of calcium salts can destabilize food systems unless conditions are carefully controlled. The effect of calcium fortification on the heat stability of reconstituted skim milk was evaluated, using reconstituted skim milks with 2 protein levels: 1.75 and 3.5% (wt/wt) prepared using low and high heat powders. Calcium carbonate, phosphate, lactate, and citrate were used for fortification at 0.15, 0.18, and 0.24% (wt/wt). Each sample was analyzed for solubility, heat stability, and pH. The addition of phosphate and lactate salts lowered the pH of milk, citrate did not have any major effect, and carbonate for the 1.75% protein samples increased the pH. In general, changes in solubility and heat stability were associated with changes in pH. Calcium addition decreased the solubility and heat stability. However, interestingly, the presence of carbonate salt greatly increased the heat stability for 1.75% protein samples. This is due to the neutralizing effect of calcium carbonate when it goes into solution. The results suggested that the heat stability of milk can be affected by the type of calcium salt used. This may be applied to the development of milk-based calcium enriched beverages.  相似文献   

Meteorological data (1993 to 2004) from 2 public weather stations in Phoenix, Arizona, and Athens, Georgia, were analyzed with test day milk yield data from herds near weather stations to identify the most appropriate temperature-humidity index (THI) to measure losses in milk production due to heat stress in the semiarid climate of Arizona and the humid climate of Georgia. Seven THI with different weightings of dry bulb temperature and humidity were compared. Test-day data were analyzed using 2 models to determine threshold of heat stress and rate of decline of milk production associated with a specific THI. Differences in thresholds of heat stress were found among indices and between regions. Indices with higher weights on humidity were best in the humid climate, whereas indices with larger weights on temperature were the best indicators of heat stress in the semiarid climate. Humidity was the limiting factor of heat stress in humid climates, whereas dry bulb temperature was the limiting factor of heat stress in dry climates.  相似文献   

目的: 分析不同巴氏杀菌处理下绵羊乳蛋白的结构变化,同时以牛乳为对照,比较二者差异性。 方法 :分别以低温长时巴氏杀菌(65 ℃ 30 min)、高温短时巴氏杀菌(85 ℃ 15 s)和超巴氏杀菌(121 ℃ 5 s)对绵羊乳、牛乳进行杀菌处理,探究巴氏杀菌处理对绵羊乳和牛乳总蛋白及乳清蛋白二级结构的影响。 结果: 3种巴氏杀菌处理均会影响绵羊乳总蛋白和乳清蛋白二级结构,改变乳蛋白原空间结构;相比总蛋白,乳清蛋白二级结构稳定性受热处理影响更大(P<0.05,超巴氏杀菌处理对绵羊乳总蛋白与乳清蛋白二级结构影响最大,乳清蛋白变性程度最大。绵羊乳与牛乳在3种巴氏杀菌处理方式下蛋白二级结构的变化规律略有差异。 结论: 3种巴氏杀菌处理下低温长时巴氏杀菌绵羊乳蛋白结构及组成变化最小,且绵羊乳总蛋白与乳清蛋白二级结构的变化规律与牛乳略有不同,在绵羊乳液态奶加工时应引起足够重视。  相似文献   

Milk protein concentrate (MPC) powders (~81% protein) were made from skim milk that was heat treated at 72°C for 15 s (LHMPC) or 85°C for 30 s (MHMPC). The MPC powder was manufactured by ultrafiltration and diafiltration of skim milk at 50°C followed by spray drying. The MPC dispersions (4.02% true protein) were prepared by reconstituting the LHMPC and MHMPC powders in distilled water (LHMPCw and MHMPCw, respectively) or milk permeate (LHMPCp and MHMPCp, respectively). Increasing milk heat treatment increased the level of whey protein denaturation (from ~5 to 47% of total whey protein) and reduced the concentrations of serum protein, serum calcium, and ionic calcium. These changes were paralleled by impaired rennet-induced coagulability of the MHMPCw and MHMPCp dispersions and a reduction in the pH of maximum heat stability of MHMPCp from pH 6.9 to 6.8. For both the LHMPC and MHMPC dispersions, the use of permeate instead of water enhanced ethanol stability at pH 6.6 to 7.0, impaired rennet gelation, and changed the heat coagulation time and pH profile from type A to type B. Increasing the severity of milk heat treatment during MPC manufacture and the use of permeate instead of water led to significant reductions in the viscosity of stirred yogurt prepared by starter-induced acidification of the MPC dispersions. The current study clearly highlights how the functionality of protein dispersions prepared by reconstitution of high-protein MPC powders may be modulated by the heat treatment of the skim milk during manufacture of the MPC and the composition of the solvent used for reconstitution.  相似文献   

热加工中牛乳热损伤监控技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了牛乳在热加工过程中的化学变化,介绍了几种牛乳热损伤监控标识物(如热敏性酶类,蛋白质变性产物,美拉德反应产物和乳糖异构化产物)的特点,并详细论述了已有的牛乳热损伤监控技术:对变性β-乳球蛋白含量的监控,对糠氨酸和乳果糖含量综合水平的监控,对羟甲基糠醛含量的监控,以及以变性蛋白质(以色氨酸的荧光强度计,FTry)和美拉德反应荧光产物(FAMP)的聚集量为基础,评估牛乳热加工损伤程度的FAST方法。  相似文献   

The disruption of the milk fat globule membrane can lead to an excessive accumulation of free fatty acids in milk, which is frequently associated with the appearance of rancid flavors. Solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography techniques have been shown to be useful tools in the quantification of individual free fatty acids in dairy products providing enough sensitivity to detect levels of rancidity in milk. Therefore, the aim of this study was to characterize the short-chain and medium-chain free fatty acid profile in i) raw untreated goat milk; ii) raw goat milk passing through pumps and heating units (plate-and-frame heat exchanger and ohmic heater); and iii) processed goat milk by conventional and ohmic pasteurization to determine the influence of each treatment in the final quality of the milk. Multivariate statistical analysis has shown that the treatments studied were not responsible for the variability found on free fatty acid contents. In particular, it was possible to conclude that ohmic pasteurization at 72°C for 15 s did not promote an extended modification of free fatty acid contents in goat milk when compared with that of conventional pasteurization. Furthermore, principal component analysis showed that the capric acid can be used to discriminate goat's milk with different free fatty acid concentrations. Hierarchical cluster analysis showed evidence of the existence of correlations between contents of short and medium chain free fatty acids in goat milk.  相似文献   

The Foot-and-Mouth Disease virus (FMDV) is not a public health threat, but it is highly contagious to cloven-footed animals. The virus is shed into milk up to 33 h before there are apparent signs of the disease in dairy cows, and, in extreme cases, signs of disease may not appear for up to 14 d. During this time, raw milk can serve as a vector for spread of the disease both at the farm and during transport to the processing plant by milk tanker. Raw milk and milk products fed to animals have the potential to cause infection, but the potential for pasteurized milk products to cause infection is largely unknown. Current minimum pasteurization standards may not be adequate to eliminate FMDV in milk completely. The purpose of this paper is to assess the literature on the thermal resistance of FMDV in milk and milk products, to identify the risks associated with ingestion of pasteurized products by animals, and to lay a strategy to prevent the spread of FMDV from contaminated milk.  相似文献   

Research investigating the effects of feeding raw or pasteurized nonsaleable milk (NSM) on heifers' performance beyond the period of supplementation is limited. This study aimed to examine the effects of type of milk [NSM or milk replacer (MR)] and pasteurization of NSM on preweaning and first-lactation performance of heifers born with low (<36.3 kg) or normal birth weight (≥36.3 kg). Holstein heifers (n = 154) were sequentially assigned to 1 of 3 treatments: MR, pasteurized NSM, or raw NSM. Heifers assigned to raw NSM were fed raw colostrum, whereas heifers assigned to MR and pasteurized NSM were fed pasteurized colostrum. The low birth weight heifers were fed 1.4 L at each feeding until they reached 36.3 kg body weight, whereas normal birth weight heifers were fed 1.9 L at each feeding. A grain mix starter was offered throughout the study. Heifers were weaned ≥42 d old if consuming at least 0.9 kg/d of starter for 3 consecutive days. Data were analyzed with the MIXED procedure of SAS (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC), and the basic model included milk treatments, birth weight group, and treatment × birth weight group. The low birth weight heifers fed raw colostrum and NSM versus pasteurized colostrum and NSM had lower serum protein concentrations. Heifers fed MR versus NSM had or tended to have greater concentrations of hematocrit, red blood cells, and eosinophils but lesser concentrations of platelets, although some of those responses were temporary. Pasteurization tended to increase blood lymphocyte concentrations. Heifers with normal birth weight had greater concentrations of blood neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes, compared with low birth weight heifers. For the first 42 d of life, low birth weight heifers fed pasteurized versus raw NSM had greater weight gain, grain intake, and feed efficiency and were weaned earlier (hazard ratio for weaning by 56 d: 2.90). These pasteurization effects for low birth weight heifers tended to be sustained through 24 wk of age, indicated by greater weight gain and hip height growth. In their first lactation, low birth weight heifers produced less mature-equivalent (MEq) protein and tended to produce less MEq milk and fat than normal birth weight heifers. However, the negative effects of low birth weight on MEq milk and fat yield was only evident in heifers fed raw NSM, whereas the performance of low birth weight heifers was similar to that of normal birth weight when fed MR or pasteurized NSM. These findings confirm that calf management practices influence future performance; in this case, failing to pasteurize milk and colostrum for low birth weight heifers had effects that remained apparent for more than 2 years.  相似文献   

Raw cows' and goats' milks were heated by microwave in a continuous flow unit up to temperatures ranging from 73.1 to 96.7°C. The effects of the heat treatments were estimated by measurements of lactose isomerization, protein denaturation, inactivation of alkaline phosphatase and peroxidase and the total bacterial count. Negative phosphatase tests and low bacterial counts, together with low degrees of whey protein denaturation, were achieved under several temperature/time combinations. The results indicate that continuous microwave processing may be an efficient and mild approach for the pasteurization of milk.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the heat stability of dispersions from reconstituted reduced-calcium milk protein concentrate (RCMPC) with 80% protein or more. The tested RCMPC powders were produced from skim milk subjected to CO2 treatment before and during the process of ultrafiltration. The CO2 injection was controlled to obtain 0 (control, no CO2 injection), 20, 30, and 40% reduction in calcium levels in the RCMPC powders. The RCMPC powders were reconstituted to 10% (wt/wt) protein in deionized water. These dispersions were tested for heat stability in a rocking oil bath at 140°C at unadjusted, 6.5, 6.7, 6.9, and 7.1 pH. Calcium ion activity (CIA) and ionic strength measurements were carried out using a Ca ion-selective electrode and conductivity meter. Unadjusted pH of the dispersions varied from 6.8 in control to 5.96 in 40% RCMPC dispersions. The CIA of unadjusted dispersions ranged from 1.31 mM in control to 2.83 mM in 40% RCMPC. Heat stability, expressed as heat coagulation time (HCT) of unadjusted dispersions decreased as the level of Ca removal in powders increased (from 13.81 min in control to 0.46 min in 40% RCMPC) and was negatively correlated with the CIA of the dispersions. For control RCMPC dispersions, the minimum and maximum heat stability were observed at dispersion pH of 6.5 and 6.9, respectively, followed by a decrease at pH 7.1 (CIA was the lowest). Dispersions from 40% RCMPC and pH 7.1 had the maximum HCT of 30.94 min among all RCMPC dispersions at all pH values. From this study, it can be concluded that improved heat stability in high protein formulation beverages subjected to UHT processing could be achieved through calcium reduction in milk protein concentrates using CO2 injection.  相似文献   

通过测定牛乳蛋白质变性温度研究钙盐、磷酸盐、柠檬酸盐在不同离子浓度下对牛乳热稳定性的影响,结果表明:在鲜牛乳、脱脂奶粉复原乳中随钙离子浓度增大,变性温度降低,即热稳定性降低;增加磷酸盐浓度并未提高牛乳的热稳定性,反而使牛乳的热稳定性降低;添加适量的柠檬酸盐可提高牛乳的热稳定性,超过一定量则使热稳定性降低。  相似文献   

We determined the effects of standardization material, protein content, and pH on the heat stability of reconstituted milk made from low-heat (LH) and medium-heat (MH) nonfat dry milk (NDM). Low-heat and MH NDM were standardized downward from 35.5% to 34, 32, and 30% protein by adding either edible lactose powder (ELP) or permeate powder (PP) from skim milk ultrafiltration. These powders were called standardized skim milk powders (SSMP). The LH and MH NDM and SSMP were reconstituted to 9% total solids. Furthermore, subsamples of reconstituted NDM and SSMP samples were set aside to measure heat stability at native (unadjusted) pH, and the rest were adjusted to pH 6.3 to 7.0. Heat stability is defined as heat coagulation time at 140°C of the reconstituted LH or MH NDM and SSMP samples. The entire experiment was replicated 3 times at unadjusted pH values and 2 times at adjusted pH values. At an unadjusted pH, powder type, standardization material, and protein content influenced the heat stability of the samples. Heat stability for reconstituted LH NDM and SSMP was higher than reconstituted MH NDM and SSMP. Generally, decreased heat stability was observed in reconstituted LH or MH SSMP as protein content was decreased by standardization. However, adding ELP to MH SSMP did not significantly change its heat stability. When pH was adjusted to values between 6.3 and 7.0, powder type, standardization material, and pH had a significant effect on heat stability, whereas protein content did not. Maximum heat stability was noted at pH 6.7 for both reconstituted LH NDM and SSMP samples, and at pH 6.6 for both reconstituted MH NDM and SSMP samples. Furthermore, for samples with adjusted pH, higher heat stability was observed for reconstituted LH SSMP containing PP compared with reconstituted milk from LH SSMP containing ELP. However, no statistical difference was observed in the heat stability of reconstituted milk from MH NDM and MH SSMP samples. We conclude that powder type (LH or MH) and effect of standardization material (ELP or PP) can help explain differences in heat stability. The difference in the heat stability of powder type may be associated with the difference in the pH of maximum heat stability and compositional differences in the standardization material (ELP or PP).  相似文献   

The objective of the current research was to determine if pasteurization of nonsaleable waste milk influences fecal Salmonella concentrations and prevalence, or antimicrobial susceptibility and serotype of the cultured isolates. Holstein dairy calves (n = 211) were housed on a single commercial dairy in the southwestern United States and randomly allotted to be fed either pasteurized (PWM; n = 128 calves) or nonpasteurized waste milk (NPWM; n = 83 calves). Fecal samples were collected via rectal palpation or from freshly voided, undisturbed fecal pats, weekly during the first 4 wk of the animal's life and then again at weaning. Eight total collections were made and 1,117 fecal samples cultured for Salmonella. One isolate from each culture-positive fecal sample was preserved for antimicrobial susceptibility screening and serotyping. Sixty-nine percent of the fecal samples were culture positive for Salmonella with no difference due to treatment (67.7 and 69% Salmonella positive for PWM and NPWM treatments, respectively). Few fecal samples (178/1,117; 15.9%) contained Salmonella concentrations above the limit of detection (~1 cfu/g of feces) with concentrations ranging from 1.0 to 6.46 cfu (log10)/g of feces. Concentration was not affected by treatment. Seventeen different serotypes were identified, the majority of which were Montevideo and Anatum. A greater percentage of Typhimurium (87 vs. 13%), Muenchen (88 vs. 12%), and Derby (91 vs. 9%) were recovered from calves fed PWM compared with NPWM-fed calves. Conversely, Newport (12.5 vs. 86%), Bredeney (22.2 vs. 77.8%), and Muenster (12.5 vs. 87.5%) were lower in PWM compared with NPWM treatments. The majority (66.7%) of isolates were susceptible to all of the antibiotics examined. Results from this one commercial dairy suggest that milkborne Salmonella is not an important vector of transmission in dairy neonates, nor does pasteurization of waste milk influence fecal shedding of this pathogen. Caution should be used, however, when extrapolating results to other farms as Salmonella contamination of milk on farm is well documented. The potential benefits of pasteurization in disease prevention outweigh the potential risks of feeding a nonpasteurized product and warrants incorporation into any calf-rearing program using nonsaleable waste milk for feeding young dairy neonates.  相似文献   

Cheese made from raw milk represents an important proportion of the traditional cheeses, particularly in South European countries. Besides destruction of pathogenic bacteria, the most significant changes in milk relevant to cheesemaking, which are induced by pasteurization are:

• a partial elimination of the milk microorganisms which may grow in cheese during ripening,

• a partial or total activation or inhibition of the plasmin/plasminogen complex, cathepsin D, lipoprotein lipase and alkaline phosphatase. Enzymes from psychrotrophic bacteria, acid phosphatase and xanthine oxidase, which may be active during ripening, withstand pasteurization.,

• a slight (7%) denaturation of serum proteins and little or no modification of the cheesemaking properties (coagulation, acidification by lactic acid bacteria).

From experimental work carried out on several cheese varieties, comparing pasteurized or microfiltered milk and raw milk cheeses, it was found that facultatively heterofermentative lactobacilli, Micrococcaceae, enterococci, and propionibacteria in Swiss-type cheese, are found at higher levels in raw milk cheese. The main biochemical modification of cheese during ripening concerns the nature and extent of proteolysis. Although there is no clear trend in the breakdown of s1- and β-caseins, milk pasteurization leads to a significant decrease of the amount of small peptides and free amino acids and to different HPLC profiles. Experiments carried out with sensory analysis show that, in all cases, pasteurized or microfiltered milk cheeses have received lower flavour intensity scores than raw milk cheeses. From this review, it is concluded that the indigenous milk microflora, with its diversity of species and strains, appears to be mainly responsible of the specific sensory properties of raw milk cheeses.  相似文献   

乳制品中的Maillard反应标示物及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乳制品中的Maillard反应标示物既可作为乳制品热处理程度的指标,还可用于不同热处理乳制品的鉴别。介绍了在评价乳制品热处理程度以及区分不同乳制品中常用的几种Maillard反应标示物。这些标示物包括糠氨酸、乳果糖、糠醛类化合物、荧光化合物等。此外,还介绍了可溶性乳清蛋白、碱性磷酸酶和乳过氧化物酶等热处理标示物,这些标示物与Maillard反应之间具有较好的相关性,也是评价乳制品热处理程度以及区分不同乳制品时常用的指标,可与Maillard反应标示物联合应用。  相似文献   

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