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This paper identifies how ontology models can be vigorously used to define semantics and relationships in representing objects/modules for e-learning, business modeling support and manufacturing processing details. Further extraction of these relations by intelligent decision-support systems using data mining as a tool is discussed. The paper envisages the possibility of establishing a common solution platform for product development and customization leading to increased profitability and better resource utilization. It showcases ways to link these different ontological models leading to cross platform compatibility. It also tries to explore manufacturer-customer relationship and using them to provide quality analysis methods for further improvement in the product processing model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a framework for the Decision Support Systems evaluation problem. Using the Gorry-Scott Morton's framework for information systems, we develop several evaluation methods that structure the evaluation process. The framework determines the best methods of evaluation that are suitable to the characteristics of the Decision Support System concerned. Finally, we use the framework to evaluate two widely used Decision Support Systems.  相似文献   

Inspired by the operation of human social organisation, this paper presents a new architecture—a pyramid-committee—for developing society-oriented intelligence, whose structure imitates the organisation of human society in its decision making. The system takes a pyramid-like hierarchical structure with links in the pyramid forming a semi-lattice, which relate not only to nodes in the same layer, but also to others in different layers. The output of the system is a result of the negotiation and balancing of different interests. For such a system to function, the main difficulties concern the complicated relationships between different factors or agents. Focussing on the airport environment audit, we discuss the development of a model framework and the role of neural networks.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a general framework for time-aware decision support systems. The framework uses the state-of-the-art tOWL language for the representation of temporal knowledge and enables temporal reasoning over the information that is represented in a knowledge base. Our approach uses state-of-the-art Semantic Web technology for handling temporal data. Through such an approach, the designer of a system can focus on the application intelligence rather than enforcing/checking data related restrictions manually. Also, there is an increased support for reuse of temporal reasoning tools across applications. We illustrate the applicability of our framework by building a market recommendations aggregation system. This system automatically collects market recommendations from online sources and, based on the past performance of the analysts that issued a recommendation, generates an aggregated recommendation in the form of a buy, hold, or sell advice. We illustrate the flexibility of our proposed system by implementing multiple methods for the aggregation of market recommendations.  相似文献   

In recent years the widespread application of outsourcing to help improve finance and maintain competitiveness is growing rapidly, and has been accompanied by a growth of academic research in this field. Most of the outsourcing literature has focused primarily on the social and cultural impacts, the organisational and management perspectives of outsourcing and very few tools have been developed to assist managers in making outsourcing decisions. Incorrect decision-making in outsourcing can lead to devastating consequences for their business. To guide decision makers in managing the complexity of outsourcing a holistic approach to outsourcing has been developed by taking business, information and organisational perspectives (HABIO). The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how HABIO can be applied to help managers evaluate the impact of their decision-making by providing them with a set of ‘what-if’ scenarios, which are enacted by intelligent agents. The case example, discussed in this paper, demonstrates that HABIO can be applied effectively using a multi-agent system to analyse the outsourcing decision for a call centre sector in the retail industry. A prototype of the multi-agent system is presented where intelligent agents are endowed with specific domain ontologies, appropriate to solve a specific problem, and with a reasoning mechanism to achieve specific goals and to collaborate together to produce a set of “what-if scenarios” to the outsourcing managers.  相似文献   

Comprehensive and elaborate systems analysis techniques have been developed in the past of routine and operational information systems. Developing support systems for organizational decision-making requires new tools and methodologies. We present a new framework for data collection and decision analysis which is useful for developing decision support systems. This task analysis methodology encompasses (1) event analysis, (2) participant analysis, and (3) decision content analysis. With a proper coding manual, it provides a framework for collecting relevant and detailed information required for decision support design and implementation. Further research is suggested for application and evaluation of the methodology in real-life DSS environments.  相似文献   

The combination of argumentation and probability paves the way to new accounts of qualitative and quantitative uncertainty, thereby offering new theoretical and applicative opportunities. Due to a variety of interests, probabilistic argumentation is approached in the literature with different frameworks, pertaining to structured and abstract argumentation, and with respect to diverse types of uncertainty, in particular the uncertainty on the credibility of the premises, the uncertainty about which arguments to consider, and the uncertainty on the acceptance status of arguments or statements. Towards a general framework for probabilistic argumentation, we investigate a labelling-oriented framework encompassing a basic setting for rule-based argumentation and its (semi-) abstract account, along with diverse types of uncertainty. Our framework provides a systematic treatment of various kinds of uncertainty and of their relationships and allows us to back or question assertions from the literature.  相似文献   

The integration of information from multiple sources is a topic of increasing importance to the design of advanced decision support systems for a variety of situation assessment tasks. The integration of information is especially difficult when the multiple sources provide conflicting information. In general, approaches to this problem have used either probability-based techniques or techniques based on one of the newer theories of uncertainty. This paper surveys these current approaches to the conflicting information problem and then describes a new approach based on information theory.  相似文献   

A methodology for designing context-aware decision support systems based on typical knowledge integration models is proposed. These models describe the functional capabilities of the system at different stages of its usage. The models are used to specify requirements for information and knowledge from the side of the context-aware system. The comparison of these requirements with the user requirements for the system functional capabilities and user restrictions allows us to obtain the functional capabilities that are available for a given user.  相似文献   

With the prevalence of the Web, most decision-makers are likely to use the Web to support their decision-making. Web-based technologies are leading a major stream of researching decision support systems (DSS). In this paper, we propose a formal definition and a conceptual framework for Web-based open DSS (WODSS). The formal definition gives an overall view of WODSS and creates a uniform research framework for various decision support systems. The conceptual framework based on browser/broker/server computing mode employs the electronic market to mediate decision-makers and providers, and facilitate sharing and reusing of decision resources. We also analyze the basic functions and develop an admitting model, a trading model and a competing model of electronic market in WODSS based on market theory in economics. These models reveal the key mechanisms that drive WODSS function efficiently. Finally, an illustrative example is studied to support the proposed ideas.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present COE, a peer-to-peer collaborative ontology editor, which supports the creation, editing, sharing, and reuse of ontologies, implemented on top of a general-purpose peer-to-peer framework, COPPEER. In large multi-disciplinary design projects, ontologies can be a critical success factor. Their collaborative creation leads to better understanding and increased information sharing between participants of a project, and economy of resources among projects. A peer-to-peer approach enables new modes of collaboration, while simplifying maintenance by propagating individual updates in shared models.  相似文献   

Many mission‐critical, decision‐making situations happen in dynamic, rapidly changing, and often unpredictable environments. Military, governmental, and medical contexts are examples of such situations, which can be characterized by highly decentralized, up‐to‐date data sets coming from various sources. Unlike other decision‐making tools, decision support systems (DSS) designed for such situations are challenged by the need to access this decentralized data at any time, from anywhere, under tight time constraints. This paper presents the design of a software framework for developing these kinds of distributed DSSs. The proposed Java‐based framework relies mostly on the Jini technology and its JavaSpaces service. The construction of the framework is presented with UML class diagrams, UML sequence diagrams, and additional explanations. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

International Journal of Information Security - Benefiting from the high-speed transmission and super-low latency, the Fifth Generation (5G) networks are playing an important role in contemporary...  相似文献   

分布式本体集成框架下虚拟本体集合动态生成算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了有效组织和管理网格环境内存在的各类分布异构的本体资源,提出了基于网关服务的分布式本体集成框架.从体系结构角度对本体集成过程中涉及到的功能模块进行分析和划分,并基于网格服务设计了关键组件.在此基础上从提高计算资源利用率和满足用户多样性需求的角度出发,提出了虚拟本体集合动态生成算法.该算法将缓存技术与虚拟本体相结合,为本体数据的自动生成和再生成提供了较完整的系统方法,增强了本体资源的复用性.实验结果表明,该算法可以提高计算资源利用率,实现本体资源的复用率.  相似文献   

一个基于语义模块的交互式本体匹配框架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本体匹配是用来解决异质本体间互操作问题的一种技术手段。目前,大多数关于本体匹配的研究都集中在了如何提高匹配结果的质量上。然而,一方面,在许多情况下,匹配结果的正确与否直接依赖于用户的判断,另一方面,由于一些描述现实世界的本体十分庞大,匹配工具往往不能及时为用户提供可供确认的匹配对。为此,提出了一种基于语义模块的交互式本体匹配框架。借助信息论的相关知识,将本体聚类成语义模块。用户利用模块核心结点信息对模块的内容进行推断,从而将大规模的本体匹配任务转换为数个规模较小的语义模块间的匹配任务。通过合理地增大用户在匹配过程中的作用,试图在保证匹配质量的同时提高匹配效率。已获得的实验结果表明该方法能显著提高本体匹配任务的效率。  相似文献   

提出一种面向虚拟采办全寿命周期、全系统、全方位决策的智能决策支持系统SBA—IDSS概念框架.作为真实世界采办最终需求的抽象描述,它属于与实现无关的规范性模型体系,由它定义应用领域、用户概念和环境特征.同时它是数字世界中拟实现的初始工程模型,包括与实现无关的设计可行性模型、规划模型及功能顶层分解.该框架支持系统的自组织、自适应智能行为,预期可按需组成模型与仿真、文件、知识、通信及数据驱动的各类实用决策支持系统.该框架通过一项SBA实例的验证,得到可用性的正面评价.  相似文献   

There has been increasing interest in using Stackelberg game (known as a security game) to allocate limited security resources against different attacker types with a specific probability distribution. However, real problems of this kind often face ambiguous information, such as imprecise, unreliable and absent payoffs, and ambiguous assignments of these payoffs. To this end, based on decision theory and the Dempster–Shafer theory of evidence, this paper proposes a novel framework that can handle these common types of ambiguity. More specifically, this paper deploys the underlying principles of existing rules from decision theory, as a way to characterise different attitudes to ambiguity, during the transformation of ambiguous payoffs into point‐valued payoffs. Hence, our framework holds some good properties: (i) it subsumes traditional security games without ambiguous payoffs, (ii) a uniform margin of error will not affect the results and (iii) the influence of complete ignorance can be minimised. Also, our framework is evaluated by using nine different transformation rules, under various conditions and constraints, against 73,000 randomly generated games (a first comprehensive empirical evaluation to date). The evaluation reveals the benefits of each transformation rule and confirms that different rules can model individuals' different attitudes to ambiguity.  相似文献   

分析了将本体与CBR方法结合开发智能决策支持系统的优点,设计了基于该方案的决策支持系统的总体框架,着重介绍了基于本体的案例组织和表示方法以及引入本体后案例检索过程中的相似度计算方法,基于该方案,设计和开发了电子政务项目审批决策支持系统。应用结果表明,利用本体对案例包含的知识进行提取和表示,再利用这些知识对案例进行组织和检索,有效地提高了案例检索的查准率和查全率。  相似文献   

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