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Knowledge and Information Systems - Recommender systems were originally proposed for suggesting potentially relevant items to users, with the unique objective of providing accurate suggestions....  相似文献   

Huang  Tianlin  Zhang  Defu  Bi  Lvqing 《Neural computing & applications》2020,32(22):17043-17057
Neural Computing and Applications - The main purpose of collaborative filtering algorithm is to provide a personalized recommender system based on past interactions of each user (e.g., clicks and...  相似文献   

Recommender systems aim at solving the problem of information overload by selecting items (commercial products, educational assets, TV programs, etc.) that match the consumers’ interests and preferences. Recently, there have been approaches to drive the recommendations by the information stored in electronic health records, for which the traditional strategies applied in online shopping, e-learning, entertainment and other areas have several pitfalls. This paper addresses those problems by introducing a new filtering strategy, centered on the properties that characterize the items and the users. Preliminary experiments with real users have proved that this approach outperforms previous ones in terms of consumers’ satisfaction with the recommended items. The benefits are especially apparent among people with specific health concerns.  相似文献   

As the use of recommender systems becomes more consolidated on the Net, an increasing need arises to develop some kind of evaluation framework for collaborative filtering measures and methods which is capable of not only testing the prediction and recommendation results, but also of other purposes which until now were considered secondary, such as novelty in the recommendations and the users’ trust in these. This paper provides: (a) measures to evaluate the novelty of the users’ recommendations and trust in their neighborhoods, (b) equations that formalize and unify the collaborative filtering process and its evaluation, (c) a framework based on the above-mentioned elements that enables the evaluation of the quality results of any collaborative filtering applied to the desired recommender systems, using four graphs: quality of the predictions, the recommendations, the novelty and the trust.  相似文献   

基于联邦学习的推荐系统可以在保护用户隐私的情况下,联合多方数据,提升推荐系统的性能,已经成为推荐领域的研究热点之一.联邦协同过滤是联邦推荐系统中最经典及最常用的算法之一.然而,针对联邦协同过滤系统的冷启动问题的研究工作相对较少.针对这一问题,本文提出了一种基于安全内积协议的解决方案.具体地,在系统中添加新用户或新物品时...  相似文献   

基于项的协同过滤在推荐系统中的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
分析基于项的协同过滤在推荐系统中应用及所存在的问题,提出了一个基于项的协同过滤改进算法,并给出了改进算法在标准数据集上的实验结果,对改进算法与原算法进行了相关性能的比较分析,证明了改进算法的有效性.最后,对研究进行了总结,指出存在的不足,提出了进一步研究的方向.  相似文献   

Knowledge and Information Systems - We propose a novel collaborative filtering method for top- $$n$$ recommendation task using bicustering neighborhood approach. Our method takes advantage of local...  相似文献   

Collaborative filtering plays the key role in recent recommender systems. It uses a user-item preference matrix rated either explicitly (i.e., explicit rating) or implicitly (i.e., implicit feedback). Despite the explicit rating captures the preferences better, it often results in a severely sparse matrix. The paper presents a novel iterative semi-explicit rating method that extrapolates unrated elements in a semi-supervised manner. Extrapolation is simply an aggregation of neighbor ratings, and iterative extrapolations result in a dense preference matrix. Preliminary simulation results show that the recommendation using the semi-explicit rating data outperforms that of using the pure explicit data only.  相似文献   

The motivation of collaborative filtering (CF) comes from the idea that people often get the best recommendations from someone with similar tastes. With the growing popularity of opinion-rich resources such as online reviews, new opportunities arise as we can identify the preferences from user opinions. The main idea of our approach is to elicit user opinions from online reviews, and map such opinions into preferences that can be understood by CF-based recommender systems. We divide recommender systems into two types depending on the number of product category recommended: the multiple-category recommendation and the single-category recommendation. For the former, sentiment polarity in coarse-grained manner is identified while for the latter fine-grained sentiment analysis is conducted for each product aspect. If the evaluation frequency for an aspect by a user is greater than the average frequency by all users, it indicates that the user is more concerned with that aspect. If a user's rating for an aspect is lower than the average rating by all users, he or she is much pickier than others on that aspect. Through sentiment analysis, we then build an opinion-enhanced user preference model, where the higher the similarity between user opinions the more consistent preferences between users are. Experiment results show that the proposed CF algorithm outperforms baseline methods for product recommendation in terms of accuracy and recall.  相似文献   

This paper proposes two types of recommender systems based on sparse dictionary coding. Firstly, a novel predictive recommender system that attempts to predict a user’s future rating of a specific item. Secondly, a top-n recommender system which finds a list of items predicted to be most relevant for a given user. The proposed methods are assessed using a variety of different metrics and are shown to be competitive with existing collaborative filtering recommender systems. Specifically, the sparse dictionary-based predictive recommender has advantages over existing methods in terms of a lower computational cost and not requiring parameter tuning. The sparse dictionary-based top-n recommender system has advantages over existing methods in terms of the accuracy of the predictions it makes and not requiring parameter tuning. An open-source software implemented and used for the evaluation in this paper is also provided for reproducibility.  相似文献   

In the Big Data Era, recommender systems perform a fundamental role in data management and information filtering. In this context, Collaborative Filtering (CF) persists as one of the most prominent strategies to effectively deal with large datasets and is capable of offering users interesting content in a recommendation fashion. Nevertheless, it is well-known CF recommenders suffer from data sparsity, mainly in cold-start scenarios, substantially reducing the quality of recommendations. In the vast literature about the aforementioned topic, there are numerous solutions, in which the state-of-the-art contributions are, in some sense, conditioned or associated with traditional CF methods such as Matrix Factorization (MF), that is, they rely on linear optimization procedures to model users and items into low-dimensional embeddings. To overcome the aforementioned challenges, there has been an increasing number of studies exploring deep learning techniques in the CF context for latent factor modelling. In this research, authors conduct a systematic review focusing on state-of-the-art literature on deep learning techniques applied in collaborative filtering recommendation, and also featuring primary studies related to mitigating the cold start problem. Additionally, authors considered the diverse non-linear modelling strategies to deal with rating data and side information, the combination of deep learning techniques with traditional CF-based linear methods, and an overview of the most used public datasets and evaluation metrics concerning CF scenarios.  相似文献   

本文在CF的基础上重点研究推荐系统中的相似兴趣用户的聚类技术.研究重点集中在聚类方法的可伸缩性、聚类复杂形状和数据的有效性,分析了蚂蚁算法的特性和基于蚂蚁聚类的协同过滤推荐系统,并通过实验测试,表明使了利用蚂蚁的聚类特性能降低推荐系统计算量,从而提高系统的伸缩性.  相似文献   

Recommender systems are typically provided as Web 2.0 services and are part of the range of applications that give support to large-scale social networks, enabling on-line recommendations to be made based on the use of networked databases. The operating core of recommender systems is based on the collaborative filtering stage, which, in current user to user recommender processes, usually uses the Pearson correlation metric. In this paper, we present a new metric which combines the numerical information of the votes with independent information from those values, based on the proportions of the common and uncommon votes between each pair of users. Likewise, we define the reasoning and experiments on which the design of the metric is based and the restriction of being applied to recommender systems where the possible range of votes is not greater than 5. In order to demonstrate the superior nature of the proposed metric, we provide the comparative results of a set of experiments based on the MovieLens, FilmAffinity and NetFlix databases. In addition to the traditional levels of accuracy, results are also provided on the metrics’ coverage, the percentage of hits obtained and the precision/recall.  相似文献   

Despite the omnipresent use of recommender systems in electronic markets, previous research has not analyzed how consumer preferences affect the accuracy of recommender systems. Markets, however, are characterized by a certain structure of consumers’ preferences. Consequently, it is not known in which markets recommender systems perform well. In this paper, we introduce a microeconomic model that allows a systematical analysis of different structures of consumers’ preferences. We develop a model-specific metric to measure the recommendation accuracy. We employ our model in a simulation to evaluate the impact of the structure of the consumers’ preferences on the accuracy of a popular collaborative filtering algorithm. Our study shows that recommendation accuracy is significantly affected by the similarity and number of consumer types and the distribution of consumers. The investigation reveals that in certain markets even random product recommendations outperform the collaborative filtering algorithm.  相似文献   

随着电子商务和社交网络的蓬勃发展, 推荐系统逐渐成为数据挖掘领域的重要研究方向。推荐系统能够从海量信息中定位用户兴趣点, 提供个性化服务。协同过滤算法能够有效分析用户偏好, 提供合适的推荐服务。针对评分矩阵稀疏时传统协同过滤算法性能很差的问题, 提出一种基于Sigmoid函数的改进推荐系统算法。利用Sigmoid函数对不同项目进行建模, 得到项目的平均受欢迎程度; 利用Sigmoid函数对不同用户进行建模, 将评分映射为用户对项目的喜好程度; 根据用户对项目喜好程度应该与项目平均受欢迎程度贴近的原则进行评分预测。在两组真实数据集合上的实验结果表明, 该算法较好地解决了数据稀疏性问题, 能够有效提高传统算法的预测准确性。  相似文献   

With the advent of the Internet, the types and amount of information one can access have increased dramatically. In today’s overwhelming information environment, recommendation systems that quickly analyze large amounts of available information and help users find items of interest are increasingly needed. This paper proposes an improvement of an existing preference prediction algorithm to increase the accuracy of recommendation systems. In a recommendation system, prediction of items preferred by users is based on their ratings. However, individual users with the same degree of satisfaction to an item may give different ratings to the item. We intend to make more precise preference prediction by perceiving differences in users’ rating dispositions. The proposed method consists of two processes of perceiving users’ rating dispositions with clustering and of performing rating normalization according to such rating dispositions. The experimental results show that our method yields higher performance than ordinary collaborative filtering approach.  相似文献   

Recommender systems (RS) are often used as guides, helping users to discover products of their interest. Many techniques and approaches to generate an effective recommendation are available for the system designers. On the one hand, this is interesting because different application’s scenarios could have a fittest solution but on the other it can also cause some complexity to select the best technique to address at each state of the database. Thus, choose the best technique for each new state becomes too difficult and frequent for manually select. One of big challenges on RS is turn the techniques more useful for real-world scenarios. Therefore, automate or help the design decision is an important task to improve the usability of RS and reduce its cost. Although many works aims to improve the performance of RS for some scenarios, just a few of them try to help the designers on selection or combination of the techniques through applications’ state changes. Therefore, this work proposes an evolutionary approach, called Invenire, to automate the choice of techniques used by combining results of different recommendation techniques. This is a new approach that uses a search algorithm to optimize the techniques combination, and can inspire hybrid methods and expert systems on how automate them. To evaluate the proposal, experiments were performed with a dataset from MovieLens and different collaborative filtering approaches. The results obtained show that the Invenire outperforms all collaborative filtering approach separately in all contexts addressed. The improvement achieved varies from 3.6% to 118.99% depending on the combination encountered and the experiment executed. Thus, the proposal was able to increase the accuracy on the generated recommendations and automate the combinations of techniques.  相似文献   

Considering the increasing demand of multi-agent systems, the practice of software reuse is essential to the development of such systems. Multi-agent domain engineering is a process for the construction of domain-specific agent-based reusable software artifacts, like domain models, representing the requirements of a family of multi-agent systems in a domain, and frameworks, implementing reusable agent-based design solutions to those requirements. This article describes the domain modeling tasks of the MADEM methodology and a case study on the application of GRAMO, a MADEM technique, for the construction of the domain model of ONTOWUM, specifying the common and variable requirements of a family of Web recommender systems based on usage mining and collaborative filtering.  相似文献   

Building recommender systems (RSs) has attracted considerable attention in the recent years. The main problem with these systems lies in those items for which we have little information and which cause incorrect predictions. One accredited solution involves using the items’ content information to improve these recommendations, but this cannot be applied in situations where the content information is unavailable. In this paper we present a novel idea to deal with this problem, using only the available users’ ratings. The objective is to use all possible information in the dataset to improve recommendations made with little information. For this purpose we will use what we call second-hand information: in the recommendation process, when a similar user has not rated the target item, we will guess his/her preferences using the information available. This idea is independent from the RS used and, in order to test it, we will employ two different collaborative RS. The results obtained confirm the soundness of our proposal.  相似文献   

A film recommender agent expands and fine-tunes collaborative-filtering results according to filtered content elements - namely, actors, directors, and genres. This approach supports recommendations for newly released, previously unrated titles. Directing users to relevant content is increasingly important in today's society with its ever-growing information mass. To this end, recommender systems have become a significant component of e-commerce systems and an interesting application domain for intelligent agent technology.  相似文献   

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