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False and nuisance alarms are major problems in the process industry. Generalized delay-timer is an effective technique to improve the performance of an alarm system. However, due to the increasing intermediate states, computation of the performance indices, false alarm rate (FAR), missed alarm rate (MAR) and expected detection delay (EDD), is hard and unsolved for generalized delay timer. In this paper, we first propose general formulae to compute FAR and MAR by adequately reconsidering the internal relationship between the no-alarm state and the alarm state. Then the computation of EDD is discussed via the probability of alarm or no-alarm at one sample by iteration. Simulation and industrial results show that alarm performance can be improved via generalized delay-timer with proper choice of the order.  相似文献   

目前临床护理呼吸机的自动报警装置中,对呼吸机氧气流量压力测量不足,在使用中个别情况下无法及时给出警报。因此,提出ICU病房临床护理呼吸机自动报警装置研究,设计的自动报警装置的主控制器选择Microchip公司推出的PIC18F252单片机,自动报警装置的继电器选择HK4100F电磁继电器,流量压力的检测选择EnviteC公司的Spiro-Quant H差压流量传感器以及Honneywell公司生产的163PC01D36压力传感器,并使用PTR2000无线接收模块进行报警信号传输。设计了氧气浓度检测模块来对氧气浓度进行检测,并根据不同的参数检测结果分为3种报警模式。为了验证设计的呼吸机自动报警装置能否实现设计需求,设计实验。在某医院的ICU病房中的呼吸机上使用文献[8]、文献[9]、文献[11]中的自动报警装置以及设计的自动报警装置,实验结果显示设计的自动报警装置在多种情况下均可给出报警,满足实验需求。  相似文献   

分析了嵌入式睡眠监控报警系统的重要性,设计了系统的硬件模块和软件流程图.系统由采集处理模块和监控报警模块构成,分为轻度异常和危急异常两级报警.重点阐述了如何利用脉搏波特征量K值,计算出心血管疾病的相关特征参数,以判断病情并采取合理的措施.该系统对监控严重危害人们生命安全的突发疾病有独特的优势,特别适用于对老人以及行动不...  相似文献   

首先介绍和分析了管道运输防盗预警技术,在此基础上给出了系统的设计目标和解决方案,并描述了系统的组成和各部分的主要功能;介绍了对偷盗信号信息的采集和处理的方法,利用AT指令控制TC35i模块,从而实现SMS短消息收发的方法;又介绍了可编程控制部分的设计和终端PC通过GSM MODEM接收SMS的实现界面.该方案利用了可编程的典型应用、串口通信技术、TC35i、GSM MODEM、SMS等内容.  相似文献   

针对ABB Advant 500 DCS系统外接蜂鸣报警器存在的声音小、报警级别和部位不易区分、可靠性差等问题,提出利用现有DCS的报警信息实时打印、OPC A/E等通讯技术读取相关信息并解码,调用Microsoft公司的TTS语音引擎编写软件实现汉语语音报警。软件以人性化的语音报警彻底替代了原有的蜂鸣报警器,降低了操作人员的劳动强度,提高了报警器的可靠性,解决了实际生产中存在的问题。  相似文献   

基于深度学习模型的有监督训练依赖于大量高质量标定数据,但众多小众计算机博弈比赛棋种,存在缺少人类对局记录作为训练样本的问题,因此在使用深度学习模型前如何生成一个合理标定的局面数据集是值得研究探讨的问题。针对点格棋博弈问题,提出了一种数据哈希去重以及局面标定方法。根据不同阶段回合局面数据的特点,通过alpha-beta完全搜索、回溯标定、并行化MCTS算法标定以及对称扩展技巧,收集并标定不同回合数的点格棋局面样本。实验共获得了包含15 000 000个带标定点格棋局面样本的数据集,为基于深度学习模型的点格棋有监督训练提供了保障。此外,所提方法也为其他棋种训练数据的获取提供有价值的借鉴。  相似文献   

A distributed parallel alarm management strategy based on massive historical alarms and distributed clustering algorithm is proposed to reduce the number of alarms presented to operators in modern chemical plants. Due to the large and growing scale of historical alarms as the basis of analysis, it is difficult for traditional alarm management strategy to store and analyze all alarms efficiently. In this paper, by designing the row key and storage structure in a distributed extensible NoSQL database, the strategy spreads alarm data in a group of commercial machines, which ensures the capacity and scalability of the whole system. Meanwhile, Distributed Parallel Query Model (DPQM) proposed as a unified query model provides efficient query and better integration of distributed platform. Based on the characteristics of alarms and time-delay correlation of alarm occurrence, alarm similarity criteria are proposed to effectively identify repetitive and homologous alarms. In order to group massive alarm data, a new distributed clustering algorithm is designed to work concurrently in MapReduce frameworks. The test results using alarm data from real chemical plants show that the strategy is better than traditional method based on MySQL at system performance, and provides excellent redundant alarm suppression in both normal situation and alarm flooding situation.  相似文献   

在通信网告警相关性分析中,针对传统时间窗口提取告警数据效率低的问题,提出了一种基于双约束滑动时间窗口的告警预处理方法.在双约束的条件下,滑动时间窗的窗口宽度和滑动步长能够根据告警序列的实际情况自动地调整,并选取时间段的中点作为参照点.实验证明,采用双约束滑动时间窗划分算法可以获得比传统方法更高的数据提取效率,并且能够有效去除噪声数据,非常适合于通信网告警数据的预处理.  相似文献   

基于WINCC工控组态软件的关系数据库的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重点介绍了在工控组态软件WINCC上的数据库通信方法和采集过程,基于WINCC组态软件的数据库后台是关系数据库SQL Server.结合实际应用来研究关系数据库SQL Server及其优化策略和服务性能.  相似文献   

Chattering alarms (alarms that repeat excessively in a short time interval) create a level of nuisance to the operator. According to industrial alarm standards, no chattering is acceptable. Therefore, reducing the amount of alarm chatter is a primary goal in redesigning alarm parameters. A quantitative measure to assess the degree of chattering for an alarm has recently been proposed. This measure is based on run length distribution which is the distribution of time differences between consecutive alarms. This chattering index is currently calculated empirically based on alarm data. In this paper, we develop a method to estimate the chattering index based on statistical properties of the process variable as well as alarm parameters. The estimation can be used for developing analytical methods to optimally design alarm parameters for minimal chattering.  相似文献   

在超声波预警器的研制中,选用双角度超声波传感器并在其前端加套筒。传感器阵列的激励采用循环扫描调制触发信号,其接收信号经过AGC放大、鉴频等处理,在-75°~75°视角、1.5~10.5m空间范围内,这种预警器对人体闯入能够进行准确、可靠报警。  相似文献   

Researchers have isolated several variables that moderate the degrading effects of alarm mistrust on alarm reactions. We examined how alarm duration influences reactions to alarms of varying true alarm rates. In Experiment one, 45 psychology students performed a complex psychomotor task while reacting to an alarm system generating short- and long-duration signals. We predicted that participants would consider long-duration alarms more valid and would respond more to them despite the true alarm rate. Results supported both expectations. In addition to these findings, participants believed that true alarm rate influenced their response decisions more than duration even though true alarm rate did not affect actual response frequency. In Experiment two, 40 students reacted to short- and long-duration alarms originating from unique systems. Results showed some participants relied on duration, whereas others used true alarm rate, responded extremely, or combined strategies. Overall, results suggest signal duration is an important influence, but that increased task complexity may lead operators to adopt other reaction strategies.  相似文献   

介绍一种火灾自动报警系统。该系统应用了离子感烟传感器和电话。当发生火灾时传感器检测出信号 ,通过控制电路使电话自动拨号 (如 119) ,并报告现场地址  相似文献   

Alarms constitute a significant aspect of the operator-system interface in human supervisory control tasks: they have the potential to display information that is of critical importance to overall system safety and integrity. This paper considers the trend toward the use of visual display terminals for the presentation of alarms, specifically in the use of scrolling text displays. It is suggested that this form of information display may not best serve all aspects of alarm handling. To illustrate why this is so, an analysis of human alarm handling activities is presented. The focus on text-based displays and annunciators allows the authors to concentrate on a number of problems associated with the alarm design using a specific medium. From this discussion, the alarm initiated activities model is developed. By considering the activities that people engage in when dealing with alarms, an insight is offered into the information requirements that can be used to inform the design of alarm systems.  相似文献   

罗粮  石锐  英振华  沈潇 《计算机工程与设计》2005,26(12):3386-3388,3412
介绍了组态软件对外集成的几种方式,以及Windows提供的支持这几种方式的DDE、OPC、ActiveX自动化等几种标准,通过这几种方式,可以实现程序间数据交换,方便对外集成,并在实际工程中应用涉及到的主要技术,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

通过分析得出火灾探测信号的特征,并针对这些特征指出了减少火灾误报率和漏报率、提高火灾报警准确性的智能算法,包括数字滤波、灵敏度自动调整、自动漂移补偿、上升速率分析等。这些算法对实际的工程应用有着很好的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

智能报警管理若干研究问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报警是及时发现生产过程中异常情况的直接手段,因此科学、高效、准确的智能报警管理对提高生产过程安全性和可操作性至关重要,也是进一步进行优化、控制和故障诊断的基础.本文就智能报警管理这一研究领域进行综述,首先从工业需求上论述报警管理的重要意义,说明报警对于过程安全的影响,指出数量过多和难以辨别是主要难题,并将现实情况与国际标准相对比;然后概述了报警管理的概念和内涵,介绍报警系统改造的全生命周期.其次总结该领域的主要研究问题,并针对单个报警和多个报警的设计展开讨论,揭示误报与漏报、检测速度与鲁棒性的矛盾,并给出常用的解决方法.针对单个报警,通过滤波、延迟和死区,对过程时间序列进行处理,实现报警的快速和准确.针对多个报警,通过多元统计分析全面表征多个变量之间的关系,利用相关性分析和传递熵分析来识别因果报警.最后通过一个实例来说明智能报警管理的过程.  相似文献   

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