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In this paper a model-driven decision support system related to paper making is introduced. The intention is to emphasize the necessity of coupling different modeling techniques, multiobjective optimization, and software engineering in order to make the end user application realistic, practical and usable. Firstly the paper making process and selected aspects concerning its mathematical modeling, numerical simulation, and multiobjective optimization are introduced, then the related computerized system, called a virtual paper making line, is described. In addition, the associated decision support system, which provides a suitable level of automation to improve the quality of decision making and support the user’s expertise is discussed. Finally, an example presents different ways of using such a software tool.  相似文献   

A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) design often requires the decision of optimal locations (deployment) and transmit power levels (power assignment) of the sensors to be deployed in an area of interest. Few attempts have been made on optimizing both decision variables for maximizing the network coverage and lifetime objectives, even though, most of the latter studies consider the two objectives individually. This paper defines the multiobjective Deployment and Power Assignment Problem (DPAP). Using the Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm based on Decomposition (MOEA/D), the DPAP is decomposed into a set of scalar subproblems that are classified based on their objective preference and tackled in parallel by using neighborhood information and problem-specific evolutionary operators, in a single run. The proposed operators adapt to the requirements and objective preferences of each subproblem dynamically during the evolution, resulting in significant improvements on the overall performance of MOEA/D. Simulation results have shown the superiority of the problem-specific MOEA/D against the NSGA-II in several network instances, providing a diverse set of high quality network designs to facilitate the decision maker’s choice.  相似文献   

针对异构无线传感器网络节点高密度部署和事件发生存在"热点区域"问题,以区域覆盖率最大和网络能耗最小为优化目标,提出了一种基于多目标优化的二进制粒子群算法,对节点部署进行多目标优化。该算法采用概率感知模型,引入强支配系数使得解分布均匀,结合Pareto最优解选择排序和基于自适应权重的适应度分配,进而获得异构节点部署解。仿真结果表明:该算法能对目标空间进行广泛搜索,与NSGA—Ⅱ算法相比,算法具有良好的收敛性,能有效地提高网络的覆盖率和降低网络能耗。  相似文献   

With the advent of efficient techniques for multi-objective evolutionary optimization (EMO), real-world search and optimization problems are being increasingly solved for multiple conflicting objectives. During the past decade of research and application, most emphasis has been spent on finding the complete Pareto-optimal set, although EMO researchers were always aware of the importance of procedures which would help choose one particular solution from the Pareto-optimal set for implementation. This is also one of the main issues on which the classical and EMO philosophies are divided on. In this paper, we address this long-standing issue and suggest an interactive EMO procedure which will involve a decision-maker in the evolutionary optimization process and help choose a single solution at the end. This study uses many year’s of research on EMO and would hopefully encourage both practitioners and researchers to pay more attention in viewing the multi-objective optimization as a aggregate task of optimization and decision-making.  相似文献   

针对多跳无线传感器网络中数据采集只采用单目标优化策略带来的问题,提出了一种基于多目标优化的可移动sink节点部署模型.该模型以网络能耗最小和数据延迟最小为优化目标,采用多目标线性规划方法获得节点部署的较优解,在能量消耗和数据收集延迟中取得平衡.仿真结果表明,该模型能够给决策制定者提供更优的无线网络数据采集方案,提高了数据采集的质量.  相似文献   

The Internet of Health things (IoHT) has numerous applications in healthcare by integrating health monitoring things like sensors and medical devices for remotely observe patient’s records to provide smarter and intelligent medicare services. To avail best healthcare services to the users using the e-health applications, in this paper, we propose an IoT with cloud based clinical decision support system for the prediction and observance of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) with its level of severity. The proposed framework collects the patient data using the IoT devices attached to the user which will be stored in the cloud along with the related medical records from the UCI repository. Furthermore, we employ a Deep Neural Network (DNN) classifier for the prediction of CKD and its level of severity. A Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based feature selection method is also used to improve the performance of DNN classifier. The proposed model is validated by employing the benchmark CKD dataset. Different classifiers are employed to compare the performance of the proposed model under several classification measures. The proposed DNN classifier alone predicts CKD with an accuracy of 98.25% and is further enhanced to 99.25 by PSO-FS method. At the same time, the improved classification performance is verified with higher values of 98.03 specificity, 99.25 accuracy, 99.39 F-score and 98.40 kappa value respectively.  相似文献   

传统联邦学习存在通信成本高、结构异构、隐私保护力度不足的问题,为此提出了一种联邦学习进化算法,应用稀疏进化训练算法降低通信成本,结合本地化差分隐私保护参与方隐私,同时采用NSGA-Ⅲ算法优化联邦学习全局模型的网络结构、稀疏性,调整数据可用性与隐私保护之间的关系,实现联邦学习全局模型有效性、通信成本和隐私性的均衡。不稳定通信环境下的实验结果表明,在MNIST和CIFAR-10数据集上,与FNSGA-Ⅲ算法错误率最低的解相比,该算法所得解的通信效率分别提高57.19%和52.17%,并且参与方实现了(3.46,10-4)和(6.52,10-4)-本地化差分隐私。在不严重影响全局模型准确率的前提下,该算法有效降低了联邦学习的通信成本并保护了参与方隐私。  相似文献   

In this paper, a Decision Support System (DSS) is developed to solve sustainable Multi-Objective Project Selection problem with Multi-Period Planning Horizon (MOPS-MPPH). First, a TOPSIS based fuzzy goal programming (FGP) is proposed which considered uncertain DM preferences on priority of achievement level of fuzzy goals. The FGP essentially considers economic factors like cost, profit, and budget. The output of FGP and other affecting factors (i.e. social and environmental effects, risk of investment, strategic alliance, and organizational readiness) are treated as inputs of a fuzzy rule based system to estimate fitness value of an investment. Properties of the proposed DSS are discussed. It also is compared with an existing procedure on historical data of a financial and credit institute.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel multi-objective root system growth optimizer (MORSGO) for the copper strip burdening optimization. The MORSGO aims to handle multi-objective problems with satisfactory convergence and diversity via implementing adaptive root growth operators with a pool of multi-objective search rules and strategies. Specifically, the single-objective root growth operators including branching, regrowing and auxin-based tropisms are deliberately designed. They have merits of appropriately balancing exploring & exploiting and self-adaptively varying population size to reduce redundant computation. The effective multi-objective strategies including the fast non-dominated sorting and the farthest-candidate selection are developed for saving and retrieving the Pareto optimal solutions with remarkable approximation as well as uniform spread of Pareto-optimal solutions. With comprehensive evaluation against a suit of benchmark functions, the MORSGO is verified experimentally to be superior or at least comparable to its competitors in terms of the IGD and HV metrics. The MORSGO is then validated to solve the real-world copper strip burdening optimization with different elements. Computation results verifies the potential and effectiveness of the MORSGO to resolve complex industrial process optimization.  相似文献   

动态多目标优化问题(DMOPs)需要进化算法跟踪不断变化的Pareto最优前沿,从而在检测到环境变化时能够及时有效地做出响应.为了解决上述问题,提出一种基于决策变量关系的动态多目标优化算法.首先,通过决策变量对收敛性和多样性贡献大小的检测机制将决策变量分为收敛性相关决策变量(CV)和多样性相关决策变量(DV),对不同类型决策变量采用不同的优化策略;其次,提出一种局部搜索多样性维护机制,使个体在Pareto前沿分布更加均匀;最后,对两部分产生的组合个体进行非支配排序构成新环境下的种群.为了验证DVR的性能,将DVR与3种动态多目标优化算法在15个基准测试问题上进行比较,实验结果表明, DVR算法相较于其他3种算法表现出更优的收敛性和多样性.  相似文献   

In real life, there are many dynamic multi-objective optimization problems which vary over time, requiring an optimization algorithm to track the movement of the Pareto front (Pareto set) with time. In this paper, we propose a novel prediction strategy based on center points and knee points (CKPS) consisting of three mechanisms. First, a method of predicting the non-dominated set based on the forward-looking center points is proposed. Second, the knee point set is introduced to the predicted population to predict accurately the location and distribution of the Pareto front after an environmental change. Finally, an adaptive diversity maintenance strategy is proposed, which can generate some random individuals of the corresponding number according to the degree of difficulty of the problem to maintain the diversity of the population. The proposed strategy is compared with four other state-of-the-art strategies. The experimental results show that CKPS is effective for evolutionary dynamic multi-objective optimization.  相似文献   

In particle swarm optimization (PSO) each particle uses its personal and global or local best positions by linear summation. However, it is very time consuming to find the global or local best positions in case of complex problems. To overcome this problem, we propose a new multi-objective variant of PSO called attributed multi-objective comprehensive learning particle swarm optimizer (A-MOCLPSO). In this technique, we do not use global or local best positions to modify the velocity of a particle; instead, we use the best position of a randomly selected particle from the whole population to update the velocity of each dimension. This method not only increases the speed of the algorithm but also searches in more promising areas of the search space. We perform an extensive experimentation on well-known benchmark problems such as Schaffer (SCH), Kursawa (KUR), and Zitzler–Deb–Thiele (ZDT) functions. The experiments show very convincing results when the proposed technique is compared with existing versions of PSO known as multi-objective comprehensive learning particle swarm optimizer (MOCLPSO) and multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO), as well as non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II). As a case study, we apply our proposed A-MOCLPSO algorithm on an attack tree model for the security hardening problem of a networked system in order to optimize the total security cost and the residual damage, and provide diverse solutions for the problem. The results of our experiments show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the previous solutions obtained for the security hardening problem using NSGA-II, as well as MOCLPSO for the same problem. Hence, the proposed algorithm can be considered as a strong alternative to solve multi-objective optimization problems.  相似文献   

Infrastructure comprises the most fundamental facilities and systems serving society. Because infrastructure exists in economic, social, and environmental contexts, all lifecycle phases of such facilities should maximize utility for society, occupants, and designers. However, due to uncertainties associated with the nature of the built environment, the economic, social, and environmental (i.e., triple bottom line) impacts of infrastructure assets must be described as probabilistic. For this reason, optimization models should aim to maximize decision maker utilities with respect to multiple and potentially conflicting probabilistic decision criteria. Although stochastic optimization and multi-objective optimization are well developed in the field of operations research, their intersection (multi-objective optimization under uncertainty) is much less developed and computationally expensive. This article presents a computationally efficient, adaptable, multi-objective decision support system for finding optimal infrastructure design configurations with respect to multiple probabilistic decision criteria and decision maker requirements (utilities). The proposed model utilizes the First Order Reliability Method (FORM) in a systems reliability approach to assess the reliability of alternative infrastructure design configurations with regard to the probabilistic decision criteria and decision maker defined utilities, and prioritizes the decision criteria that require improvement. A pilot implementation is undertaken on a nine-story office building in Los Angeles, California to illustrate the capabilities of the framework. The results of the pilot implementation revealed that “high-performing” design configurations (with higher initial costs and lower failure costs) had a higher probability of meeting the decision maker’s preferences than more traditional, low initial cost configurations. The proposed framework can identify low-impact designs that also maximize decision maker utilities.  相似文献   

The huge demand for real time services in wireless mesh networks (WMN) creates many challenging issues for providing quality of service (QoS). Designing of QoS routing protocols, which optimize the multiple objectives is computationally intractable. This paper proposes a new model for routing in WMN by using Modified Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (MNSGA-II). The objectives which are considered here are the minimization of expected transmission count and the transmission delay. In order to retain the diversity in the non-dominated solutions, dynamic crowding distance (DCD) procedure is implemented in NSGA-II. The simulation is carried out in Network Simulator 2 (NS-2) and comparison is made using the metrics, expected transmission count and transmission delay by varying node mobility and by increasing number of nodes. It is observed that MNSGA-II improves the throughput and minimizes the transmission delay for varying number of nodes and higher mobility scenarios. The simulation clearly shows that MNSGA-II algorithm is certainly more suitable for solving multiobjective routing problem. A decision-making procedure based on analytic hierarchy process (AHP) has been adopted to find the best compromise solution from the set of Pareto-solutions obtained through MNSGA-II. The performance of MNSGA-II is compared with reference point based NSGA-II (R-NSGA-II) in terms of spread.  相似文献   

区间多目标优化问题在实际应用中普遍存在且非常重要.为得到贴合决策者偏好的最满意解,采用边优化边决策的方法,提出一种交互进化算法.该算法通过请求决策者从部分非被支配解中选择一个最差解,提取决策者的偏好方向,基于该偏好方向设计反映候选解逼近性能的测度,将具有相同序值和决策者偏好的候选解排序.将所提方法应用于4个区间2目标优化问题,并与利用偏好多面体解决区间多目标优化问题的进化算法(PPIMOEA)和后验法比较,实验结果验证了所提出方法的有效性和高效性.  相似文献   

This paper presents an industrial application of simulation-based optimization (SBO) in the scheduling and real-time rescheduling of a complex machining line in an automotive manufacturer in Sweden. Apart from generating schedules that are robust and adaptive, the scheduler must be able to carry out rescheduling in real time in order to cope with the system uncertainty effectively. A real-time scheduling system is therefore needed to support not only the work of the production planner but also the operators on the shop floor by re-generating feasible schedules when required. This paper describes such a real-time scheduling system, which is in essence a SBO system integrated with the shop floor database system. The scheduling system, called OPTIMISE scheduling system (OSS), uses real-time data from the production line and sends back expert suggestions directly to the operators through Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs). The user interface helps in generating new schedules and enables the users to easily monitor the production progress through visualization of production status and allows them to forecast and display target performance measures. Initial results from this industrial application have shown that such a novel scheduling system can help both in improving the line throughput efficiently and simultaneously supporting real-time decision making.  相似文献   

In this paper, we studied a substage-zoning filling design problem, which is considered as a complex problem with numerous tasks such as construction planning, dam access road and borrow placement, workspace filling, and construction project management. In analyzing workflows and the mechanism of substage-zoning filling, not only the above-mentioned tasks are considered, but also the environmental factors such as rainfall and hydrology characteristic temperature are taken into account. In this study, an optimization model for dam filling which aimed at reducing the disequilibrium degree of filling intensity was proposed; in addition, a technique based on particle swarm optimization was introduced as the basis of a decision support system for rock-fill dams. The system has been employed in a water conservancy and hydropower project which shows that the system is able to provide quality decision support and facilitate the rock-fill dam construction effectively.  相似文献   

求解多目标优化问题的一种多子群体进化算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种新的多目标粒子群优化(MOPSO)算法,根据多目标优化问题(MOP)的特点,将一个进化群体分成若干个子群体,利用非劣支配的概念构造全局最优区域,用以指导整个粒子群的进化.通过子群体间的信息交换.使整个群体分布更均匀,并且避免了局部最优,保证了解的多样性,通过很少的迭代次数便可得到分布均匀的Pareto有效解集.数值实验表明了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

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