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Recommender Systems are more and more playing an important role in our life, representing useful tools helping users to find “what they need” from a very large number of candidates and supporting people in making decisions in various contexts: what items to buy, which movie to watch, or even who they can invite to their social network, etc. In this paper, we propose a novel collaborative user-centered recommendation approach in which several aspects related to users and available in Online Social Networks – i.e. preferences (usually in the shape of items’ metadata), opinions (textual comments to which it is possible to associate a sentiment), behavior (in the majority of cases logs of past items’ observations made by users), feedbacks (usually expressed in the form of ratings) – are considered and integrated together with items’ features and context information within a general framework that can support different applications using proper customizations (e.g., recommendation of news, photos, movies, travels, etc.). Experiments on system accuracy and user satisfaction in several domains shows how our approach provides very promising and interesting results.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework for collecting and analysing large volume social media content. The real-time analytics framework comprises semantic annotation, Linked Open Data, semantic search, and dynamic result aggregation components. In addition, exploratory search and sense-making are supported through information visualisation interfaces, such as co-occurrence matrices, term clouds, treemaps, and choropleths. There is also an interactive semantic search interface (Prospector), where users can save, refine, and analyse the results of semantic search queries over time. Practical use of the framework is exemplified through three case studies: a general scenario analysing tweets from UK politicians and the public’s response to them in the run up to the 2015 UK general election, an investigation of attitudes towards climate change expressed by these politicians and the public, via their engagement with environmental topics, and an analysis of public tweets leading up to the UK’s referendum on leaving the EU (Brexit) in 2016. The paper also presents a brief evaluation and discussion of some of the key text analysis components, which are specifically adapted to the domain and task, and demonstrate scalability and efficiency of our toolkit in the case studies.  相似文献   

A number of technology and workload trends motivate us to consider the appropriate resource allocation mechanisms and policies for streaming media services in shared cluster environments. We present MediaGuard – a model-based infrastructure for building streaming media services – that can efficiently determine the fraction of server resources required to support a particular client request over its expected lifetime. The proposed solution is based on a unified cost function that uses a single value to reflect overall resource requirements such as the CPU, disk, memory, and bandwidth necessary to support a particular media stream based on its bit rate and whether it is likely to be served from memory or disk. We design a novel, time-segment-based memory model of a media server to efficiently determine in linear time whether a request will incur memory or disk access when given the history of previous accesses and the behavior of the server's main memory file buffer cache. Using the MediaGuard framework, we design two media services: (1) an efficient and accurate admission control service for streaming media servers that accounts for the impact of the server's main memory file buffer cache, and (2) a shared streaming media hosting service that can efficiently allocate the predefined shares of server resources to the hosted media services, while providing performance isolation and QoS guarantees among the hosted services. Our evaluation shows that, relative to a pessimistic admission control policy that assumes that all content must be served from disk, MediaGuard (as well as services that are built using it) deliver a factor of two improvement in server throughput.  相似文献   

Cloud’s profitability is mainly driven by the business, and on the other hand, a successful business is hardly geared with clients’ satisfaction. Therefore, there is high competition between cloud providers for satisfying clients and attracting more of them. In this way, long term business success factors should also be considered in addition to short term profit factors regarded in conventional resource provisioning procedures. Conventional resource management approaches to achieve short term profit inevitably lead to job rejection and violation from response time based SLAs while short response time and low job rejection are of those important factors to clients’ satisfaction. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel bipolar resource management framework which results in preventing from job rejection and having considerably reduced violations from response time based SLAs as well as providing short term profits. The proposed framework uses a neural network based predictor and genetic algorithm for optimal resource management through live migration. It also employs a prediction based temporal infinite pool, called the temporal cloud, which regards job rejection prevention. The evaluation of the proposed framework demonstrates that it can provide short term profits, beside it prevents from job rejection and reduces response time violations considerably.  相似文献   

Social media networks (SMNs) are increasingly used in professional management of knowledge workers and related assets. However, the factors affecting behavioral trends and activity levels in these networks are not well understood. Although social and cognitive theories can help to explain human behavior in traditional social networks, their application to SMNs has not been validated. Traditional social network modeling techniques may not accurately predict real-world SMN activities. This research developed a temporal graph framework for intelligence extraction in SMNs. Theory-based, data-driven models (Conformity Model (COM), Recency-Primacy Model (REM), Trend Interaction Model (TIM), Periodic Interaction Model (PIM)) were developed based on the framework to capture various aspects of user behavior: conformity effect, recency, primacy, periodicity, and dynamic trend. The models capture the activity history and dynamically combine pricing information to enhance predictive accuracy. Using data of 83,536 GitHub software repositories on cryptocurrency, this article reports the results of experiments that compare the models’ performance in predicting SMN activities over time. Experimental results show that the model (REM) that captures recency/primacy effects of human cognitive processing outperformed other models in 9 (out of 18) measures pertaining to engagement, contribution, influence, and popularity. Primacy plays a dominant role in predicting engagement, contribution, and popularity, whereas recency plays a key role in predicting influence. Short-term trend (modeled with TIM) was found to yield significantly better performance on predicting user contribution. The models also outperformed an integrated machine learning (IML) model by most measures. Overall, the effects modeled by REM and TIM were found to be more significant than the effects modeled by COM, PIM, and IML. The research contributes to enhancing understanding of SMN behavior, developing new models to simulate and predict SMN activities, and designing new artifacts for information systems practitioners to manage knowledge assets and to extract SMN intelligence.  相似文献   

We propose a unifying family of quadratic cost functions to be used in Peer-to-Peer ratings. We show that our approach is general since it captures many of the existing algorithms in the fields of visual layout, collaborative filtering and Peer-to-Peer rating, among them Koren spectral layout algorithm, Katz method, Spatial ranking, Personalized PageRank and Information Centrality. Besides of the theoretical interest in finding common basis of algorithms that where not linked before, we allow a single efficient implementation for computing those various rating methods. We introduce a distributed solver based on the Gaussian Belief Propagation algorithm which is able to efficiently and distributively compute a solution to any single cost function drawn from our family of quadratic cost functions. By implementing our algorithm once, and choosing the computed cost function dynamically on the run we allow a high flexibility in the selection of the rating method deployed in the Peer-to-Peer network. Using simulations over real social network topologies obtained from various sources, including the MSN Messenger social network, we demonstrate the applicability of our approach. We report simulation results using networks of millions of nodes.
Danny BicksonEmail:

Danny Bickson   is a Ph.D. candidate at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He received his M.Sc. and B.Sc. degree is 2003 and 1999 respectively at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His research interests include linear dynamical systems, message-passing algorithms applied in distributed settings and Peer-to-Peer networks. Dahlia Malkhi   is a Principal Researcher in the Microsoft Research Silicon Valley lab. She received her Ph.D., M.Sc. and B.Sc. degrees in 1994, 1988, 1985, respectively, from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. During the years 1995–1999 she was a member of the Secure Systems Research Department at AT&T Labs-Research in Florham Park, New Jersey. From 1999 to 2007, she was a member of the faculty at the Institute of Computer Science, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her research interests include all areas of distributed systems.   相似文献   

Huang  Zhao  Wang  Quan 《World Wide Web》2020,23(2):1057-1088
World Wide Web - In the era of Internet-of-Things (IoTs), millions of smart devices are interconnected and communicated through networks. To guarantee the security and reliability of data...  相似文献   

We present a unified framework which suffices to represent and manipulate physical objects and their relevant relations interactively in the context of modeling, simulating and explaining engineering systems, and which is demonstrated by an example of modeling river networks--environmental engineering systems[9].  相似文献   

The increasing importance being placed on software measurement has led to an increased amount of research developing new software measures. Given the importance of object-oriented development techniques, one specific area where this has occurred is coupling measurement in object-oriented systems. However, despite a very interesting and rich body of work, there is little understanding of the motivation and empirical hypotheses behind many of these new measures. It is often difficult to determine how such measures relate to one another and for which application they can be used. As a consequence, it is very difficult for practitioners and researchers to obtain a clear picture of the state of the art in order to select or define measures for object-oriented systems. This situation is addressed and clarified through several different activities. First, a standardized terminology and formalism for expressing measures is provided which ensures that all measures using it are expressed in a fully consistent and operational manner. Second, to provide a structured synthesis, a review of the existing frameworks and measures for coupling measurement in object-oriented systems takes place. Third, a unified framework, based on the issues discovered in the review, is provided and all existing measures are then classified according to this framework. This paper contributes to an increased understanding of the state-of-the-art  相似文献   

This paper presents a unified framework that optimizes out-of-core programs by exploiting locality and parallelism, and reducing communication overhead. For out-of-core problems where the data set sizes far exceed the size of the available in-core memory, it is particularly important to exploit the memory hierarchy by optimizing the I/O accesses. We present algorithms that consider both iteration space (loop) and data space (file layout) transformations in a unified framework. We show that the performance of an out-of-core loop nest containing references to out-of-core arrays can be improved by using a suitable combination of file layout choices and loop restructuring transformations. Our approach considers array references one-by-one and attempts to optimize each reference for parallelism and locality. When there are references for which parallelism optimizations do not work, communication is vectorized so that data transfer can be performed before the innermost loop. Results from hand-compiles on IBM SP-2 and Inter Paragon distributed-memory message-passing architectures show that this approach reduces the execution times and improves the overall speedups. In addition, we extend the base algorithm to work with file layout constraints and show how it is useful for optimizing programs that consist of multiple loop nests  相似文献   

Market segmentation is a core marketing concept that is conceptually simple to define and understand, but inherently a multi-criteria problem that is hard to measure and computationally difficult in many aspects. This paper reviews the development of market segmentation techniques and identifies the computational issues of the applications of market segmentation. A multidimensional unified framework for market segmentation is proposed based on the relationship among segmentation variables, data measures, and the multi-objective optimization techniques implemented. We conduct an empirical comparison of two prominent methods: a concomitant finite mixture model and a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. The result shows that the proposed framework helps to understand different segmentation models and solutions and to guide the development of new market segmentation solution techniques.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a general strategy for finding efficient permutation routes in parallel networks. Among the popular parallel networks to which the strategy applies are mesh networks, hypercube networks, hypercube-derivative networks, ring networks, and star networks. The routes produced are generally congestion-free and take a number of routing steps that is within a small constant factor of the diameter of the network. Our basic strategy is derived from an algorithm that finds (in polynomial time) efficient permutation routes for aproduct network, G×H, given efficient permutation routes forG andH. We investigate the use of this algorithm for routingmultiple permutations and extend its applicability to a wide class of graphs, including several families ofCayley graphs. Finally, we show that our approach can be used to find efficient permutation routes among the remaining live nodes infaulty networks.This research was supported in part by a grant from the NSF, Grant No. CCR-88-12567.  相似文献   

Digital Forensics is being actively researched and performed in various areas against changing IT environment such as mobile phone, e-commerce, cloud service and video surveillance. Moreover, it is necessary to research unified digital evidence management for correlation analysis from diverse sources. Meanwhile, various triage approaches have been developed to cope with the growing amount of digital evidence being encountered in criminal cases, enterprise investigations and military contexts. Despite of debating over whether triage inspection is necessary or not, it will be essential to develop a framework for managing scattered digital evidences. This paper presents a framework with unified digital evidence management for appropriate security convergence, which is based on triage investigation. Moreover, this paper describes a framework in network video surveillance system to shows how it works as an unified evidence management for storing diverse digital evidences, which is a good example of security convergence.  相似文献   

Zhang  Xufan  Wang  Yong  Yan  Jun  Chen  Zhenxing  Wang  Dianhong 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2020,79(25-26):17331-17348
Multimedia Tools and Applications - Conventional saliency detection algorithms usually achieve good detection performance at the cost of high computational complexity, and most of them focus on...  相似文献   

Together with the explosive growth of web video in sharing sites like YouTube, automatic topic discovery and visualization have become increasingly important in helping to organize and navigate such large-scale videos. Previous work dealt with the topic discovery and visualization problem separately, and did not take fully into account of the distinctive characteristics of multi-modality and sparsity in web video features. This paper tries to solve web video topic discovery problem with visualization under a single framework, and proposes a Star-structured K-partite Graph based co-clustering and ranking framework, which consists of three stages: (1) firstly, represent the web videos and their multi-model features (e.g., keyword, near-duplicate keyframe, near-duplicate aural frame, etc.) as a Star-structured K-partite Graph; (2) secondly, group videos and their features simultaneously into clusters (topics) and organize the generated clusters as a linked cluster network; (3) finally, rank each type of nodes in the linked cluster network by “popularity” and visualize them as a novel interface to let user interactively browse topics in multi-level scales. Experiments on a YouTube benchmark dataset demonstrate the flexibility and effectiveness of our proposed framework.  相似文献   

We present a restoration framework to reduce undesirable distortions in imaged documents. Our framework is based on two components: (1) an image inpainting procedure that can separate non-uniform illumination (and other) artifacts from the printed content and (2) a shape-from-shading (SfS) formulation that can reconstruct the 3D shape of the document's surface. Used either piecewise or in its entirety, this framework can correct a variety of distortions including shading, shadow, ink-bleed, show-through, perspective and geometric distortions, for both camera-imaged and flatbed-imaged documents. Our overall framework is described in detail. In addition, our SfS formulation can be easily modified to target various illumination conditions to suit different real-world applications. Results on images of synthetic and real documents demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. OCR results are also used to gauge the performance of our approach.  相似文献   


Social media have great power to spread information, and this is particularly noticeable when an emergency occurs. The extraction of accurate information from social media can offer an important resource for emergency management, both in terms of decision-making and increasing situational awareness. This paper describes a conceptual framework for the development of applications to treat messages from social media. It is designed to select, classify and prioritise, using parameters, messages containing information that is relevant to the emergency context. It allows a team to act on this information and to generate rescue actions that contribute to the emergency solution. It has a collaborative bias, providing perceptual, coordination and communication mechanisms. We also present an instantiation and the simulation of its use in the treatment of tweets (Twitter messages) about two emergencies: an earthquake in Mexico City (19/09/2017) and a California fire (December, 2017). The volume of messages is enormous, but most of them do not present significant value to the emergency response. We categorised those that contained relevant information. With only 2% of the tweets, it was possible to identify and prioritise messages with potential to aid in response and rescue operations.  相似文献   

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