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将矩形和三角形Bezier曲面的基于直线的细分推广到基于曲线的细分.运用多项式曲线细分矩形和三角形Bezier曲面,并以参数变换和多项式开花为工具,计算出细分后每个子曲面片的Bezier控制顶点.曲线细分使细分方式的选择更灵活,细分后的子曲面片及其边界的形状更丰富多彩,而且该方法能推广到有理情况.  相似文献   

Bézier曲面的广义细分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将矩形和三角形Bézier 曲面的基于直线的细分推广到基于曲线的细分.运用多项式曲线细分矩形和三角形Bézier曲面,并以参数变换和多项式开花为工具, 计算出细分后每个子曲面片的Bézier控制顶点.曲线细分使细分方式的选择更灵活, 细分后的子曲面片及其边界的形状更丰富多彩,而且该方法能推广到有理情况.  相似文献   

Loop型半静态细分方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在拓展四次三方向Box-样条曲面离散定义的基础上,导出了半静态Loop细分方法,并构造了该细分方法的二邻域细分矩阵.通过对细分矩阵特征值的理论分析,证明了文中方法的细分极限曲面收敛且切平面连续.半静态Loop细分方法的细分矩阵随细分次数规则变化,与传统Loop细分方法相比,该方法具有更大的灵活性和更丰富的造型表现能力.  相似文献   

提出一种基于顶点法向量约束实现插值的两步Catmull-Clark细分方法.第一步,通过改造型Catmull-Clark细分生成新网格.第二步,通过顶点法向量约束对新网格进行调整.两步细分分别运用渐进迭代方法和拉格朗日乘子法,使得极限曲面插值于初始控制顶点和法向量.实验结果证明了该方法可同时实现插值初始控制顶点和法向量,极限曲面具有较好的造型效果.  相似文献   

曲线插值的一种保凸细分方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了弥补以四点插值细分方法为代表的线性细分方法在形状控制方面的缺陷,提出一种基于几何的插值型保凸细分方法.细分过程每一步中,每条边所对应的新控制顶点由原控制顶点及其切向共同确定;每点处的切向由其邻近的点所确定,并且随细分过程逐步调整.理论分析表明,该方法的极限曲线是G1连续的保凸曲线.如果所有的初始点取自圆弧段,则极限曲线就是该圆弧段.数值实例表明,采用文中方法得到的曲线较为光顺.  相似文献   

形状及光滑度可调的自动连续组合曲线曲面   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了使曲线曲面可以在相对简单的条件下实现较高阶的光滑拼接,同时使曲线曲面的形状在不改变控制顶点的情况下自由调整,构造了一组带5个参数的有理多项式函数.基于该组函数,分别采用与3次Bézier曲线、曲面相同的定义方式,定义了由4个控制顶点确定的新曲线、16个控制顶点确定的新曲面,并讨论了曲线、曲面的光滑拼接条件.根据拼接条件,采用与B样条方法相同的组合思想,但是不同的组合方式,分别定义了由新曲线、新曲面构成的分段组合曲线、分片组合曲面,定义方式自动保证了组合曲线、曲面的连续性.数值实例结果显示了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

为了得到能更好应用于CAD系统的细分曲面造型方法,提出一种基于B-样条的对称非均匀细分算法,其中的思想和均匀Lane-Riesenfeld节点插入算法相似。基于B-样条的节点插入算法,以Blossoming为工具,计算出细分后的新控制顶点。细分后得到的极限曲面由张量积样条曲面组成,在奇异点达到2C连续。与传统的细分曲面算法相比,该细分曲面算法具有良好的局部支撑性,大大降低了算法的复杂度,而且该算法是对称的,不用考虑定向问题。  相似文献   

给定一组不相交B样条曲线或满足一定约束的相交B样条曲线,提出了插值已知B样条曲线且以这组曲线为等参测地线的B样条曲面构造方法.插值曲面上的控制顶点分2步确定:首先利用B样条乘积和升阶理论显式计算曲面上与插值条件相关的控制顶点,其次由极小化Dirichlet能量确定曲面上其他自由控制顶点.采用文中方法构造的插值测地线曲面具有次数低、形状易控制等优点,并通过计算实例验证了该方法的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

拟三次三角样条插值曲线与曲面   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在构造插值曲线与曲面时,传统的方法多基于多项式函数空间,而基于三角函数空间也能构造插值曲线与曲面.首先基于函数空间Ω =span{1,sint,cost,sin2t,cos2t}构造了一种样条插值曲线与曲面,称之为拟三次三角样条插值曲线与曲面.该曲线与曲面不仅满足C2连续,而且直接插值于给定的控制顶点,避免了通过方程组反求控制顶点.进一步地,为了使所构造的拟三角样条插值曲线与曲面具有局部可调性,利用奇异混合技术在拟三次三角样条插值曲线与曲面中引入了局部形状参数,修改某些形状参数的取值可实现对插值曲线与曲面的局部调整,为样条插值曲线与曲面的构造提供了两种新方法.  相似文献   

本文以非均匀Catmull-Clark细分模式下的轮廓删除法为基础,通过在细分网格中定义模板并调整细分网格的顶点位置,为非均匀B样条曲面顶点及法向插值给出了一个有效的方法.该细分网格由待插顶点形成的网格细分少数几次而获得.细分网格的顶点被分为模板内的顶点和自由顶点.各个模板内的顶点通过构造优化模型并求解进行调整,自由顶点用能量优化法确定.这一方法不仅避免了求解线性方程组得到控制顶点的过程,而且在调整顶点的同时也兼顾了曲面的光顺性.  相似文献   

Subdivision surfaces refer to a class of modelling schemes that define an object through recursive subdivision starting from an initial control mesh. Similar to B-splines, the final surface is defined by the vertices of the initial control mesh. These surfaces were initially conceived as an extension of splines in modelling objects with a control mesh of arbitrary topology. They exhibit a number of advantages over traditional splines. Today one can find a variety of subdivision schemes for geometric design and graphics applications. This paper provides an overview of subdivision surfaces with a particular emphasis on schemes generalizing splines. Some common issues on subdivision surface modelling are addressed. Several key topics, such as scheme construction, property analysis, parametric evaluation and subdivision surface fitting, are discussed. Some other important topics are also summarized for potential future research and development. Several examples are provided to highlight the modelling capability of subdivision surfaces for CAD applications.  相似文献   

针对任意三角网格,提出一种简单有效且局部性更好的带参数的ternary插值曲面细分法,给出并证明了细分法收敛与G1连续的充分条件.在任意给定三角控制网格的条件下,可通过对形状参数的适当选择来实现对插值细分曲面形状的调整.  相似文献   

Thin plate splines are a well known entity of geometric design. They are defined as the minimizer of a variational problem whose differential operators approximate a simple notion of bending energy. Therefore, thin plate splines approximate surfaces with minimal bending energy and they are widely considered as the standard "fair" surface model. Such surfaces are desired for many modeling and design applications.
Traditionally, the way to construct such surfaces is to solve the associated variational problem using finite elements or by using analytic solutions based on radial basis functions. This paper presents a novel approach for defining and computing thin plate splines using subdivision methods. We present two methods for the construction of thin plate splines based on subdivision: A globally supported subdivision scheme which exactly minimizes the energy functional as well as a family of strictly local subdivision schemes which only utilize a small, finite number of distinct subdivision rules and approximately solve the variational problem. A tradeoff between the accuracy of the approximation and the locality of the subdivision scheme is used to pick a particular member of this family of subdivision schemes.
Later, we show applications of these approximating subdivision schemes to scattered data interpolation and the design of fair surfaces. In particular we suggest an efficient methodology for finding control points for the local subdivision scheme that will lead to an interpolating limit surface and demonstrate how the schemes can be used for the effective and efficient design of fair surfaces.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce triangular subdivision operators which are composed of a refinement operator and several averaging operators, where the refinement operator splits each triangle uniformly into four congruent triangles and in each averaging operation, every vertex will be replaced by a convex combination of itself and its neighboring vertices. These operators form an infinite class of triangular subdivision schemes including Loop's algorithm with a restricted parameter range and the midpoint schemes for triangular meshes. We analyze the smoothness of the resulting subdivision surfaces at their regular and extraordinary points by generalizing an established technique for analyzing midpoint subdivision on quadrilateral meshes. General triangular midpoint subdivision surfaces are smooth at all regular points and they are also smooth at extraordinary points under certain conditions. We show some general triangular subdivision surfaces and compare them with Loop subdivision surfaces.  相似文献   

Subdivision surfaces are generated by repeated approximation or interpolation from initial control meshes. In this paper, two new non-linear subdivision schemes, face based subdivision scheme and normal based subdivision scheme, are introduced for surface interpolation of triangular meshes. With a given coarse mesh more and more details will be added to the surface when the triangles have been split and refined. Because every intermediate mesh is a piecewise linear approximation to the final surface, the first type of subdivision scheme computes each new vertex as the solution to a least square fitting problem of selected old vertices and their neighboring triangles. Consequently, sharp features as well as smooth regions are generated automatically. For the second type of subdivision, the displacement for every new vertex is computed as a combination of normals at old vertices. By computing the vertex normals adaptively, the limit surface is G1 smooth. The fairness of the interpolating surface can be improved further by using the neighboring faces. Because the new vertices by either of these two schemes depend on the local geometry, but not the vertex valences, the interpolating surface inherits the shape of the initial control mesh more fairly and naturally. Several examples are also presented to show the efficiency of the new algorithms.  相似文献   

蜂窝细分   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张宏鑫  王国瑾 《软件学报》2002,13(7):1199-1208
给出了一类新颖的基于六边形网络的细分方法,该方法拓广了细分曲面的种类,被形象地称为蜂窝细分法,通过引入中心控制点的概念,使蜂窝细分具有参数选取灵活,形状控制容易,网格复杂性增长缓慢,适用范围广等优点,分析了蜂窝细分方法的极限性质以及参数选取规则,可保证细分曲面处处达到切平面连续,并在适当条件下具有插值能力,该方法适用于动画造型和工业造型设计。  相似文献   

面向三角网格的自适应细分   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
细分曲面存在的一个问题是随着细分次数的增多,网格的面片数迅速增长,巨大的数据量使得细分后的模难以进行其它处理。针对这个问题,该文利用控制点的局部信息提出了一种基于Loop模式的自适应细分算法,利用该算法可避免在相对光滑处再细分,与正常细分相比,既大大减少了数据量,提高了模型的处理速度,又达到了对模型进行细分的目的。  相似文献   

When using NURBS or subdivision surfaces as a design tool in engineering applications, designers face certain challenges. One of these is the presence of artifacts. An artifact is a feature of the surface that cannot be avoided by movement of control points by the designer. This implies that the surface contains spatial frequencies greater than one cycle per two control points. These are seen as ripples in the surface and are found in NURBS and subdivision surfaces and potentially in all surfaces specified in terms of polyhedrons of control points.Ideally, this difference between designer intent and what emerges as a surface should be eliminated. The first step to achieving this is by understanding and quantifying the artifact observed in the surface.We present methods for analysing the magnitude of artifacts in a surface defined by a quadrilateral control mesh. We use the subdivision process as a tool for analysis. Our results provide a measure of surface artifacts with respect to initial control point sampling for all B-Splines, quadrilateral box-spline surfaces and regular regions of subdivision surfaces. We use four subdivision schemes as working examples: the three box-spline subdivision schemes, Catmull-Clark (cubic B-spline), 4-3, 4-8; and Kobbelt?s interpolating scheme.  相似文献   

目的 对采样设备获取的测量数据进行拟合,可实现原模型的重建及功能恢复。但有些情况下,获取的数据点不仅包含位置信息,还包含法向量信息。针对这一问题,本文提出了基于圆平均的双参数4点binary非线性细分法与单参数3点ternary插值非线性细分法。方法 首先将线性细分法改写为点的重复binary线性平均,然后用圆平均代替相应的线性平均,最后用加权测地线平均计算的法向量作为新插入顶点的法向量。基于圆平均的双参数4点binary细分法的每一次细分过程可分为偏移步与张力步。基于圆平均的单参数3点ternary细分法的每一次细分过程可分为左插步、插值步与右插步。结果 对于本文方法的收敛性与C1连续性条件给出了理论证明;数值实验表明,与相应的线性细分相比,本文方法生成的曲线更光滑且具有圆的再生力,可以较好地实现3个封闭曲线重建。结论 本文方法可以在带法向量的初始控制顶点较少的情况下,较好地实现带法向约束的离散点集的曲线重建问题。  相似文献   

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